17 research outputs found

    Preparation and Characterization of Acrylic Primer for Concrete Substrate Application

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    This study dealt with the properties of acrylic primer for concrete substrate using acrylic syrup, made from a methyl methacrylate monomer solution of terpolymers. Terpolymer systems consisting of methyl methacrylate (MMA), 2-ethylhexyl acrylate (2-EHA), and methacrylic acid (MAA) with different chemical composition ratios of MMA and 2-EHA were synthesized through bulk polymerization using azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN) as initiator. The terpolymer composition is characterized by FTIR, 1H NMR, DSC, TGA, and SEM. The glass transition temperature and the thermal stability increased with increasing amounts of MMA in the terpolymer backbone. The effect of chemical composition of terpolymers on physicomechanical properties of primer films was investigated. However, increasing the amount of MMA in terpolymer backbone increased tensile and contact angle of primer films while elongation at break, water absorption, and bond strength are decreased. In particular, the primer syrup containing 65% 2-EHA has good bonding strength with concrete substrate around 1.1 MPa

    Estimation of small-scale kinetic parameters of escherichia coli (E. coli) model by enhanced segment particle swarm optimization algorithm ese-pso

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    The ability to create “structured models” of biological simulations is becoming more and more commonplace. Although computer simulations can be used to estimate the model, they are restricted by the lack of experimentally available parameter values, which must be approximated. In this study, an Enhanced Segment Particle Swarm Optimization (ESe-PSO) algorithm that can estimate the values of small-scale kinetic parameters is described and applied to E. coli’s main metabolic network as a model system. The glycolysis, phosphotransferase system, pentose phosphate, the TCA cycle, gluconeogenesis, glyoxylate pathways, and acetate formation pathways of Escherichia coli are represented by the Differential Algebraic Equations (DAE) system for the metabolic network. However, this algorithm uses segments to organize particle movements and the dynamic inertia weight ((Formula presented.)) to increase the algorithm’s exploration and exploitation potential. As an alternative to the state-of-the-art algorithm, this adjustment improves estimation accuracy. The numerical findings indicate a good agreement between the observed and predicted data. In this regard, the result of the ESe-PSO algorithm achieved superior accuracy compared with the Segment Particle Swarm Optimization (Se-PSO), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Genetic Algorithm (GA), and Differential Evolution (DE) algorithms. As a result of this innovative approach, it was concluded that small-scale and even entire cell kinetic model parameters can be developed

    Effect of the horizontal aspect ratio on thermocapillary convection stability in annular pool with surface heat dissipation

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    [EN] A linear stability analysis of the thermoconvective problem of a thin liquid film contained in an annular domain has been conducted. The influence of the horizontal aspect ratio on the solution has been considered by keeping a fixed external wall while the internal radius of the annular domain was modified. The parameter used in the study, Gamma(h), has been defined as the ratio of the internal radius to the domain depth. The other control parameter of the study is the Prandtl number ranging from 0.7 to 50, i.e. characteristic of fluids as air to n-butanol. The study has been performed for different Bond (Bo) regimes ranging from 0.0 for surface tension dominated flows to 67 for buoyancy dominated ones. Three different kind of bifurcations are found in the Gamma(h) - Pr plane for large Bonds, while for low Bonds only two of them appear. In the case of pure buoyancy or surface tension flows, for every Gamma(h) there exists a Prandtl number such that oscillatory and stationary coexist in a co-dimension two bifurcation point. These transitions show a strong dependency with the Bond number. Indeed, the lower transition disappears for low Bo and the upper one disappears with intermediate Bo values. Furthermore, there is a non-linear dependency of the number of structures of the growing bifurcation with Gamma(h). These co-dimension two lines show a strong dependency with Bo. Firstly, looking at the frontier between HWI and LR regions, for large Bo numbers, Pr increases with Gamma(h), while for low Bo the trend is reversed. Additionally, this transition only appears in the extreme Bo cases, for the central values of the considered, no transition is found. Similarly, the second transition found only appears for Bo larger than 30.SH and MJPQ work have been supported by project RTI2018-102256-B-I00 of Mineco/FEDER. PF work has been partially supported by the Spain's National Research and Development Plan (Project ESP2016-75887) and by the CHEOPS project (Grant Agreement 730135). This work was supported by a generous grant of computer time from the supercomputing center of the UPV.LĂłpez-NĂșñez, E.; PĂ©rez Quiles, MJ.; Fajardo, P.; Hoyas, S. (2020). Effect of the horizontal aspect ratio on thermocapillary convection stability in annular pool with surface heat dissipation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 148:1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.119140S1814

    Hybrid intelligent methods for parameter identification and load frequency control in power system

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    The accuracy of the parameter identification of power system model and efficiency of frequency control are part of the challenging work in power system operation and control area. Whereas, the complexity and high non-linearty of the power system model have led to the continuing research for improvement that still extensively active, especially for load frequency control (LFC). Generally, LFC is responsible to maintain the zero steady-state errors in the frequency changing and restoring the natural frequency to its normal position. Many methods have been proposed and implemented in identification of power system and LFC, however, they may not be appropriate. For example, the classical methods for parameter identification (LSE and MLE), the classical methods for LFC (PI, PD and PID) and the intelligent methods (fuzzy logic, neural network, genetic algorithm, and PSO). Thus, motivated from the topics, this Thesis is brought to present the improvement of the parameter identification of power system model and the response of the LFC in power system. The Thesis is divided into two parts in accordance to the topic. Where, in the first part, the coherent identification algorithm for single and multi-area power systems with disturbances is proposed. A new method from the improvement of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is developed in order to find the best global optimal value. Meanwhile, part two presents three developed control methods for FLC from the improvement of fuzzy control (named as scaled fuzzy using PSO, parallel conventional PI/PD with Scaled Fuzzy PI/PD and Mirror Fuzzy controller) by adapting the utilization of PSO to optimize the scaled gain of fuzzy controllers. These proposed control methods in LFC will be examined and verified in two and four areas power system. The outcomes of the proposed parameters identification and LFC control methods are presented the results through simulation using Matlab by making a comparison on the frequency transient response. Various analyses are shown and the discussions on the results are done appropriately. Lastly, the Thesis is given the concluding remarks and the contributions which can be specified into two, a modification of PSO for parameters identification named as PSO segmentation and a new fuzzy control named as a Mirror Fuzzy controller for LF

    Îlots de chaleur et morphologie urbaine de l’agglomĂ©ration parisienne.ConsĂ©quences sur la mortalitĂ© durant la canicule de 2003

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    The radiative conditions of periods of strong heat in urban areas, at a local scale and during the summer, contribute toconstitute the urban heat island effect. The latter is characterised, among other elements, by high night-time temperatures. Furthermore, these high temperatures have deadly consequences on the health during heat waves, particularly for the most vulnerable people. The heat wave of August 2003 is as such a good example. This doctoral research aims at examining in Paris agglomeration (that is to say in Paris and Paris’s inner suburbs) the relationships between the extreme heats of 2003, the urban morphology, and, the mortality and the excess-mortality.Bearing this in mind, a first aspect of this research deals about the relationship between the urban temperatures and the urban morphology. In order to determine the meteorological characteristics of August 2003, this heat wave is first placed on the global context of other periods of strong heat (like the days of urban heat island). The August 2003 land surface temperatures are then correlated to the morphometric indicators, the vegetation index and the built index. Our results show that day-time temperatures are generally weakly related to the indicators of urban morphology and high-related to the vegetation. Night-time temperatures have stronger relations with all the temperature’s variables. Indeed, the urban morphology and the presence of green areas have significant impacts on the variability of temperatures in urban areas.The second aspect of this research concerns the spatial distribution of mortality and excess mortality during the 2003 heat wave in the Paris agglomeration. The specific role of surface temperatures on these variables is assessed. We demonstrate that the strongest relationships are between mortality, excess mortality and night-time surface temperatures. However, the intensity of these relationships is globally quite average. So even if a linking between the land surface temperatures, mortality and excess-mortality rate is necessary, it is not sufficient to understand all of the spatial distribution of mortality. This is why a comparison with some demographic, social and economic indicators is led. Each variable brings a part of answers about the spatial distribution of mortality and excess-mortality, but none provides a decisive explicative part. Taking these results into account, a principal component analysis and a hierarchical clustering are considered for a better understanding of the complexity of the relation between all these indicators.We obtain four spatial clusters, but we distinguish particularly two of them. The first cluster includes Parisian districts and some of its western suburbs. They are characterised by socio-economically advantaged populations. For this cluster, the mortality is high. The second cluster contains districts of south and north suburbs. This cluster is characterised by more socio-economically disadvantaged populations and an abnormally high excess-mortality rate. The other two spatial clusters are intermediate. These results suggest the role of social disparities on mortality and excess mortality during periods of heat waves.En milieu urbain, Ă  l’échelle locale et dans un contexte estival, les conditions radiatives des pĂ©riodes de fortes chaleurs participent Ă  la formation d’un Ăźlot de chaleur urbain. Ce dernier se caractĂ©rise, entre autres, par des tempĂ©ratures nocturnes Ă©levĂ©es en ville. Or, en pĂ©riode de vague de chaleur, ces tempĂ©ratures ont des rĂ©percussions meurtriĂšres sur l’organisme, notamment pour les personnes les plus vulnĂ©rables. La canicule du mois d’aoĂ»t 2003 constitue Ă  ce titre un exemple Ă©loquent. Cette recherche doctorale a pour objectif d’étudier les relations qui existent entre les extrĂȘmes chauds de 2003, la morphologie urbaine et, la mortalitĂ© et la surmortalitĂ© du mois d’aoĂ»t 2003 dans l’agglomĂ©ration parisienne (Paris et sa petite couronne).Aussi, un premier aspect de cette thĂšse concerne l’étude des relations entre les tempĂ©ratures de l’agglomĂ©ration et samorphologie urbaine. La vague de chaleur de 2003 est d’abord contextualisĂ©e dans un ensemble plus vaste de pĂ©riodes de forte chaleur (les journĂ©es radiatives d’ülot de chaleur) afin d’en dĂ©terminer ses spĂ©cificitĂ©s mĂ©tĂ©orologiques. Puis, les tempĂ©ratures de surface du mois d’aoĂ»t 2003 sont mises en relation avec des variables morphomĂ©triques, des indices de vĂ©gĂ©tation et de bĂąti. Les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent que les tempĂ©ratures diurnes ont dans l’ensemble des relations faibles avec les variables morphomĂ©triques et plutĂŽt fortes avec la vĂ©gĂ©tation. Les tempĂ©ratures nocturnes ont, quant Ă  elles, des relations assez importantes avec l’ensemble des variables. En effet, la morphologie urbaine, mais aussi la proximitĂ© d’espaces verts sont autant de facteurs qui jouent sur la variabilitĂ© des tempĂ©ratures en ville.Le second aspect de cette recherche s’intĂ©resse Ă  la rĂ©partition spatiale de la mortalitĂ© et de la surmortalitĂ© durant la vague de chaleur de 2003. Le rĂŽle spĂ©cifique des tempĂ©ratures de surface sur ces variables est Ă©valuĂ©. Nous dĂ©montrons que les relations les plus fortes sont celles entre la mortalitĂ©, la surmortalitĂ© et les tempĂ©ratures nocturnes de surface. Cependant l’intensitĂ© de ces relations est globalement plutĂŽt moyenne. Les seules tempĂ©ratures ne peuvent suffire Ă  expliquer la mortalitĂ© et la surmortalitĂ©, une comparaison avec des indicateurs dĂ©mographiques, sociaux et Ă©conomiques au niveau communal est par consĂ©quent menĂ©e. Chaque variable apporte partiellement des Ă©lĂ©ments de rĂ©ponse, mais aucune ne fournit une part explicative dĂ©terminante. Aussi, une analyse en composantes principales (ACP) ainsi qu’une classification ascendante hiĂ©rarchique (CAH) sont envisagĂ©es afin de mieux apprĂ©hender la complexitĂ© des relations.Quatre profils spatiaux sont mis en Ă©vidence, dont deux retiennent notre attention ici. Le premier profil comprend Paris et deux communes de la proche banlieue ouest. Ces espaces sont plutĂŽt favorisĂ©s en termes socio-Ă©conomiques. La mortalitĂ© y est importante. Le second profil comprend des communes situĂ©es principalement dans les banlieues nord et sud de l’agglomĂ©ration aux conditions sociales plus modestes et dans lesquelles la surmortalitĂ© a Ă©tĂ© trĂšs Ă©levĂ©e. Les deux autres profils spatiaux sont intermĂ©diaires. Ces rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent le rĂŽle Ă©ventuel des inĂ©galitĂ©s sociales sur la mortalitĂ© et la surmortalitĂ© en pĂ©riode d’extrĂȘme chaud

    Rayleigh-BĂ©nard-Marangoni convection in a cylindrical container with bottom conductor subjected to localized heat flux

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    Le prĂ©sent travail de recherche concerne l'Ă©tude de la convection de Rayleigh-BĂ©nard-Marangoni dans un rĂ©cipient cylindrique dotĂ© d'un fond en substrat solide. Le substrat solide est chauffĂ© sur sa face infĂ©rieure par un flux de chaleur localisĂ©. L'Ă©tude comporte deux parties : La premiĂšre partie du travail consiste en une modĂ©lisation physique du problĂšme associĂ©e Ă  des simulations numĂ©riques. Les Ă©quations de Navier-Stokes et de l'Ă©nergie sont rĂ©solues en 3D par une mĂ©thode de volumes finis. Un transfert de chaleur conjuguĂ© solide-liquide est considĂ©rĂ©. Des morphologies originales de cellules (type et nombre) sont observĂ©es, elles dĂ©pendent des conditions gĂ©omĂ©triques, des nombres adimensionnels qui rĂ©gissent la physique de l'Ă©coulement (nombre de Prandtl, de Rayleigh et de Marangoni ainsi que du rapport des conductivitĂ©s thermiques du substrat solide et du fluide). Les transferts de chaleur sont aussi Ă©valuĂ©s pour chaque cas d'Ă©tude. Dans la deuxiĂšme partie, nous allons dĂ©taillons une Ă©tude expĂ©rimentale de la convection de Rayleigh-BĂ©nard-Marangoni dans la mĂȘme configuration que celle Ă©tudiĂ©e numĂ©riquement. Les structures convectives et leurs Ă©volutions sont Ă©tudiĂ©es Ă  partir d’images relevĂ©es par thermographie infra-rouge. DiffĂ©rents modes d'organisation des cellules convectives ont pu ĂȘtre mis en Ă©vidence pour ce type de chauffage Ă  flux thermique imposĂ© non uniforme.The present research work concerns the study of Rayleigh-BĂ©nard-Marangoni convection in a cylindrical container with a solid substrate base. This solid substrate is heated by a localized heat flux on its underside. The study is divided into two parts : The first part of the work consists of a physical modelling of the problem associated with numerical simulations. The Navier-Stokes and energy equations are solved by using a 3D finite volume method. A conjugate solid-liquid heat transfer is considered. Original morphology of cells (type and number) are observed, they are linked to the geometrical conditions, the dimensionless numbers which govern the physical problem (Prandtl, Rayleigh and Marangoni numbers and the ratio of solid substrate to liquid thermal conductivities). The heat transfers are also evaluated in each case. In the second part of the work, we present an experimental study of Rayleigh-BĂ©nard-Marangoni convection in the same configuration as that studied numerically. Convective structures and their evolutions are studied from images recorded by infrared thermography. Different modes of organization of convective cells have been highlighted for this type of heating with imposed non-uniform heat flux

    Convection de Rayleigh-Bénard-Marangoni en récipient cylindrique à fond conducteur soumis à un flux de chaleur localisé

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    Le prĂ©sent travail de recherche concerne l'Ă©tude de la convection de Rayleigh-BĂ©nard-Marangoni dans un rĂ©cipient cylindrique dotĂ© d'un fond en substrat solide. Le substrat solide est chauffĂ© sur sa face infĂ©rieure par un flux de chaleur localisĂ©. L'Ă©tude comporte deux parties : La premiĂšre partie du travail consiste en une modĂ©lisation physique du problĂšme associĂ©e Ă  des simulations numĂ©riques. Les Ă©quations de Navier-Stokes et de l'Ă©nergie sont rĂ©solues en 3D par une mĂ©thode de volumes finis. Un transfert de chaleur conjuguĂ© solide-liquide est considĂ©rĂ©. Des morphologies originales de cellules (type et nombre) sont observĂ©es, elles dĂ©pendent des conditions gĂ©omĂ©triques, des nombres adimensionnels qui rĂ©gissent la physique de l'Ă©coulement (nombre de Prandtl, de Rayleigh et de Marangoni ainsi que du rapport des conductivitĂ©s thermiques du substrat solide et du fluide). Les transferts de chaleur sont aussi Ă©valuĂ©s pour chaque cas d'Ă©tude. Dans la deuxiĂšme partie, nous allons dĂ©taillons une Ă©tude expĂ©rimentale de la convection de Rayleigh-BĂ©nard-Marangoni dans la mĂȘme configuration que celle Ă©tudiĂ©e numĂ©riquement. Les structures convectives et leurs Ă©volutions sont Ă©tudiĂ©es Ă  partir d images relevĂ©es par thermographie infra-rouge. DiffĂ©rents modes d'organisation des cellules convectives ont pu ĂȘtre mis en Ă©vidence pour ce type de chauffage Ă  flux thermique imposĂ© non uniforme.The present research work concerns the study of Rayleigh-BĂ©nard-Marangoni convection in a cylindrical container with a solid substrate base. This solid substrate is heated by a localized heat flux on its underside. The study is divided into two parts : The first part of the work consists of a physical modelling of the problem associated with numerical simulations. The Navier-Stokes and energy equations are solved by using a 3D finite volume method. A conjugate solid-liquid heat transfer is considered. Original morphology of cells (type and number) are observed, they are linked to the geometrical conditions, the dimensionless numbers which govern the physical problem (Prandtl, Rayleigh and Marangoni numbers and the ratio of solid substrate to liquid thermal conductivities). The heat transfers are also evaluated in each case. In the second part of the work, we present an experimental study of Rayleigh-BĂ©nard-Marangoni convection in the same configuration as that studied numerically. Convective structures and their evolutions are studied from images recorded by infrared thermography. Different modes of organization of convective cells have been highlighted for this type of heating with imposed non-uniform heat flux.PAU-BU Sciences (644452103) / SudocSudocFranceF