36 research outputs found


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    Abstract Purpose: The study was planned with a clear purpose to examine how Management Science students incorporate the internet in their education and what outcomes it has on their academic performance. Research Design: A quantitative survey approach was adopted. For this purpose data were collected from a sample of 225 Management Science students scattered in five selected universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan using non-random proportionate sampling technique. Key Findings: The findings of the study indicate that 55% of students do not possess personal computer/Laptops. A vast majority of the respondents (79%) used the internet at their homes and 80% students agreed to the importance of internet use training. Students’Internet use for chatting with friends and family and for spending leisure time negatively affect CGPA but spending more time on academic online resources enhance their academic results. Similarly, their computer problems solving skills have positive effects on their CGPA but the problems of slow internet connectivity, electricity shortage, and much more information to deal with badly effect students’ academic performance. Conclusions: The internet use has a significant co-relationship with the students’ academic success. Therefore, the research suggests the authorities to provide training in the light of findings of this study, which would undoubtedly improve the academic output of the Management Science Students in the Universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

    A Path to an Understanding of the Internet Use and Its Impact on the Academic Achievement of Social Science Students

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    The purpose of this study is to assess the use and impacts of internet on academic success of Social Science student studying in the public sector Universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan. Survey research method using a questionnaire was employed for data collection from a sample of 303 Social Science students spread over five public sector universities of KP. The response rate was 66% and the data was analyzed through SPSS 20.0 using descriptive and inferential statistics. The key findings show that male respondents reported being more experienced in internet use than female and about 84% of the students agreed with the importance of getting the internet use training. University graduates mainly used internet for Social Networking Sites (SNSs), e-mail and academic purposes and were highly satisfied with e-reference material, SNSs and audio/visual resources. Similarly, watching sports online and using shopping and trading websites online correlates with students’ lower Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). Furthermore, frequent use of indexes and abstracts, technical reports and presentations available on slide share correlates with graduates’ higher CGPA. Besides these the students reported that, the slow speed of internet, electricity shortage and restrictions on students from their parents to use internet due to the availability of immoral sites on internet were the problems in their internet use. This is the first study in KP, Pakistan that dealt with this important topic by covering a large number of social science students from large number of universities


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    Background: The purpose of this review was to investigate evidence for a possible etiological association between oral health and pneumonia or other respiratory diseases. Methods: The following data sources were used: Ovid MEDLINE Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature; Evidence Based Medicine of Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials; Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects; EMBASE; Health and Psychosocial Instruments; Health STAR; International Pharmaceutical Abstracts; PubMed; and Google Scholar from the earliest record until July 2018. Results: A total of 728 articles were searched for relevancy, determined by article title, abstract, and full copy, resulting in a yield of 19 studies that met our inclusion criteria.: 1) the potential risk factors for pneumonia were identified as the presence of cariogenic and periodontal pathogens, dental decay, and poor oral hygiene in five studies; 2) there was a weak association identified in four poor to fair studies between periodontal disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and 3) 10 studies providing evidence that interventions aiming to improve oral health reduced the progression or occurrence of pneumonia. Conclusions: 1) There is fair evidence (II-2, grade B recommendation) of an association of pneumonia with oral health (odds ratio [OR] = 1.2 to 9.6 depending on oral health indicators). 2) There is poor evidence of a weak association (OR <2.0) between COPD and oral health (II-2/3, grade C recommendation). 3) There is good evidence (I, grade a recommendation) that the reduction in progression or occurrence of respiratory diseases among high-risk elderly adults living in nursing homes and especially those in intensive care units could be improved with oral hygiene and frequent professional oral health care. Key words: Dental plaque; oral health; oral hygiene; periodontal diseases; pneumonia; pulmonary disease, chronic obstructive

    Local combats global: simulação de personalidade de marca para marcas de té

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    Brand Personality is the simulacrum of human traits used to describe the personality of brands. In the arena of marketing, firms are struggling hard to impinge their brand image as a person in the minds of its customers. The idea behind is that when a customer perceives its favorite brand as a personality, it will develop certain associations and belongingness for that brand. Customers more affinity to personality of brand leads towards more loyalty and ultimately fruitful for the generic firm who introduced the brand and brand personality for its product. The study empirically assesses the impact of brand personality in the mind of customers for two famous tea brands of Pakistan. Both brands have nearly equal share in the market but one is local and other is global. The data was collected from the territory of Islamabad, Pakistan by taking the sample of 436 in total. By employing the area sampling, data was equally divided into two equal halves of 218 samples respectively. First half of the respondents were the user of local tea brand while the second half of the respondents were the user of global tea brand. Aaker scale of brand personality was employed to measure the personality of tea brands. An independent sample t test was utilized to check the customers differentiation. It was observed that customers perceived the both brands as more rugged and sincere. These characteristics are important and relevant for any tea brand to be successful in the&nbsp;market. That why, both brands are sharing almost equal share in the market. However, global tea brand is perceived more sophisticated, competent and with full of excitement as compared to local brand. At the moment, the disparity of these personality characteristics are not affecting the market share of local brand but it is urged that for long lasting and sustainability competition, the local brand should also focus on the dimensions of brand personality of sophistication, competence and excitement.La personalidad de la marca es el simulacro de los rasgos humanos utilizados para describir la personalidad de las marcas. En el ámbito del marketing, las empresas están luchando mucho para afectar su imagen de marca como persona en la mente de sus clientes. La idea detrás es que cuando un cliente perciba su marca favorita como una personalidad, desarrollará ciertas asociaciones y pertenencias para esa marca. La afinidad de los clientes con la personalidad de la marca conduce a una mayor lealtad y, en última instancia, fructífera para la empresa genérica que introdujo la marca y la personalidad de la marca para su producto. El estudio evalúa empíricamente el impacto de la personalidad de la marca en la mente de los clientes de dos famosas marcas de té de Pakistán. Ambas marcas tienen una participación casi igual en el mercado, pero una es local y la otra es global. Los datos se obtuvieron del territorio de Islamabad, Pakistán, tomando la muestra de 436 en total. Al emplear el muestreo de área, los datos se dividieron por igual en dos mitades iguales de 218 muestras respectivamente. La primera mitad de los encuestados eran usuarios de la marca local de té, mientras que la segunda mitad de los encuestados eran usuarios de la marca global de té. Se utilizó la escala Aaker de la personalidad de la marca para medir la personalidad de las marcas de té. Se utilizó una prueba t de muestra independiente para verificar la diferenciación de los clientes. Se&nbsp;observó que los clientes percibían las dos marcas como más resistentes y sinceras. Estas características son importantes y relevantes para que cualquier marca de té tenga éxito en el mercado. Por eso, ambas marcas comparten una participación casi igual en el mercado. Sin embargo, la marca global de té se percibe más sofisticada, competente y llena de emoción en comparación con la marca local. Por el momento, la disparidad de estas características de personalidad no está afectando la cuota de mercado de la marca local, pero se recomienda que para una competencia duradera y sostenible, la marca local también debe centrarse en las dimensiones de la personalidad de la marca de sofisticación, competencia y entusiasmo.Personalidade da marca é o simulacro das características humanas usadas para descrever a personalidade das marcas. Na arena do marketing, as empresas estão se esforçando bastante para impingir sua imagem de marca como uma pessoa nas mentes de seus clientes. A idéia por trás disso é que, quando um cliente percebe sua marca favorita como uma personalidade, ele desenvolve certas associações e pertencimento a essa marca. Os clientes, mais afinidade com a personalidade da marca, levam a mais lealdade e, finalmente, frutíferos para a empresa genérica que introduziu a marca e a personalidade da marca em seu produto. O estudo avalia empiricamente o impacto da personalidade da marca na mente dos clientes para duas famosas marcas de chá do Paquistão. Ambas as marcas têm participação quase igual no mercado, mas uma é local e a outra é global. Os dados foram coletados no território de Islamabad, Paquistão, levando a amostra de 436 no total. Empregando a amostragem de área, os dados foram igualmente divididos em duas metades iguais de 218 amostras, respectivamente. A primeira metade dos entrevistados era usuário da marca local de chá, enquanto a segunda metade dos respondentes era usuário da marca global de chá. Uma escala de personalidade da marca Aaker foi empregada para medir a personalidade das marcas de chá. Um teste t de amostra independente foi utilizado para verificar a diferenciação dos clientes. Observou-se que os clientes percebiam as duas marcas como mais robustas e sinceras. Essas características são importantes e relevantes para que qualquer marca de chá seja bem-sucedida no mercado. Por isso, ambas as marcas estão compartilhando uma participação quase igual no mercado. No entanto, a marca global de chá é percebida como mais sofisticada, competente e cheia de emoção em comparação com a marca local. No momento, a disparidade dessas características de personalidade não afeta a participação de mercado da marca local, mas é recomendável que, para uma competição duradoura e de sustentabilidade, a marca local também se concentre nas dimensões da personalidade da marca, como sofisticação, competência e entusiasmo


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    The purpose of current study was to investigate about the job performance and job satisfaction of support staff working in academic libraries of Lahore. Supporting staff is performing many imperative duties in academic libraries and their role in libraries is very important. The objective of current study was to investigate the job performance through job satisfaction, to test relationship between job performance and job satisfaction and to investigate the moderating effect of hurdles in work between job satisfaction and job performance. Quantitative approach was adopted and survey method was used to achieve the objective of the study. Questionnaire with Urdu translation was prepared to collect the data. Data was collected by visiting personally, through email and google form was also developed to collect the data. Higher Education Commission recognized academic universities of Lahore offering higher education programs was the population of current research. Participant of this study was supporting staff including “data entry operators, library assistants, library clerks, junior assistants, computer operators and shelvers etc.” those were performing their duties in government, semi-government and private sector universities main libraries of Lahore. Data was analyzed by using SPPS 22 version. The findings of this study revealed that supporting staff performing the duties in many major areas of library, like, Circulation, Technical, Cataloguing, Serial Management etc. The results showed positive impact of job satisfaction on job performance, but relationship between job satisfaction and performance found weak. The moderator like, low connectivity, down of computer, domestic issue, office environment effects the job performance of support staff

    The Fiqh and Shari’ah Dimensions of Seerah in the Contemporary Era

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    In the perspective of the modern period, this study aims to investigate the Fiqh and Shari’ah aspects of the Seerah (the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad). This study's main goal is to shed light on the Seerah's relevance and applicability in modern Muslim life, particularly in the context of Islamic law and jurisprudence. The goal of the study is to clarify the Seerah's crucial importance as a source of instruction and law for the contemporary issues that the Muslim community worldwide is dealing with. The goals of this study includes a thorough examination of the Seerah in light of current moral and legal concerns. It aims to evaluate how the Seerah's guiding principles and practices can influence contemporary Fiqh decisions and Shari’ah compliance. This study uses a multifaceted methodology that includes an analysis of traditional Islamic scriptures, Fiqh judgments, and modern Islamic jurisprudence literature. Along with secondary materials like scholarly publications and legal opinions, primary sources like the Quran and Hadith are considered. The study's conclusions highlight how the Seerah continues to be relevant in addressing current ethical, legal, and societal issues. It emphasizes how Shari’ah law, which is based on the Seerah, is flexible and adaptable enough to offer direction and solutions to modern problems. Muslims can navigate the complexity of the modern world while maintaining their religion and principles by consulting the Seerah, which has emerged as an important and dynamic source. The Seerah's influence on Islamic jurisprudence and adherence to Shari’ah in the modern day is a topic that this study encourages more discussion and investigation. Keywords:&nbsp;Shari’ah, Fiqh Seerah, Quran, Hadith, Contemporary Er

    The Impact of Regulatory Capital on Risk Taking By Pakistani Banks: An Empirical Study

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    Objective - The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between capital regulation and risk-taking by the banks of Pakistan.&nbsp; Design - This study was conducted on all the commercial banks of Pakistan and data were collected from the year 2005 to 2016.&nbsp; Findings - This study concluded the significant positive relationship between regulatory capital and risk-taking by banks in Pakistan. The findings of this study play a key role in the implementation of capital regulations in the banks of developing countries.&nbsp; Policy Implications - In the light of this study, the regulators must revise their implementation process of the Basel Accord capital regulations in the banks of developing countries. The prime intention of regulators are only on to maintain the minimum capital ratios but must be conscious of other important elements of capital regulation implications.&nbsp; Originality - This study is one of the first attempts that investigated the crucial role of regulatory capital towards risk-taking in the Pakistani context

    Fate of Patients of Hepatitis C on Antiviral Therapy

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    Objective: To study the Fate of Hepatitis C patients on antiviral therapy.Place and Duration of Study: This study was carried out from March 2018 to Oct 2018 at Mayo Hospital, Lahore.Materials and Methods: In this study 200 hepatitis C patients on antiviral therapy were included. Kit method was used for diagnosing hepatitis C in all the patients and thereafter before initiating antiviral therapy it was confirmed by quantitative PCR. Before the initiation of antiviral therapy, quantitative PCR, Liver Function Test, blood picture was calculated. In order to see the exact liver picture, the abdominal ultra sound was performed. All the Hepatitis C patients of this study had the following antiviral therapy. 1 Sofsububir 400mg (OD), 2. Daclatasvir 60mg (OD), 3. Rivavirin 400mg (TDS). After the completion of the therapy, these tests were performed again. In order to record age, sex and above tests, a Performa was designed. From all the participants of the research an informed written consent was obtained. Before collection and publish of data, the permission was sought from the ethical committee of the institution. SPSS version 10 was used for analysing the results.Results: The hepatitis C frequency was found maximum 35 (17.5%), 13% male and 22% female between the age group of 41 to 50 years and was found minimum 7(3.5%) 1% female and 2.5% male between the age group of 61 years and above.Relating to the antiviral therapy complications it was found that in 9% patients of hepatitis C the acities was seen, in 19% patients anaemia was seen, in 2% patients Hepatic Encephalopathy was seen and in 1% patients Liver Cirrhosis was seen .When the therapy was finished 182(91%), were cured whereas 18 hepatitis C patients could not be cured.Conclusion:The conclusion was drawn on follow up that in hepatitis C patients there were complications (Acities, Hepatic Encephalopathy, Anaemia, Cirrhosis etc.) even after the treatment of antiviral therapyKey Words:Antiviral Therapy, Fate, Hepatitis C, PCR

    Temporal and Spatial Variations in Human Development Across the Districts of Punjab, Pakistan

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    The present study attempts to look into the temporal and spatial variations in human development across the districts of Punjab. The spatial variations in human development have been shown by calculating a district level Human Development Index (HDI) in Punjab for the year 2014. The temporal variation in human development for the districts of Punjab has been shown by comparing the HDI calculated in this paper with the HDI calculated for the same districts by Jamal and Khan (2007). However, the present work tries to correct some of the methodological issues in the work done by UNDP (2003) and Jamal and Khan (2007). Due to data constraints at the district level, UNDP (2003) and Jamal and Khan (2007) used health outcomes at the provincial level to calculate district health index in Pakistan. Similarly, they constructed income and education index by using some weak proxies. Income index was calculated by assuming equal share of services in gross domestic product (GDP) for all districts. For education index they considered adult literacy rate. Present study has used district level child survival rate for health index. Per capita income and mean years of schooling have been used for calculating for income and education index. The availability of data on child survival rate, income and mean years of schooling has been made possible by the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS, 2014) conducted by the Punjab Bureau of Statistics with the collaboration of UNDP and UNICEF. The results confirm the common perception of regional disparities in Punjab. Moreover, the temporal comparison of HDI points towards the widening of development gap between the regions of Punjab