112 research outputs found

    Leadership Practices for Undocumented and DACA students in the Heartland

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    Continuous demographic changes are shaping the future of higher education institutions and as a result, leaders in educational institutions must adapt to those changes. Community college leaders, in particular rural leaders, are in a unique position and need to constantly evolve to serve different students, including undocumented and DACA students. The US Department of Education (2015) estimates that approximately 65,000 undocumented students graduate from U.S. high schools every year, however, “only 5 to 10% of undocumented students pursue higher education, and far fewer successfully graduate with a degree” (US Dept. of Education, 2015, p. 3). On June 15, 2012, President Obama announced the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, also know as DACA program. The DACA program opened a new window of opportunity for these students as it allowed them to obtain job authorization and granted them the opportunity to attend higher education institutions. Overall, what we know from research regarding the barriers, experiences, and educational outcomes of DACA recipients and DACA eligible students (collectively, DACA students), along with related policy considerations, naturally comes out of large populations coastal centers and other major population centers (Gonzalez, 2010; Gonzalez, Heredia, & Negron-Gonzalez, 2015; Suarez-Orozco, et.al. 2015). This body of research has established implications for what leaders can and should do to serve the interests of this segment of the population, even as most research has been concerned with student services staff and diversity officers (Kezar, 2000; Kezar, 2008; Nienhusser, 2018) rather than executive leadership per se

    Antitumor effect of therapeutic HPV DNA vaccines with chitosan-based nanodelivery systems

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    Cervical cancer is the second-most-common cause of malignancies in women worldwide, and the oncogenic activity of the human papilloma virus types (HPV) E7 protein has a crucial role in anogenital tumors. In this study, we have designed a therapeutic vaccine based on chitosan nanodelivery systems to deliver HPV-16 E7 DNA vaccine, considered as a tumor specific antigen for immunotherapy of HPV-associated cervical cancer. We have developed a Nano-chitosan (NCS) as a carrier system for intramuscular administration using a recombinant DNA vaccine expressing HPV-16 E7 (NCS-DNA E7 vaccine). NCS were characterized in vitro for their gene transfection ability. Results: The transfection of CS-pEGFP NPs was efficient in CHO cells and the expression of green fluorescent proteins was well observed. In addition, NCS-DNA E7 vaccine induced the strongest E7-specific CD8+ T cell and interferon γ responses in C57BL/6 mice. Mice vaccinated with NCS-DNA E7 vaccine were able to generate potent protective and therapeutic antitumor effects against challenge with E7-expressing tumor cell line, TC-1. Conclusions: The strong therapeutic effect induced by the Chitosan-based nanodelivery suggest that nanoparticles may be an efficient carrier to improve the immunogenicity of DNA vaccination upon intramuscular administration and the platform could be further exploited as a potential cancer vaccine candidate in humans. © 2014 Tahamtan et al

    Immunomodulatory Effect of Toll-Like Receptor-3 Ligand Poly I:C on Cortical Spreading Depression

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    The release of inflammatory mediators following cortical spreading depression (CSD) is suggested to play a role in pathophysiology of CSD-related neurological disorders. Toll-like receptors (TLR) are master regulators of innate immune function and involved in the activation of inflammatory responses in the brain. TLR3 agonist poly I:C exerts anti-inflammatory effect and prevents cell injury in the brain. The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of systemic administration of poly I:C on the release of cytokines (TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-4, TGF-β1, and GM-CSF) in the brain and spleen, splenic lymphocyte proliferation, expression of GAD65, GABAAα, GABAAβ as well as Hsp70, and production of dark neurons after induction of repetitive CSD in juvenile rats. Poly I:C significantly attenuated CSD-induced production of TNF-α and IFN-γ in the brain as well as TNF-α and IL-4 in the spleen. Poly I:C did not affect enhancement of splenic lymphocyte proliferation after CSD. Administration of poly I:C increased expression of GABAAα, GABAAβ as well as Hsp70 and decreased expression of GAD65 in the entorhinal cortex compared to CSD-treated tissues. In addition, poly I:C significantly prevented production of CSD-induced dark neurons. The data indicate neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects of TLR3 activation on CSD-induced neuroinflammation. Targeting TLR3 may provide a novel strategy for developing new treatments for CSD-related neurological disorders. © 2014, Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Immunomodulatory Effect of Toll-Like Receptor-3 Ligand Poly I:C on Cortical Spreading Depression

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    The release of inflammatory mediators following cortical spreading depression (CSD) is suggested to play a role in pathophysiology of CSD-related neurological disorders. Toll-like receptors (TLR) are master regulators of innate immune function and involved in the activation of inflammatory responses in the brain. TLR3 agonist poly I:C exerts anti-inflammatory effect and prevents cell injury in the brain. The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of systemic administration of poly I:C on the release of cytokines (TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-4, TGF-β1, and GM-CSF) in the brain and spleen, splenic lymphocyte proliferation, expression of GAD65, GABAAα, GABAAβ as well as Hsp70, and production of dark neurons after induction of repetitive CSD in juvenile rats. Poly I:C significantly attenuated CSD-induced production of TNF-α and IFN-γ in the brain as well as TNF-α and IL-4 in the spleen. Poly I:C did not affect enhancement of splenic lymphocyte proliferation after CSD. Administration of poly I:C increased expression of GABAAα, GABAAβ as well as Hsp70 and decreased expression of GAD65 in the entorhinal cortex compared to CSD-treated tissues. In addition, poly I:C significantly prevented production of CSD-induced dark neurons. The data indicate neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects of TLR3 activation on CSD-induced neuroinflammation. Targeting TLR3 may provide a novel strategy for developing new treatments for CSD-related neurological disorders. © 2014, Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Comparing the effect of Toll-like receptor agonist adjuvants on the efficiency of a DNA vaccine

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    We have investigated whether poly(I:C) Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) and resiquimod Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) agonists can serve as vaccine adjuvants and promote the efficiency of therapeutic DNA vaccination against tumors expressing the human papilloma virus 16 (HPV-16) E7 protein. For this purpose, C57BL/6 mice were inoculated with 2 × 105 TC-1 cells, and they were then immunized with HPV-16 E7 DNA vaccine alone or with 50 μg of resiquimod or poly(I:C) individually. We found that poly(I:C) and resiquimod could induce more antigen-specific lymphocyte proliferation and cytolytic activity compared to vaccination with E7 DNA alone. While E7 DNA had no significant inhibitory effect on tumor growth, co-administration of poly(I:C) and resiquimod with E7 DNA induced significant tumor regression. Peripheral and local cytokine assays demonstrated that co-administration of poly(I:C) and resiquimod with E7 DNA induced circulating antigen-specific IFN-γ and nonspecific intratumoral IL-12. TLR3 and TLR7 agonists can be used to enhance the immune response to DNA vaccine immunogens. Taken together, these data indicate that combined vaccination with DNA encoding HPV-16 E7 plus TLR agonists provides a strategy for improving the efficacy of a vaccine as a possible immunotherapeutic strategy for cervical cancer. © 2014 Springer-Verlag Wien

    The effects of lifestyle modifications including dietary and physical interventions with cognitive-behavioral therapy on quality of life and cancer-recurrence rate among patients with breast cancer and survivors: A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trial

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    Context: Lifestyle modifications consist of three components including diet, exercise, and cognitive-behavioral therapy which can reduce side effects of breast cancer. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a complementary strategy that promotes new skills for any treatment. Published trials have investigated the co-efficacies of the two or three components of lifestyle modifications, especially dietary and cognitive-behavioral interventions in breast cancer survivors. Evidence Acquisition: This protocol is about a meta-analysis which will systematically report the simultaneous effects of dietary intervention or physical activity with cognitive-behavioral therapy, or three of them on quality of life, the recurrence levels and anthropometric measurements among patients with breast cancer and survivors. It was prepared in accordance with the PRISMAP checklist and will be performed in accordance with the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic reviews of intervention. Cochrane Central Register of Controlled trials, PubMed, EMBASE and ISI web of science will be searched for peer-reviewed literature using defined MeSH terms. Included randomized controlled trials on the combination effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy with either dietary or physical interventions will be assessed. Continuous data will be meta-analyzed using the STATA and will be gathered using random-effects models. The effect size will be reported as standardized mean difference with 95CIs. Heterogeneity assessment, publication bias, and sensitivity analysis will be performed. The heterogeneity between some trials may be a limitation of this study. Conclusions: This meta-analysis will provide beneficial guidance for healthcare providers and family members to improve the current understanding of the role of lifestyle modification on alleviating the important problems of patients with breast cancer. © 2020, Author(s)

    OGLE-2017-BLG-0329L: A Microlensing Binary Characterized with Dramatically Enhanced Precision Using Data from Space-based Observations

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    Mass measurements of gravitational microlenses require one to determine the microlens parallax π E, but precise π E measurement, in many cases, is hampered due to the subtlety of the microlens-parallax signal combined with the difficulty of distinguishing the signal from those induced by other higher-order effects. In this work, we present the analysis of the binary-lens event OGLE-2017-BLG-0329, for which π E is measured with a dramatically improved precision using additional data from space-based Spitzer observations. We find that while the parallax model based on the ground-based data cannot be distinguished from a zero-π E model at the 2σ level, the addition of the Spitzer data enables us to identify two classes of solutions, each composed of a pair of solutions according to the well-known ecliptic degeneracy. It is found that the space-based data reduce the measurement uncertainties of the north and east components of the microlens-parallax vector π E by factors ~18 and ~4, respectively. With the measured microlens parallax combined with the angular Einstein radius measured from the resolved caustic crossings, we find that the lens is composed of a binary with component masses of either (M1, M2) ~ (1.1, 0.8) M⊙ or ~(0.4, 0.3) M⊙ according to the two solution classes. The first solution is significantly favored but the second cannot be securely ruled out based on the microlensing data alone. However, the degeneracy can be resolved from adaptive optics observations taken ~10 years after the event

    Gaia21blx : Complete resolution of a binary microlensing event in the Galactic disk

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    This work has made use of the IAC-STAR Synthetic CMD computation code. IAC-STAR is supported and maintained by the IT department of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias. EB gratefully acknowledges support from NASA grant 80NSSC19K0291. This research has made use of the NASA Exoplanet Archive, which is operated by the California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under the Exoplanet Exploration Program. This work has made use of data from the European Space Agency (ESA) mission Gaia (https://www.cosmos.esa.int/gaia), processed by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC, https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/gaia/dpac/consortium) and the Photometric Science Alerts Team (http://gsaweb.ast.cam.ac.uk/alerts). Funding for the DPAC has been provided by national institutions, in particular the institutions participating in the Gaia Multilateral Agreement. This work makes use of observations from the Las Cumbres Observatory global telescope network. YT acknowledges the support of DFG priority program SPP 1992 “Exploring the Diversity of Extrasolar Planets” (TS 356/3-1). RFJ acknowledges support for this project provided by ANID’s Millennium Science Initiative through grant ICN12_009, awarded to the Millennium Institute of Astrophysics (MAS), and by ANID’s Basal project FB210003. This work is supported by Polish MNiSW grant DIR/WK/2018/12 and European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 101004719 (OPTICON-RadioNet Pilot, ORP). We also acknowledge support by the italian PRIN 2022J4H55R – Detection of Earth-like ExoPlanets, CUP D53D23002590006. N.P.’s work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) through the research grants UIDB/04434/2020 and UIDP/04434/2020. We acknowledge support from the Novo Nordisk Foundation Interdisciplinary Synergy Program grant no. NNF19OC0057374.Context. Gravitational microlensing is a method that is used to discover planet-hosting systems at distances of several kiloparsec in the Galactic disk and bulge. We present the analysis of a microlensing event reported by the Gaia photometric alert team that might have a bright lens. Aims. In order to infer the mass and distance to the lensing system, the parallax measurement at the position of Gaia21blx was used. In this particular case, the source and the lens have comparable magnitudes and we cannot attribute the parallax measured by Gaia to the lens or source alone. Methods. Since the blending flux is important, we assumed that the Gaia parallax is the flux-weighted average of the parallaxes of the lens and source. Combining this assumption with the information from the microlensing models and the finite source effects we were able to resolve all degeneracies and thus obtained the mass, distance, luminosities and projected kinematics of the binary lens and the source. Results. According to the best model, the lens is a binary system at 2.18±0.072.18 \pm 0.07 kpc from Earth. It is composed of a G star with 0.95±0.17M0.95\pm 0.17\,M_{\odot} and a K star with 0.53±0.07M0.53 \pm 0.07 \, M_{\odot}. The source is likely to be an F subgiant star at 2.38±1.712.38 \pm 1.71 kpc with a mass of 1.10±0.18M1.10 \pm 0.18 \, M_{\odot}. Both lenses and the source follow the kinematics of the thin-disk population. We also discuss alternative models, that are disfavored by the data or by prior expectations, however.Peer reviewe

    Large-scale changes of the cloud coverage in the ε Indi Ba,Bb system

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    We present the results of 14 nights of I-band photometric monitoring of the nearby brown dwarf binary, ε Indi Ba,Bb. Observations were acquired over 2 months, and total close to 42 hours of coverage at a typically high cadence of 1.4 minutes. At a separation of just 0.7″, we do not resolve the individual components, and so effectively treat the binary as if it were a single object. However, ε Indi Ba (spectral type T1) is the brightest known T-type brown dwarf, and is expected to dominate the photometric signal. We typically find no strong variability associated with the target during each individual night of observing, but see significant changes in mean brightness - by as much as 0.10 magnitudes - over the 2 months of the campaign. This strong variation is apparent on a timescale of at least 2 days. We detect no clear periodic signature, which suggests we may be observing the T1 brown dwarf almost pole-on, and the days-long variability in mean brightness is caused by changes in the large-scale structure of the cloud coverage. Dynamic clouds will very likely produce lightning, and complementary high cadence V-band and Hα images were acquired to search for the emission signatures associated with stochastic ‘strikes’. We report no positive detections for the target in either of these passbands