439 research outputs found

    Etude multimodale de la maladie d'Alzheimer : forme sporadique prodromale, formes génétiques, et altération du traitement visuel

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    La maladie d'Alzheimer reste en 2012 un vĂ©ritable problĂšme de santĂ© publique. Cette pathologie neurodĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rative est au cƓur des nombreux projets de recherche scientifique dans des aspects physiopathologiques, neuropsychologique, d'imagerie ou thĂ©rapeutiques tant chez l'animal que chez l'homme. Les neurosciences tentent depuis plusieurs dĂ©cennies de comprendre les mĂ©canismes de son origine et de son Ă©volution, afin d'arriver Ă  freiner le plus prĂ©cocement possible les atteintes cognitives, comportementales et la perte d'autonomie qui en dĂ©coulent. GrĂące Ă  de nombreux progrĂšs technologiques, en particulier en neuroimagerie, cliniciens et chercheurs disposent d'un panel d'outils de plus en plus performants pour aider au diagnostic et Ă©tendre nos connaissances sur la maladie. Dans une premiĂšre partie, nous verrons comment, Ă  l'aide de l'utilisation combinĂ©e de marqueurs cliniques, anatomiques, et biologiques, il nous est possible de mieux caractĂ©riser une population de patients atteints de maladie d'Alzheimer prodromale dans les formes sporadiques, et comment ceux-ci nous permettent d'avancer dans la comprĂ©hension des processus physiopathologiques Ă  l'origine de la maladie. Nous aborderons ensuite dans une seconde partie le versant gĂ©nĂ©tique de la maladie d'Alzheimer, au travers de deux cas cliniques. Enfin, nous verrons comment, par le biais d'une Ă©tude sur le traitement de l'information visuelle, nous pouvons tenter de mieux caractĂ©riser certains dysfonctionnements cĂ©rĂ©braux impliquant des rĂ©gions atteintes prĂ©cocement dans la maladie d'Alzheimer, et ce dans le but d'une meilleure connaissance des rĂ©seaux neuronaux atteints.Alzheimer's disease remains in 2012 a real public health issue. This neurodegenerative disease is the focal point of many scientific research projects regarding its physiopathological, neuropsychological, imaging or therapeutic aspects, both in animal or human models. Neuroscience has been trying for decades to understand the mechanisms of its origin and evolution, in order to slow down, at the earliest stages possible, the resulting cognitive and behavioral impairment as well as the autonomy loss. Thanks to numerous technological progresses, in particular in neuroimaging, clinicians and researchers have at their disposal more and more performing tools to help diagnosis and enlarge our knowledge about the disease. In a first part, we will see how, using combined clinical anatomical and biological markers, we can better define a population of patients affected by sporadic prodromal Alzheimer's disease, and how those markers enable us to go ahead with the understanding of the physiopathological processes causing the disease. We will then address, in a second part, the genetic aspect of Alzheimer's disease, through two clinical cases. Finally, we will see how, by means of a study upon visual information processing, we can try to better assess some of the cerebral dysfunctions that involve early affected regions, with the purpose of a better knowledge of the impaired neuronal networks

    Portances de la reconnaissance

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    Ce texte prend place dans un travail en cours sur la phĂ©nomĂ©nologie de la portance, notion au croisement de l’anthropologie et de l’ontologie, aux enjeux cliniques et Ă©thiques nombreux. Les principales formes de portance associĂ©es Ă  la reconnaissance sont ici envisagĂ©es, Ă  travers les liens profonds qui nouent reconnaĂźtre et ĂȘtre portĂ©, reconnaĂźtre et porter, mais aussi reconnaĂźtre et ĂȘtre reconnu. Accomplissement de la dimension perceptive de l’intelligence, la reconnaissance s’ouvre conjointement Ă  l’existence et au style de l’ĂȘtre perçu, discerne et atteste son unicitĂ©, Ă©prouvant ainsi l’une des trois grandes qualitĂ©s ontologiques de la portance

    La chair ouverte Ă  la portance de l’ĂȘtre

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    L’ĂȘtre humain est une maniĂšre singuliĂšre d’ĂȘtre corps, en rapport au monde, en relation avec autrui. Ce style qui constitue sa chair s’exprime dans certaines attitudes typiques marquĂ©es par une conjonction, parfois extrĂȘme, de passivitĂ© et d’activitĂ© – dĂšs l’amplitude comme la profondeur de sa perception du monde, dans l’accueil et l’écoute qu’il peut accorder Ă  autrui, dans une posture fonciĂšrement interrogative intriquĂ©e avec des dimensions de consentement et de foi. Ces attitudes montrent ..

    Introdução à noção de sustentação

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    We attempt to introduce the necessity, meaning and anthropological issues surrounding anew concept, “lift” [portance]. This thinking stems from both a clinical and philosophicalbackground that explores the carnal (fleshly) foundation of desire. From a phenomenologyin dialogue with psychology, psychoanalysis and philosophy of education, the concept oflift addresses the very foundations of our openness to the world and to others

    Carne e Espelho em Merleau-Ponty

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    Interwoven with natural structurations and personal history, the flesh, in Merleau-Ponty's gradually-forged conception, is nourished by the combined influences of neurology, Gestalt psychology and psychoanalysis. This triple influence undergirds a recurring theme in his later writings: the mirror. "The flesh is a mirror phenomenon," Merleau-Ponty tells us. The unpublished manuscripts reveal that this famous clause refers neither directly to Husserl, nor to Wallon and Lacan, but is driven by contemporary readings of Paul Schilder and Wolfgang Metzger, who study the phenomena of distanciated migrations of the body-image in vision. The mirror mingles objective body with phenomenal body, in an effective community between my lived body and its external image. It shows how the flesh lives both within and outside of itself, animated by an essential incompleteness that engages perception in a process of incorporation and, thus, hints at intercorporeity.   Entrelaçada com estruturaçÔes naturais e histĂłria pessoal, a carne, na concepção gradualmente  forjada  por  Merleau-Ponty,  é  nutrida  pelas  influĂȘncias  combinadas  da neurologia, Gestalt psicologia e psicanĂĄlise. Essa tripla influĂȘncia sustenta um tema recorrente em seus Ășltimos escritos: o espelho. "A carne Ă© um fenĂŽmeno de espelho", nos diz Merleau-Ponty. Os manuscritos nĂŁo publicados revelam que esta famosa sentença nĂŁo se refere diretamente a  Husserl,  nem  a  Wallon  e  Lacan,  mas  é conduzida pelas  leituras contemporĂąneas  de  Paul  Schilder e Wolfgang Metzger,  que  estudam  o  fenĂŽmeno  de migraçÔes distanciadas da imagem corporal na visĂŁo.  O espelho mistura corpo objetivo e corpo fenomenal, em uma comunidade efetiva entre meu corpo vivido e sua imagem externa. Ele mostra como a carne vive tanto em si quanto fora de si, animada por uma incompletude essencial que envolve a percepção em um processo de incorporação e, consequentemente, aponta para a intercorporeidade. 

    Endurer la surprise

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    1. Active passivitĂ© La surprise, en tant que telle, implique un « dehors », un Ă©vĂ©nement dans notre relation au monde : elle n’est pas purement immanente Ă  notre vie psychique. Il est impossible de se faire Ă  soi-mĂȘme une vĂ©ritable surprise, il est bien difficile de simuler mentalement un effet de surprise. Plus transversal qu’un simple sentiment, le phĂ©nomĂšne de la surprise peut solliciter l’ensemble de notre ĂȘtre, Ă  commencer par notre institution corporelle la plus Ă©lĂ©mentaire. La surprise..

    On the motivations for Merleau-Ponty’s ontological research

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    This paper attempts to clarify Merleau-Ponty’s later work by tracing a hitherto overlooked set of concerns that were of key consequence for the formulation of his ontological research. I argue that his ontology can be understood as a response to a set of problems originating in reflections on the intersubjective use of language in dialogue, undertaken in the early 1950s. His study of dialogue disclosed a structure of meaning-formation and pointed towards a theory of truth (both recurring ontological topics) that post-Phenomenology premises could not account for. A study of dialogue shows that speakers’ positions are interchangeable, that speaking subjects are active and passive in varying degrees, and that the intentional roles of subjects and objects are liable to shift or ‘transgress’ themselves. These observations anticipate the concepts of ‘reversibility’ and ‘narcissism’, his later view of activity and passivity, and his later view of intentionality, and sharpened the need to adopt an intersubjective focus in ontological research

    Isolement de moraxella chez l’animal

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    Cinquante-six souches de moraxelles ont Ă©tĂ© isolĂ©es chez diverses espĂšces animales : bovins, ovins, caprins, porc, chien et ragondin, soit 27 Moraxella duplex, 26 Moraxella Iwoffi et 3 Moraxella gluci dolytica. A partir de cas de kĂ©rato-conjonctivite contagieuse des bovins nous n’avons pas rencontrĂ© M. bovis mais d’autres Moraxelles et Neisseria ovis. Ces rĂ©sultats fragmentaires ne concernent que deux laboratoires. Ils posent, nous semble-t-il, le problĂšme du rĂŽle de Moraxella en pathologie animale. Il serait souhaitable que d’autres laboratoires fassent part de leur expĂ©rience en ce domaine

    Tau PET imaging: present and future directions.

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    Abnormal aggregation of tau in the brain is a major contributing factor in various neurodegenerative diseases. The role of tau phosphorylation in the pathophysiology of tauopathies remains unclear. Consequently, it is important to be able to accurately and specifically target tau deposits in vivo in the brains of patients. The advances of molecular imaging in the recent years have now led to the recent development of promising tau-specific tracers for positron emission tomography (PET), such as THK5317, THK5351, AV-1451, and PBB3. These tracers are now available for clinical assessment in patients with various tauopathies, including Alzheimer's disease, as well as in healthy subjects. Exploring the patterns of tau deposition in vivo for different pathologies will allow discrimination between neurodegenerative diseases, including different tauopathies, and monitoring of disease progression. The variety and complexity of the different types of tau deposits in the different diseases, however, has resulted in quite a challenge for the development of tau PET tracers. Extensive work remains in order to fully characterize the binding properties of the tau PET tracers, and to assess their usefulness as an early biomarker of the underlying pathology. In this review, we summarize recent findings on the most promising tau PET tracers to date, discuss what has been learnt from these findings, and offer some suggestions for the next steps that need to be achieved in a near future

    PrĂ©paration et contrĂŽle de l’activitĂ© d’un sĂ©rum anti-colibacillaire plurispĂ©cifique

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    Saint Aubert G. de, Valette L. R., Papageorgiou C. PrĂ©paration et contrĂŽle de l’activitĂ© d’un sĂ©rum anti-colibacillaire plurispĂ©ciflque. In: Bulletin de l'AcadĂ©mie VĂ©tĂ©rinaire de France tome 118 n°9, 1965. pp. 439-446
