922 research outputs found

    Cemented vs screw-retained zirconia-based single implant reconstructions: A 3-year prospective randomized controlled clinical trial

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    OBJECTIVES The objective of the present randomized clinical trial was to test whether or not the use of screw-retained all ceramic implant-borne reconstructions results in clinical, technical, and biologic outcomes similar to those obtained with cemented all ceramic reconstructions. The hypothesis was that there is no difference in clinical, technical, and biological parameters between the two types of retention. MATERIALS AND METHODS Forty-four patients randomly received 20 cemented reconstruction (CR) and 24 screw-retained (SR) all ceramic single crowns on two-piece dental implants with nonmatching implant-abutment junctions. All patients were recalled after crown insertion, at 6 months, 1 year, as well as at 3 years. At these visits, biological and radiographic evaluations were performed. Technical outcomes were assessed using modified USPHS (United States Public Health Service) criteria. Data were statistically analyzed with Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon and Fisher exact tests. RESULTS During 3 years of follow-up, eight patients (18.2%) lost the reconstruction due to technical (6 patients, 13.6%, 2 CR and 4 SR group) or biological complications (2 patients, 4.5%, only CR group). Thirty-two subjects with 18 SR and 14 CR reconstructions attended the FU-3Y, whereas four patients (9.1%, 2 SR, 2 CR) were not available (drop-outs). Biological, technical, and radiographic outcomes did not differ significantly between the groups (P > 0.05). One implant (2.3%) was lost in the CR group. One more cemented crown (2.3%) had to be removed because of peri-implant disease. Six patients (13.6%) lost the reconstructions due to a fracture of the zirconia abutment (4 SR, 2 CR). The mean marginal bone level at 3 years was -0.4 mm (-0.5; -0.3) in group SR and - 0.4 mm (-0.6; -0.3) group CR (P = 0.864). CONCLUSIONS At 3 years, CR and SR exhibited similar survival technical, biological and radiographic outcomes. The rate of technical complications was high in both groups

    Tracking serendipitous interactions: How individual cultures shape the office

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    In many work environments, serendipitous interactions between members of different groups may lead to enhanced productivity, collaboration and knowledge dissemination. Two factors that may have an influence on such interactions are cultural differences between individuals in highly multicultural workplaces, and the layout and physical spaces of the workplace itself. In this work, we investigate how these two factors may facilitate or hinder inter-group interactions in the workplace. We analyze traces collected using wearable electronic badges to capture face-to-face interactions and mobility patterns of employees in a research laboratory in the UK. We observe that those who interact with people of different roles tend to come from collectivist cultures that value relationships and where people tend to be comfortable with social hierarchies, and that some locations in particular are more likely to host serendipitous interactions, knowledge that could be used by organizations to enhance communication and productivity.This work was supported by the Google Europe Fellowship in Mobile Computing.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is published in the Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing and can be found in the ACM digital library here: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2531602.2531641

    Restorative angle of zirconia restorations cemented on non-original titanium bases influences the initial marginal bone loss: 5-year results of a prospective cohort study

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    AIM: To assess radiographic, restorative, clinical and technical outcomes as well as patient satisfaction of directly veneered zirconia restorations cemented on non-original titanium bases over 5 years. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty-four patients with a single missing tooth in the aesthetic zone were recruited. All patients received a two-piece implant with a screw-retained veneered zirconia restoration cemented extraorally on a titanium base abutment. Marginal bone levels (MBL), marginal bone changes, technical complications, patient satisfaction and clinical parameters including probing depth, bleeding on probing and plaque index were assessed at crown delivery (baseline), at 1 year (FU-1) and 5 years (FU-5) of follow-up. To investigate the relationship between restorative angle and MBL as well as marginal bone changes (bone loss/bone gain), correlation tests and linear regression models were carried out. RESULTS: Twenty-two patients were available for re-examination at 5 years. The mean MBL amounted to 0.54 ± 0.39 mm at baseline, and to 0.24 ± 0.35 at FU-5 (=bone gain) (p  .05). At distal sites, no correlations or associations between the restorative angle and MBL or marginal bone changes were found regardless of the time point. During the 5-year follow-up, 5 technical complications occurred, mainly within the first year and mostly chippings. All patients were entirely satisfied with their implant-supported restoration at 5 years. CONCLUSION: Within the limitations of the present study, the restorative angle of implant-supported crowns on non-original titanium bases might influence the initial marginal bone loss but without affecting their favourable long-term clinical performance. A restorative angle of <40° may limit the initial marginal bone loss at implant-supported crowns with titanium bases

    Five-year randomized controlled clinical study comparing cemented and screw-retained zirconia-based implant-supported single crowns

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    OBJECTIVES To compare screw-retained and cemented all-ceramic implant-supported single crowns regarding biological and technical outcomes over a 5-year observation period. MATERIALS AND METHODS In 44 patients, 44 two-piece dental implants were placed in single-tooth gaps in the esthetic zone. Patients randomly received a screw-retained (SR) or cemented (CR) all-ceramic single crown and were then re-examined annually up to 5 years. Outcome measures included: clinical, biological, technical, and radiographic parameters. Data were statistically analyzed with Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon, and Fisher's exact tests. RESULTS During the observation period, three patients (6.8%) were loss to follow-up. Eight restorations (18.2%, CI (8.2%, 32.7%)) were lost due to technical (6 patients, 13.6% (CI (5.2%, 27.4%)), 2 CR and 4 SR group, intergroup p = .673; implants still present) or biological complications (2 patients, 4.5% (CI (0.6%, 16.5%)), only CR group, intergroup p = .201, both implants lost). This resulted in a survival rate of 81.2% (CI (65.9%, 90.1%)) on the restorative level (18 SR; 15 CR, 3 lost to follow-up). At the 5-year follow-up, the median marginal bone levels were located slightly apical relative to the implant shoulder with 0.4 mm (0.5; 0.3) (SR) and 0.4 mm (0.8; 0.3) (CR) (intergroup p = .582). Cemented restorations demonstrated a significantly higher biological complication rate (36.8%, SR: 0.0%; intergroup p = .0022), as well as a significantly higher overall complication rate (68.4%, SR: 22.7%, intergroup p = .0049). All other outcomes did not differ significantly between the two groups (p > .05). CONCLUSIONS All-ceramic single-tooth restorations on two-piece dental implants resulted in a relatively low survival rate. Cemented restorations were associated with a higher biological and overall complication rate than screw-retained restorations

    Low energy dynamics of U(1)^{N} Chern-Simons solitons

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    We apply the adiabatic approximation to investigate the low energy dynamics of vortices in the parity invariant double self-dual Higgs model with only mutual Chern-Simons interaction. When distances between solitons are large they are particles subject to the mutual interaction. The dual formulation of the model is derived to explain the sign of the statistical interaction. When vortices of different types pass one through another they behave like charged particles in magnetic field. They can form a bound state due to the mutual magnetic trapping. Vortices of the same type exhibit no statistical interaction. Their short range interactions are analysed. Possible quantum effects due to the finite width of vortices are discussed.Comment: keywords: vortex, vortices, anyons, fractional statistics, 20 pages in Latex, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.D, ( the above keywords missing in the title were added

    Periodic ground state for the charged massive Schwinger model

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    It is shown that the charged massive Schwinger model supports a periodic vacuum structure for arbitrary charge density, similar to the common crystalline layout known in solid state physics. The dynamical origin of the inhomogeneity is identified in the framework of the bozonized model and in terms of the original fermionic variables.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, revised version, accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Off-diagonal Gluon Mass Generation and Infrared Abelian Dominance in the Maximally Abelian Gauge in Lattice QCD

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    We study effective mass generation of off-diagonal gluons and infrared abelian dominance in the maximally abelian (MA) gauge. Using the SU(2) lattice QCD, we investigate the propagator and the effective mass of the gluon field in the MA gauge with the U(1)3_3 Landau gauge fixing. The Monte Carlo simulation is performed on the 123×2412^3 \times 24 lattice with 2.2β2.42.2 \le \beta \le 2.4, and also on the 16416^4 and 20420^4 lattices with 2.3β2.42.3 \le \beta \le 2.4. In the MA gauge, the diagonal gluon component Aμ3A_\mu^3 shows long-range propagation, and infrared abelian dominance is found for the gluon propagator. In the MA gauge, the off-diagonal gluon component Aμ±A_\mu^\pm behaves as a massive vector boson with the effective mass Moff1.2M_{\rm off} \simeq 1.2 GeV in the region of r \gsim 0.2 fm, and its propagation is limited within short range. We conjecture that infrared abelian dominance can be interpreted as infrared inactivity of the off-diagonal gluon due to its large mass generation induced by the MA gauge fixing.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures and 2 tables included, changed title, corrected typos and updated reference, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Airborne observations of the Eyjafjalla volcano ash cloud over Europe during air space closure in April and May 2010

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    © Author(s) 2011. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 LicenseAirborne lidar and in-situ measurements of aerosols and trace gases were performed in volcanic ash plumes over Europe between Southern Germany and Iceland with the Falcon aircraft during the eruption period of the Eyjafjalla1 volcano between 19 April and 18 May 2010. Flight planning and measurement analyses were supported by a refined Meteosat ash product and trajectory model analysis. The volcanic ash plume was observed with lidar directly over the volcano and up to a distance of 2700 km downwind, and up to 120 h plume ages. Aged ash layers were between a few 100 m to 3 km deep, occurred between 1 and 7 km altitude, and were typically 100 to 300 km wide. Particles collected by impactors had diameters up to 20 μm diameter, with size and age dependent composition. Ash mass concentrations were derived from optical particle spectrometers for a particle density of 2.6 g cm-3 and various values of the refractive index (RI, real part: 1.59; 3 values for the imaginary part: 0, 0.004 and 0.008). The mass concentrations, effective diameters and related optical properties were compared with ground-based lidar observations. Theoretical considerations of particle sedimentation constrain the particle diameters to those obtained for the lower RI values. The ash mass concentration results have an uncertainty of a factor of two. The maximum ash mass concentration encountered during the 17 flights with 34 ash plume penetrations was below 1 mg m-3. The Falcon flew in ash clouds up to about 0.8 mg m-3 for a few minutes and in an ash cloud with approximately 0.2 mg -3 mean-concentration for about one hour without engine damage. The ash plumes were rather dry and correlated with considerable CO and SO2 increases and O3 decreases. To first order, ash concentration and SO2 mixing ratio in the plumes decreased by a factor of two within less than a day. In fresh plumes, the SO2 and CO concentration increases were correlated with the ash mass concentration. The ash plumes were often visible slantwise as faint dark layers, even for concentrations below 0.1 mg m-3. The large abundance of volatile Aitken mode particles suggests previous nucleation of sulfuric acid droplets. The effective diameters range between 0.2 and 3 μm with considerable surface and volume contributions from the Aitken and coarse mode aerosol, respectively. The distal ash mass flux on 2 May was of the order of 500 (240-1600) kgs -1. The volcano induced about 10 (2.5-50) Tg of distal ash mass and about 3 (0.6-23) Tg of SO2 during the whole eruption period. The results of the Falcon flights were used to support the responsible agencies in their decisions concerning air traffic in the presence of volcanic ash.Peer reviewe