929 research outputs found

    Non Trivial Extension of the (1+2)-Poincar\'e Algebra and Conformal Invariance on the Boundary of AdS3AdS_3

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    Using recent results on string on AdS3Γ—NdAdS_{3}\times N^d, where N is a d-dimensional compact manifold, we re-examine the derivation of the non trivial extension of the (1+2) dimensional-Poincar\'e algebra obtained by Rausch de Traubenberg and Slupinsky, refs [1] and [29]. We show by explicit computation that this new extension is a special kind of fractional supersymmetric algebra which may be derived from the deformation of the conformal structure living on the boundary of AdS3AdS_3. The two so(1,2) Lorentz modules of spin Β±1k\pm{1\over k} used in building of the generalisation of the (1+2) Poincar\'e algebra are re-interpreted in our analysis as highest weight representations of the left and right Virasoro symmetries on the boundary of AdS3AdS_3. We also complete known results on 2d-fractional supersymmetry by using spectral flow of affine Kac-Moody and superconformal symmetries. Finally we make preliminary comments on the trick of introducing Fth-roots of g-modules to generalise the so(1,2) result to higher rank lie algebras g.Comment: Latex, 31 page

    Toward a new Framework of Strategic Alignment of Big Data projects: literature review

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    The notion of strategic alignment is a permanent issue for enterprises, that consists of redesigning a new architecture in order to reach a perfect harmony between the business architecture and the information technology architecture. The strategic alignment is therefore an old issue, that was first cited by Henderson and Venkatraman, in the 70’s, many contributions came along since then by the scientific community. With the emergence of big Data, many scientists focused on how to reach the strategic alignment, based on the new technologies provided by big Data, thus in our contribution, we started to define three main categories that can be used. Those categories can be summarized as reaching strategic alignment either through the big data ecosystem, or through big data analytics capability and finally through the big data transformation. We focused more on the last one, and we managed to propose five bricks that a company can use in order to reach the perfect harmony by doing some efforts on their strategy and business model, on their culture and organization, on their strategy of marketing based on the client experience, and also on their technology choices and their IT infrastructure and finally through the treatment of the data gathered and the establishment of measures.

    Brane Realizations of Quantum Hall Solitons and Kac-Moody Lie Algebras

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    Using quiver gauge theories in (1+2)-dimensions, we give brane realizations of a class of Quantum Hall Solitons (QHS) embedded in Type IIA superstring on the ALE spaces with exotic singularities. These systems are obtained by considering two sets of wrapped D4-branes on 2-spheres. The space-time on which the QHS live is identified with the world-volume of D4-branes wrapped on a collection of intersecting 2-spheres arranged as extended Dynkin diagrams of Kac-Moody Lie algebras. The magnetic source is given by an extra orthogonal D4-brane wrapping a generic 2-cycle in the ALE spaces. It is shown as well that data on the representations of Kac-Moody Lie algebras fix the filling factor of the QHS. In case of finite Dynkin diagrams, we recover results on QHS with integer and fractional filling factors known in the literature. In case of hyperbolic bilayer models, we obtain amongst others filling factors describing holes in the graphene.Comment: Lqtex; 15 page

    Change in antioxidant and lignifying enzyme activities in rubbing tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) internodes

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    In tomato plant, rubbing applied to a young internode inhibits elongation of the rubbed internode and its neighbouring one. These morphological changes were correlated with an increase in lignification enzyme activities, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) and peroxidases (POD), 24 h after rubbing of theforth internode. Furthermore, a decrease in indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) content was detected in the rubbed internode and the upper one. Lignin synthesis in tomato plant measured 14 days after mechanical stress application was significantly stimulated in the rubbed internodes (nΒ°4) as compared with the control. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analyses revealed that lignin synthesized in response to mechanical elicitation displayed a distinct structure, substantially enriched in syringyl (S) units, as compared to constitutive lignin. Taken together, our results suggest that the decrease in rubbed internode length is as a result of IAA oxidation, increases in enzyme activities (PAL and POD) and cell wall rigidification induced by lignification process.Key words: Mechanical stimulation, Solanum lycopersicum, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), lignin

    Kajian Proses Adaptasi Narasi Visual "Scott Pilgrim Vs The World" dari Komik Menjadi Film

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    Film and comic are visual narrative media which emphasize visual elements in delivering its message towards its audiences. Although both media emphasize similar elements, but in comic adaptation movies, there are several changes in visual narrative structure. The research object, Scott Pilgrim VS The World is analyzed through structural adaptation analysis in order to understand the specific aspects of structural changes. The changes are analyzed especially from four elements of visual narrative aspects from both media, which are narration, layout, image, and sound. The overall adaptation processes in Scott Pilgrim VS The World are emphasized in pictorial sequence changes which heavily influenced other visual structure elements. The visual sequence compression in adapting the story from comic to movie while maintaining the story essence is the fundamental adaptation process

    Visualisasi dan Transformasi Kebertubuhan dalam Film Animasi Planes (ke Arah Pembentukan Mitos Baru)

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    Penelitian ini bertajuk β€œVisualisasi dan Transformasi Kebertubuhan dalam Film Animasi Planes”.Sebagai film animasi, Planes menarik karena menggunakan benda-benda mati, dalam hal ini pesawat, sebagai tokoh cerita. Fakta ini mengindikasikan dilakukannya transformasi karakte r ole h animator, yakni dari karakte r β€œyang mati” ke β€œyang hidup”.Dengan menggunakan metode analisis structural dan semiotik, ditemukan bahwa transformasi tersebut dilakukan melampaui sarana retorika personifikasi (membuatseolah- olah yang mati menjadi hidup).Di dalam Planes, β€œyang hidup” itu tidak berada di dalam pikiran dan imajinasi apresiator sebagai yang seolah-olah, melainkan hadir di luar pikiran, berdiri sendiri sebagai realita sotonom. Berdasarkan hal itu, Planes merupakan film animasi yang membuka ruang bagi terciptanya mitos baru dalam sejarah cerita. Jika fable merupakan mitos dalam tradisi kelisanan primer, Planes memungkinkan terbentuknya mitos dalam tradisi lisan digital

    Reprogramming of lysosomal gene expression by interleukin-4 and Stat6.

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    BACKGROUND: Lysosomes play important roles in multiple aspects of physiology, but the problem of how the transcription of lysosomal genes is coordinated remains incompletely understood. The goal of this study was to illuminate the physiological contexts in which lysosomal genes are coordinately regulated and to identify transcription factors involved in this control. RESULTS: As transcription factors and their target genes are often co-regulated, we performed meta-analyses of array-based expression data to identify regulators whose mRNA profiles are highly correlated with those of a core set of lysosomal genes. Among the ~50 transcription factors that rank highest by this measure, 65% are involved in differentiation or development, and 22% have been implicated in interferon signaling. The most strongly correlated candidate was Stat6, a factor commonly activated by interleukin-4 (IL-4) or IL-13. Publicly available chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) data from alternatively activated mouse macrophages show that lysosomal genes are overrepresented among Stat6-bound targets. Quantification of RNA from wild-type and Stat6-deficient cells indicates that Stat6 promotes the expression of over 100 lysosomal genes, including hydrolases, subunits of the vacuolar H⁺ ATPase and trafficking factors. While IL-4 inhibits and activates different sets of lysosomal genes, Stat6 mediates only the activating effects of IL-4, by promoting increased expression and by neutralizing undefined inhibitory signals induced by IL-4. CONCLUSIONS: The current data establish Stat6 as a broadly acting regulator of lysosomal gene expression in mouse macrophages. Other regulators whose expression correlates with lysosomal genes suggest that lysosome function is frequently re-programmed during differentiation, development and interferon signaling

    A Parametric Debate of Corruption and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan African Countries

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    This paper investigates the determinants of corruption and its impact on economic growth in 39 sub-Saharan African countries. The significance of this study would be to add to extant literature on causes of corruption in sub-Saharan African countries and the results obtain could further raise cautions about casual attempts at institutional reform. In an attempt to empirically investigate on corruption, the corruption index was obtained from the Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) and data for the study span from 1996 to 2011. In a Barro-styled economic growth model, the dynamic panel regressions were conducted for both corruption determinants and growth-corruption models. Panel unit root test following lm, Pesaran and Shin W-Stats, Model reliability tests and cointegration test were also conducted. From the model to find the determinants of corruption, empirical result suggests that natural resource (ore, fuel, food and Agriculture), rule of law, secondary school enrollment and foreign direct investment are relevant in explaining spate of corruption. Corruption was important in explaining GDP per capita. Overall, our result suggests that natural resource wealth, irrespective of the types (whether ores, fuel, food and agriculture) tends to consolidate and conserve bad political regimes which undermines appropriate social-cultural changes that in turn breeds corruption via institutional weakness, and in the process distorts economic growth dynamics in countries studied. Keywords: Corruption, Economic Growth, Barro-Growth Model, Institutional Weakness, Dynamic Panel Regression, Point-Source and Diffused Natural Resource


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    Bali sebagai destinasi pariwisata memiliki beragam tempat tujuan rekreasi mulai dari pantai, alam pedesaan sampai pegunungan. Tujuan rekreasi dengan mengandalkan pesona keindahan alam yang alami menjadi salah satu daya tarik bagi masyarakat untuk melakukan kegiatan hiburan, atau rekreasi. Rekreasi yang berasal dari bahasa Latinre-creare secara harfiah berarti membuat ulang, merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk penyegaran kembali jasmani dan rohani. Selain itu rekreasi juga memberi dampak positif terhadap kesehatan, dapat mengatasi tingkat stres berlebih yang ditimbulkan oleh rutinitas sehari – hari. Pusat rekreasi mempunyai pengertiansebagai suatu tempat yang dirancang secara sengaja sebagaiwadah penampung berbagai bentuk kegiatan rekreasi dengan penyediaan berbagai wahana kreatif maupun rekreatif serta fasilitas penunjang kegiatan sebagai upaya mempermudah pengunjung seperti fasilitas umum berupa ATM, toilet, food court, maupun suvenir dan lain sebagainya. Pusat rekreasi juga dapat berarti sebagai penggabungan atau pengelompokan dari berbagai wahana hiburan kedalam satu kawasan, sehingga waktu yang diperlukan masyarakat menjadi lebih efektif dengan hanya berkunjung ke satu tempat untuk mendapatkan banyak pilihan rekreasi yang bahkan bisa menghabiskan waktu sehari penuh.  Konsep dasar dalam perancangan pusat rekreasi ini adalah kreatif dan rekreatif.Dari pendekatan konsep dasar maka ditentukan tema rancangan untuk pengadaan Pusat Rekreasi di Kabupaten Tabanan ini adalah arsitektur Neo Vernakular. Dalam hal ini mengacu terhadap konsep arsitektur tradisional Bali yang memiliki konsep dasar dalam menyusun tata ruangnya seperti orientasi kosmologi atau dikenal dengan Sanga Mandala, keseimbangan/kesesuaian kosmologi dengan istilah manik ring cecupu, hirarki ruang yang terdiri dari tri loka dan tri angga dan dimensi tradisional Bali yang didasarkan pada proporsi dan skala manusia
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