500 research outputs found

    Levels of some heavy metals in six species of fish obtained from Challawa River, Kano

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    Concentrations of Co, Cr, Mn, Ni and Pb were determined in muscle, bone, skin and head of six species of fish obtained from Challawa River along Yan danko village in Kano State. The heavy metals content were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) and expressed in μgg-1 after acid digestion of the samples. The mean concentrations range obtained for the metals analysed in the fish species are as follows; Co (3.93±1.58 - 7.09±1.56) μgg-1, Cr (0.95±1.09 - 1.89±1.55) μgg-1, Mn (3.63±1.40 - 6.07±4.21) μgg-1, Ni (1.83±1.40 - 3.30±1.40) μgg-1, Pb (0.53±0.61 - 1.06±0.86) μgg-1. The trend of heavy metal concentration in the fish samples can be represented as: Co > Mn > Ni > Cr > Pb. The concentrations of Ni, Cr and Pb were below the permissible limits specified by most food regulatory bodies (FAO, WHO, FEPA and USFDA), while Co and Mn levels in the fish species was higher than the maximum permissible limits. Thus, fish species from Challawa River, harvested at Yan danko village are not fit for human consumption.Keywords: AAS, acid digestion, Challawa River, fish species, heavy metal

    Kamus Bahasa Bugis-Indonesia

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    227 p.; 22 cm

    Politik Hukum Kewenangan Mahkamah Agung Dan Mahkamah Konstitusi di Indonesia

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    Indonesia merupakan negara hukum, hal tersebut ditegaskan di dalam Pasal 1 ayat (3) UUD 1945. Sebagai sebuah negara hukum, pengadilan memiliki peranan penting dalam penegakan hukum di Indonesia. Di Indonesia, secara konstitusional mengenai kekuasaan kehakiman ditegaskan di dalam Pasal 24 UUD 1945. Dalam pasal tersebut disebutkan bahwa puncak kekuasaan kehakiman di Indonesia terdiri dari Mahkamah Agung dan Mahkamah Konstitusi. Mengenai Mahkamah Agung diatur di dalam Pasal 24A UUD 1945, dalam pasal tersebut ditegaskan bahwa Mahkamah Agung memiliki kewenangan dalam mengadili pada tingkat kasasi, menguji peraturan perundang-undangan di bawah undang-undang terhadap undang-undang dan kewenangan lain yang diatur di dalam undang-undang. Mahkamah Konstitusi ditegaskan di dalam Pasal 24C UUD 1945. Dalam pasal tersebut ditegaskan bahwa Mahkamah Konstitusi memiliki kewenangan dalam menguji undang-undang terhadap UUD 1945, memutus sengketa antar lembaga negara yang kewenangannya diberikan oleh UUD 1945, memutus pembubaran partai politik dan memutus perselisihan hasil pemilihan presiden yang dimana putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi tersebut bersifat final. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian normatif yuridis dengan mengaitkan pokok pembahasan terhadap topik utama di dalam penelitian ini, yakni politik hukum kewenangan Mahkamah Agung dan Mahkamah Konstitusi di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini akan menjelaskan kekuasaan kehakiman yang ada di Indonesia

    Mobility deficit – Rehabilitate, an opportunity for functionality

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    There are many pathological conditions that cause mobility deficits and that ultimately influence someone’s autonomy.Aims: to evaluate patients with mobility deficits functional status; to implement a Rehabilitation Nursing intervention plan; to monitor health gains through mobility deficits rehabilitation.Conclusion: Early intervention and the implementation of a nursing rehabilitation intervention plan results in health gains (direct or indirect), decreases the risk of developing Pressure Ulcers (PU) and the risk of developing a situation of immobility that affects patients’ autonomy and quality of life

    Analysis of Professional Competence of Bahasa Teachers of Senior High School in Jeneponto Regency after Certification

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    Abstract This study was conducted in State Senior High School at Jeneponto which aims: (1) to describe and analyze the implementation of the professional competence of Bahasa teachers of State Senior High School in Jeneponto regency after certification; (2) to describe and analyze the results of competency tests of Bahasa teacher of State Senior High School in Jeneponto; (3) to describe and analyze the results of the national exam (UN) of Bahasa subject in the last 5 years after certification of Bahasa teacher of State Senior High School in Jeneponto; and (4) to describe and analyze the development of appropriate models in improving the professional competency of Bahasa teachers of State Senior High School in Jeneponto after certification. This type of research used in this research is mixerd because this study combines three types of research, namely qualitative research, quantitative research, and expostfacto research. The results showed that: (1) the professional competence of Bahasa teachers of State Senior High School in Jeneponto after certification have not been implemented optimally; (2) the results of competency tests of Bahasa teacher in Jeneponto after certification is in the middle category; (3) the results of the national exam data analysis of Bahasa subjects in State Senior High School at Jeneponto in the last 5 years shows that the national test scores fluctuated generally; and (4) the right model of coaching professional competence of Bahasa teachers of State Senior High School in Jeneponto after certification is MGMP model

    Reviews of

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    Antibiotic Switch therapy is defined by the switch of intravenous antibiotic therapy to oral form. This research aimed to learn about the relationship of switch therapy toward the value of wound healing, lenght of stay and the antibiotic expenditure. The data of this cross sectional study was collected from medical record and by direct investigation to patients for their macroscopis the wound healings value. T-test was used to compared the relationship of the patient wound healings value, lenght of stay and the antibiotic expenditure between the those with and accurate switch therapy and those without it. The result showed that there was no different of wound healing value between those groups of patients (P>0,1). On the other hand, lenght of stay and antibiotic expenditure of the patient with the accurate switch therapy was cuted on the patient with the accurate switch therapy. These indicated that accuracy of switch therapy will proceed a benefit outcome to the patient with appendicitis, especially to there lenght of stay and antibiotic expenditure as well

    Sensory Electrical Stimulation Improves Foot Placement during Targeted Stepping Post-Stroke

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    Proper foot placement is vital for maintaining balance during walking, requiring the integration of multiple sensory signals with motor commands. Disruption of brain structures post-stroke likely alters the processing of sensory information by motor centers, interfering with precision control of foot placement and walking function for stroke survivors. In this study, we examined whether somatosensory stimulation, which improves functional movements of the paretic hand, could be used to improve foot placement of the paretic limb. Foot placement was evaluated before, during, and after application of somatosensory electrical stimulation to the paretic foot during a targeted stepping task. Starting from standing, twelve chronic stroke participants initiated movement with the non-paretic limb and stepped to one of five target locations projected onto the floor with distances normalized to the paretic stride length. Targeting error and lower extremity kinematics were used to assess changes in foot placement and limb control due to somatosensory stimulation. Significant reductions in placement error in the medial–lateral direction (p = 0.008) were observed during the stimulation and post-stimulation blocks. Seven participants, presenting with a hip circumduction walking pattern, had reductions (p = 0.008) in the magnitude and duration of hip abduction during swing with somatosensory stimulation. Reductions in circumduction correlated with both functional and clinical measures, with larger improvements observed in participants with greater impairment. The results of this study suggest that somatosensory stimulation of the paretic foot applied during movement can improve the precision control of foot placement

    Transplantation of Photoreceptor and Total Neural Retina Preserves Cone Function in P23H Rhodopsin Transgenic Rat

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    Background: Transplantation as a therapeutic strategy for inherited retinal degeneration has been historically viewed to restore vision as a method by replacing the lost retinal cells and attempting to reconstruct the neural circuitry with stem cells, progenitor cells and mature neural retinal cells. Methods and Findings: We present evidence for an alternative strategy aimed at preventing the secondary loss of cones, the most crucial photoreceptors for vision, by transplanting normal photoreceptors cells into the eye of the P23H rat, a model of dominant retinitis pigmentosa. We carried out transplantation of photoreceptors or total neural retina in 3-monthold P23H rats and evaluated the function and cell counts 6 months after surgery. In both groups, cone loss was significantly reduced (10%) in the transplanted eyes where the cone outer segments were found to be considerably longer. This morphological effect correlated with maintenance of the visual function of cones as scored by photopic ERG recording, but more precisely with an increase in the photopic b-wave amplitudes by 100 % and 78 % for photoreceptor transplantation and whole retinal transplantation respectively. Conclusions: We demonstrate here that the transplanted tissue prevents the loss of cone function, which is furthe

    Allergic Rhinitis and its Associated Co-Morbidities at Bugando Medical Centre in Northwestern Tanzania; A Prospective Review of 190 Cases.

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    Allergic rhinitis is one of the commonest atopic diseases which contribute to significant morbidity world wide while its epidemiology in Tanzania remains sparse. There was paucity of information regarding allergic rhinitis in our setting; therefore it was important to conduct this study to describe our experience on allergic rhinitis, associated co-morbidities and treatment outcome in patients attending Bugando Medical Centre. This was descriptive cross-sectional study involving all patients with a clinical diagnosis of allergic rhinitis at Bugando Medical Centre over a three-month period between June 2011 and August 2011. Data was collected using a pre-tested coded questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS statistical computer software version 17.0. A total of 190 patients were studied giving the prevalence of allergic rhinitis 14.7%. The median age of the patients was 8.5 years. The male to female ratio was 1:1. Adenoid hypertrophy, tonsillitis, hypertrophy of inferior turbinate, nasal polyps, otitis media and sinusitis were the most common co-morbidities affecting 92.6% of cases and were the major reason for attending hospital services. Sleep disturbance was common in children with adenoids hypertrophy (χ2 = 28.691, P = 0.000). Allergic conjunctivitis was found in 51.9%. The most common identified triggers were dust, strong perfume odors and cold weather (P < 0.05). Strong perfume odors affect female than males (χ2 = 4.583, P = 0.032). In this study family history of allergic rhinitis was not a significant risk factor (P =0.423). The majority of patients (68.8%) were treated surgically for allergic rhinitis co morbidities. Post operative complication and mortality rates were 2.9% and 1.6% respectively. The overall median duration of hospital stay of in-patients was 3 days (2 - 28 days). Most patients (98.4%) had satisfactory results at discharge. The study shows that allergic rhinitis is common in our settings representing 14.7% of all otorhinolaryngology and commonly affecting children and adolescent. Sufferers seek medical services due to co-morbidities of which combination of surgical and medical treatment was needed. High index of suspicions in diagnosing allergic rhinitis and early treatment is recommended

    Limitations of the MELD score in predicting mortality or need for removal from waiting list in patients awaiting liver transplantation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Decompensated cirrhosis is associated with a poor prognosis and liver transplantation provides the only curative treatment option with excellent long-term results. The relative shortage of organ donors renders the allocation algorithms of organs essential. The optimal strategy based on scoring systems and/or waiting time is still under debate.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data sets of 268 consecutive patients listed for single-organ liver transplantation for nonfulminant liver disease between 2003 and 2005 were included into the study. The Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) and Child-Turcotte-Pugh (CTP) scores of all patients at the time of listing were used for calculation. The predictive ability not only for mortality on the waiting list but also for the need for withdrawal from the waiting list was calculated for both scores. The Mann-Whitney-U Test was used for the univariate analysis and the AUC-Model for discrimination of the scores.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the univariate analysis comparing patients who are still on the waiting list and patients who died or were removed from the waiting list due to poor conditions, the serum albumin, bilirubin INR, and CTP and MELD scores as well as the presence of ascites and encephalopathy were significantly different between the groups (p < 0.05), whereas serum creatinine and urea showed no difference.</p> <p>Comparing the predictive abilities of CTP and MELD scores, the best discrimination between patients still alive on the waiting list and patients who died on or were removed from the waiting list was achieved at a CTP score of ≥9 and a MELD score of ≥14.4. The sensitivity and specificity to identify mortality or severe deterioration for CTP was 69.0% and 70.5%, respectively; for MELD, it was 62.1% and 72.7%, respectively. This result was supported by the AUC analysis showing a strong trend for superiority of CTP over MELD scores (AUROC 0.73 and 0.68, resp.; p = 0.091).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The long term prediction of mortality or removal from waiting list in patients awaiting liver transplantation might be better assessed by the CTP score than the MELD score. This might have implications for the development of new improved scoring systems.</p
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