39 research outputs found

    Four aspects of self-image close to death at home

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    Abstract Living close to death means an inevitable confrontation with one's own existential limitation. In this article, we argue that everyday life close to death embodies an identity work in progress. We used a narrative approach and a holistic-content reading to analyze 12 interviews conducted with three persons close to death. By illuminating the unique stories and identifying patterns among the participants' narratives, we found four themes exemplifying important aspects of the identity work related to everyday life close to death. Two of the themes, named ''Inside and outside of me'' and ''Searching for togetherness,'' represented the core of the self-image and were framed by the other themes, ''My place in space'' and ''My death and my time.'' Our findings elucidate the way the individual stories moved between the past, the present, and the future. This study challenges the idea that everyday life close to impending death primarily means limitations. The findings show that the search for meaning, new knowledge, and community can form a part of a conscious and ongoing identity work close to death

    Four aspects of self-image close to death at home

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    Living close to death means an inevitable confrontation with one's own existential limitation. In this article, we argue that everyday life close to death embodies an identity work in progress. We used a narrative approach and a holistic-content reading to analyze 12 interviews conducted with three persons close to death. By illuminating the unique stories and identifying patterns among the participants’ narratives, we found four themes exemplifying important aspects of the identity work related to everyday life close to death. Two of the themes, named “Inside and outside of me” and “Searching for togetherness,” represented the core of the self-image and were framed by the other themes, “My place in space” and “My death and my time.” Our findings elucidate the way the individual stories moved between the past, the present, and the future. This study challenges the idea that everyday life close to impending death primarily means limitations. The findings show that the search for meaning, new knowledge, and community can form a part of a conscious and ongoing identity work close to death

    Euthanasia and other end-of-life decisions: a mortality follow-back study in Belgium

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    BACKGROUND: This study compares prevalence and types of medical end-of-life decisions between the Dutch-speaking and French-speaking communities of Belgium. This is the first nationwide study that can make these comparisons and the first measurement after implementation of the euthanasia law (2002). METHODS: We performed a mortality follow-back study in 2005-2006. Data were collected via the nationwide Sentinel Network of General Practitioners, an epidemiological surveillance system representative of all Belgian GPs.Weekly, all GPs reported the medical end-of-life decisions among all non-sudden deaths of patients in their practice. We compared the northern Dutch-speaking (60%) and southern French-speaking communities (40%) controlling for population differences. RESULTS: We analysed 1690 non-sudden deaths. An end-of-life decision with possible life-shortening effect was made in 50% of patients in the Dutch-speaking community and 41% of patients in the French-speaking community (OR 1.4; 95%CI, 1.2 to 1.8). Continuous deep sedation until death occurred in 8% and 15% respectively (OR 0.5; 95%CI, 0.4 to 0.7). Community differences regarding the prevalence of euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide were not significant.Community differences were more present among home/care home than among hospital deaths: non-treatment decisions with explicit life-shortening intention were made more often in the Dutch-speaking than in the French-speaking community settings (OR 2.2; 95%CI, 1.2 to 3.9); while continuous deep sedation occurred less often in the Dutch-speaking community settings (OR 0.5; 95%CI, 0.3 to 0.9). CONCLUSION: Even though legal and general healthcare systems are the same for the whole country, there are considerable variations between the communities in type and prevalence of certain end-of-life decisions, even after controlling for population difference

    Heterogeneity and changes in preferences for dying at home:a systematic review

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    Background Home-based models of hospice and palliative care are promoted with the argument that most people prefer to die at home. We examined the heterogeneity in preferences for home death and explored, for the first time, changes of preference with illness progression. Methods We searched for studies on adult preferences for place of care at the end of life or place of death in MEDLINE (1966-2011), EMBASE (1980-2011), psycINFO (1967-2011), CINAHL (1982-2011), six palliative care journals (2006-11) and reference lists. Standard criteria were used to grade study quality and evidence strength. Scatter plots showed the percentage preferring home death amongst patients, lay caregivers and general public, by study quality, year, weighted by sample size. Results 210 studies reported preferences of just over 100,000 people from 33 countries, including 34,021 patients, 19,514 caregivers and 29,926 general public members. 68% of studies with quantitative data were of low quality; only 76 provided the question used to elicit preferences. There was moderate evidence that most people prefer a home death-this was found in 75% of studies, 9/14 of those of high quality. Amongst the latter and excluding outliers, home preference estimates ranged 31% to 87% for patients (9 studies), 25% to 64% for caregivers (5 studies), 49% to 70% for the public (4 studies). 20% of 1395 patients in 10 studies (2 of high quality) changed their preference, but statistical significance was untested. Conclusions Controlling for methodological weaknesses, we found evidence that most people prefer to die at home. Around four fifths of patients did not change preference as their illness progressed. This supports focusing on home-based care for patients with advanced illness yet urges policy-makers to secure hospice and palliative care elsewhere for those who think differently or change their mind. Research must be clear on how preferences are elicited. There is an urgent need for studies examining change of preferences towards death

    Autonomi, beroende, livskvalitet : Livets sista mÄnad för 56 cancerpatienter

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    The main purpose of the present study was to obtain an in-depth understanding of what the final phase of life was like for a group of gravely ill and dying cancer patients, with focus on autonomy, dependency and quality of life. The specific aims were to: 1) describe the patients' autonomy and how the attitudes of relatives and staff promoted/hindered patient participation in decision-making, 2) describe how the patients assessed their quality of life in two care cultures, 3) describe how members of the care team prognosticated the patients' remaining survival time, and 4) investigate continuity of care site in two different care cultures during the patients' final month of life. The theoretical framework consisted of Weisman's concept of an appropriate death, and an ethical perspective based on a dialogical ethic and truthfulness. The study comprised 56 consecutively selected adult cancer patients. Data was collected via retrospective interviews with relatives, quality of life assessments by the patients, prognoses/motivations from members in the care team, and register data on the utilisation of forms of care. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used. Four categories respecting autonomy were found; the dying patients exercised their autonomy as self-determiners, co-determiners, delegators and nonparticipators. The co-determiners and delegators practised "shared autonomy" in interaction with relatives and staff, and a dialogue characterised by truthfulness was typical of the interplay. In the assessment of quality of life, half of the patients assessed themselves as satisfied/somewhat satisfied with their situation. The "cognitive-" and "emotional functioning" differed least from that of a normal population, while "physical-", "role functioning" and "global health status/quality of life" differed most. The prognosticated and the actual remaining survival time were in agreement for 19/51 patients (± 0.5 months). Some resistance to prognosticating emerged. The members of the care team used different forms of knowledge to motivate their prognostication. Continuity in terms of care site was fairly high for the majority of dying patients. To a great extent, organisational and structural factors determined the choice of care form

    "The unpredictable death" - The last year of life for patients with advanced COPD : Relatives' stories

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    Objective: The end stage of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is described as prolonged and the symptom burden for patients with COPD is often high. It progresses slowly over several years and can be punctuated by abrupt exacerbations that sometimes end in sudden death or recovery of longer or shorter duration. This makes it difficult to identify the critical junctures in order to prognisticate the progress and time for death. patients with COPD often express a fear that the dying process is going to be difficult. There is a fear that the dyspnea will worsen and lead to death by suffocation. The present article aimed to retrospectively describe the final year of life for patients with advanced COPD with focus on death and dying from the perspective of relatives. Method:Interviews were conducted with relatives of deceased family members who had advanced COPD. In total, 13 interviews were conducted and analyzed by menas of content analysis. Result: All relatives described the patients as having had a peacful death that did not correspond with the worry expressed earlier by both the patients and themselves. during the final week of life, two different patterns in the progress of the illness trajectory emerged: a temporary improvement where death was unexpected and a continued deterioration where death was inevitable. Sigificance and Results: The patients and their realtives lived with uncertainty up until the time of death. Little support for psychosocial and existential needs was avaiable. It is essential for the nurse to create relationship with patients and relatives that enable them to talk about dying and death on their own terms