407 research outputs found

    Isolation and expression analysis of salt stress-associated ESTs from contrasting rice cultivars using a PCR-based subtraction method

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    Salt stress adversely affects the growth of rice plants. To understand the molecular basis of salt-stress response, four subtracted cDNA libraries were constructed employing specific NaCl-stressed tissues from salt-tolerant (CSR 27 and Pokkali) and salt-sensitive (Pusa basmati 1) rice cultivars. An efficient PCR-based cDNA subtraction method was employed for the isolation of the salt-stress responsive cDNA clones. In all, 1,266 cDNA clones were isolated in the course of this study, out of which 85 clones were end-sequenced. Database search of the sequenced clones showed that 22 clones were homologous to genes that have earlier been implicated in stress response, 34 clones were novel with respect to their function and six clones showed no homology to sequences in any of the public database. Northern analysis showed that the transcript expression pattern of selected clones was variable amongst the cultivars tested with respect to stress-regulation

    Antibacterial Activity of the Crude Phenolic, Alkaloid and Terpenoid Compounds Extracts of Lactuca serriola L. on Human Pathogenic Bacteria

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    Objective: To reveal the effect of the crude phenolic, alkaloid and terpenoid compounds extracts of Lactuca serriola L. on some Human Pathogenic Bacteria.Methods: Antibacterial activities of the crude Phenolic, Alkaloid and Terpenoid of medicinal plant were determined by in vitro by agar diffusion-method against some human pathogenic bacteria.Results: obtained results showed that among nine pathogenic bacteria, only Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus saprophyticus Gram-positive were susceptible for Terpenoid, Alkaloid and Phenolic compounds while Staphylococcus epidermidis was resistant to active compounds.Conclusion: This study demonstrates that we can conclude that the effect of active compounds in same plant has different effect on different pathogenic organisms in different concentration. Keywords: Antibacterial Activity; Lactuca serriola L; Pathogenic Bacteri

    Pemberdayaan Berkelanjutan Melalui Pemanfaatan Dana Desa Bagi Masyarakat Pesisir di Desa Momalia Kecamatan Posigadan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    Kemiskinan merupakan problematika yang terus menghantui berbagai wilayah global, termasuk Indonesia. Kemiskinan bukan semata tentang defisit sumber daya ekonomi, melainkan juga melibatkan keterbatasan dalam akses pendidikan, peluang pekerjaan yang layak, serta ruang untuk pengembangan diri. Dalam konteks ini, pemberdayaan muncul sebagai strategi yang menjanjikan dalam merespons dampak kemiskinan yang tak berkesudahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi Pemberdayaan Berkelanjutan Melalui Pemanfaatan Dana Desa Bagi Masyarakat Pesisir di Desa Momalia, Kecamatan Posigadan, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan sumber data primer dan sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) secara fisik, Pemerintah desa mengalokasikan dana desa untuk membangun jalan paving yang bertujuan memudahkan akses pertanian. Di sektor pertanian, terbentuk Kelompok Tani Wanita (KWT) yang berfokus pada budidaya tanaman jahe dan cabai, sementara di sektor nelayan, diberikan bantuan rakit dan alat pancing untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas. Sedangkan, (2)  Pemberdayaan non-fisik yang dilakukan berupa edukasi dan pelatihan mengenai pemanfaatan teknologi tepat guna bagi petani dan nelayan guna meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam mengelola usaha pertanian dan perikanan secara berkelanjutan. secara keseluruhan, pemberdayaan berkelanjutan melalui alokasi dana desa oleh pemerintah desa telah memberikan dampak positif pada hasil pertanian dan perikanan di Desa Momalia. Sebagai saran, perlu dilakukan upaya lanjutan dalam mengintegrasikan inisiatif pemberdayaan fisik dan non-fisik dengan mengoptimalkan partisipasi masyarakat, memperkuat kolaborasi lintas sektor, serta memantau secara berkesinambungan dampak dan keberlanjutan program pemberdayaan di Desa Momalia

    Derivatives for smooth representations of GL(n,R) and GL(n,C)

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    The notion of derivatives for smooth representations of GL(n) in the p-adic case was defined by J. Bernstein and A. Zelevinsky. In the archimedean case, an analog of the highest derivative was defined for irreducible unitary representations by S. Sahi and called the "adduced" representation. In this paper we define derivatives of all order for smooth admissible Frechet representations (of moderate growth). The archimedean case is more problematic than the p-adic case; for example arbitrary derivatives need not be admissible. However, the highest derivative continues being admissible, and for irreducible unitarizable representations coincides with the space of smooth vectors of the adduced representation. In [AGS] we prove exactness of the highest derivative functor, and compute highest derivatives of all monomial representations. We prove exactness of the highest derivative functor, and compute highest derivatives of all monomial representations. We apply those results to finish the computation of adduced representations for all irreducible unitary representations and to prove uniqueness of degenerate Whittaker models for unitary representations, thus completing the results of [Sah89, Sah90, SaSt90, GS12].Comment: First version of this preprint was split into 2. The proofs of two theorems which are technically involved in analytic difficulties were separated into "Twisted homology for the mirabolic nilradical" preprint. All the rest stayed in v2 of this preprint. v3: version to appear in the Israel Journal of Mathematic

    Lattice Diagram Polynomials and Extended Pieri Rules

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    The lattice cell in the i+1st{i+1}^{st} row and j+1st{j+1}^{st} column of the positive quadrant of the plane is denoted (i,j)(i,j). If μ\mu is a partition of n+1n+1, we denote by μ/ij\mu/ij the diagram obtained by removing the cell (i,j)(i,j) from the (French) Ferrers diagram of μ\mu. We set Δμ/ij=detxipjyiqji,j=1n\Delta_{\mu/ij}=\det \| x_i^{p_j}y_i^{q_j} \|_{i,j=1}^n, where (p1,q1),...,(pn,qn)(p_1,q_1),... ,(p_n,q_n) are the cells of μ/ij\mu/ij, and let Mμ/ij{\bf M}_{\mu/ij} be the linear span of the partial derivatives of Δμ/ij\Delta_{\mu/ij}. The bihomogeneity of Δμ/ij\Delta_{\mu/ij} and its alternating nature under the diagonal action of SnS_n gives Mμ/ij{\bf M}_{\mu/ij} the structure of a bigraded SnS_n-module. We conjecture that Mμ/ij{\bf M}_{\mu/ij} is always a direct sum of kk left regular representations of SnS_n, where kk is the number of cells that are weakly north and east of (i,j)(i,j) in μ\mu. We also make a number of conjectures describing the precise nature of the bivariate Frobenius characteristic of Mμ/ij{\bf M}_{\mu/ij} in terms of the theory of Macdonald polynomials. On the validity of these conjectures, we derive a number of surprising identities. In particular, we obtain a representation theoretical interpretation of the coefficients appearing in some Macdonald Pieri Rules.Comment: 77 pages, Te

    Snail protein inhibition by drug repositioning for recurrent breast cancer: an in-silico study

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    Objective: Snail is a transcription factor that promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and facilitates tumor progression and metastasis in breast cancer. Therefore, it is a promising target for the development of anticancer agents. The objective of this study was to identify FDA-approved drugs that can be repurposed as Snail inhibitors. Materials and Methods: Using a virtual screening strategy, three molecules were selected among 1615 (Stivarga, Paritaprevir and Sorafenib). Molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation were performed to examine Snail-drugs interactions. Results: Our docking analysis identified Stivarga and Sorafenib, two antineoplastic drugs, as potential repositioning drugs to treat recurrent breast cancer due to their low free binding energy values. Additional molecular dynamics simulations of the Snail-drug systems revealed that Sorafenib was the most stable, lasting from 30 to 120 ns and forming 2-4 hydrogen bonds. Conclusions: The antineoplastic drugs Stivarga and Sorafenib have better affinity and inhibition of Snail and could be a simple drug therapy for recurrent breast cancer

    The Fourth BATSE Gamma-Ray Burst Catalog (Revised)

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    The Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO) has triggered on 1637 cosmic gamma-ray bursts between 1991 April 19 and 1996 August 29. These events constitute the Fourth BATSE burst catalog. The current version (4Br) has been revised from the version first circulated on CD-ROM in September 1997 (4B) to include improved locations for a subset of bursts that have been reprocssed using additional data. A significant difference from previous BATSE catalogs is the inclusion of bursts from periods when the trigger energy range differed from the nominal 50-300 keV. We present tables of the burst occurrence times, locations, peak fluxes, fluences, and durations. In general, results from previous BATSE catalogs are confirmed here with greater statistical significance.Comment: 45 pages, 12 Postscript figures, accepted for publication in Ap. J. Supp


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    A heat transfer modeled for predicting the wall temperature of aeration tank in a biological wastewater treatment subsystem of Hamden station is presented. The method to treatment employed depending upon the pollutants in wastewater and extent to which it is desired to eliminate them in order to congregate required standards of water quality. Several heat gain and loss mechanisms concerned to develop of the model of temperature computer includes heat gains through conduction and radiation. While the heat losses referred to convection and radiation. It classified radiation heat transfer and biological reaction as a gained heat, while classifying the rate of evaporation, aerator, and wind velocity as lost heat. This study relied on a previous study, and based on the assumptions that have been identified so that a model development can be obtained to calculate the surface temperature of the wall of the aeration tank in a biological treatment system. The operational, weather and temperature data were to be registered from Iraqi weather forecast- Basra Airport. To obtain reliable results, the model was simulated using the STELLA software v.9.02, which gave accurate results in determining the parameters that affect the tank wall temperature changes. The STELLA software is Model calibration and considers as a dynamics language because of STELLA is software for graphic and dynamic simulation for the wall temperature of aeration tank. The results have shown a good accuracy and increment between the production walls temperatures with average ranged about (0.2 %) of present work. The model shows the sensitivity through set of precious five parameters like organic removal rate, ambient air temperature, wind velocity, air relative humidity, and the wall effective area of the aeration tan