99 research outputs found

    Thrombophilia: Factor V Leiden Mutation as a Genetic Background in Patients with Retinal Vein Occlusion

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    Aim: This study was designed to detect the association between factor V Leiden mutation and retinal vein occlusion.Methods: A total 60 adult newly diagnosed retinal vein occlusion patients ( branch or central types) with or without systemic disorders were included in this study in addition to 84apparently healthy adult control persons. Factor V Leiden mutation by PCR- RFLP technique was done for all cases of patients and controls groups.Results: The number of patients express FVL mutation was 13/60 (21%), while that of control subjects 7/84 (8.3%)and the P- value reach to (0.023).The Odd ratio was 3.043 with a confidence interval of (1.133-8.171)that indicate a strong association between FVL mutation and retinal vein occlusion. At the same time the etiologic fraction (EF) was 0.436which mean that FVL mutation remain as a risk factor not a cause for retinal vein occlusion.Conclusions: FVL mutation is significantly higher in patients than control group, and consider a strong risk factor for retinal vein occlusion. Keywords: Factor V Leiden, Thrombophilia, Retinal vein occlusion


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    The paper examines the intergovernmental coordination of the Bolsa Família Program (PBF), given its goal to tackle poverty in acountry with deep social and regional inequality. It seeks to qualify the debate on the centralization of cash transfer programs in Brazil through the analysis of intergovernmental relations adopted under the three main dimensions of the PBF - cash transfer, monitoring of conditionalities and articulation of complementary programs - considering the federative implications derived from the intersectoral perspective that drives the Program. Two categories of challenges are highlighted. The first one relates to the need for greater investment in space and opportunities for intergovernmental negotiation, especially in the dimension of income transfer, which initially was characterized by centralization. In the second, the intergovernmental matter demands the organization of a coordinated national strategy for the articulation of complementary programs, suggesting greater involvement of states in the regional coordination of the Progra

    Hematological assessment of gasoline exposure among petrol filling workers in Baghdad

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    Background: Petrol station attendants are workers chronically exposed to petroleum derivatives primarily through inhalation of the volatile fraction of petrol during vehicle refueling.The adverse health effects of gasoline exposure may be primarily related to impairment of the haemopoietic system with bone marrow depression. Objective: The evaluation of hematopoietic changes among petrol filling workers Methods: a cross sectional survey was carried out with 292individuals, 146 petrol filling workers who spent their working hours in the stations of petrol filling in Baghdad city-group (1) and 146 individuals from people who already work in station as overseers - group (2), were investigated for the effect of gasoline polluted air which arise from inhalation or absorption of benzene through skin Result: Of examined 292individuals, 146 petrol filling workers (all of them) were found with hematopoietic changes. out of 6 potential risk factors, only one (smoking habit)found to be significantly associated with the presence of white blood cell changes(p<0.05) as compared with petrol filling workers who had no such risk factors. Of examined 146 comparison group,40( 27.37%) were found with hematopoietic changes (only white blood cell changes and haemoglobulin level) as compared with individual who had no such risk factor(smoking habit). Conclusion: Although no cases of blood disorders were detected but blood involvement in petrol stations workers is still possible and should be given full attention in medical surveillance of workers

    A disciplina dos juros no direito brasileiro após o advento do Código Civil de 2002

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    Neste artigo, os autores tratam da disciplina dos juros no direito brasileiro após o advento do Código Civil de 2002. Partindo da consolidação das premissas conceituais, abordam a questão de qual seria a taxa de juros legais, se estaria em vigor a norma que impõe limitação à contratação de juros e qual seria o limite de juros no Brasil. Nesse sentido, apresentam os diversos entendimentos e correntes identificáveis sobre a matéria, de forma a contextualizá-los e contrapô-los objetiva e sinteticamente aos interessados e estudiosos da disciplina do juro. Por fim, cuidam das situações com relação às quais tais limitações não se aplicam

    Solidariedade Tributária e Grupos Econômicos

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    The research discusses the allocation of the tax obligation to a third party by virtue of the mere belonging to an economic group in an attempt to determine the hypothesis in which this procedure would be possible. From the legal definition of economic group based on corporate, labor and tax law it was possible to identify legal economic groups and actual economic groups. The study found that the tax liability depends on the solidarity and that the latter can only be determined by the supplementary legislator. Off this case, it was concluded that one can only assign tax liability to a third party by means of an economic group if the corporate veil is pierced, in accordance with the civil law requirements and, from next year on, according to the procedure set by the New Code of Civil Procedure.A pesquisa  discute  a  imputação  do  dever  tributário  a  terceiros  em  virtude do  mero pertencimento a grupo econômico, na tentativa de determinar as hipóteses nas quais seria possível a aplicação deste procedimento. A partir da definição legal de grupo econômico com base  na  legislação  societária, trabalhista e tributária  foi  possível  identificar  grupos econômicos  de  direito  e  grupos econômicos de fato. O trabalho constatou que a responsabilização tributária depende da solidariedade e que a última só pode ser determinada pelo legislador complementar. Ao largo deste caso, concluiu-se que só se pode atribuir responsabilidade tributária a terceiro por grupo econômico se houver desconsideração da personalidade jurídica, nos termos dos requisitos exigidos pela lei civil e, a partir do ano que vem, segundo o procedimento colocado pelo Novo Código de Processo Civil

    Expansão da Educação Superior no MERCOSUL: análise do cenário brasileiro, as possibilidades trazidas pela educação a distância e a relevância de bases curriculares transnacionais

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    Este trabalho realiza uma análise da atual política de integração educacional da América do Sul a partir da conjuntura brasileira, por intermédio da verificação do alargamento da oferta de vagas no ensino superior no Brasil e da análise das ações do Setor Educacional do MERCOSUL (SEM). Aponta, ainda, a  potencialidade que os recursos das tecnologias aplicadas à educação e da educação a distância podem ter nesse processo. Para isso, realizou se o cotejamento com o processo de expansão da educação superior na Europa, a partir do Processo de Bolonha e com ações mais recentes neste movimento, como a apresentação do conceito de Mobilidade Virtual (MV) como estratégia para o alcance do objetivo de realizar uma educação transfronteiriça com o apoio da educação a distância. Defende-se também, à guisa de conclusão, que a construção de experiências de bases curriculares transnacionais funcionaria como articuladora dos conhecimentos e das culturas produzidas na América Latina e promotoras de políticas de integração e desenvolvimento regionais

    Business Judgment Rule: Padrões e Atualidades

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    The scope of this paper is to define and present the standards set forth by scholars and the law for the use of the business judgment rule, including the treatment of duties and requirements of corporate management, which shall be present for the assumption of legality and absence of personal liability. Additionaly, it will be presented the deepening insolvency theory and its relationship with business judgment rule in Brazilian law. Finally, we aim at discussing the use or not of the business judgment rule in the acquisition by Petrobras of the Pasadena refinery, considering the public declaration made by the President Dilma Roussef about the legal basis used by companys Board of Directors to decide for the acquisition of the refinery, as well as the facts conveyed in the media about this.O presente trabalho tem por escopo a conceituação e apresentação dos padrões vistos na doutrina e na lei para aplicação da teoria da business judgment rule, que passam especialmente pelos deveres dos administradores sociais e dos requisitos para que seus atos de gestão valham-se da presunção de correição e irresponsabilidade pessoal dada pela business judgment rule. Adicionalmente, será apresentada a teoria da deepening insolvency e sua relação com a business judgment rule no direito brasileiro. Por fim, pretende-se discutir a aplicação ou não da business judgment rule ao caso da aquisição, pela Petrobras, da refinaria de Pasadena, levando-se em consideração a manifestação pública da Presidente Dilma Roussef sobre a base jurídica utilizada pelo Conselho de Administração da companhia para tomar a decisão de adquirir a refinaria, bem como os fatos veiculados na mídia sobre o assunto

    Expansion and integration of higher education in MERCOSUR: possibilities of distance education scenario in Brazil

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    No âmbito do Doutoramento Sandwich 2014 na Universidade Aberta (PT).Este trabalho realiza uma análise, ainda que de forma sucinta, da atual política de integração educacional da América do Sul a partir da conjuntura brasileira, por intermédio da verificação do alargamento da oferta de vagas no ensino superior no Brasil e da análise das ações do Setor Educacional do MERCOSUL (SEM) e ainda aponta a potencialidade que os recursos da educação a distância pode ter nesse processo. Para isso realizou-se o cotejamento com o processo de expansão da educação superior na Europa, a partir do Processo de Bolonha e ações mais recentes neste movimento, como a apresentação do conceito de Mobilidade Virtual (MV) como estratégia para o alcance do objetivo de realizar uma educação transfronteiriça com o apoio da educação a distância.This work performs an analysis, albeit briefly, the current policy of educational integration of South America from the Brazilian situation, through the verification broadening the supply of places in higher education in Brazil and analysis of actions Sector educational MERCOSUR (SEM) and also shows the potential that resources of distance education can play in this process. For that held the comparison with the process of expansion of higher education in Europe, from the Bologna Process and the latest actions in this movement, as the presentation of the concept of Virtual Mobility (VM) as a strategy to achieve the objective of conduct a cross-border education with the support of distance education.CAPESinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio