361 research outputs found

    Reflection on Social Cohesion of Sasak Speakers and the Trends Transformed

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    This article presents the social cohesiveness of traditional Sasak reflected and expressed in their linguistics, particularly at social capital domain, and to transform it to the current social capital of Sasak people. The category and linguistic expressions are considered to be the lingual category forms and the verbal expressions in the social capital domain, in which it is kept various knowledge systems of the social cohesiveness of Sasak people. Transformation in this study is defined as a shift at the surface structure (the lingual transformation) and deep structure (the behaviour transformation) of Sasak people, it is used the ethnosemantic approach, by investigating certain vocabularies in the language they use in the social domain having relationship with the social capital. This study reveals three social capitals of Sasak people becoming the base of values: (1) the social capital referring to the interactional forms, (2) to the institutional forms, and (3) to the norms. Furthermore, the social transformation tendency is caused by (i) the new qualification needs, (ii) the shift of professional role, and (iii) the existence of the complexity stratification, and (iv) the existence of new various institutions formed by the governments and the formal system power

    The Symbols and Myths of Rice in Sasak’s Culture: A Portrait of Hybrid Islam in Lombok

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    This article aims at discussing two important points of rice ethnophilosophy in Sasak society. First, it explains how various symbols of language and culture and local mythos of rice in agricultural Sasak society experienced reinterpretation over key concepts of Islamic Worldview. Second, it illuminates how those modified symbols and mythos in Sasak society contains similarities with the ones in Malay culture as recorded in Hikayat Asay Pade manuscript and Kitab Berladang. The study uses ethnohermeneutic method in reading the text in the context of Sasak culture. The result shows some points of transformation in the symbols and mythos about rice in Sasak culture after being adapted to Islamic Worldview. The reinterpretation clarifies a spirited ethnophilosophy about harmony and equilibration of human life with nature and God. Adaptation conducted by the Islamic carrier among the agricultural Sasak society at the beginning of Islamic influence exemplifies how the spreading of Islam was undertaken peacefully through the confirmation of symbols and local mythos to maintain stability and harmony.[Tulisan ini mendiskusikan tentang simbol (bahasa dan budaya) dan mitos padi lokal dalam masyarakat Sasak agraris yang mengalami reinterpretasi setelah konsep-konsep kunci Islamic worldview mulai diadaptasi dan disebarkan oleh para penyebar Islam awal di kalangan petani tradisional. Selanjutnya, didiskusikan pula tentang persinggungan simbol dan mitos lokal Sasak tersebut (setelah mengalami reinterpretasi dengan konsep-konsep kunci Islam) dengan budaya Melayu yang terekam dalam manuskrip Hikayat Asay Pade dan Kitab Berladang. Berdasarkan hasil pembacaan dengan metode etnohermeneutik dapat dipahami tentang apa saja hasil reinterpretasi masyarakat Sasak agraris mengenai simbol dan mitos padi lokal setelah mengalami persentuhan dan penyesuaian dengan Islamic worldview. Hasil reinterpretasi tersebut menjelaskan pandangan budaya (etnofilosofi) yang sangat bernas tentang harmonisasi dan keseimbangan hidup manusia dengan Tuhan dan alam. Selain itu, adaptasi yang dilakukan oleh penyebar Islam awal di kalangan masyarakat Sasak agaris ini merupakan contoh bagaimana Islam disebarkan dengan damai dan adaptif terhadap simbol dan mitos lokal supaya keseimbangan dan keharmonian tetap terjaga.]

    Pengertian, Ruang Lingkup, dan Proses Kebijakan Pendidikan

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    This study aims to analyze the definition, scope and process of education policy. In this research, the writer uses a type of library research, namely a series of activities related to library data collection methods to obtain information data by collecting information related to the definition, scope and process of educational policy. Data sources in this research are primary data sources and secondary data sources such as books, articles, etc. The results of the research in this study are: A professional organization is an organization founded by two or more people who have the same profession to achieve a common goal. While the definition of organizational structure is a formal system that seeks to harmonize the relationship between sections and sub-sections in grouping and division of tasks, delegation of authority, coordination based on tasks and hierarchies. Educator Professional Organizations include: Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI), Indonesian Lecturer Association (ADI), Indonesian Guidance and Counseling Association (ABKIN), Indonesian Education Graduate Association (ISPI). While the Education Personnel Organization is the Association of Indonesian Librarians (IPI)

    The Effect of Community Plantation Development to the Empowerment and the Investment Forest Village Community

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    Community Plantation (not incorporated) are plantations held or managed by planters for small businesses grouped in smallholder tree crops and plantation household business people. In its management, smallholder plantations can affect the level of empowerment and investment communities working on forest villages. The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of government in encouraging or influencing the empowerment of farmers to invest in plantations. The approach used to analyze the effect is the quantitative approach with survey method that is supported by the relevant qualitative data. The results showed the level of government's role does not affect the level of empowerment of forest villagers. However, the level of the role of government affect the rate of integration of commodity farm forest villagers. At the level of investment, the implementation of people's plantation management does not affect the level of community investment significantly

    Kekerasan Verebal pada Nama Julukan Bahasa Sasak Masyarakat Bebuak, Kopang, Lombok Tengah

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    This research took place in the Bebuak village, Kopang district, Central Lombok regency. The purpose of this study is to describe the lexicon of verbal violence in Sasak language nicknames in Bebuak village in everyday communication. The theoretical approach used is the anthropolinguistic approach. While, the methodological approach to research uses qualitative descriptive methods. For data collection using observation, record and interview. There are two results which can be drawn from this research. The first result is verbal abuse on nicknames in the Sasak language of the Bebuak people is calssified into two form, words and phrases. The second result is classification of the nickname function which consists of three function; the function of jokes/familiarity, the function of ridicule/insulting and the function as a differentiating identity. There are three sociocultural implications for Sasak society, namely the impact related to language ethics, which if the regulation is violated will get customary sanctions in the form of apologizing (mengaksama), fines (dedaosan) and not being spoken to for acertain time (kasepekang). Second, it is related to the norms inherent in the Bebuak community, namely the fading of the culture of manners in language and third, it relates to the psychis of the victim of verbal abse nicknames, where the victim will feel inferior, uncomfortable and embarrassed when the nickname is used in public places


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    Flash floods hitted 5 villages in South Dolo Sub-district, Sigi regency, Central Sulawesi on April 24th, 2019. The flash floods disaster left environmental health problems for the refugees. This study was intended to obtain an overview of environmental health problems of post flash floods disaster and local potency which benefit to solve those problems. It was a descriptive qualitative research with case study method in Balongga Village, South Dolo Sub-district starting on April 30 to May 22, 2019. The location and the respondents involved in this study were determined purposively. Data collection was done by in depth interview with 7 family heads of refugees, focus group discussion with local community leaders, village secretary, social service office of Sigi regency, Youth of Disaster Preparedness and Public Health Office of Sigi regency. This study findings reveal that environmental health problems which emerged post flash floods disaster was the limitation of clean water, calcareous of drinking water source, the amount of littering waste especially noodles plastic packages, plastics cups and bottles of drinking water, a number of flies around the tents and the mosquitos bites were also felt by the refugees. Local potencies that might be applied to resolve those environmental health problems were the use of mountain water resource, water purification, recycling of plastics waste, constructing of natural aktractan and flies trap, making natural repellents as well such as Evodia sauveolens, Ocimum basilicum forma citratum, Cymbopogan citratus, Cosmos caudatus K, and Syzigium Aromaticum. Keywords: flash floods, environmental health


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bermaksud mengetahui pengaruh minat baca terhadap hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia siswa di SMAN 1 Jereweh Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Peneltian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh yang signifikan antara minat baca terhadap hasil belajar kognitif dan psikomotorik siswa pada mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI SMAN 1 Jereweh sejumlah 110 siswa, sehingga sampel penelitian menjadi 86 siswa mengikuti tabel Krejcie dan Morgan dengan taraf kesalahannya 5%. Penelitian ini merupakan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan nilai minat baca dan raport untuk mendapatkan nilai kognitif maupun psikomotorik. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) dianalisis menggunakan bantuan program SPSS 26. Selanjutnya, berdasarkan hasil analisis data, dapat diperoleh hasil bahwa minat baca memberikan pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap hasil belajar Bahasa Indonesia yang lebih rendah daripada probabilitas 0.05.Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of reading interest on students' Indonesian learning outcomes at SMAN 1 Jereweh, West Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. This study aims to determine the significant influence between reading interest on students' cognitive and psychomotor learning outcomes in Indonesian subjects. The population in this study were 110 students of class XI SMAN 1 Jereweh, so the research sample was 86 students following the Krejcie and Morgan table with an error rate of 5%. This research is a quantitative descriptive with data collection methods using a questionnaire that is used to get the value of reading interest and report cards to get cognitive and psychomotor values. The analytical technique used in this study is Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) analyzed using the SPSS 26 program. Furthermore, based on the results of data analysis, it can be seen that reading interest has a positive and significant influence on Indonesian language learning outcomes which is lower than the probability of reading. 0.05

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) Matematika untuk Siswa Tunarungu (SDLB-B)

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    This research is aimed at describing the development of students\u27 worksheet of a mathematics subject for deaf students and finding out the effectivity of mathematics worksheet for deaf students toward the learning process. Multiplication is selected due to its ability to represent mathematics subject which will be developed for deaf students. This research uses research and development method (R&D) with 6 deaf subjects in grade V in special needs education Sri Soedewi Masjchun Sofwan Jambi. This research applies the ADDIE model, analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The data collected are qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative data are collected from media expert validity and learning design, material expert validity, teachers\u27 respond from deaf class, and questionnaire result of students\u27 perception of learning media which has been created. Meanwhile, quantitative data are collected from the final test. Valid students\u27 worksheet is based on the questionnaire administered to the validator. 79% of students\u27 responds show positive respond and 83,3% of learning completion. It shows that mathematics worksheet developed feasible to use in the learning process. &nbsp

    Analisis Berpikir Pseudo pada Anak Autis dalam Memecahkan Soal Matematika (Kasus di SLBN Prof. Dr. Sri Soedewi MS SH Jambi)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) mendeskripsikan bagaimana berpikir pseudo pada siswa autis ringan-sedang dalam memecahkan masalah perkalian matematika, dan (2) mendeskripsikan bagaimana berpikir pseudo pada siswa autis berat dalam memecahkan masalah perkalian matematika. Subjek pada penelitian kualitatif ini adalah 4 siswa autis SLBN Prof. Dr. Sri Soedewi MS SH Jambi, dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, menggunakan instrumen DSM-IV dan CARS sehingga mendapatkan 2 siswa autis kategori rendah-sedang dan 2 siswa kategori berat. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen lembar observasi awal, dokumentasi, soal tes tertulis materi perkalian, dan lembar wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) Siswa autis ringan-sedang terkadang mampu mengungkapkan apa yang diketahui dan ditanyakan secara tertulis. Mereka dapat menyebutkan langkah pengerjaan sesuai dengan yang guru ajarkan, namun mereka tidak benar-benar dapat menjelaskan dan menjustifikasi hasil yang diperoleh. Sehingga disimpulkan saat memecahkan masalah perkalian, siswa autis ringan-sedang seringkali mengalami berpikir pseudo benar. (2) Siswa autis berat terkadang mengungkapkan apa yang diketahui dan ditanyakan tanpa memilih informasi penting pada soal. Mereka tidak dapat menyebutkan langkah pengerjaan sesuai dengan apa yang guru ajarkan sehingga langkah dan jawaban mereka salah. Mereka juga tidak dapat memperbaiki jawaban yang diperoleh. Sehingga disimpulkan bahwa saat memecahkan masalah perkalian, siswa autis berat seringkali mengalami berpikir pseudo salah
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