135 research outputs found

    Using a Tracer Test to Assess the Fate and Transport of Nitrate in a Saturated Buffer Zone

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    The Upper Mississippi Basin (UMB), which includes Illinois, has highly fertile soils and therefore, experiences intensive agricultural practices. While fertile, the soils do not drain well, resulting in the installation of tile-drainage systems. Agricultural practices within the UMB involves the application of nitrogen (N)-rich fertilizers. The tile systems coupled with the application of N fertilizers have led to the excessive export of nitrates as nitrogen (NO3-N) from the agricultural fields into surface and subsurface waters through subsurface tile drainage systems. Excess NO3-N contributes to eutrophication and to development of hypoxic zones in aquatic environments. One method that has exhibited success in lowering NO3-N concentration is the diversion of tile drained waters from the agricultural fields into a saturated buffer zone (SBZ) before the water enters a stream. A SBZ is an area of perennial vegetation between agricultural fields and water ways where a tile-outlets drain. The SBZ serves as a sink where NO3-N is lost through natural processes such as plant uptake, denitrification, and dilution with groundwater. Previous works have shown a decrease in the NO3-N content in the SBZ, but the extent to which this removal occurs cannot be quantified without knowing the travel time of the water through the SBZ. Our goals were to use sodium bromide (Nar) and sodium chloride (NaCl) as tracers to determine the travel time of the tile waters in a SBZ at the T3 site in Hudson, Illinois and to quantify the amount of loss or dilution of the NO3-N in the SBZ using a mixing model. The travel times of NO3-N from diversion tiles to wells ranged from 7 days to 17 days. Results from the tracer test show an average groundwater velocity of 0.36 m/day with a standard deviation of 0.18 m/day, using the arrival time of the chloride tracer. The travel time from the SBZ to the stream is 27 days which corresponds to 43% NO3-N removal from the mixing model. This research further reinforces the effectiveness of using SBZ as NO3-N reduction strategy

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru SMPN 2 Rumbia Dalam Merencanakan dan Melaksanakan Pembelajaran Hots Melalui Supervisi Akademik dengan Pembinaan Langsung, Kunjungan Kelas, dan Konferensi Kelompok Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020

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    Era globalisasi, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi berkembang sangat cepat dan lebih canggih, dan perluasan peran yang makin luas maka pendidikan membutuhkan guru yang mempunyai karakter. Guru yang berkarakter akan mengarahkan pembelajaran yang mendorong siswa sebagai subjek dan terlibat secara optimal selama pembelajaran. Pembelajaran HOTS mendorong siswa untuk terampil untuk Critical, Creative, Comunicative, dan Collaborative (4C) yang merupakan bekal keterampilan Abad 21. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang baik diawali dari perencanaan yang baik pula. Perencanaan pembelajaran merupakan faktor penting untuk dapat melaksanakan pembelajaran dengan baik. Namun perencanaan dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran HOTS di SMPN 2 Rumbia masih kurang. Selain itu penerapan variasi teknik supervisi belum dikuatkan untuk mendorong peningkatan kinerja guru dalam merencanakan dan melaksanakan pembelajaran sesuai dengan standar proses dan tuntutan HOTS. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah para guru SMPN 2 Rumbia Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020, pada semester ganjil, ada 15 orang guru di SMPN 2 Rumbia.Tindakan supervisi yang digunakan adalah supervisi akademis dengan pembinaan langsung, kunjungan kelas, dan konferensi kelompok. Pembinaan langsung merupakan bagian untuk membina para guru terhadap keterlaksanaan tugas merencanakan dan melaksanakan pembelajaran. Tugas utama supervisor adalah memantau dan membina pendidik dalam melaksanakan kegiatan mengajar. Pengamatan awal terhadap rencana pembelajaran dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran saintifik menjadi acuan untuk pembinaan langsung. Kegiatan pembinaan langsung yang dilakukan setelah kepala sekolah selesai melakukan observasi pembelajaran adalah pertemuan pasca observasi. Pada pertemuan ini kepala sekolah memberi balikanuntuk membantu mengembangkan perilaku guru dalam melaksanakan proses pembelajaran. Adanya kekurangan dalam yang dilakukan guru dalam merencanakan dan melaksanakan pembelajaran membutuhkan rangsangan agar dapat merubah kinerja menjadi lebih baik. Pelaksanaan supervisi akademis dikuatkan supervisi  variasi teknik supervisi, selanjutnya supervisi akademis, dimulai dari pembinaan langsung, diikuti dengan kunjungan kelas dan hasil kunjungan kelas dibahas dalam konferensi kelompok atau lokakarya. Adapun input pembinaan langsung diperoleh dari pertemuan awal dilakukan dengan mendiskusikan aspek-aspek yang perlu diperbaiki pada perencanaan dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran, dan pengamatan kunjungan kelas guru sebelumnya. Upaya menumbuhkan partisipasi aktif peserta dalam kegiatan belajar harus di follow up dengan merespon positif partisipasi peserta, sekaligus pada saat yang sama juga menumbuhkan keceriaan selama proses pembelajaran. Tentu saja kemampuan guru dalam menggunakan berbagai sumber belajar dan mengoperasikan berbagai media yang relevan menjadi bagian penting untuk terus ditingkatkan

    Waste to Valuable By-product: Palm Oil Mill Decanter Cake and its Ability to Remove Cd, Cu and Pb Ions

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    Palm oil mills generate about 4 - 5 tons of decanter cake for every 100 tons of palm fresh fruit bunch processed. Due to the high organic content, the decanter cake could be converted into adsorbent for the removal of metal ions from waste water. The decanter cake was first dried at 105 oC and then carbonized at various temperatures. The resulting carbonized decanter cake were tested for removing cadmium (II), copper (II), and lead (II) ions. Proximate analysis using thermogravimetry of decanter cake carbonized at 500 oC indicated that the adsorbent contained 4% moisture, 21% volatile,23% fixed carbon, and 52% ash. Adsorption test was carried out by mixing 1.0 g of the decanter cake in 100 mL aqueous solution of the various ions. The concentration of metal ions in the solutions used is in the range of 100 – 1000 mg/L. The results of adsorption studies indicated that the removal of metal ions was highest in the case of Pb when the carbonization temperature was 500 oC and 600 oC in the case of Cd and Cu. Maximum removal of the Cd, Cu and Pb were also observed to take place when the pH of the solution is in the range of 4 – 5. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models were used to fit the isotherm experimental data. The maximum uptakes of Cd, Cu and Pb onto the carbonized decanter cake in this study were estimated to be 24, 23, and 97 mg/g respectively. The ability of the carbonized decanter cake to remove the metal ions was found to be comparable to that of other adsorbents derived from agricultural waste


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    The CoVid-19 pandemic had again activated the neuronal circuit on our existential crisis as human beings asking basic existential questions: Where were we from, who are we, why are we here, how we supposedly should live here and where are we going? - Instinctively it appears evidently in the soul while facing threats that may lead to death like the pandemic exposes us to. This study critically explores and analyses through content analysis method on available published ‘Islamic’ documents, which are purposively sampled based on relevancy to the existence. We shared what we found related to existential psychotherapy using cognitive behavior therapy for depressed Muslim clients in supporting the current call for integrating Islamic teachings and practice. Mainly, being intersubjective is very crucial for therapists’ competency because Muslim clients are from diverse Islamic backgrounds

    Bacaan intertekstual terhadap tafsir Nur al-Ihsan: kajian menurut kaedah ekserp.

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    Tafsir Nur al-Ihsan merupakan tafsir kedua selepas Tarjuman al-Mustafid yang ditulis dalam bahasa Melayu pada abad ke-19 Masihi oleh Syeikh Muhammad Sa’id bin Umar. Objektif utama kajian ini adalah untuk mengesan dan memperlihatkan pengaruh sumber teks luar yang terdapat di dalam teks Tafsir Nur al-Ihsan. Proses menganalisis Tafsir Nur al-Ihsan akan menggunakan bacaan intertekstual dengan memberi tumpuan kepada kaedah ekserp. Dari sudut metodologi penyelidikan, kajian ini berbentuk kaedah analisis teks dan juga lapangan yang menggunakan pendekatan subjektif bagi melihat data secara deskriptif dan kualitatif. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa terdapat sebelas buah karya yang telah mempengaruhi intipati teks Tafsir Nur al-Ihsan, iaitu Tafsir al-Jalalyn, Tafsir al-Jamal, Tafsir al- Baydawi, Tafsir al-Khazin, Tafsir al-Baghawi, Tafsir al-Tabari, Tafsir al-Qurtubi, Tafsir al-Razi, Tafsir al-Nasafi, Tafsir Ibn Kathir, dan Tafsir al-Tha’labi. Dapatan analisis juga membuktikan bahawa karya yang mendominasi Teks Tafsir Nur al-Ihsan ialah Tafsir al-Jamal

    Pendekatan Dakwah Kontemporari Melalui Kesenian

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    Perkembangan dakwah pada masa kini menuntut kepada pendekatan yang pelbagai selari dengan peredaran zaman dan keadaan masyarakat pada masa kini. Penyampaian dakwah tidak lagi terikat dengan cara berceramah atau pendekatan secara tradisi semata-mata bahkan perlu kepada pendekatan kontemporari yang dapat memenuhi keinginan sasaran dakwah. Menyedari kesenian yang mempunyai nilai-nilai keindahan dan berupaya memberi daya tarikan kepada manusia, maka pemanfaatan kesenian dalam dakwah adalah suatu yang cukup signifikan. Di samping berperanan memenuhi tuntutan fitrah, kesenian yang menepati batasan syariat serta mengandungi elemen-elemen mendidik turut berpotensi besar dalam mempengaruhi pemikiran dan gaya hidup ke arah yang lebih positif. Justeru, kesenian dilihat sebagai salah satu medium dakwah yang berkesan dalam menyebarluaskan Islam kepada sasaran khalayak. Oleh yang demikian, kajian secara analisis dokumen serta hasil kajian dalam bentuk buku, jurnal dan kertas kerja ini membincangkan tentang konsep dakwah dan kesenian, kesenian menurut perspektif Islam dan kesenian sebagai pendekatan dakwah kontemporari.The development of da'wah demands a diverse approach in line with the passage of time and the state of society today. The delivery of preaching is no longer tied to lectures or traditional approaches but is even necessary to contemporary approaches that meet the demands of the target audience. Realizing that art has the values of beauty and can give charm to human beings, then the use of art in da'wah is quite significant. In addition to contributing to the demands of nature, art that meets Shari'a boundaries and contains educational elements also has the potential to influence thinking and lifestyle more positively. As such, art is seen as one of the effective mediums for propagating Islam to its target audience through the use of communication technology and social media applications. Therefore, the study by document analysis as well as the results of research in the form of books, journals, and papers discuss the concept of da'wah and art, art according to Islamic perspective and art as a contemporary da'wah approach. Perkembangan dakwah pada masa kini menuntut kepada pendekatan yang pelbagai selari dengan peredaran zaman dan keadaan masyarakat pada masa kini. Penyampaian dakwah tidak lagi terikat dengan cara berceramah atau pendekatan secara tradisi semata-mata bahkan perlu kepada pendekatan kontemporari yang dapat memenuhi keinginan sasaran dakwah. Menyedari kesenian yang mempunyai nilai-nilai keindahan dan berupaya memberi daya tarikan kepada manusia, maka pemanfaatan kesenian dalam dakwah adalah suatu yang cukup signifikan. Di samping berperanan memenuhi tuntutan fitrah, kesenian yang menepati batasan syariat serta mengandungi elemen-elemen mendidik turut berpotensi besar dalam mempengaruhi pemikiran dan gaya hidup ke arah yang lebih positif. Justeru, kesenian dilihat sebagai salah satu medium dakwah yang berkesan dalam menyebarluaskan Islam kepada sasaran khalayak melalui penggunaan aplikasi teknologi komunikasi dan media sosial. Oleh yang demikian, kajian secara analisis dokumen serta hasil kajian dalam bentuk buku, jurnal dan kertas kerja ini membincangkan tentang konsep dakwah dan kesenian, kesenian menurut perspektif Islam dan kesenian sebagai pendekatan dakwah kontemporari

    Article Review: Trypanosomiasis

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    A protozoan infection of the disease is impacting both humans and animals in nearly every region worldwide. It can represent a wide range of domestic and wild hosts, including deer, elephants, goats, sheep, dogs, pigs, horses, cattle, buffaloes, and camelids. Due to varying diagnostic techniques such as Giemsa-stained blood smears, molecular assay (PCR), and serological testing, in addition to variations in the spread of Tse tse flies (vector), the prevalence of trypanosomiasis varies between the countries. In Sudan, the prevalence of trypanosomiasis in camels is higher than in other nations; (17% and 51.78%) of cases, respectively, are clinical and non-clinical. Therefore, it is important to utilize accurate diagnostic tests for quick treatment or illness control, as delayed treatment might result in the camels\u27 death

    Ceftaroline fosamil in the treatment of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

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    Ceftaroline fosamil, a cephalosporin approved by the FDA for treating infections caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Staphylococcus aureus, particularly MRSA strains, poses a significant health risk due to antibiotic resistance. Ceftaroline fosamil is unique in its ability to bind to penicillin-binding protein 2a (PBP2a) found in MRSA, inhibiting bacterial cell wall synthesis and causing bacterial death. The pharmacokinetics of ceftaroline involve rapid conversion to its active form, primarily excretion through the kidneys, and a plasma protein binding rate of approximately 20%. Ceftaroline is effective against complex skin and soft tissue infections (cSSTIs) and community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), especially when MRSA is suspected. However, its efficacy against gram-negative bacteria is limited. The safety profile of ceftaroline fosamil is generally good, with reported adverse events comparable to other comparator agents in clinical trials. It is contraindicated in individuals with hypersensitivity to cephalosporins. Comparative efficacy with other antibiotics like vancomycin and daptomycin is discussed, emphasizing the importance of considering individual patient characteristics and local prevalence of resistant bacteria. The use of ceftaroline fosamil in special populations, such as pediatric and adult patients. While its efficacy in pediatric MRSA infections is explored, the lack of large-scale clinical trials for certain conditions like MRSA bacteremia is acknowledged. Clinical outcomes, including successful treatment of MRSA bacteremia, infective endocarditis, central nervous system infections, and nosocomial pneumonia, are discussed, suggesting ceftaroline fosamil's potential as a valuable therapeutic option. The conclusion underscores its breakthrough status, offering hope in addressing MRSA infections and improving patient outcomes

    The Maintenance Of Striped Catfish (Pangasius Hypopthalumus) In Bioflocs Technology With Probiotics Dosage Different

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    This research was conducted from May until June 2016 at Laboratory Aquaculture ofTechnology Faculty Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Riau. The purpose of thisresearch was to investigate growth and survival rate of striped catfish with probiotics dosage isdifferent in bioflocs techniques. This research using experimental method and completelyrandom design (RAL) one factor with three treatment there are P0: without giving probiotics(control), P1: probiotics giving 5 ml/m3, P2: probiotics giving 10 ml/m3, P3: probiotics giving 15ml/m3. The result showed that maintenance striped catfish with probiotics dosage is differentgiving affect significantly on the growth of absolute weight, absolute length growth, but notaffect significantly on the survival rate and food efficiency, specific growth rate and foodconversation rate (FCR). The best treatment were obtained in treatment three (P3) withprobiotics dosage giving 15 ml/m3 with value growth of absolute weight 7,08 gram, growth inabsolute length 3,85 cm, specific growth rate 3,69 %, food efficiency (EP) 70,06 %, foodconversation rate (FCR) 1,51, flock volume 2,1 ml and survival rate 58 %
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