450 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana hubungan antara autopsi dan hukum acara pidana dalam penegakan hukum dan bagaimana kegunaan autopsi pada tindak pidana pembunuhan.  Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Hubungan autopsi dengan hukum acara pidana yakni melalui pemeriksaan secara ilmiah dalam melakukan autopsi dapat diperoleh pegangan objektif dan ilmiah dalam melakukan penyidikan, penuntutan, pembelaan atau pemutusan perkara di sidang pengadilan. 2. Kegunaan Autopsi (bedah mayat) merupakan suatu tindakan medis yang dilakukan atas dasar undang-undang sesuai permintaan aparat penegak hukum (penyidik Polri) untuk medapatkan penjelasan penyebab kematian terhadap suatu tindakan pidana pembunuhan.    Kata kunci: Aspek Hukum, Autops, Tindak Pidana, Pembunuhan Berencana, Racu

    Mechanisms of Action Involved in Ozone Therapy: Is healing induced via a mild oxidative stress?

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    The potential mechanisms of action of ozone therapy are reviewed in this paper. The therapeutic efficacy of ozone therapy may be partly due the controlled and moderate oxidative stress produced by the reactions of ozone with several biological components. The line between effectiveness and toxicity of ozone may be dependent on the strength of the oxidative stress. As with exercise, it is well known that moderate exercise is good for health, whereas excessive exercise is not

    Mapping the <i>Shh</i> long-range regulatory domain

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    Coordinated gene expression controlled by long-distance enhancers is orchestrated by DNA regulatory sequences involving transcription factors and layers of control mechanisms. The Shh gene and well-established regulators are an example of genomic composition in which enhancers reside in a large desert extending into neighbouring genes to control the spatiotemporal pattern of expression. Exploiting the local hopping activity of the Sleeping Beauty transposon, the lacZ reporter gene was dispersed throughout the Shh region to systematically map the genomic features responsible for expression activity. We found that enhancer activities are retained inside a genomic region that corresponds to the topological associated domain (TAD) defined by Hi-C. This domain of approximately 900 kb is in an open conformation over its length and is generally susceptible to all Shh enhancers. Similar to the distal enhancers, an enhancer residing within the Shh second intron activates the reporter gene located at distances of hundreds of kilobases away, suggesting that both proximal and distal enhancers have the capacity to survey the Shh topological domain to recognise potential promoters. The widely expressed Rnf32 gene lying within the Shh domain evades enhancer activities by a process that may be common among other housekeeping genes that reside in large regulatory domains. Finally, the boundaries of the Shh TAD do not represent the absolute expression limits of enhancer activity, as expression activity is lost stepwise at a number of genomic positions at the verges of these domains


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    Sejak dari zaman dahulu sudah turun temurun tanaman obat sering di jadikan sebagai bahan yang mengatasi macam-macam jenis penyakit serta menjadikan tanaman tersebut sebagai tanaman obat keluarga.  Tanaman obat keluarga (TOGA) dapat diolah menjadi berbagai jenis olahan sehingga dapat dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat sebagai obat alamiah pengganti obat kimia. Keberhasilan sosialisasi dapat membuat minat masyarakat meningkat untuk memanfaatkan pengobatan tradisional tersebut karena berasal dari bahan yang alami dan lebih murah serta bahannya lebih mudah didapatkan. Masyarakat desa Mundung Satu Kecamatan Tombatu Timur Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara mempunyai pengetahuan yang berbeda-beda tentang Tanaman Obat Keluarga untuk Hipertensi. Penelitian ini dengan tujuan untuk dapat mengetahui pengaruh promosi kesehatan dalam tingkat pengetahuan tanaman obat keluarga (seledri dan sereh) untuk hipertensi di desa Mundung Satu. Quasi eksperimen seperti intervensi penyuluhan kesehatan secara langsung dan menggunakan leaflet melalui door to door kepada masyarakat adalah desain penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitan dengan rancangan one group pre test and post test design. Teknik pengambilan sampel ini adalah pengambilan sampel secara acak sistematis (Systematic Random Sampling) sebanyak 76 responden. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik t test dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil pengujian didapatkan nilai T hitung pengetahuan sebelum-sesudah penyuluhan untuk desa Mundung Satu yaitu T hitung = -46,283 dengan p value = 0,000 artinya terdapat peningkatan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan responden sebelum dan sesudah dilaksanakannya penyuluhan.  Kata Kunci : Promosi Kesehatan, Tanaman Obat Keluarga, Hipertensi   ABSTRACTSince ancient times, medicinal plants have been used for generations to treat various types of diseases and make these plants as family medicinal plants. Family medicinal plants (TOGA) can be processed into various types of preparations so that they can be consumed by the public as natural medicines to replace chemical drugs. The success of the socialization can increase the public's interest to take advantage of these traditional medicines because they come from natural and cheaper ingredients and the ingredients are easier to obtain. The people of Mundung Satu village, Tombatu Timur District, Southeast Minahasa Regency have different knowledge about family medicinal plants for hypertension. This study aims to determine the effect of health promotion on the level of knowledge of family medicinal plants (celery and lemongrass) for hypertension in Mundung Satu village. Quasi-experimental such as direct health counseling interventions and using leaflets through door to door to the public are the research designs used in this study. This research is a type of research with one group pre test and post test design. The sampling technique was systematic random sampling (Systematic Random Sampling) of 76 respondents. Data analysis used statistical t test with a confidence level of 95%. The test results obtained the T value of the knowledge before-after counseling for Mundung Satu village, namely T count = -46,283 with p value = 0,000 meaning that there was a significant increase between the respondent's knowledge before and after the implementation of the counseling. Keywords : Health Promotion, Physic Garden, Hypertensio

    Chromosomal Dynamics at the Shh Locus: Limb Bud-Specific Differential Regulation of Competence and Active Transcription

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    The expression of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) in mouse limb buds is regulated by a long-range enhancer 1 Mb upstream of the Shh promoter. We used 3D-FISH and chromosome conformation capture assays to track changes at the Shh locus and found that long-range promoter-enhancer interactions are specific to limb bud tissues competent to express Shh. However, the Shh locus loops out from its chromosome territory only in the posterior limb bud (zone of polarizing activity or ZPA), where Shh expression is active. Notably, while Shh mRNA is detected throughout the ZPA, enhancer-promoter interactions and looping out were only observed in small fractions of ZPA cells. In situ detection of nascent Shh transcripts and unstable EGFP reporters revealed that active Shh transcription is likewise only seen in a small fraction of ZPA cells. These results suggest that chromosome conformation dynamics at the Shh locus allow transient pulses of Shh transcription

    Chromosomal Dynamics at the Shh Locus: Limb Bud-Specific Differential Regulation of Competence and Active Transcription

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    SummaryThe expression of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) in mouse limb buds is regulated by a long-range enhancer 1 Mb upstream of the Shh promoter. We used 3D-FISH and chromosome conformation capture assays to track changes at the Shh locus and found that long-range promoter-enhancer interactions are specific to limb bud tissues competent to express Shh. However, the Shh locus loops out from its chromosome territory only in the posterior limb bud (zone of polarizing activity or ZPA), where Shh expression is active. Notably, while Shh mRNA is detected throughout the ZPA, enhancer-promoter interactions and looping out were only observed in small fractions of ZPA cells. In situ detection of nascent Shh transcripts and unstable EGFP reporters revealed that active Shh transcription is likewise only seen in a small fraction of ZPA cells. These results suggest that chromosome conformation dynamics at the Shh locus allow transient pulses of Shh transcription

    Kondisi terumbu karang di pulau Salawati kabupaten Raja Ampat Papua Barat

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    Terumbu karang adalah suatu ekosistem di laut dangkal tropis, di mana unsur penyusun utamanya karang batu, dengan berbagai biota lainnya yang hidup berasosiasi di dalamnya. Fenomena alam dan berbagai kegiatan antropogenik mengancam kesehatan maupun keberadaan terumbu karang. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode UPT (Underwater Photo Transect) atau Transek Foto Bawah Air dilakukan dengan pemotretan bawah air menggunakan kamera digital yang diberi pelindung (housing). Analisis gambar dengan menggunakan piranti software CPCe (Coral Point Count with Excel extensions). Hasil penilaian kondisi kesehatan terumbu karang ditiga  Stasiun di Pulau Salawati, tutupan terumbu karang di setiap Stasiun adalah sebagai berikut, Stasiun 1 55,13% termasuk dalam kategori baik, Stasiun 2 15,80% termasuk dalam kategori buruk, dan Stasiun 3 18,20% termasuk dalam kategoti buruk