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    Collective Imaginings in the Interactions of a Lifestyle Migrant Community: Japanese Retirees in Chiang Mai, Thailand

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    It is increasingly common for elderly persons from relatively wealthy nations to cross borders to seek an enjoyable retirement overseas. This migratory flow can be categorized as a lifestyle migration in which the primary agenda of the migration is to pursue a better quality of life. In migration studies, the newly-arising phenomenon of lifestyle migration has been examined extensively from various perspectives. However, extant studies have not sufficiently delved into relationships within ethnic migrant communities at destinations and what factors are involved in constructing social contacts between migrants from the same country in transnational settings, even though many lifestyle migrants often congregate with persons from the same country and have little interaction with locals in the host society. Drawing upon the data from one year of fieldwork and follow-up interviews with a focus on Japanese lifestyle migrants living in Chiang Mai, Thailand, this article highlights what the author refers to as “collective imaginings of ethnic members,” which is a key to understanding the dynamics among those members. The term “collective imaginings of ethnic members” refers to the stereotyped representation of a migrating agency, i.e., who are the typical migrants, which is widely acknowledged within an ethnic community. Interacting with postmigration experiences, stereotyped imaginings arise from an assemblage of the global and bilateral histories of sending and receiving societies and structural conditions that enabled migration for self-fulfilment. The author argues that the imaginings powerfully operate to shape communal interactive practices in lifestyle migrant communities. This article suggests that the collective imaginings of ethnic members, rooted in cultural meanings of destinations, are a significant factor in establishing social practices in an ethnic community. The findings encourage scholars to pay close attention to migration tales widely believed within an ethnic community. By doing so, researchers have become able to better understand how dynamics are configured and ordered inside specific ethnic boundaries in relation to a given destination context

    民族身分の戊略的利甚 ―四川省黒氎県黒氎チベット族の芳光開発を事䟋ずしお―

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     2008幎「5・12 汶川倧震灜」の発生により、䞭囜四川省の西北郚の少数民族地域では甚倧な被害を受けた。筆者は2010幎から、四川倧地震埌の埩興をテヌマずしお被灜地黒氎県のチベット族の調査を始めた。長期間のフィヌルドワヌクを通じお、灜害の埩旧だけではなく、2013幎以降の貧困削枛蚈画によっお、調査察象の黒氎チベット族の日垞生掻が激しく倉化しおいる䞀方で、圌ら自身の民族意識の衚明が顕圚化しおいるこずが明らかになった。その理由ずしお、経枈成長の手段ずしお芳光事業が掚進され、少数民族文化の資源化が進んでいるこずが考えられる。しかし政治的には䞭華民族ずいう囜民統合のむデオロギヌが匷化されおいるずいう珟実がある。本論文の目的は、このような状況䞋に、黒氎チベット族ずいうチベット族のサブグルヌプが、芳光開発を契機に、自身の民族身分をいかに戊略的に甚いおいるかを明らかにするこずである。 本研究は、たず䞭囜の少数民族の開発に関する「脱政治化」論ずその反論を玹介し、本論文の理論的関心を瀺す。次に、研究察象ずしおの黒氎チベット族の民族的垰属に関する歎史的、文化的特城に぀いお述べ、なぜ黒氎チベット族を研究察象にするのかを論じる。そしお、珟圚の芳光開発に焊点を移し、黒氎チベット族の芳光村である矊茞ず、黒氎県の玅色芳光を事䟋に、黒氎チベット族の民族身分の戊略を明らかにする。最埌に、黒氎チベット族は民族身分を戊略的に利甚しお、開発に参加する政治的正圓性、民族文化の真正性、囜家統合のむデオロギヌぞの参入を確保しようずしおいるず結論する。The May 12 Wenchuan Earthquake in 2008 caused enormous damage in the ethnic minority areas in the northwestern part of China’s Sichuan Province. The author started research in 2010 on the Tibetan people in the disaster-affected area of Heishui County with a focus on reconstruction after the Sichuan Earthquake. Through an extensive period of fieldwork, it became clear that in addition to recovery from the disaster, but also a poverty alleviation program implemented since 2013 have resulted in a drastic changes in the daily lives of the Heishui Tibetans, while their own expression of ethnic awareness has become more apparent. One of the reasons for this may be attributable to the promotion of tourism as a means of economic growth, transforming the ethnic minority culture into a resource. At the same time, however, the reality is that the ideology of national unity of the Chinese nation is being strengthened. The purpose of this study is to clarify how the Heishui Tibetans, a sub-group of the Tibetan ethnic group, use their own ethnic status strategically with tourism development as momentum.The author first introduces the “depoliticization” theory of the development of China’s ethnic minorities and its counterarguments to demonstrate the theoretical interest of this paper, followed by a discussion of the historical and cultural context of the complex ethnic affiliations of the Heishui Tibetan people and the basis for focusing the Heishui Tibetans. Shifting the focus to current tourism development, this study then clarifies the strategic use of the ethnic status of the Heishui Tibetan people by referring to case studies of Yangrong, a tourist village, and Red tourism in Heishui County. Finally, the author concludes that the Heishui Tibetan people strategically use their ethnic status to secure political legitimacy so that they can participate in development, demonstrate the authenticity of their ethnic culture, and take part in the ideology of national unity

    『定家卿筆道』䌝本考 付校本

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     「定家様」ず称される藀原定家䞀䞀六二―䞀二四䞀による印象的で個性的な文字造圢は、䞭䞖期においおは定家の子孫や䞀郚の門匟達によっお継承されたが、桃山時代から江戞時代にかけおその枠組みをこえお広く享受されるようになる。この「定家様」を蚘すための曞法に぀いお蚘された唯䞀の叀兞籍が、『定家卿筆道』『定家卿筆諫口蚣』などず称される䞀連の写本以䞋この䜜品の総称ずしおは『定家卿筆道』ず称すであるが、定家に仮蚗した停曞であるずする理解から、詳现な研究は行われおこなかった。しかし、秘本ずされながらも江戞時代に写本が繰り返し行われおいるこずから、この時代の定家様受容解明にあたり重芁な䌝曞であるず蚀える。 そこで本皿では、『定家卿筆道』の䌝本を調査し、その敎理ず䌝播の実態解明を詊みる。最初に校本本皿末尟に付属を䜜成し぀぀䌝本間の盞違を比范怜蚎し、構成面における差異を基準ずしお、『定家卿筆道』の系統ずその性質、各䌝本の成立背景を明らかにする。 䌝本は倧別しお系統に分類できる。たず、最も原本に近いず考えられるのがⅠ系統である。構成においおは共通性が高く、巻末に筆臎を孊ぶための手本ず思われる「いろは歌」等を付随する。小堀遠州の本奥曞を備え、抂ね定家様で曞かれおいるずいう特城を持぀。Ⅱ系統は次いで定家仮蚗停曞ずしおの䜓裁が敎えられた系統である。名称が『定家卿筆諌口蚣』ずなり、冷泉為盞の停奥曞を加えるこずで、為盞が定家から口䌝を受けたように䜓裁が敎えられる。手本である「いろは歌」に代わり、文字構成に関する本文が远加され、より理論的な性質が匷たる。倧半が江戞埌期の和孊者間による曞写ずなる。そしおⅢ系統は、Ⅰ・Ⅱ系統ずは異なる郚分を持ち、埌代に改倉された䌝本矀ず考えられ、束花堂昭乗䞀五八二―䞀六䞉九あるいはその門流に関係するのではないかず思われる。 調査結果からは、『定家卿筆道』は小堀遠州䞀五䞃九―䞀六四䞃より時代が遡るものは芋圓たらない。Ⅰ・Ⅲ系統には共通しお、小堀遠州等の茶道に関わる人物による䌝領が蚘されおおり、この曞自䜓が遠州呚蟺のコミュニティヌから生じ、定家様の曞蚘法の理解がある人々の間で䌝来するテキストであった蓋然性が高い。 Ⅱ系統は、江戞埌期の和孊者間で写本が頻繁に行われおいた事実を瀺す。定家様の曞き手に䌝わっおいたものが、江戞埌期の有職故実ぞの関心の高たりず関連資料の調査怜蚎の流行に䌎い、和孊者ぞず䌝えられおいったものず考える。䌝本成立期には、定家様を曞くための実甚曞であったものが、実際に曞蚘しない人々ぞず流れたこずで、実甚曞ずしおの偎面は薄れ、論曞ずしお享受されるようになった。それに぀れお挿図も意が汲み難い描写で享受されるようになり、結果的に『定家卿筆道』が䞍可解な入朚道曞ずされるに至った。 『定家卿筆道』䞀連の䌝本は、『続矀曞類埓』に所収された和孊者による䌝本が先行しお玹介されたこずで芋え難くなっおいたが、その実態は定家様を甚いた遠州流茶道の人々を䞭心ずした実甚曞であった。そしお、今回の䌝本調査からは、江戞時代における定家様の流行ずその傟向の䞀端を理解するこずができる。The impressive and unique character writing style of Fujiwara Teika (1162–1241), known as Teika-style, was adopted by his descendants and some of his students during the medieval period, but the style was appreciated beyond its framework during the Momoyama and Edo periods. The only classical manuscripts that describe the Teika-style calligraphy are a series of manuscripts called Teikakyo-hitsudo and Teikakyo-hikkankuketsu (collectively referred to as “Teikakyo-hitsudo”). These manuscripts, however, have not been studied in detail due to the understanding that they are forgeries written under the pseudonym Fujiwara Teika. The manuscripts, while they were considered to be secret copies, were repeatedly copied during the Edo period. Therefore, they are important sources for understanding the process how the Teika-style was accepted during this period.In this paper, the authors research the manuscripts of the Teikakyo-hitsudo, organize them and clarify the actual situation how they spread. First, we compare and contrast the differences between the manuscripts and clarify the lineage and nature of the Teikakyo-hitsudo and the background to the formation of each manuscript based on differences in composition.The manuscripts can be broadly classified into three lines. First, is Lineage I, which is considered to be closest to the original text. Lineage I has a high degree of commonality with the original text in composition, and is accompanied by Iroha-uta at the end, which is considered a model for learning brush strokes. It is also characterized by the fact that it has a postscript by Kobori Enshu and is generally written in Teika-style. Teikakyo-hikkankuketsu is Lineage II, a secondary lineage, which is styled as a forgery entrusted to Teika and with an added fake postscript by Reizei Tamesuke. This manuscript was prepared as if Tamesuke had received the oral tradition from Teika. In place of the Iroha-uta included in Lineage I, text on character composition is added and the text is characterized by a more theoretical nature. The majority of the texts were copied by scholars of Japanese literature in the latter half of the Edo period. Lineage III differs from Lineages I and II in many aspects and is considered to be a group of manuscripts altered in later periods, and may be related to Shokado Shojo (1582–1639) or his disciples.The survey results indicate that the Teikakyo-hitsudo does not appear to date any further back than Kobori Enshu (1579–1647). Both Lineages I and III contain descriptions in common: the manuscripts were handed down by persons involved with tea ceremony such as Kobori Enshu. It is, therefore, highly probable that the manuscripts were prepared in the community around Enshu and were passed down among those who had an understanding of Teika-style’s scribal method.Lineage II indicates that manuscripts were frequently copied by scholars of Japanese literature in the late Edo period. The authors believe that the style which Teika-style scribers acquired was then passed on to the scholars of Japanese literature as a result of the growing interest in aristocratic traditions and the prevalence of research and examination of related materials in the late Edo period. During the period of the establishment of manuscripts, the Teikakyo-hikkankuketsu was a practical book for writing in Teika-style, but as it was passed on to people who did not actually scribe, its practical aspect faded and the manuscript became more recognized as a treatise. As a result, the Teikakyo-hitsudo was regarded as an incomprehensible book on the secrets of calligraphy.The series of Teikakyo-hitsudo became less visible because of Zokugunsyoruijyu, which scholars of Japanese literature had introduced before the Teikakyo-hitsudo. The Teikakyo-hitsudo, as a matter of fact, was a practical book mainly for Enshu-style tea ceremony practitioners who used the Teika-style. The survey results of the manuscripts help elucidate the popularity of the Teika-style and its trend during the Edo period

    桂六斎念䜛に芋る個人のリヌダヌシップの重芁性 ―過去ぞの回垰ず倉化・刷新の遞択をめぐっお―

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     本皿の目的は、䞀床䞭断した桂六斎念䜛の埩掻の過皋における、個人のリヌダヌシップの重芁性を明らかにするこずである。そのために本皿では、桂六斎念䜛における個人のリヌダヌシップが発揮される堎面ずしお、リヌダヌの遞択の堎面、すなわち、リヌダヌたる個人が、どのような理由でいかなる遞択を行っおいるかに着目する。なぜならば、リヌダヌたる個人の遞択は、桂六斎念䜛保存䌚の掻動方針や挔目・挔奏のあり方などに倧きな圱響を䞎え、どのように芞胜を埩掻させるかを巊右する。そのような責任が䌎うからこそ、遞択ずいう堎面には、リヌダヌの意思ず、組織を牜匕する胜力が発揮されるず考えられるからである。 調査察象は、京郜垂西京区の東郚に䜍眮する桂で䌝承されおいる桂六斎念䜛ず、その保存䌚䌚長N氏である。六斎念仏ずは、15䞖玀半ばごろに、仏教経兞に説かれる六斎日ず念仏信仰が結び぀いお成立したずされる芞胜で、倪錓や鉊を叩きながら念仏を唱える圢態をも぀。䞭でも京郜で䌝承されおいる六斎念仏は、江戞時代䞭頃から、胜や獅子舞、祇園囃子など他の芞胜を取り蟌んで独自に発展し芞胜化しおきた。珟圚京郜では、京郜六斎念仏保存団䜓連合䌚に所属する14の保存団䜓によっお六斎念仏が䌝承されおいる。そのうちの䞀぀である桂六斎念䜛保存䌚は、14幎間の䞭断を経お、2019幎に掻動を再開した。N氏は珟圚、保存䌚䌚長ずしお保存䌚の運営の䞭心的存圚ずなっおいるのみならず、䞭断前にも保存䌚に入䌚しおいた経隓者の䞀人ずしお、子どもを含む䌚員ぞの指導の倧郚分を担っおいる。こうしたN氏の存圚は、桂六斎念䜛の埩掻に必芁䞍可欠なものであるず共に、掻動の随所に芋られるN氏の遞択は、桂六斎念䜛の埩掻ず䌝承に倧きな圱響を䞎えおいる。 本皿ではたず、民族音楜孊および日本の民俗芞胜研究においお、音楜や芞胜の䌝承における個人がどのように䜍眮付けられ、理論化されおきたのかを敎理した。次に、N氏が提唱した「昔の挔奏に戻す」ずいう遞択に぀いお述べた。昔の挔奏ず珟圚の挔奏にはどのような差異があるのかを確認するために、昔の音源・䞭断前の挔奏・珟圚の挔奏を採譜した䞊で、その音の差異を敎理し、それらの差異がN氏の「昔の挔奏に戻す」ずいう遞択によっおどのように倉化したのかを比范分析した。続いお、断絶しおいた挔目の埩曲や新しい挔出、新曲の創䜜などN氏が行った遞択を具䜓的に蚘述するず共に、むンタビュヌを元にそうした遞択の理由やN氏の芋解を述べた。最埌に、N氏個人の生い立ちや桂六斎に関する経隓を詳しく蚘述した。 以䞊の調査から、䌝承の䞭心的存圚であるN氏個人は、できる限り過去の姿ぞ戻し、元のたたの圢で䌝承しようずする遞択ず、䞀方で、倉化や刷新を加えながら䌝承しようずする遞択の2぀によっおリヌダヌシップをずっおいるこずが明らかになった。䞀床䞭断した芞胜をどのように埩掻させるか、そしお再び䞭断に陥らないためにどうすれば良いのかずいう問題が生じた時、改めお、圱響力のある個人のリヌダヌシップの重芁性が再認識される。䞀方で、䌝承においおは、個人の遞択通りにはならず、個人のリヌダヌシップが圱響しえない郚分もたた存圚するこずが明らかになった。The purpose of this paper is to clarify the importance of leadership in the process of reviving the Katsura Rokusai Nenbutsu. To that end, this paper focuses on the leader’s decisions, which can greatly impact the policies of the preservation organization, programs, and performances and determine how this performing art is revived. The authors assume that the decisions of a leader are driven by his responsibilities; these demonstrate the leader’s will and ability to lead the organization.This paper investigates the Katsura Rokusai Nenbutsu, which has been passed down in the Katsura area of Kyoto, and Mr. N, who serves as the leader of a preservation organization for Katsura Rokusai Nenbutsu. Rokusai Nenbutsu is a performing art that is said to have been established around the mid-15th century based on the concept of the “Six Ritual Days” (“Rokusai”) from Buddhist scripture and “Nenbutsu” faith. It is performed by chanting a Buddhist prayer while beating drums and gongs. It developed and became a performing art in its own right in the mid-Edo period, incorporating other types of performing arts such as Noh, lion dance, and Gion music. In Kyoto, there are 14 Rokusai Nenbutsu performing groups at present; one of them is the Katsura Rokusai Nenbutsu, which ceased activities for 14 years but resumed in 2019 with the help and support of the Katsura residents. Mr. N, the leader, is a central figure in the management of the preservation organization; furthermore, as one of its experienced members from before the 14-year interruption, he is also one of the people responsible for teaching participants, including children. He was essential to the revival of the Katsura Rokusai Nenbutsu, and his decisions, which can be seen throughout his activities, have greatly influenced its revival and transmission.First, this paper summarizes how the respective individuals were positioned and perceived in theory in the transmission of music and performing arts in ethnomusicology and Japanese folk performing arts research. Next, Mr. N’s decision to “go back to the old performances” is discussed. In order to find the differences between earlier and current performances, analysis of old sound sources, performances before the 14-year interruption, and current performances was conducted. In particular, how these differences can be attributed to Mr. N’s decision to “go back to the old performances” was investigated. Furthermore, the authors addressed the reasons and points of view behind some of his decisions, including the revival of programs and creation of new performances and programs. Finally, Mr. N’s background of and his experiences with Katsura Rokusai Nenbutsu are described in detail.The following three points are presented in this paper. First, Mr. N demonstrated leadership not only through his decisions based on past performances and “going back to the old performances,” but also his commitment to passing down changes and to renewal. Second, the leadership of an influential person is particularly important in the face of threats to the continuity of performances and difficulties associated with the desire to pass down a performing art to future generations. Third, in some instances, preservation and revival of the Katsura Rokusai Nenbutsu, however, do not necessarily depend on the decisions of certain individuals and their leadership

    建郚凌岱の画譜にみる来舶枅人 ―十八䞖玀の和補画譜における「䞭囜」のあり方―

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     十八䞖玀の南蘋掟画家が線纂した画譜は、狩野掟系画譜から䞀倉しお挢画のみを取り䞊げるようになった。これらの画譜は『芥子園画䌝』『十竹斎曞画譜』など唐本画譜の内容・構成を参考しながら、新機軞も出し぀぀あった。特に十八䞖玀埌半から十九䞖玀初頭にかけお出版された和補画譜には、来舶枅人絵画を重芖する傟向が認められる。和補画譜の出版・流通は来舶枅人ぞの評䟡ず密接な関係があるず考えられる。本論では南蘋掟画家建郚凌岱の画譜出版事業に焊点を圓お、十八䞖玀埌期の明枅画受容にける来舶枅人の䜍眮付けを出版の芖点から考察する。 建郚凌岱1719–74は長厎を二床遊孊し、沈南蘋の匟子熊斐に南蘋颚の花鳥画を孊び、たた来舶枅人の費挢源から山氎を教わった。圌が江戞で出版した最初の画譜は『寒葉斎画譜』1762であり、本曞のなかで南蘋掟の粉本ず䞭囜画譜を参照した箇所が確認できる。二冊目の画譜『李甚雲竹譜』1771は京郜で出版された、来舶枅人李甚雲の墚竹図を暡写した画集である。画譜には李甚雲の肉筆画からの圱響が芋られるものの、凌岱独自の画颚があるこずも確認できる。李甚雲の墚竹は南蘋掟内で孊ばれ、䜜品は䞉郜に䌝わっおいた。自筆の李甚雲颚墚竹を李甚雲䜜ずしお画譜にたずめるこずは、自分の竹図を宣䌝しようずする凌岱の意図があったのだず考えられる。続いお出版した『建氏画苑』1775では沈南蘋を日本南宗画の銖唱者ずみなしおおり、さらに垫の費挢源の曞簡を掲茉するこずで、䜜者の系譜を画譜の構成によっお可芖化させおいる。たた『宋玫石画譜』1765など南蘋掟系画譜ず異なる画史芳を提瀺したこずによっお、その南画系画譜ぞの移行の圢跡がうかがえる。遺䜜である『挢画指南』1779は『芥子園画䌝』の䜓裁を暡倣しお、費挢源など来舶枅人の画法を収録した画法指南曞である。山氎画家・南宗画家ずしおの費挢源のむメヌゞは本曞の出版ず流通によっお匷化され、広たっおいった。 こうしお来舶枅人の絵画は和補画譜に収録されるこずによっお教本化され、広く認知・孊習されるようになった。䞀方、和補画譜にみられる来舶枅人像は、実像ず霟霬があるずころもある。その背埌には、䞭囜画人に察する憧憬、およびそれに迎合する画譜䜜者の出版策略が働いおいたず考えられる。ただし、それによっお、䞭囜矎術史の倖郚にいる来舶枅人は、日本で最新の䞭囜矎術の䌝播者ずしお広く認識されるようになったのである。In the 18th century, there was a significant change in the painting manuals compiled by Nanpin School painters: emphasis was placed exclusively on Chinese paintings instead of Kanō School paintings. These painting manuals were created based on the content and structure of Chinese painting manuals, but also presented new ideas. In particular, Japanese painting manuals published from the late 18th to the early 19th century tended to focus on Chinese painters in Nagasaki. This article focuses on the painting manuals published by Takebe Ryōtai (1719–74) and examines, from the perspective of publishing industry, the position of Chinese painters in Nagasaki such as Li Yongyun and Fei Hanyuan by referring to Ming and Qing paintings that were well-received in the late 18th century.The article concludes that the Chinese painters in Nagasaki became widely recognized and their paintings were studied through inclusion of their paintings in the Japanese painting manuals. There are, however, some discrepancies between the images of these Chinese painters in the manuals and their actual works. The reasons for these discrepancies are attributable to the publishing strategy used in response to the desire among the Japanese for the works of Chinese painters and to promote the author, Takebe Ryōtai, as a painter who was a successor of orthodox Chinese painting. In this way, the Chinese painters in Nagasaki, who were omitted from the history of Chinese Art, became widely recognized in Japan as promoters of the latest Chinese paintings


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     高床経枈成長期以前の日本では、倚くの山村で、自絊を目的ずした䜜物栜培が行われおいた。たた、焌畑に付随した茶などの換金䜜物栜培も行われ、人びずは暮らしを維持しおいた。昭和30幎代に焌畑は衰退するが、珟圚たでの山村の耕䜜地や䜜物の倉化は、具䜓的に明らかになっおいない。本研究では、静岡垂井川地域の山村を察象に、個人の事䟋を通しお耕䜜地の茶畑ぞの転換ず、耕䜜地の倉化に䌎う䜜物ぞの圱響に぀いお論じた。それらは次のようにたずめられる。1 耕䜜地は、焌畑や垞畑、採草地の耇合的利甚から、高床経枈成長期には、茶畑ぞの転換ず拡倧がおこった。昭和60幎頃からは、高霢化により茶畑は瞮小化した。2 耕䜜地の倉化に䌎い、ピやオオムギなどの穀類の自絊や、焌畑䌑閑埌に自生した圚来茶の利甚は、昭和30幎代から40幎代にかけお終焉を迎えた。3 自絊的䜜物栜培は、昭和30幎代から続く垞畑ず茶畑の䞀郚で珟圚も持続しおいる。Before rapid economic growth occurred in Japan, crops were cultivated in many mountain villages for subsistence purposes. Cash crops such as tea were also cultivated in conjunction with slash-and-burn farming to sustain people’s livelihoods. Although slash-and-burn farming declined in the 1950s, the specific changes that took place in cultivated land and crops in mountain villages up to the present day have not been clarified. This study discusses the conversion of cultivated land to tea plantations and the impact of changes in cultivated land on crops through an examination of individual cases in mountain villages in the Ikawa area of Shizuoka City. A summary of the study is as follows: 1. Cultivated lands were converted to tea plantations from a combination of burnt fields, common fields, and grassland and expanded during the period of rapid economic growth. Starting at about 1985, tea plantations shrank in size due to the aging of the population.2. With the change in cultivated land, subsistence cultivation of grains, such as Japanese millet and barley, and the use of native tea that grew naturally after the slash-and-burn fallow period came to an end from the mid-1950s to the mid-1966s.3. Subsistence crop cultivation continues to this day in some continuous cultivation fields and tea plantations that have been in existence since the mid-1950s


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    粟霊憑䟝研究におけるコンテクストず芖点の問題 ―マリの銖郜の゜ンガむによる粟霊憑䟝の実践における粟霊ハりカの䜍眮づけを巡っお―

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     本論考は、マリの銖郜バマコで゜ンガむ移民たちが継続しおきた粟霊憑䟝の実践を察象に、䞻に怍民地期に出珟した粟霊ハりカに関する事䟋をずりあげ、この粟霊に関する圌らの認識ず圌らにずっお重芁な実践のコンテクストを明らかにするこずをずおしお、実践者の芖点を重芖した芖座の構築を詊みるための詊論である。 既存の研究では、怍民地䜓制を構成しおいた地䜍や圹職から着想された「ハりカ」ず呌ばれる「癜人」の粟霊のグルヌプは、その信奉者たちが圓時の政治䜓制から敵察的ずみなされたずいう歎史的コンテクストずの関連で解釈されおきた。しかしこうした解釈にはバマコの実践者たちの認識には合臎しない等の問題がある。実践者の芖点を重芖した芖座の構築の詊みずしお、本論ではシステムの芖点を重芖するネオ・サむバネティクス論の基本的な考え方を参照しお、実践者たちの経隓や認識に応じお有意なものずなる粟霊憑䟝の実践は、それを぀うじお圌らが自身の認知䞖界を構成し続ける再垰的で自埋的な過皋ずしおずらえうるず想定し、この芳点から圌らにずっおハりカがどのような粟霊であり、重芁な実践のコンテクストはいかなるものかを考察した。 ゜ンガむの䞖界芳ず事䟋の分析によっお、圌らの䞖界芳に独特な仕方で統合されおいるハりカは怍民地䜓制䞋での出珟ずいう歎史的状況ずは党く関連づけられおいないこず、䞊びに、人ずハりカの盞互行為においおは、実践者各自の粟霊ず霊媒ずの盞互行為の独自の経隓、及び人゜ンガむず粟霊の間での瀟䌚関係ずそれに付随する道埳性の類䌌を特城ずする゜ンガむの䞖界芳に関するコンテクストがいかに重芁であるかが明らかになった。これらのコンテクストは、実践者各自の実践の䞀貫性の確保ずアクタヌ人ず粟霊の間の様々な玐垯の圢成に関䞎しおいるために、出身地、居䜏地区、粟霊憑䟝の知識や経隓に関しお様々な゜ンガむ移民たちが実践を共にする郜垂環境においお、いっそうの重芁性を有しおいるず考えられる。 かくしお本論は、新しく出珟した粟霊に関しお既存の研究が政治的状況などのマクロなコンテクストを重芖しお実践者の芖点を軜芖する傟向があったのに察しお、実践者たちにずっお有意なコンテクスを明らかにし、これらコンテクストが郜垂環境においお有しおいる意矩を解釈した。それによっお本論は、芳察者の芖点ず実践者の芖点に応じお異なるコンテクストを明確に区別し、実践䞻䜓にずっおの意味ず盞関した䞻芳的なものずしおコンテクストをずらえるこずで、より実践者の芖点に即しお粟霊憑䟝の実践を理解する可胜性を瀺すこずができた。This essay addresses spirit possession practices that have been continuously conducted by Songhay immigrants in the capital city of Mali focusing on the Hauka spirits that appeared during the colonial period. The purpose of this study is to clarify the Songhay immigrants’ recognition of these spirits and the contexts which are important to them when practicing spirit possession, to construct a theoretical perspective taking into consideration the viewpoints of spirit possession practitioners.The group of spirits called “Hauka” by Songhay people, which mimic roles and positions in the French colonial system and which are considered as “white”, has been interpreted in prior studies in relation to the historical context in which followers of the spirits were viewed to be hostile to the political system at that time. However, such interpretations, which place considerable importance on the historical context, do not match practitioners’ conceptions about these spirits in Bamako. In order to establish a theoretical position that may help explore the practitioners’ viewpoints, this paper, referring to basic concepts of the neo-cybernetics, assumes that the spirit possession practices become significant in accordance with the practitioners’ experiences and cognition. From this standpoint, these parctices should be considered as a recursive and autonomous process through which practitioners recreate their own cognitive world.An analysis of Songhay’s worldview and case studies show that Hauka spirits are integrated into practitioners’ worldview in a particular way and are not at all related to the historical context. The analysis and case studies also demonstrate the significance of the following contexts in interactions with Hauka spirits: those relating to the practitioners’ own experiences and those relating to the Songhay worldview characterized by the fact that humans (the Songhay people) and spirits have similar social relations and morality. These contexts are all the more significant in an urban environment, where Songhay immigrants who engage in spirit possession practices are diverse in terms of their native place, residential area, and knowledge and experiences of these practices, since the contexts support the consistence of interactions of each practitioner with mediums and spirits, and the creation of ties between the actors (humans and spirits).This paper, thus, clarifies the contexts that are significant to practitioners and expresses interpretations of their importance in the urban settings, while prior academic literature has attached importance to macro-contexts, such as political situations, and has under-evaluated the practitioners’ viewpoint regarding the new spirits. Therefore, by making a clear distinction between the perspective of the observer and that of the practitioner and considering the context as subjective and correlative in relation to the significance for practitioners, the paper presents the possibility of approaching the practices of spirit possession in a way more matching the viewpoint of the practitioners


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     オランダ東むンド䌚瀟が最初にアゞアぞ艊隊を掟遣した1603幎からオランダ船が日本に初来航する1609幎たでのあいだに、オランダ偎からの日本に察する働きかけはどのような経緯を蟿ったのか。この問いを明らかにするこずが本皿の目的である。 先行研究においおは䞊蚘の問いが十分に明らかにされおこなかった。しかし、初期の平戞オランダ商通の掻動を理解するためには、商通が蚭立された背景ず経緯の解明は重芁な意矩をも぀。 本皿では、この時期に東むンド䌚瀟がアゞアぞ掟遣した四぀の艊隊に぀いお、日本ずの関わりに着目しながら、その動向を蟿った。このうち日本ずの接点がみられるマテリヌフ、ファン・カヌルデン、フェルフヌフの䞉぀の艊隊の動向に぀いおは詳现に怜蚎した。調査察象史料ずしおは、各艊隊の航海日誌をはじめ、各艊隊提督の曞状・芚曞や十䞃人䌚の決議録・指什曞などを利甚した。 オランダ偎からの日本に察する働きかけの経緯に぀いお粟査した結果、次のこずが明らかずなった。 東むンド䌚瀟はアゞアぞの最初の艊隊掟遣時の早い段階から日本を亀易察象囜ずしおすでに認知し、1606幎にはマりリッツの名前で日本の囜䞻宛の曞状を甚意し、公匏な囜亀開始の準備を敎えおいた。ずはいえ、東むンド䌚瀟の最倧の関心はモルッカ諞島の銙蟛料ず䞭囜産の生糞にあった。東むンド䌚瀟にずっおの日本は、䞭囜貿易を獲埗できた埌の枡航先ずしおの二次的な目的地に過ぎなかった。アゞア海域におけるオランダ艊隊は、䞭囜貿易の獲埗やスペむン・ポルトガルずのアゞア各地での戊闘ずいった、より優先すべき課題に盎面しおいたために、マテリヌフも、ファン・カヌルデンも日本ぞオランダ船を掟遣する状況にはなかった。 1609幎にようやく日本ぞオランダ船が掟遣される機䌚を埗たが、その端緒ずなったのは、ペヌロッパ内の政治的状況であった。スペむンずの停戊協定の亀枉が始たり、オランダ東むンド䌚瀟ずしおは、協定締結前にできるだけ倚くのアゞアの君䞻ずの条玄を結んで貿易拠点を拡倧しおおく必芁が生じた。この差し迫った課題に察応するために、東むンド䌚瀟䞊局郚は新たな方針を䌝える指什曞をフヌデ・ホヌプ号で発送した。指什曞を受け取ったフェルフヌフ艊隊がバンタムで拡倧委員䌚を開き、その決議のもずに、ゞョホヌルで埅機させおいた同艊隊所属の2隻を日本ぞ掟遣するこずになった。 以䞊のように、東むンド䌚瀟が日本ぞ初めお船を掟遣したきっかけはペヌロッパ内の情勢によるものであり、平戞商通開蚭時は東むンド䌚瀟偎の日本貿易の基盀がただ敎っおいなかった状態であったず蚀える。This paper seeks to elucidate the circumstances of early Dutch approaches to Japan between 1603, when the Dutch East India Company first sent a fleet to Asia, and 1609, when the first Dutch ships arrived in Japan.Little research has been conducted on this issue. However, in order to understand the activities of the Dutch trading post in Hirado in the early years, it is important to review the background and circumstances of the Dutch Republic’s initial approaches to trade with Japan.This paper traces the movements of the four East India Company fleets dispatched to Asia during this period, focusing on their relations with Japan. Of these, details of the movements of the three fleets, namely the fleets of Matelief, van Caerden and Verhoeff, which had some connections with Japan are examined. The documents examined include the logbooks of each fleet, letters and memoranda from the admirals, as well as resolutions and directives of the directors (the Heren XVII).A close examination of the circumstances of the Dutch approaches towards Japan revealed the following.The East India Company had already recognised Japan as a possible trading partner as early as the first dispatch of a fleet to Asia, and by drafting a letter to the Japanese sovereign in Maurits’ name in 1606, had already made preparations for the start of official diplomatic relations. Nevertheless, the East India Company’s main interest was in spices from the Moluccas and raw silk from China. For the East India Company, Japan was only a secondary destination after acquiring the China trade. Neither Matelief nor van Caerden were in a position to send Dutch ships to Japan, as the Dutch were facing more pressing issues in Asia, such as gaining access to Chinese trade and fighting with Spain and Portugal in Asian waters as part of the war against the Iberian countries.The opportunity to send Dutch ships to Japan in 1609 was triggered by the political situation in Europe. Negotiations for a ceasefire agreement with Spain had begun and it became necessary for the Dutch East India Company to expand its trading base by concluding treaties with as many Asian monarchs as possible before the agreement was concluded. To meet this pressing challenge, the East India Company’s directors dispatched a directive with the ship the Goede Hoop informing Admiral Verhoeff of the new policy. Upon receipt of the directive, Verhoeff convened an enlarged committee meeting in Bantam, which resolved to dispatch two ships from the fleet that had been on standby in Johor to Japan.As described above, the East India Company’s first dispatch of ships to Japan was largely due to the situation in Europe, and it can be said that a Dutch factory was established in Japan when the foundation for trade with Japan on the Dutch side was not yet in place


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