1,793 research outputs found

    Wisdom Of Zakat (Muzakki Behavioral Phenomenon Of Paying Zakat For Professionals In Langsa City, Aceh Province): bahasa

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    Zakat is defined as one of the pillars of Islam, however  the presence of professional zakat that has developed in contemporary times, nowadays has received various responses from the community. This paper aims to analyze how the behavior of people in Langsa City in paying professional zakat. this study also tries to elaborate the wisdom felt by the community while consistently paying professional zakat. Method used in writing this research is a qualitative which based on field research. A phenomenological approach is employed to unravel the wisdom of zakat felt by muzakki. This study involved 5 (five) informants with interview and documentation data sources approachs. This study found that the behavior of muzakki in paying professional zakat is reflected in the theory of planned behavior which includes attitudes, subjective norms as well as behavioral control. In terms of the attitude; the behavior of muzakki in paying zakat is driven by psychological wisdom, social wisdom, economic wisdom and biological wisdom. Moreover, in regards to subjective norms, the behavior of muzakki in paying professional zakat is encouraged by several media including families, educational institutions, through online information, government regulations and organizations. In terms of behavioral control, muzakki pay zakat since there are systems provided for paying zakat systematically, manually, as well as online

    Characterizing the original ejection velocity field of the Koronis family

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    An asteroid family forms as a result of a collision between an impactor and a parent body. The fragments with ejection speeds higher than the escape velocity from the parent body can escape its gravitational pull. The cloud of escaping debris can be identified by the proximity of orbits in proper element, or frequency, domains. Obtaining estimates of the original ejection speed can provide valuable constraints on the physical processes occurring during collision, and used to calibrate impact simulations. Unfortunately, proper elements of asteroids families are modified by gravitational and non-gravitational effects, such as resonant dynamics, encounters with massive bodies, and the Yarkovsky effect, such that information on the original ejection speeds is often lost, especially for older, more evolved families. It has been recently suggested that the distribution in proper inclination of the Koronis family may have not been significantly perturbed by local dynamics, and that information on the component of the ejection velocity that is perpendicular to the orbital plane (vWv_W), may still be available, at least in part. In this work we estimate the magnitude of the original ejection velocity speeds of Koronis members using the observed distribution in proper eccentricity and inclination, and accounting for the spread caused by dynamical effects. Our results show that i) the spread in the original ejection speeds is, to within a 15% error, inversely proportional to the fragment size, and ii) the minimum ejection velocity is of the order of 50 m/s, with larger values possible depending on the orbital configuration at the break-up.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in Icaru


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    Rumah merupakan tempat tinggal dan tempat seseorang menghabiskan banyak waktu di dalamnya. Akan tetapi, pada saat tertentu rumah harus ditinggalkan dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Rumah yang ditinggalkan pemiliknya memiliki potensi terjadinya tindak pencurian, sehingga diperlukan sebuah sistem keamanan. Salah satu solusi untuk mengurangi resiko terjadinya pencurian adalah melakukan pencegahan dengan strategi situational crime prevention. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain sebuah sistem keamanan rumah melalui sebuah perangkat elektronika yang dapat memanipulasi situasi rumah. Hal tersebut dilakukan berdasarkan kebiasaan pemilik rumah dalam mengoperasikan peralatan listrik, sehingga situasi rumah yang ditinggalkan tetap sama dengan kondisi sehari-hari. Sistem ini dirancang menggunakan mikrokontroler yang akan membangkitkan dua tahapan bilangan acak. Tahapan pertama, setiap 10 menit sistem akan mengacak bilangan 0 sampai 7 yang merupakan jumlah peralatan listrik yang dikontrol. Tahapan kedua sistem akan mengacak durasi penyalaan setiap peralatan listrik berdasarkan data kebiasaan pemilik rumah. Hasil pengimplementasian menunjukkan sistem keamanan ini sudah mampu menyalakan setiap peralatan listrik rumah berdasarkan bilangan acak yang dibangkitkan. Kemudian sistem sudah mampu menentukan durasi penyalaan setiap peralatan listrik beserta membedakan waktu siang dan malam berdasarkan kebiasaan pemilik rumah.Kata Kunci: sistem keamanan rumah, situational crime prevention, mikrokontroler, bilangan acak

    Shear Strengthening of Skew RC Beams Using Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Strips

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    This study demonstrates the shear strengthening of skew Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams using Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) strips. Skew RC beams are widely practiced in the construction of bridges and flyovers. Nowadays there are many researches done to study the effect of CFRP on straight beams but not on skew beams, so this research provide a good overview on the effect of CFRP on skew beams as skew beams did not only suffer vibration like straight beams but also torsion effect due to its shap

    On the Erigone family and the z2z_2 secular resonance

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    The Erigone family is a C-type group in the inner main belt. Its age has been estimated by several researchers to be less then 300 My, so it is a relatively young cluster. Yarko-YORP Monte Carlo methods to study the chronology of the Erigone family confirm results obtained by other groups. The Erigone family, however, is also characterized by its interaction with the z2z_2 secular resonance. While less than 15% of its members are currently in librating states of this resonance, the number of objects, members of the dynamical group, in resonant states is high enough to allow to use the study of dynamics inside the z2z_2 resonance to set constraints on the family age. Like the Îœ6{\nu}_{6} and z1z_1 secular resonances, the z2z_2 resonance is characterized by one stable equilibrium point at σ=180∘\sigma = 180^{\circ} in the z2z_2 resonance plane (σ,dσdt)(\sigma, \frac{d\sigma}{dt}), where σ\sigma is the resonant angle of the z2z_2 resonance. Diffusion in this plane occurs on timescales of ≃12\simeq 12 My, which sets a lower limit on the Erigone family age. Finally, the minimum time needed to reach a steady-state population of z2z_2 librators is about 90 My, which allows to impose another, independent constraint on the group age.Comment: This paper has 11 pages, 12 figures, and 1 table. Accepted for publication in MNRA


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    ABSTRAKPada penelitian ini yang menjadi populasi adalah seluruh Bank Umum yang listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Sampel penelitian dibatasi hanya pada emiten yang terdaftar pada tahun 2012 dan 2017. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang diambil secara langsung dari laporan keuangan dan laporan tahunan perusahaan jasa perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Pengujian hipotesis terdiri dari uji uji normalitas, uji heteroskedastisitas, uji multikolinearitas, dan uji autokorelasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah Komisaris (board size) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap efesiensi bank umum pada perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada periode 2013-2017. Komposisi komisaris terhadap efesisnsi bank umum terdapat pengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap efesisnsi bank umum pada perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2013-2017. Proporsi kepemilikan saham terhadap efesisnsi bank umum terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap efesiensi bank umum pada perusahaan perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2013-2017.Keyword : bank, efisiensi, corporate governanc

    Struktur dan Distribusi Senyawa yang Diisolasi dari Berbagai Bagian Tanama Kadara (Caesalpinia bonduc): Review

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    Kebiul atau Kadara (Caesalpinia bonduc) merupakan tanaman yang tumbuh di daerah yang lebih panas dan telah dimanfaatkan sebagai obat tradisional. Beberapa daerah di Indonesia seperti Bima dan Dompu, tanaman kadara sangat banyak digunakan dalam formulasi obat tradisional seperti obat tradisional penambah nafsu makan. Beberapa laporan menunjukan, tanaman kadara mengandung berbagai senyawa yang memiliki aktivitas biologis. Ulasan penelitian ini melaporkan struktur dan distribusi senyawa yang telah diisolasi dari berbagai bagian dari tanaman kadara. Semua data ulasan diambil dari database Reaxys yang diseleksi berdasarkan kriteria inklusi-eksklusi dengan kata kunci Caesalpinia bonduc, new compound, tanpa batasan waktu. Hasil pengumpulan data diperoleh sebanyak 18 artikel yang sesuai kriteria. Hasil pengolahan data dari 18 artikel yang diperolah, sebanyak 98 struktur senyawa dari 5 bagian tanaman, terdistribusi sebanyak 53 dari daging buah, 13 dari akar, 12 dari barang, 10 dari daun, dan 10 dari kulit biji. Semua senyawa dari bagian daging buah dan akar teridentifikasi sebagai golongan diterpenoid sementara bagian laiinya dari golongan flavonoid, fenilpropanoid, polifenol, dan kuinon. Umumnya senyawa-senyawa tersebut diekstraksi menggunakan metode maserasi dengan melarut metanol atau etanol dan difraksinasi menggunakan pelarut etil asetat, serta diisolasi menggunakan KLT dan HPLC semi-preparatif
