11 research outputs found


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    At this time has been much research on the next-generation 5G in millimetter wave which more than five billion devices capable of voice communications, data and other applications. Due to the high propagation losses at millimetter wave, it will be difficult to use either omnidirectional antenna or fixed beam antenna. The high path loss caused by atmospheric absorption also demands the use of array antennas for getting a high gain on the mobile communication side. Several studies have recently been conducted using butler matrix which is part of the switchable antennas to overcome these problems. Previous studies also have designed vivaldi array antennas in 28 GHz frequency, but the it provides a directional radiation pattern that requires real phase setting that can not reach the wide area. In this research, the antenna used is vivaldi while the butler matrix used is 4x4 by using phase shift of 45 degree. Both of them will be divided into 3 sub arrays-buttler matrix then arranged on the left, right and top side using Rogers RT5880 with 0.254 mm thickness and relative permittivity of 2.2. It is works at a frequency of 28 GHz and placed on the mobile handset then integrated with mobile phone modeling using the software. Further adjustment of the antenna has been confirmed with the expected antenna specification such as return loss, radiation pattern, gain, mutual coupling, esc. As well as with the butler matrix, it is expected to be able shifts the phase on the output port of +45, -135, +135, -45. Eventually, it is also performed the evaluation and validation of overall performance in terms of devices and systems that have been integrated with each other involves human\u27s body using four scenarios from CTIA such as (i)free space, (ii)talking position, (iii)talking position with hand and (iv)browsing mode. It is also expected to have a small SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) value in accordance with IEEE C95.1-2005 standards on SAR Limit <= 2 W/Kg. Best results of the simulation were picked for an overall system at 28 GHz, and the results of antenna array were as follows: the return loss was below -10 dB, the realized antennas gain was 10.2 dB with unidirectional radiation pattern. The butler matrix dimension is 20.52 mm x 26.4 with average phase different between output port is - 44.106, 137.38, -137.66, 43.95 with phase error of 0.894, 2.38, 2.66, 1.06. While sub array antenna-butler matrix dimension is 20.52 mm x 29.52 mm is able to shift radiation pattern on the input port successively -141.1, -29, 32, 42 with the range of beam that can be achieved equal to 185 degrees. Eventually, laying down the subarray-butler matrix on the left, top and right side of the mobile phone that has been designed using the software is capable to cover the wide area which is almost 360 degree. SAR values measured using four positions of CTIA is <= 2 W/kg with return loss <=-1

    Analysis of Several Factors Affecting Labor Force Absorption in East Java Province for the Years 2017 - 2022

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    Evaluating the government's success in economic development is essential to assess how effectively the government can address unemployment and enhance job opportunities. To ensure that the workforce is optimally absorbed, it must be accompanied by the creation of new and abundant job opportunities. Labor issues are a common concern in developing countries like Indonesia, which has a large population. A significant population size leads to a substantial labor force, resulting in a high number of job seekers and unemployed individuals, which in turn leads to relatively low incomes. This research aims to analyze several factors influencing labor force absorption in East Java from 2017 to 2022. This research method utilizes secondary data, which consists of a 6-year panel data from 2017 to 2022. The analytical method employed in this research is multiple linear regression. The results of this research indicate that the minimum wage and economic growth do not have a significant impact on labor force absorption in East Java Province. On the other hand, the average years of schooling have a considerable influence on labor force absorption in East Java Province. This research serves as valuable input for determining the direction and future development strategies and can be used as a reference for predicting the labor force conditions in East Java. The imbalance between the large labor force and available job opportunities in East Java highlights the need for the government to focus more on labor force absorption in the province. These three factors can serve as a guide for the government in addressing labor force issues, aiming to optimize labor force absorption and consequently boost economic growth in East Java Province


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    Radio Detecting and Ranging (RADAR) adalah suatu sistem deteksi gelombang radio yang berguna untuk mendeteksi, mengukur jarak dan memetakan benda-benda seperti pesawat terbang, militer, informasi cuaca. Salah satu jenis radar adalah radar tiga dimensi, radar ini merupakan radar dengan teknologi yang memiliki kemampuan untuk menentukan jarak, azimuth dan tinggi target dalam sekali pemindaian. Dalam sistem radar dibutuhkan sebuah media transmisi berupa antena sebagai transmitter dan receiver. Untuk melakukan scaning area secara menyeluruh, dibutuhkan rotator 360o di arah azimuth sehingga objek dapat dideteksi disegala arah, namun scaning area menggunakan rotator ini memerlukan biaya yang tinggi. Dengan menggunkaan aplikasi antena phased array, scaning area secara mekanik dapat digantikan secara dielektrik, dimana posisi antena tidak berubah tetapi polaradiasi bisa diarahkan sesuai kebutuhan. Pada antena phased array, variasi fasa diatur dengan memberikan panjang kabel catu yang berbeda untuk masing masing elemen antena phased array. Antena direalisasikan menggunakan bahan substrat epoxy FR-4 yang bekerja pada frekuensi S-Band (2,9 GHz – 3,1 GHz) dan menghasilkan VSWR sebesar 1.08, Gain 17,108 dB dan pola radiasi unidireksional serta memiliki dimensi 359 mm × 436,4 mm× 91 mm dengan effective bandwidth ? 453 MHz dan terjadi pergeseran fasa dalam pola radiasi azimuth sebesar 25? dan 80? yang menghasilkan pergeseran beam sebesar 10? dan 20? terhadap main lobe di 180o. Dengan spesifikasi tersebut, antena phased array mampu bekerja dengan baik untuk aplikasi radar tiga dimensi

    Interactive Learning Media Based On "Scientific" Assisted By Android Studio For Elementary School Students

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    This study discusses android-based learning media, the limitations of learning media, and the learning process that still uses the lecture method resulting in a lack of student understanding of PPKn material. Knowing the effectiveness and practicality of ”scientific”-based learning media assisted by the Android studio for Civics education materials for elementary school students. The data analysis technique used were quantitative and qualitative. The results of this study based on media validation obtained a score of 94% in the appropriate category, the results of material validation obtained a score of 78% in the appropriate category, and the results of language validation were 97% in the appropriate category. The results of the practicality validation of 94% of the teacher category got 86% in the very good category, and the practicality results of the students were 98% in the very good category. And the results of the effectiveness of students getting 90% in the very effective category. From the test results it can be concluded that ”scientific”-based interactive learning media assisted by the Android studio Civics material for elementary school students can be categorized as feasible, practical and effective to use as learning media to support the success of learning objectives. Keywords: interactive learning media , scientific, Android studi

    Dinamika Perang Suriah: Aktor dan Kepentingan

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    This article examines actors in the Syrian civil war 2011-2019. The involvement of the super power states give some reasons of complexity in the Syrian civil war. Exactly, they have national interests that they protected during the war. Besides of that, this article proposed the main interests that found in this war. National interests and hegemony strategies played by foreign actors signify the strength of economic ambitions, especially weapons and oil business, and political power transactions. The theory of hegemony and national interests is positioned as a knife of analysis to identify the interests and motives of the involvement of state actors in Suriah conflicts. This research pursues the conclusion that both state actors who are pro-regime or not remain on the same frequency: seizing influence

    Glukosa Cair Dari Proses Hidrolisis Ubi Jalar Kuning (Ipomoea Batatas L) Menggunakan Katalis Asam Klorida

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    Glukosa cair adalah produk yang dihasilkan dari proses hidrolisis dan merupakan hasil olahan dari polisakarida seperti pati dengan menggunakan asam kuat atau enzim. Bahan baku yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini adalah ubi jalar kuning dengan hidrolisis menggunakan katalis asam klorida (HCl). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi hidrolisis tepung ubi jalar kuning menjadi glukosa dengan menggunakan katalisator asam klorida, mengevaluasi pengaruh suhu dan waktu reaksi terhadap jumlah glukosa yang dihasilkan dan mempelajari karakteristik glukosa yang dihasilkan yang meliputi organoleptik, kadar air, kadar glukosa dan densitas yang diperoleh. Temperatur pada saat proses hidrolisis yaitu 100oC. Perbedaan konsentrasi HCl dan lama waktu hidrolisis memberikan pengaruh yang tidak nyata terhadap parameter uji organoleptik bau dan warna, tetapi memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap parameter uji oganoleptik rasa. Rasa manis tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan konsentrasi HCl 0,8 N, sedangkan pada pengaruh lama waktu hidrolisis, organoleptik rasa tertinggi terdapat pada lama waktu 120 menit. Kadar air dan densitas terendah diperoleh pada konsentrasi HCl 0,8 N dengan waktu hidrolisis 120 menit yaitu 4,39% dan 0,992 gr/ml serta diperoleh kadar glukosa 4,79%.Kata Kunci : asam klorida, glukosa cair, hidrolisis dan ubi jala

    Switch-Beam Vivaldi Array Antenna Based On 4x4 Butler Matrix for mmWave

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    It will be diffcult to use either omnidirectional or fixed beam antenna due to the high propagation losses caused by atmospheric absorption at mmWave for 5G mobile communication. Several studies have been conducted recently using butler matrix which is part of switchable antenna with some advantages such as simple, minimal cost, low loss, etc. Previous studies also have designed vivaldi array antenna at 28 GHz which provides a fix beam directional radiation pattern with narrow beam that requires real phase setting. However, there has been no research using vivaldi antenna with butler matrix, whereas it has some advantages such as wide bandwidth, high gain, high directivity, etc. This paper proposed 4x4 butler matrix integrated with vivaldi antenna by using phase shift of 45 . The design is developed on a single layer of Rogers RT5880 with dielectric constant 2.2 and thickness 0.254 mm. Best results of simulation were picked for overall system at 28 GHz, and the results of antenna as follows: the return loss was below -10 dB, the realized antennas gain was 10.2 dB with unidirectional radiation pattern and bandwidth antenna of 6 GHz that covers from 25 GHz to 31 GHz. The butler matrix average phase di erent between output port are -44.106°, 137.38°, -137.66°, 43.95° with phase err°r °f 0.894°, 2.38°, 2.66°, 1.06°. Antenna array that has been given di erent phase by butler matrix is able to shift radiation pattern on the input port successively with range of beam that can be achieved equal to 185o

    Switch-Beam Vivaldi Array Antenna Based On 4x4 Butler Matrix for mmWave

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    It will be diffcult to use either omnidirectional or fixed beam antenna due to the high propagation losses caused by atmospheric absorption at mmWave for 5G mobile communication. Several studies have been conducted recently using butler matrix which is part of switchable antenna with some advantages such as simple, minimal cost, low loss, etc. Previous studies also have designed vivaldi array antenna at 28 GHz which provides a fix beam directional radiation pattern with narrow beam that requires real phase setting. However, there has been no research using vivaldi antenna with butler matrix, whereas it has some advantages such as wide bandwidth, high gain, high directivity, etc. This paper proposed 4x4 butler matrix integrated with vivaldi antenna by using phase shift of 45 . The design is developed on a single layer of Rogers RT5880 with dielectric constant 2.2 and thickness 0.254 mm. Best results of simulation were picked for overall system at 28 GHz, and the results of antenna as follows: the return loss was below -10 dB, the realized antennas gain was 10.2 dB with unidirectional radiation pattern and bandwidth antenna of 6 GHz that covers from 25 GHz to 31 GHz. The butler matrix average phase di erent between output port are -44.106°, 137.38°, -137.66°, 43.95° with phase err°r °f 0.894°, 2.38°, 2.66°, 1.06°. Antenna array that has been given di erent phase by butler matrix is able to shift radiation pattern on the input port successively with range of beam that can be achieved equal to 185o