12 research outputs found

    Menjadi Perempuan Tambak Lorok: Konstruksi Gaya Hidup Perempuan Muslim Pesisir

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    Identity and existence become a crucial issue lately, both in the factual context even cyberspace (cyber society). In this context lifestyle construction is the main issue to analysis the coastal Muslim women's identity. The study of the lifestyle construction of coastal Muslim women uses qualitative methodo­logies to obtain a comprehensive meaning regarding lifestyle. There are several influential factors in the process of forming individual lifestyles. The first one is the cultural, social and religious background that has been internalized in each individual through cultural values and social norms. The second factor is the environment where individuals live and socialize with the other society. In this context, the physical elements which include geographical, topographic and climate appearance are the main influences on the construction of individual lifestyles related to the adaptation process. Another influential factor is the media that the content is a lifestyle preference. Based on these factors, this study will focus on three points, there is the perception of coastal women on lifestyle, factors that influence the process of lifestyle construction and the meaning of coastal Muslim women’s lifestyle. There are three conclusions in this study regarding the hidden goals in consumption activities refer to saving material, representation of social status through lifestyle and indicators of self-existence

    Potret Tumbuh Kembang Anak di Lokalisasi Gambilangu Kendal

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    Lingkungan sosial budaya menjadi faktor penting dalam proses tumbuh kembang anak karena menentukan karakter dan identitas yang melekat pada anak. Artikel ini merupakan kajian tentang proses tumbuh kembang anak yang tinggal di Lokalisasi Gambilangu Mlaten Atas. Eksistensi Lokalisasi Gambilangu berpengaruh signifikan terhadap proses tumbuh kembang anak karena letaknya yang terintegrasi dengan pemukiman masyarakat Mlaten Atas. Kajian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif guna mendapatkan pemahaman yang komprehensif terkait pengalaman dan pemaknaan masyarakat Mlaten Atas terhadap tumbuh kembang anak. Pemenuhan hak anak menjadi indikator yang digunakan dalam proses analisis atas proses tumbuh kembang anak di Lokalisasi Gambilangu Mlaten Atas. Terdapat dua simpulan utama dalam kajian ini, pertama yakni signifikansi citra atau label negatif Mlaten Atas karena praktek Lokalisasi Gambilangu. Faktanya citra negatif tersebut tidak hanya merujuk pada kondisi internal saja namun juga turut mengkonstruksi identitas dan karakte anak ketika berada di luar Gambilangu. Kondisi tersebut lantas berdampak pada minimnya interaksi antara anak Gambilangu dengan masyarakat secara keseluruhan. Kedua terkait dengan rendahnya perhatian orang tua terhadap proses tumbuh kembang anak. Ideal value yang terkonstruksi di Mlaten Atas merupakan hasil dari proses adaptasi dan negosiasi masyarakat dengan lingkungan sosial budayanya. Faktanya perhatian atas setiap tumbuh kembang anak khususnya merujuk pada perkembangan non-fisik menjadi salah satu hal yang dikesampingkan di Gambilangu.Kata Kunci : Anak, Tumbuh Kembang, Lokalisas

    Partisipasi Perempuan dalam Ranah Politik Lokal: Kajian Sosial Politik di Klaten Jawa Tengah

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    Women's participation in the political sphere is a response from government policies related to 30%. women's quota. The dynastic political label attached to political activities in Klaten became an element of influence over the survival strategy undertaken by women cadres. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The purpose of this study is to explain the participation of women political cadres related to representation, relations and power in the local political sphere. The results of the study showed that conditions that did not prioritize women were not created in political activities due to socio-cultural factors and stereotypes inherent in women, but the local political sphere was able to become a space for female political cadres to express their existence

    Badau ‘di’ Indonesia : Kasus Daerah Perbatasan Indonesia yang Masih Terlantar Studi Kasus Kecamatan Badau, Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan Barat

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    Letak geografisnya yang bersandingan langsung dengan Lubok Antu (Serawak) menjadikan Badau sebagai wilayah perbatasan Indonesia-Serawak yang penuh dengan permasalahan sosial.  Pemenuhan kebutuhan vital atas pangan, pendidikan, kesehatan dan lapangan pekerjaan bagi masyarakat menjadi isu pertama dalam tulisan ini. Pada kenyataannya, situasi dan kondisi di perbatasan mengkonstruksi ketergantungan masyarakat Badau atas Lubok Antu (Serawak). Akses yang mudah, cepat dan jenis kualitas barang-jasa dari Lubok Antu (Serawak) menjadi point lebih yang melatarbelakangi ketergantungan tersebut. Persoalan vital lain yakni eksistensi perlindungan hukum bagi masyarakat perbatasan. Heterogenitas masyarakat Badau baik dari latar belakang etnis, agama dan stratifikasi sosial membuat potensi konflik semakin tinggi. Selain itu ketegangan antar negara bisa saja terjadi, khususnya konflik terkait pekerja (illegal-legal). Pada konteks ini, aparat negara harus berperan secara maksimal disamping peraturan dan aparat dari adat (Dayak – Melayu). Terpautnya jarak antara pusat pemerintahan dan Badau lantas berujung pada berbagai bentuk ketidakpastian kehidupan  yang dijalani oleh masyarakat Badau. Pendidikan dan jaminan kesehatan bagi anak dan remaja menjadi salah satu point penting dalam upaya pemberian kepastian bagi masyarakat perbatasan. Statusnya sebagai daerah yang terpelosok dan terpencil tersebut tidak bisa menjamin kelancaran distribusi baik barang, jasa maupun peraturan dari pemerintah kepada masyarakat di Badau.Kata Kunci : Perbatasan, Disfungsi, Negara, Badau, Lubok Antu, Kalimantan Barat, Serawa

    Gender-Based Conflicts in Political Parties: Male Domination in Central Java’s Politics

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    Indonesian women’s active participation in the political sphere has been supported by national legislation. However, it remains challenging for women to position themselves in the political arena, especially in a specific party’s activities. There is contestation between male and female political cadres, which often escalates into conflict. Using a qualitative research method, this research aims to discover the root of gender-based conflicts within a political party context. This research found three kinds of conflict: overt, covert, and avoided. Overt conflicts occur in the official forum when women express their anger, dissatisfaction, and protests against their male counterparts. Covert conflicts occur when women do not express their dissatisfaction about the party’s decisions and only show their anger outside of the forum. Avoided conflicts arise when women no longer wish to participate in the forum, so they leave the party and its activities. The root of the problems of these conflicts is gender asymmetry and the strong patriarchal culture in the organizations

    Gender Relation in Family in Post-COVID-19 Era: Study Among Working Couple in Semarang, Indonesia

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    The COVID-19 pandemic which has been running for two years has resulted in changes in work patterns for employees, both private and public. Due to consideration of preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus, government agencies and private offices are imposing WFH (work from home). As a result, for working couples, the household arena becomes a joint work arena, in which formal and domestic work is carried out. This study aims to discuss the division of labor between husband and wife in the household before the pandemic; the division of labor during the pandemic, and the impact of the division of labor during WFH on the division of labor after the pandemic. The study used qualitative methods and field studies were analyzed using gender theory. Data collection is done by way of interviews, observation and documentation. This research found that there were three trends in relationship changes that were prior to the COVID pandemic, the division of labor was carried out based on the habits that had been built by the couple since they were married, namely families who had a commitment to work together since the beginning of the marriage, so with the pandemic this commitment made it stronger, but for families who do not have a commitment to gender relations, the work arena formed by the pandemic does not really affect gender relations. This finding reinforces the perspective that gender relations are socio-cultural formations so they are not easy to chang

    The experiences of gratitude in female ulama: An interpretation from Sufi psychology and PERMA-Model perspective

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    Amidst the social-cultural predominance of male ulama in the religious context, female ulama play important roles and yet are often trapped in life-role complexity and gender bias, as they have a responsibility in both the domestic and public domains. This study aims to explore the meaning of the experience of gratitude among female ulama based on the perspective of positive psychology, with reference to the PERMA (Positive emotion, Engagement, Relationship, Meaning, and Accomplishment) model, with further interpretation of gratitude (shukr) from Sufi psychology. Using a qualitative (phenomenological) approach, we held online in-depth interviews with five female ulama participants from across Indonesia and Germany. The research demonstrates the interconnection between themes related to gratitude according to PERMA-Model and the embodiment of gratitude (shukr) in Sufi psychology. These findings provide evidence to support the practical implication of the integrative intervention of positive and Sufi psychology for clinical purposes or to promote flourishing and well-being among women

    UNDERSTANDING PEACEBUILDING FUNDAMENTALS IN SOUTHEAST ASIA: Intersection among Religion, Education and Psychosocial Perspective

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    This study tries to present a study on Understanding the basics of peacebuilding in Southeast Asia by bringing together three approaches, namely religious, educational, and psychosocial approaches. The focus of this research is, first, to identify an overview of the fundamental values and basic principles of peacebuilding adopted by peacebuilding organizations in Southeast Asia. Second, to identify approaches adopted by peacebuilding organizations that reflect the intersection of religious, educational, and psychosocial perspectives to build peace in Southeast Asian societies. This study finds that first, Peace in Southeast Asia is influenced by values and basic principles of harmony and peace-building such as spirituality, local wisdom, brotherhood or togetherness, deliberation, tolerance, ikhlas (voluntary), and equality. This value is embraced by peace-building organizations in Southeast Asia on the basis that on the one hand, each religion teaches about unity, while on the other hand, the spirit of unity will also make a significant contribution in the national context

    The experiences of gratitude in female ulama: An interpretation from Sufi psychology and PERMA-Model perspective

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    Amidst the social-cultural predominance of male ulama in the religious context, female ulama play important roles and yet are often trapped in life-role complexity and gender bias, as they have a responsibility in both the domestic and public domains. This study aims to explore the meaning of the experience of gratitude among female ulama based on the perspective of positive psychology, with reference to the PERMA (Positive emotion, Engagement, Relationship, Meaning, and Accomplishment) model, with further interpretation of gratitude (shukr) from Sufi psychology. Using a qualitative (phenomenological) approach, we held online in-depth interviews with five female ulama participants from across Indonesia and Germany. The research demonstrates the interconnection between themes related to gratitude according to PERMA-Model and the embodiment of gratitude (shukr) in Sufi psychology. These findings provide evidence to support the practical implication of the integrative intervention of positive and Sufi psychology for clinical purposes or to promote flourishing and well-being among women

    Eco-Spiritualism on Social Empowerment: Indigenous Approach toward Environment Sustainability

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    The world is changing, the environmental crisis is happening, the life of any living being is on the line. Nature is facing challenges and degradations that will extended to effect on human welfare and all other life on earth. As in the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals agenda, world leaders command every organization to play a role in protecting the planet from degradation, undertake urgent actions to perform sustainable resource management. UIN Walisongo Semarang is answering the call and respond to this global issues by declaring a vision statement to be a “Green Campus”. It is not merely a statement, but a commitment to take responsibility in protecting and conserving the nature, applied in all activities under the Three Pillars of Higher Education (Education, Research, and Community Services). This paper aimed to elaborate the distinct concept and approach of community service activities implemented in UIN Walisongo Semarang. Eco-Spiritualism Social Empowerment program designed based on fundamental spiritual and religious values about how human connect with nature, and so this connection create a reciprocal-inseparable relationship. How human affects nature, and otherwise, will create a belief and values directing human’s behavior toward nature. Therefore, a spiritual approach considered to be an effective way to empower people in order to create an eco-friendly society. Eco-Spiritualism Social Empowerment program implemented in both rural and urban area, are showing great results on recycle and waste management, plastic waste utilization and creating value added products, skill development and sustainable social empowermen