350 research outputs found

    Hepatoxicity of aqueous extract and fractionated methanol extract of Phytolacca americana by isolated rat liver perfusion system

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    Recombinant retroviral vector containing human tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2) gene was constructed and investigation of the in vitro invasion and metastasis of gastric cancer cells transfected with TIMP-2 was carried out. Human TlMP-2 was isolated from recombinant vector Bluescript 1/TIMP-2(+), and then inserted into the retroviral vector pL-MT. Correct orientation was verified by restriction endonuclease digestion. Human full length TIMP-2 gene was ligated into a plasmid, which was then transfected into PA317 cell line. G418-resistant individual clones were selected to transfect human SGC-7901 cell line. Cell proliferation, cell electrophoresis, soft agar colony formation and in vitro invasion were detected to analyze the bio-behavioral changes of cancer cells. The results from restriction endonuclease digestion were as theoretically expected. The cell electrophoresis rate, colony number and invasion ability in SGC-7901 cells and MFC cells transfected with TIMP-2 gene were significantly decreased when compared with control group. However, no significant changes were noted in the proliferation of cancer cells. We successfully construct a recombinant retroviral vector containing human TIMP-2. TIMP-2 transfection could markedly alter the membrane charge of cancer cells, resulting in decreased electrophoresis capacity, cell migration and invasion. However, cell growth was not affected by TIMP-2. These results suggested TIMP-2 transfection might exert effects on the malignant phenotype of cancer cells through affecting extracellular environment, which provided a new way to investigate gene regulation of in vitro collagen metabolism

    The hepatotoxicity of aqueous methanol extract and fractionated-methanol extract of Phytolacca americana in male rat using perfusion method

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    چکیده: زمینه و هدف: سرخاب با نام علمی Phytolacca americana گیاه بومی ایالت های مختلف آمریکا است که به صورت گسترده مصرف می شود. برگ های پخته آن به سالاد مادر بزرگ (Grandmother salad) معروف است و در ایران در نوار ساحلی و جنگل های شمال به وفور یافت می شود که به صورت محدود و گاهی هم اتفاقی مصرف می شود. علی رغم احتمال سمیت گوارشی، این گیاه نقش مهمی در بسیاری از کاربردهای درمانی دارد. با توجه به این که بعضی از عوارض جانبی مانند اختلالات گوارشی مرتبط با سمیت کبدی می باشد و تاکنون در مورد سمیت کبدی گیاه سرخاب رشد یافته در شمال ایران مطالعه نشده است. این مطالعه با هدف بررسی سمیت کبدی این گیاه با استفاده از سیستم جدید پرفیوژن کبد جدا شده موش صحرایی انجام شد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه تجربی از موش های صحرایی نر (رت) آلبینو با وزن 220-180 گرم و به تعداد 6 سر در 21 گروه (شاهد و دوزهای مختلف از عصاره های آبی و متانولی و فراکسیون های کلروفرمی، متانولی و اتیل استاتی) استفاده شد. بعد از بیهوشی کامل توسط دی اتیل اتر، حفره شکمی حیوان آزمایشگاهی باز شد و بعد از برقراری جریان مایع پرفیوژن، عصاره های آبی و متانولی از گیاه سرخاب در دوزهای (mg/kg 100، 50، 40، 20، 10) و فراکسیون های کلروفرمی، متانولی و اتیل استاتی از عصاره متانولی با دوزهای (mg/kg 40، 20، 10) به بافر پرفیوژن اضافه شد. مایعات خروجی از ورید اجوف تحتانی در فاصله هر نیم ساعت به منظور اندازه گیری آنزیم های آلانین ترانس آمیناز (ALT) و آسپارتات ترانس آمیناز (AST) جمع آوری گردید و نتایج با استفاده از آزمونهای آماری آنالیز واریانس و Student Newman Keuls تجزیه و تحلیل گردید. یافته ها: نتایج نشان داد که فعالیت آنزیم های ترانس آمیناز به طورقابل توجهی با افزایش دوز، عصاره های آبی و متانولی (001/0

    On the crucial role of multilingual biomedical databases on epidemic events (SARS-CoV-2 analysis)

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    The need for multilingual biomedical databases was already pointed out by different authors. They argue about the need for making translations available in other languages and centralized access to regional databases and that one should not disregard citations in other languages. This fact could not be any more real in the current situation regarding the novel coronavirus. When considering treatment, diagnosis and prevention, around 44% of the articles in PubMed were written in Chinese. This prompts the urgent need for quality automatic translation to make such extremely valuable information available to medical personnel in as many languages as possible. We also point out that the community should also make efforts to guarantee editorial quality and to follow the best practices in editing and publishing. This is of critical importance as well, such that the content is properly scrutinized before being published

    Isolation and characterization of homoisoflavonoids from Scilla persica HAUSSKN

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    Plantas medicinais apresentam muitas atribuições tradicionais, incluindo o tratamento de doenças de origem infecciosa. A pesquisa científica é extremamente importante na avaliação dos usos tradicionais. Neste estudo, cinco homoisoflavonóides: 3-(4'-hidroxibenzilideno)-5,7-diidroxi-6-metoxicroman-4-ona(autumnalina), 3-(4'-hidroxibenzil)-5,7-diidroxi-6- metoxicroman-4-ona (3,9-diidro-autumnalina), 3-(3',4'-diidroxibenzil)-5,8-diidroxi-7- metoxicroman-4-ona, 3-(3',4'-diidroxibenzilideno)-5,8-diidroxi-7- metoxicroman-4-ona e 3-(3',4'-diidroxibenzilideno)-5,7-diidroxi-6- metoxicroman-4-ona foram isolados dos bulbos da planta Scilla persica HAUSSKN. Suas estruturas foram estabelecidas com base na extensa análise espectroscópica, como RMN, EM, IV e UV.Medicinal plants have many traditional claims including the treatment of ailments of infectious origin. In the evaluation of traditional claims, scientific research is extremely important. In this study, five homoisoflavonoids named 3-(4'-hydroxybenzylidene)-5,7-dihydroxy-6-methoxychroman-4-one(Autumnalin),3-(4'-hydroxybenzyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-6-methoxychroman-4-one (3,9-dihydro-autumnalin), 3-(3',4'-dihydroxybenzyl)-5,8-dihydroxy-7-methoxychroman-4-one,3-(3',4'-dihydroxybenzylidene)-5,8-dihydroxy-7-methoxychroman-4-one and 3-(3',4'-dihydroxybenzylidene)-5,7-dihydroxy-6-methoxychroman-4-one, were isolated from the bulbs of the plant Scilla persica HAUSSKN. Their structures were established on the basis of extensive spectroscopic analyses such as NMR, MS, IR and UV

    Extraction and identification sterols in brown alga, Padina boergesenii in Chabahar Coasts

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    Padina boergesenii is one of the most abundant brown algae distributed in the north of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. In this study after sampling and preparation of Padina boergesenii by Chroform-Etanol (3-1) solvent and by Methanol has been extract. Separation and purification of the compounds was carried out using thin layer, general and inverse column chromatography, Cephadex and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Structural elucidation of the constituents was based on the data obtained from H-NMR, 13C-NMR, HSQC, HMBC, DEPT and Cephadex LH-20. The steroids compounds separated from above alga were identified as 22-dehydrocholesterol (1), cholesterol (2), fucosterol (3), β-sitosterol (4), stigmasterol (5), ostreasterol (6) and two epimer of hyroxyestrol (7), based on their spectral data and from comparison with those previously reported in the literature


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    Objective: Microscopic characterization of a plant is a valuable method for accurate identification of the plant powder. The plants of Phlomis genus (Lamiaceae) are mostly distributed in the north and west of Iran with about 10 endemic species. In the present investigation, microscopic characterization of some Phlomis species including Phlomis bruguieri, Phlomis rigida, Phlomis kurdica, and Phlomis olivieri were assessed along with their phytochemical contents. Methods: The powders of the mentioned plants were analyzed using Zeiss microscope attached to a digital camera. Phytochemical contents of the plants extracts including total phenol, tannin, and polysaccharide were measured as well as a radical scavenging activity using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl method. Results: The results of this study indicated that diacytic stomata, glandular trichome, stellate trichome, and crystals were the characteristic features of the examined species. Total phenol, tannins, and polysaccharides of the plants were assessed ranging 66.0-101.8 µg gallic acid equivalent in mg dry extract (µg GAE/mg EXT), 6.9-9.5 µg tannic acid equivalent in mg dry extract (TAE/mg EXT), and 512-559 µg glucose equivalent in mg dry extract (GE/mg EXT), respectively. Moreover, half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) values of radical scavenging activity of the extracts were calculated according to the plot of inhibition percentage against different concentrations of each extract as 218.6, 112.0, 113.3, and 58.7 µg/ml, respectively.Conclusion: The observed differences between Phlomis species can be applied in the accurate identification of these medicinal plants particularly in dried powdered materials regarding their microscopic characterizations and phytochemical contents.Â

    Diagnosis and Treatment Management in Patients with Autoimmune Neutropenia

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    Autoimmune neutropenia (AIN) is the frequent cause of neutropenia in infants and children. AIN is associated with a reduced neutrophil count, which is due to aberrant cell-mediated or humoral immune response. In this review, we will discuss the available diagnostic approaches and management of the diseases. We collected data from PubMed, Google Scholar, Medline, Web of Science databases, using a group of key words, such as neutropenia, autoimmune, diagnosis and management from 2000 until 2019. The most important aspects of primary assessment in the affected children were family history and physical examinations. Diagnostic methods in this disease are granulocyte indirect agglutination test (GAT) and granulocyte immunofluorescence test (GIFT). However, the sensitivity and specificity of these tests are low. In these patients, injection of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), is the first line of treatment. Despite low prevalence, autoimmune neutropenia is a clinically significant disease and it is critical to identify it and pursue effective treatment in these patients

    In vitro antioxidant analysis of Achillea tenuifolia

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    Achillea tenuifolia (AT) is one of the most herbs are being used by people as a traditional medicinal remedy. Antioxidant activity of AT different extracts and total flavonoid and phenol levels in the extracts were investigated in this study. Plant extracts were prepared by maceration method using ethyl acetate, methanol and methanol-water (1:1). Folin Ciocalteu reagent in terms of gallic acid equivalent achieved the total phenol's content. AlCl3 was used as a reagent for flavonoid determination. Flavonoid content of the plant extracts obtained in terms of quercetin equivalent. DPPH radical scavenging effect of the extracts was determined by UV spectroscopy. Also in order to determine lipid peroxidation inhibition of the extracts of A. tenuifolia, ferric thiocyanate method with BHT, a synthetic reference standard, was carried out in this study. Phenol contents were 43.97 ± 0.034, 74.16 ± 0.55 and 106 ± 0.693 mg g-1 in theethyl acetate, methanol and methanol-water extracts, respectively. Flavonoid amount obtained in the ethyl acetate, methanol and methanol-water extracts were 10.6 ± 1.85, 23.1 ± 0.5 and 190 ± 1.3 mg g-1, respectively. The percentage of DPPH radical scavenged by the most active extract (methanol-water) of A. tenuifolia was 92% at a concentration of 1 mgml-1 greater than 94% of BHT at 2 mgml-1. IC50 of methanol-water extract and BHT were 0.015 and 0.053 mgml-1, respectively. Lipid peroxidation inhibition was observed by the most polar extract of AT about 91.84%. Phenol and flavonoids content confirm theexistence of more polar hydroxyl containing chemical structures in the plant. The potency of radical scavenging effect of methanol-water extract was about 3.5 times greater than synthetic antioxidant BHT. The inhibitory activity of the extracts on the lipid peroxidation of linoleic acid in ferric thiocyanate test was also significant (> 90%). In this study we concluded that there is a direct relation between phenol and flavonoid content of plant extracts and the antioxidant activity. So that the greater amountof phenolic compounds leads to more potent radical scavenging and lipid peroxidation inhibition activities as it was observed in A. tenuifolia polar extract in the present study

    Extraction and identification of steroids in two species marine algae, Sargassum oligocystum and Nizamudiinia zanardinii in Persian Gulf and Oman Sea

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    Sargassum oligocystum and Nizamudiinia zanardinii are the most abundant algae distributed in the north of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. In this study after sampling and preparation of S. oligocystum by Chroform-Etanol (3-1) solvent and N. zanardinii by methanol has been extract. Separation and purification of the compounds was carried out using thin layer, general and inverse column chromatography, Cephadex and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC ). Structural elucidation of the constituents was based on the data obtained from HNMR, 13C-NMR, HSQC, HMBC, DEPT and Cephadex LH-20. The steroids compounds separated from above algae were identified as 22-dehydrocholesterol (1) cholesterol (2) fucosterol (3) 29-hydroperoxystigmasta-5,24(28)-dien-3β-ol (4) 24-hydroperoxy-24- vinylcholesterol (5) a mixture of 24(S)-hydroxy-24-vinylcholesterol (6) and 24(R)-hydroxy-24- vinylcholesterol (7) and ostreasterol (8) based on their spectral data and from comparison with those previously reported in the literature