30 research outputs found

    Determination of a kinetic region in catalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide

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    The catalytic activity of cupric oxide activated with ceric oxide in a braod interval of volumetric velocities was investigated. It was determined that for practical catalysts used in the diffuse region, dilution of the active substance by an inert diluent increases the effectiveness of the catalysts

    Issues of Ethnical and Confessional Relations and their solutions in the Islamic journalism in Western Europe

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    -This article presents and summarizes the different views and approaches of scholars and journalists of Muslim and European origin to the dissolving a set of complex issues of Ethnical and Confessional Relations in Western Europe. The main problems are identity, governmental dialogue with Diasporas, adaptation of Muslims in the European Community. The authors suggest the systematic approach to the solutions of these difficult problems.291-29

    Physical and chemical processes and the morphofunctional characteristics of human erythrocytes in hyperglycaemia

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    Background: This study examines the effect of graduated hyperglycaemia on the state and oxygen-binding ability of hemoglobin, the correlation of phospholipid fractions and their metabolites in the membrane, the activity of proteolytic enzymes and the morphofunctional state of erythrocytes. Methods: Conformational changes in the molecule of hemoglobin were determined by Raman spectroscopy. The structure of the erythrocytes was analyzed using laser interference microscopy (LIM). To determine the activity of NADN-methemoglobinreductase, we used the P.G. Board method. The degree of glycosylation of the erythrocyte membranes was determined using a method previously described by Felkoren et al. Lipid extraction was performed using the Bligh and Dyer method. Detection of the phospholipids was performed using V. E. Vaskovsky method. Results: Conditions of hyperglycaemia are characterized by a low affinity of hemoglobin to oxygen, which is manifested as a parallel decrease in the content of hemoglobin oxyform and the growth of deoxyform, methemoglobin and membrane-bound hemoglobin. The degree of glycosylation of membrane proteins and hemoglobin is high. For example, in the case of hyperglycaemia, erythrocytic membranes reduce the content of all phospholipid fractions with a simultaneous increase in lysoforms, free fatty acids and the diacylglycerol (DAG). Step wise hyperglycaemia in incubation medium and human erythrocytes results in an increased content of peptide components and general trypsin-like activity in the cytosol, with a simultaneous decreased activity of µ-calpain and caspase 3. Conclusions: Metabolic disorders and damage of cell membranes during hyperglycaemia cause an increase in the population of echinocytes and spherocytes. The resulting disorders are accompanied with a high probability of intravascular haemolysis.</p

    Особенности клинической картины орнитоза и респираторной микоплазменной инфекции во время вспышки 2012 г.

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    The aim of the current study was the investigation of the clinical features of ornithosis and respiratory mycoplasma infection during autumn outbreak in 2012 in 58 patients admitted to the Institute of influenza department of adult respiratory viral infections based at St Petersburg Botkin Infectious Diseases Hospital. It has been shown that the concomitant ornithosis and respiratory mycoplasma infection were registered more often in the group of young patients and the finding was statistically significant. Pulmonary form of the infection was registered more often in patients with respiratory mycoplasmosis. It was found that in patients with mycoplasma infection catarrhal and constitutional symptoms were longer in duration than in ornithosis or in concomitant ornithosis and mycoplasmosis and the findings were statistically significant. Macrolide antibiotics can be considered as the first-line medications in treatment of respiratory mycoplasmosis and ornithosis. According to our data, these antibiotics were more effective in ornithosis.Целью настоящего исследования было изучение особенностей течения орнитоза и респираторной микоплазменной инфекции во время осенней вспышки 2012 г. у 58 человек, госпитализированных на отделение респираторных вирусных инфекций у взрослых Научно-исследовательского института гриппа, на базе 23-го отделения Клинической инфекционной больницы им. С.П. Боткина. Показано, что сочетание орнитоза с респираторным микоплазмозом статистически значимо чаще регистрировалось в группе лиц молодого возраста. Пневмоническая форма заболевания регистрировалась чаще у пациентов с респираторной микоплазменной инфекцией. Установлено, что у пациентов с микоплазменной инфекцией катаральный и интоксикационный синдром статистически значимо более продолжительный, чем при орнитозе или сочетании орнитоза с микоплазменной инфекцией. Макролидные антибиотики можно рассматривать как препараты первого ряда в лечении респираторного микоплазмоза и орнитозной инфекции. По нашим данным, препараты этой группы являлись более эффективными при орнитозной инфекции


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    The purpose of our study was to investigate the characteristics of severe form of influenza A (H1N1) pdm 2009 with a fatal outcome, given the comorbidities. Materials and methods. Medical histories of 105 people who died in hospitals of St. Petersburg for the period of the epidemic of 2015/16 served as material for analysis.The lethality caused by the pandemic virus type A/ H1N1 / 2009 pdm was higher in males. Most of the patients had concomitant chronic diseases in the anamnesis. Obesity was observed in 44.8% (47/105) of patients, diabetes mellitus — 28.5% (30/105), isolated heart disease — 19.0% (20/ 105), combined pathology — 48.6% (51/105). In the first biochemical analysis of blood, creatine phosphokinase, lactate dehydrogenase were increased, total protein and prothrombin consumption index were reduced. The patient's death occurred after 5 days of illness in 88.6% cases, in 11.4% — up to 5 days of illness (inclusive). The analysis of fatal cases up to 5 days of a disease and death from complications (2—4 week) didn't find significant differences in the character and frequency of comorbidity. Specific antiviral therapy has been assigned to all patients, but 48 hours later.Bilateral subtotal viral and bacterial pneumonia was identified on the section, in the majority of cases, in 70.5% with hemorrhagic component. 30% patients had cerebral oedema, 41% patients had severe toxic parenchymatouse degeneration of miocardium, liver and kidneys. The pathology of the cardiovascular system, diabetes and obesity worsen the prognosis of the disease. Increased creatine phosphokinase, lactate dehydrogenase, and reduced total protein and prothrombin consumption index can be considered as markers of severe influenza. The ineffectiveness of antiviral therapy due to its late appointment, thus timely initiation of etiotropic treatment is very impotent. Целью нашего исследования было изучение особенностей течения тяжелой формы гриппа А(H1N1) pdm 2009 с летальным исходом у взрослых с учетом преморбидного фона. Материалом для анализа послужили истории болезни 105 человек, умерших в стационарах Санкт-Петербурга за эпидемию 2015/16 гг.Показано, что летальные случаи, обусловленные пандемическим вирусом типа А/Н1N1/ pdm 2009 чаще регистрировались у мужчин. В анамнезе у большей части пациентов были отмечены сопутствующие хронические заболевания. Сочетанная патология — 48,6% (51/105), ожирение — 44,8% (47/105), сахарный диабет — 28,5% (30/105), изолировано сердечно-сосудистая патология — в 19,0% (20/105) случаев. Зарегистрировано значимое повышение креатинфосфокиназы и лактатдегидрогеназы уже при первичном биохимическом анализе крови, а также снижение протромбинового индекса и общего белка. У большей части пациентов смерть наступала после 5 дня болезни (88,6%), у 12 (11,4%) пациентов — до 5 дня болезни (включительно). Достоверных различий между сопутствующей патологией у больных, умерших до 5 дня, и от осложнений (в течение 2—4 недель) не выявлено. На секции выявлялясь в большинстве случаев двусторонняя субтотальная вирусно-бактериальная пневмония, в 70,5% — с геморрагический компонентом, отек головного мозга (30%), тяжелая токсическая паренхиматозная дистрофия миокарда, печени, почек у 43 пациентов (41%). Специфическая противовирусная терапия была назначена всем пациентам, но позже 48 часов.Неблагоприятными факторами, ухудшающими прогноз заболевания, являются: патология сердечно-сосудистой системы, сахарный диабет и ожирение. Повышение ферментов креатинфосфокиназы, лактатдегидрогеназы, а также снижение протромбинового индекса и общего белка можно расценивать как маркеры тяжелого гриппа. Неэффективность противовирусной терапии обусловлена поздним ее назначением, что еще раз подчеркивает важность своевременного начала лечения этиотропными препаратами.

    Issues of Ethnical and Confessional Relations and their solutions in the Islamic journalism in Western Europe

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    -291-296This article presents and summarizes the different views and approaches of scholars and journalists of Muslim and European origin to the dissolving a set of complex issues of Ethnical and Confessional Relations in Western Europe. The main problems are identity, governmental dialogue with Diasporas, adaptation of Muslims in the European Community. The authors suggest the systematic approach to the solutions of these difficult problems

    Un cachet à pain inscrit trouvé à Ḏarīḥ(Jordanie)

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    A stone bread stamp, found during the 1996 excavations at Khirbet eḏ-Ḏarīḥ, shows ambiguous signs engraved betweenthe arms of a cross on its flat side which reveal themselves, behind a Ḥismaic appearance, to be Arabic letters. The stamp,which dates from the Byzantine Christian occupation of the site, belongs to a category of non-serial ritual objects, thetypology of which has yet to be defined.Un marqueur à pain en pierre, trouvé lors des fouilles de 1996 à Khirbet eḏ-Ḏarīḥ, présente, sur sa face plane, des signesambigus, qui se révèlent être, derrière une apparence ḥismaïque, des lettres arabes, gravées entre les bras d’une croix. Lecachet, qui date de l’occupation chrétienne byzantine du site, appartient à une catégorie d’objets rituels non sériels, dontla typologie reste encore à défini