23 research outputs found


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    According to Sri Lankan Ayurveda pharmacopeia, indication of Juice of Abuldodam (Citrus aurantium) in afternoon or evening is a good treatment for Amla pitta. According to Ayurveda Citrus aurantium is sour (Amla rasa) in taste, Amlavipaka, Guru Guna and Ushnaveerya. It is Kapha-Vathashamaka, Rochana, Deepana and Anulomana in Anna Pachanavyuha (GIT). Citric acid, pectin, lemon oil and carotene etc. are the main chemical compounds of Citrus aurantium. Common attitude is that most probably acidic fruits may be a cause for increasing the acid condition in the stomach. Society disagrees to use the juice of Citrus aurantium as a treatment of Amlapitta. But some Ayurveda and Traditional physicians have been used the juice of Citrus aurantium in the management of Amlapitta. Gastric acid is the digestive fluid, formed in the which shows of 1.5 to 3.5 and is composed of (HCl) (around 0.5%, or 5000 ppm). Gastric juice is a strong acid (as high as 0.1 M) usually secreted by the glands in the lining of the stomach and usually essential for the digestion. The amount of gastric juice in the stomach will vary from person to person. In the study, gastric juice was prepared in synthetically at the level of normal pH value in stomach following standard procedure. 10 samples of gastric juice were arranged in various pH values (0.86-13.11). 25ml of juice of Citrus aurantium was mixed into each sample. The pH value was measured with the temperature in three durations, on time, after 5 minutes and after 10 minutes. The P values were measured with standard software. The founded P valve is 0.955 at 95% confidence level. It can be concluded that there is no significant variation of the media pH value in the mixture of Juice of Citrus aurantium in synthetically prepared gastric juice


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    There is an adagium that the material guarantees holder have an absolute right to be enforced when juxtaposed with individual guarantees holder. Decision of the Constitutional Court number 67 / PUU-XII / 2013 laid down the payment of wages of workers should take precedence of payment when juxtaposed with the payment of creditors separatis and state claim rights. Based on the decision of the Constitutional Court above, it can be concluded that material rights are not always absolute. It is a big question about the existence of a material right that can be upheld when compared to individual guarantor holders.Keyword : Material Guarantees Holder, Constitutional Court Decision, labor wagesTerdapat suatu adagium bahwa pemegang jaminan kebendaan memiliki hak yang mutlak dapat ditegakkan apabila disandingkan dengan pemegang jaminan perorangan. Putusan mahkamah konstitusi nomor 67/PUU-XII/2013 meletakkan pembayaran upah buruh harus didahulukan pembayarannya apabila disandingkan dengan pembayaran kreditor separatis dan hak tagih Negara. Berdasarkan putusan mahkamah konstitusi di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa hak kebendaan tidak selalu bersifat mutlak. Menjadi pertanyaan besar tentang eksistensi adagaium hak kebendaan yang dapat ditegakkan bila dibandingkan dengan pemegang jaminan perorangan.Kata Kunci : Pemegang Jaminan Kebendaan, Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi, Upah Buruh.http://jurnal

    Management of self-inflicted orchiectomy in psychiatric patient. Case report and non-systematic review of the literature.

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    INTRODUCTION: Self-inflicted orchidectomy and auto-castration, also known as "Eshmun complex" is a rare phenomenon. The aim of our study it to present the management of a patient who performed a self orchiectomy and propose a non-systematic review of literature about self-orchiectomy. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A 27-years old male Patient with psychiatric disorder was admitted to our ward to have been cutted his scrotum with scissors and cut away his left testicle causing active bleeding from the left spermatic artery. The patient underwent emergency surgery with clamping of the spermatic cord and hemostasis of the wound. RESULTS: After surgery the clinical condition of the patient remained good during whole hospitalization. Urgent psychiatric evaluation was performed in order to administer proper therapy for acute management. To best of our knowledge, only 11 cases of self-orchidectomy are reported in literature and all of them except 1 case, underwent surgical exploration. CONCLUSIONS: Self-orchidectomy is an extremely rare phenomenon, often associated with psychiatric disorders, compounded by the use of drugs. In our opinion, emergency surgery should be the first choice of treatment, offering diagnostic and hemostatic purpose in a single act, aimed to prevent acute and postacute complications

    Management of self-inflicted orchiectomy in psychiatric patient. Case report and non-systematic review of the literature

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    Introduction: Self-inflicted orchidectomy and auto-castration, also known as “Eshmun complex” is a rare phenomenon. The aim of our study it to present the management of a patient who performed a self orchiectomy and propose a non-systematic review of literature about self-orchiectomy. Material and method: A 27-years old male Patient with psychiatric disorder was admitted to our ward to have been cutted his scrotum with scissors and cut away his left testicle causing active bleeding from the left spermatic artery. The patient underwent emergency surgery with clamping of the spermatic cord and hemostasis of the wound. Results: After surgery the clinical condition of the patient remained good during whole hospitalization. Urgent psychiatric evaluation was performed in order to administer proper therapy for acute management. To best of our knowledge, only 11 cases of self-orchidectomy are reported in literature and all of them except 1 case, underwent surgical exploration. Conclusions: Self-orchidectomy is an extremely rare phenomenon, often associated with psychiatric disorders, compounded by the use of drugs. In our opinion, emergency surgery should be the first choice of treatment, offering diagnostic and hemostatic purpose in a single act, aimed to prevent acute and postacute complications

    Development of Cleaning Device for In-pipe Robot Application

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    AbstractPipelines are essential tools for transporting water, oils, gases and sewer from one place to another. Pipelines are used to interconnect networks from one station to another that involved various diameter sizes and fittings to compensate intended directions. There are many issues that influenced performance of the pipelines namely aging, corrosion, cracks and use to clog up with debris, or sediments after long use. There are number of methods available to clean the inside of the closed pipeline namely traditional method like boiling, picking, alcohol and salt and cleaning kits, or tools kits such as wire and plunger or large-gauge snake. However, all the methods can over-stress older pipeline and cause leaks that make even more extensive repair procedures needed to fix the problem. Chemical fluid for pipe cleaning is also not suitable to all types of pipeline because the chemical can erode the pipe wall. Currently, service robot is the best solution that purposely developed to facilitate humans being activities including cleaning, inspection for cracks or repairing damage in pipeline. This paper intends to report about the development of cleaning device for in-pipe robot application. The development covers both software and hardware of the device. Significant experiment has been designed to validate the function of the device. It is proof that the device has successfully clean the soft and moderate clog. The success of the cleaning device can be attached to the in-pipe robot and the outcome is expected to assist pipeline cleaning operations. Thus, enable the pipelines to transport efficiently with minimum cost of operation

    Pubis bone osteomyelitys after robotic radical cystectomy with continent intracorporeal urinary diversion: Multidisciplinary approach to a complex situation

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    Pubic bone osteomyelitis is a rare infectious condition which is characterized by a complex diagnostic and therapeutic workup, due to its various clinical manifestations. Among the many causes of this condition, urinary fistula is the most common in case of previous urological procedures. In order to solve this complication, it is crucial to treat both the fistula and (moreover) the infectious locus arising from it, because treating the fistula alone does not provide any control on the infectious noxa. We present the first case of pubic bone osteomyelitis arising from a urinary fistula after a robotic radical cystectomy with intra corporeal continent neobladder, which has been successfully treated through a multidisciplinary approach

    Development of In-Pipe Robot D300: Cornering Mechanism

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    Utilization of robots for in-pipe maintenance considered as one of the most effective ways to improve the pipeline operation. The specific condition and structure of a pipeline system is a challenge for the robots to perform its task. This research aims to assess the characteristic and performance of the in-pipe robot in a 90° pipe elbow. Hence, a prototype of in-pipe robot for 300 mm UPVC pipe diameter (IPR-D300) has been built. The conception of the robot is based on wall-pressed caterpillar type which is suitable for not only horizontal pipeline position, but also vertical and elbows pipeline. This robot is equipped with ultrasonic sensors, high performance microcontroller board and powerful geared motor for travelling in the corner of pipeline. The developed IPR-D300 consist of three independent driving modules that are able to alter the speed according to the pipeline characteristic. The hardware and software of the IPR-D300 performance have been tested and successfully perform the cornering task smoothly. The developed IPR-D300 potentially can be applied for in-pipe cleaning operation especially on centralised sewerage system. As standard pipeline size for sewerage system housing in Malaysia is 200 mm, smaller and robust in-pipe robot will be the future target

    From salt pan to saucepan: Salicornia, a halophytic vegetable with an array of potential health benefits

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    Abstract Domestication of novel crops from the wild is a key process that ensures food security by addressing adaptability to changing environments. These wild plants offer broader and unique health benefits beyond basic nutrition. Salinization resulted in a drastic reduction of arable land and freshwater intended for cultivation. Thus, the global food production is currently under a risk of meeting the demands. Salt‐tolerant plants (i.e., halophytes) are potential food candidates that can be used to increase the productivity of salinized land and also to enhance the diversification of food production. Salicornia can survive under hypersaline and extreme climatic conditions and deliver tender shoots and dried seeds that can be used as a food with a unique taste, texture, and therapeutic benefits. Although Salicornia is not equally popular among all the food cultures globally, it has been consumed over centuries, and it is now making its way to the shelves of supermarkets in some countries such as the United States, UAE, South Korea, and Mexico. Despite being an underutilized crop, Salicornia possesses an array of chemical compounds or basic derivatives that can enhance antioxidant, anti‐obesity, antidiabetes, anti‐inflammatory, cardioprotective, and neuroprotective properties of human nutrition. The presence of considerable amounts of nutritional elements and various functional bioactive phytochemicals have opened up avenues of using Salicornia as a functional food. The present paper reviews the recognition of Salicornia as a functional food and a potential cash crop in saline agriculture to enhance agricultural productivity and also to diversify the current food supply chain

    Detection of buttermilk solids in skimmilk powder by HPLC quantification of aminophospholipids

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    In considerazione delle sovvenzioni previste dalla Comunit\ue0 Economica Europea a sostegno del latte scremato in polvere (SMP) destinato all\u2019ammasso pubblico, l\u2019aggiunta illecita a questo prodotto di latticello in polvere (BMP), disponibile in abbondanza ed a basso costo negli Stati Membri, si presenta economicamente vantaggiosa ed \ue8 incentivata dalla mancanza di metodi analitici in grado di evidenziarla. Viene proposto un metodo per riconoscere la presenza di BMP nel SMP mediante dosaggio per HPLC della fosfatidilserina (PS) e della fosfatidiletanolammina (PE). L\u2019analisi prevede l\u2019estrazione degli amminofosfolipidi con metanolo, la derivatizzazione automatica con OPA (o-phtalaldeide), la separazione per HPLC in fase inversa su colonna C18 con una corsa di 28minuti e la rilevazione in fluorescenza. Sulla base dell\u2019analisi di numerosi campioni di SMP genuino vengono indicati valori soglia per il contenuto di PS+PE che consentono di riconoscere la presenza \u201csospetta\u201d (P<0.05) o \u201ccerta\u201d (P<0.01) di BMP. Il limite di rilevabilit\ue0 del BMP nel SMP risulta mediamente del 2-3% indipendentemente dalle condizioni di miscelazione utilizzate, solido+solido o liquido+liquido, prima della spraizzazione. Tuttavia causa la variabilit\ue0 del contenuto in amminofosfolipidi, la quantit\ue0 minima rilevabile di BMP pu\uf2 oscillare dall\u20191% al 10% un funzione di origine, condizioni di lavorazione ed et\ue0 dei prodotti utilizzati.Due to the high production of buttermilk in EEC Member States and the aids supported by Community for skimmilk powder (SMP), mixing of buttermilk powders (BMP) with SMP of public storage is economically advantageous and attractive, considering that no analytical methods are available to perform suitable control. A method to recognize buttermilk solids in SMP by quantification of phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) with HPLC is described. The analysis includes extraction of aminophospholipids with methanol, automatic derivatization with OPA (o-Phtalaldehyde), reverse-phase HPLC on C18 column in a 28 min. run time and fluorescence detection. On the basis of several analyses of pure SMP samples, threshold values for PS + PE content of SMP, allowing to recognize \u201csuspected\u201d (P<0.05) or \u201ccertain\u201d (P<0.01) presence of buttermilk solids are reported. Usually a 2-3% of BMP in SMP is detected in powder samples obtained mixing both solid with solid and liquid with liquid material before drying. However, due to the variability of aminophospholipid content, the minimum detectable amount of buttermilk solids in SMP may range from 1% to 10% according to origin, processing conditions and age of raw material