616 research outputs found

    Comparação de metodologia analítica na determinação de fósforo em solos

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Físicas e Matemáticas. Curso de Química.Amostras de solos foram analisadas em relação ao teor de fósforo empregando os métodos de extração Mehlich-1 utilizado rotineiramente na CIDASC e o método Mehlich-3. Os teores de fósforo extraídos empregando nove amostras de solos pelos dois métodos não apresentaram diferença significativa quando foi aplicado o teste t para múltiplas amostras para um nível de confiança de 95%

    Topics in cancer genomics

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    Large-scale projects such as the The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) have generated extensive exome libraries across several disease types and populations. Detection of somatic changes in HLA genes by whole-exome sequencing (WES) has been complicated by the highly polymorphic nature of these loci. We developed a method POLYSOLVER (POLYmorphic loci reSOLVER) for accurate inference of class I HLA-A, -B and -C alleles from WES data, and achieved 97% accuracy at protein level resolution when this was applied to 133 HapMap samples of known HLA type. By applying POLYSOLVER in conjunction with somatic change detection tools to 2688 tumor/normal pairs TCGA that were previously analyzed by conventional approaches, we re-discovered 37 of 56 (66%) HLA mutations, while further identifying 23 new events. An analysis of WES data from a larger set of 3768 tumor/normal pairs by POLYSOLVER revealed 131 class I mutations with an enrichment for potentially loss-of-function events. 3% of samples had at least one HLA event with 95 of 131 mutations in the T cell interacting and peptide binding domains. Recurrent hotspot sites of missense, nonsense and splice site mutations were discovered that suggest positive selection, and support immune evasion as an important pathway in cancer. Exome sequencing has also revealed a large number of shared and personal somatic mutations across human cancers. In principle, any genetic alteration affecting a protein-coding region has the potential to generate mutated peptides that are presented by surface HLA class I proteins that might be recognized by cytotoxic T cells. Utilizing POLYSOLVER in conjunction with knowledge of mutations in other genetic loci inferred from exome data, we developed a pipeline for the prediction and validation of such neoantigens derived from individual tumors and presented by patient-specific alleles of the HLA proteins. We applied our computational pipeline to 91 chronic lymphocytic leukemias (CLL) that had undergone whole-exome sequencing. We predicted ~22 mutated HLA-binding peptides per leukemia (derived from ~16 missense mutations), and experimentally confirmed HLA binding for ~55% of such peptides. Finally, we computationally predicted HLA-binding peptides with missense or frameshift mutations for several cancer types and predicted dozens to thousands of neoantigens per individual tumor, suggesting that neoantigens are frequent in most tumors. The neoantigen prediction pipeline can also elucidate the neoantigens unique to a particular cancer patient and help in the design of personalized immune vaccines. MicroRNAs (miRs) are a class of non-coding small RNAs that regulate gene expression by promoting mRNA degradation or by inhibiting mRNA translation. Context Likelihood of Relatedness (CLR) is genetic network reconstruction method that considers the local network context in assessing the significance of connections while also allowing for detection of non-linear associations. Leveraging TCGA multidimensional data in glioblastoma, we inferred the putative regulatory network between microRNA and mRNA using the CLR algorithm. Interrogation of the network in context of defined molecular subtypes identified 8 microRNAs with a strong discriminatory potential between proneural and mesenchymal subtypes. Integrative in silico analyses, a functional genetic screen, and experimental validation identified miR-34a as a tumor suppressor in proneural subtype glioblastoma. Mechanistically, in addition to its direct regulation of platelet-derived growth factor receptor-alpha (PDGFRA), promoter enrichment analysis of CLR-inferred mRNA nodes established miR-34a as a novel regulator of a SMAD4 transcriptional network. Clinically, miR-34a expression level is shown to be prognostic, where miR-34a low-expressing glioblastomas exhibited better overall survival. This work illustrates the potential of comprehensive multidimensional cancer genomic data combined with computational and experimental models to enable mechanistic exploration of relationships among different genetic elements across the genome space in cancer

    Le lobbying en France: une approche par le concept de corégulation

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    Unlike Anglo-Saxon countries, France has adopted only very recently (Sapin 2 Law, 2016) its official definition and a legal framework about corporate lobbying activities. Using the concept of coregulation, this article will focus on analyzing the link (or the interaction) between voluntary and binding standards which regulate lobbying. It will also identify public and private actors who initiated these standards. Finally, the limits of this new type of lobbying regulations will be underlined by studying them in a broader perspective on the CSR stakes (or challenges) of lobbying and on the paradoxes of the recent concept of responsible lobbying

    Antecedents, Psychological Bonds to Multiple Targets and Outcomes: A qualitative Approach of their Links

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    Based on the re-conceptualization of the work commitment construct and on the notion of quondam commitment (Klein and al., 2012, 2014, 2017), this paper examines all the psychological bond types to multiple workplace targets, using a qualitative methodology approach. After providing a reminder of the theoretical background, the results of a case study, conducted in a major company, are presented. For that purpose, semi-structured interviews with 26 employees and the HR Manager were carried out and completed with a documentary analysis of the company’s website and corporate documents. A manual content analysis has been processed, using the NVivo software. The results show how complex and multifaceted the links between antecedents, psychological bonds towards different targets and their attitudinal/behavioural consequences are and provide a better understanding of the process model of commitment development or loss. Finally, we discuss key theoretical and managerial implications of our study

    Anne‑Valérie Schweyer, Les Lyciens et la mort. Une étude d’histoire sociale

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    Anne‑Valérie Schweyer propose un ouvrage de synthèse sur les Lyciens et la mort, du ve au ier s. av. n. è. Il s’agit moins d’une étude des pratiques funéraires en Lycie, comme le laisserait entendre le titre principal, que d’une étude d’histoire sociale, ce que souligne le sous‑titre. L’étude repose principalement sur l’analyse d’inscriptions funéraires en langue lycienne et en langue grecque. L’essentiel du corpus des inscriptions lyciennes analysées provient du tome I des Tituli Asiae Minor..

    All is said by an observer : from the autopoiesis of living beings to human immersion in language

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    Orientador: Renato Jose Pinto OrtizDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias HumanasResumo: Segundo Humberto Maturana, na história da biologia, por vezes se ressaltou o indivíduo em detrimento da espécie e por outras, a espécie em detrimento do indivíduo. Sua proposta teórica de legitimar a espécie e o indivíduo ao mesmo tempo, que se origina no conceito de autopoiesis, é o que pretendo aprofundar neste trabalho, por intermédio do estudo das idéias que estão na base de sua teoria, a Biologia do Conhecer. Seguindo os fundamentos conceituais da Biologia do Conhecer tratarei, portanto, dos dois domínios operacionais da existência dos seres vivos. O primeiro, o domínio da dinâmica estrutural interna, da identidade do ser que conhece e onde acontece a autopoiesis, e o segundo, o da dinâmica relacional, onde existimos propriamente como seres vivos na realização de nosso viver em interações recorrentes. No tratamento do segundo domínio poderemos, então, especificar o que constitui a possibilidade de diálogo com o autor, já que trataremos da dinâmica dos seres humanos, que vivem imersos na linguagemAbstract: According to Humberto Maturana, within the history of biology, at times, the individual is given more prominence than the species; at others, the species is given more than the individual. Maturana.s theoretical proposition of simultaneously legitimizing both the species and the individual, which is at the root of the autopoiesis concept, is what I intend to investigate, by studying the ideas that lay the groundwork for his theory: the Biology of Cognition. By uncovering the conceptual foundations of the Biology of Cognition, I shall, therefore, explore the two operational domains of existence of living organisms: the first domain of the internal structural dynamic, of the identity of the being that knows and where autopoiesis occurs; and the second domain of the relational dynamic, where we effectively exist as living beings in the fulfillment of our living within recursive interactions. The treatment of the second domain can, thus, specify that which constitutes the possibility of dialoguing with the author, since we shall be dealing with the dynamic of human beings, who live immersed in languageMestradoTeoria SociológicaMestre em Sociologi

    A possibilidade de concessão do benefício de auxílio doença parental aos segurados do regime geral de previdência social

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso, apresentado para obtenção do grau de Bacharel no Curso de Direito da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC.O presente trabalho monográfico visa, precipuamente, discutir a possibilidade de ser alargado o alcance do auxílio-doença parental para os segurados filiados ao Regime Geral de Previdência Social, nos casos em que o trabalhador necessite se afastar de suas atividades laborativas para cuidar de familiar acometido de grave enfermidade, uma vez que já existe previsão legal para concessão deste benefício aos segurados do Regime Próprio de Previdência Social. Para tanto, são estudados o histórico do surgimento da previdência e seguridade social no mundo, sua evolução, aspectos e surgimento da previdência social no Brasil. Também é abordada a assistência constitucional destinada à proteção da família e a previdência social, abordando ainda o conceito de família, explicando os novos arranjos familiares e suas bases legais. Não obstante, destaca-se a importância da concessão legal do benefício do auxílio-doença parental também aos segurados do Regime Geral de Previdência Social. Ainda, são mencionadas algumas decisões judiciais já proferidas acerca do assunto supramencionado e também sobre o Projeto de Lei do Senado que deseja incluir o benefício do auxílio-doença parental ao rol dos benefícios concedidos pela Lei 8.213/91. O método de pesquisa utilizado foi o indutivo, com uso das técnicas da pesquisa bibliográfica, documental-legal e também a análise de decisões judiciais acerca do tema

    A interface tradução e jornalismo: marcas culturais no texto de revista

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos da TraduçãoA interface da tradução e do jornalismo apresenta-se como um rico objeto de análise que tende a crescer no campo das pesquisas científicas, pois traz consigo as representações culturais de cada país. Esta pesquisa, pertencente aos Estudos da Tradução sob a perspectiva e o modelo de Christiane Nord (1991), e aos estudos do jornalismo com Frank Esser (1998), in Zipser (2002), apresenta a análise de uma reportagem da revista National Geographic para o contexto americano e sua versão traduzida, National Geographic Brasil, para o português. Objetiva analisar, por meio dos dois modelos acima propostos, as marcas culturais presentes nesses textos levando-se em conta seu público-alvo já previamente estabelecido e a cultura em que cada texto está inserido. A hipótese da existência de marcas culturais nos textos será mostrada pela escolha lexical que servirá de ferramenta para atingir os propósitos deste estudo