51 research outputs found

    Influence of the conditions of sensitization on the characteristics of p-DSCs sensitized with asymmetric squaraines

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    The effect of the conditions of sensitization on the photoelectrochemical performance of p-type dye-sensitized solar cells (p-DSCs) with screen-printed nickel oxide (NiO) photocathodes is analyzed. The dye-sensitizers employed in the present study are asymmetric squaraines. The conditions of sensitization differ for the relative concentration of the anti-aggregating agentCDCA(chenideoxycholic acid) with respect to the concentration of the dye-sensitizer. The co-adsorption of CDCA onto NiO electrode brings about a decrease in the surface concentration of the anchored dye as well as a blueshift of the characteristic wavelengths of optical absorption of the asymmetric squaraines considered here. Beside this, the employment of CDCA as co-adsorbent reduces the overall conversion performance of the resulting squaraine-sensitized p-DSCs with consequent diminution of the short-circuit current density. This result is ascribed to the acid action of CDCA toward the amminic nitrogen of the squaraines. Quantum efficiency spectra show that CDCA acts as a quencher of the intrinsic photoelectrochemical activity of NiO. Moreover, CDCA does not interfere with the mechanism of charge injection effectuated by the photoexcited squaraines. The photoelectrochemical impedance spectra was analyzed employing a model of equivalent circuit developed for semiconducting nanostructure electrodes

    Terpyridine and quaterpyridine complexes as sensitizers for photovoltaic applications

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    Terpyridine and quaterpyridine-based complexes allow wide light harvesting of the solar spectrum. Terpyridines, with respect to bipyridines, allow for achieving metal-complexes with lower band gaps in the metal-to-ligand transition (MLCT), thus providing a better absorption at lower energy wavelengths resulting in an enhancement of the solar light-harvesting ability. Despite the wider absorption of the first tricarboxylate terpyridyl ligand-based complex, Black Dye (BD), dye-sensitized solar cell (DSC) performances are lower if compared with N719 or other optimized bipyridine-based complexes. To further improve BD performances several modifications have been carried out in recent years affecting each component of the complexes: terpyridines have been replaced by quaterpyridines; other metals were used instead of ruthenium, and thiocyanates have been replaced by different pinchers in order to achieve cyclometalated or heteroleptic complexes. The review provides a summary on design strategies, main synthetic routes, optical and photovoltaic properties of terpyridine and quaterpyridine ligands applied to photovoltaic, and focuses on n-type DSCs

    A new glance on R2MGe6 (R = rare earth metal, M = another metal) compounds. An experimental and theoretical study of R2PdGe6germanides

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    The R2PdGe6series (R = rare earth metal) was structurally characterized, and the results achieved were extended for a comprehensive study on R2MGe6(M = another metal) compounds, employing symmetry-based structural rationalization and energy calculations. Directly synthesized R2PdGe6exists for almost all R-components (R = Y, La-Nd, Sm and Gd-Lu) and even if with La is probably metastable. Several single crystal X-ray analyses (R = Y, Ce, Pr, Nd, Er and Lu) indicated oS72-Ce2(Ga0.1Ge0.9)7as the correct structure. The alternative In-flux method, once optimized, produced three good quality R2PdGe6single crystals: La2PdGe6and Pr2PdGe6turned out to be mS36-La2AlGe6-type non-merohedrally twinned crystals and Yb2PdGe6is of oS72-Ce2(Ga0.1Ge0.9)7-type. The vacancy ordering phenomenon was considered as a possible cause of the symmetry reduction relations connecting the most frequently reported 2:1:6 structural models (oS18, oS72 and mS36) with the oS20-SmNiGe3aristotype. The detected twin formation is consistent with the symmetry relations, which are discussed even considering the validity of the different structural models. DFT total energy calculations were performed for R2PdGe6(R = Y and La) in the three abovementioned structural models, and for La2MGe6(M = Pt, Cu, Ag and Au) in the oS18 and oS72 modifications. The results indicate that the oS18-Ce2CuGe6structure, prevalently proposed in the literature, is associated with the highest energy and thus it is not likely to be realized in these series. The oS72 and mS36 polytypes are energetically equivalent, and small changes in the synthetic conditions could easily stabilize any of them, in agreement with experimental results obtained by direct and flux syntheses

    Lu5Pd4Ge8 and Lu3Pd4Ge4: Two more germanides among polar intermetallics

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    In this study, two novel Lu5Pd4Ge8and Lu3Pd4Ge4polar intermetallics were prepared by direct synthesis of pure constituents. Their crystal structures were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis: Lu5Pd4Ge8is monoclinic, P21/m, mP34, a = 5.7406(3), b = 13.7087(7), c = 8.3423(4) \uc5, \u3b2 = 107.8(1), Z = 2; Lu3Pd4Ge4is orthorhombic, Immm, oI22, a = 4.1368(3), b = 6.9192(5), c = 13.8229(9) \uc5, Z = 2. The Lu5Pd4Ge8analysed crystal is one more example of non-merohedral twinning among the rare earth containing germanides. Chemical bonding DFT studies were conducted for these polar intermetallics and showing a metallic-like behavior. Gathered results for Lu5Pd4Ge8and Lu3Pd4Ge4permit to described both of them as composed by [Pd\u2013Ge]\u3b4\u2013three dimensional networks bonded to positively charged lutetium species. From the structural chemical point of view, the studied compounds manifest some similarities to the Zintl phases, containing well-known covalent fragment i.e., Ge dumbbells as well as unique cis-Ge4units. A comparative analysis of molecular orbital diagrams for Ge26\u2013and cis-Ge10\u2013anions with COHP results supports the idea of the existence of complex Pd\u2013Ge polyanions hosting covalently bonded partially polarised Ge units. The palladium atoms have an anion like behaviour and being the most electronegative cause the noticeable variation of Ge species charges from site to site. Lutetium charges oscillate around +1.5 for all crystallographic positions. Obtained results explained why the classical Zintl-Klemm concept can\u2019t be applied for the studied polar intermetallics

    Evaluation of antigens stability of tobacco seeds as edible vaccine against VTEC strains

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    Plants have represent a promising alternative for biopharmaceutical proteins (Ma et al., 2003; Rossi et al., 2014). Many plant based edible vaccines have been shown to be effective in inducing local immune responses (Rossi et al., 2013). Edible vaccines can activate both mucosal and systemic immunity, as they come in contact with the digestive tract lining. This dual effect would provide first-line defense against pathogens invading through the mucosa. The antigens are released in the intestines are taken up by M cells that are present over the Payer’s patches (in the ileum) and the gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). Edible vaccines represent an important worldwide goal for the prevention of the enteric diseases, also in livestock. In particular, the enteric infections are a significant clinical problem in pigs. Verocytotoxic Escherichia (E.) coli strains are responsible for serious enterotoxaemia that causes important economic losses in the pig industry. The production of a vaccine for oral administration of transgenic seeds could be a practical and efficient system to prevent the infection and to reduce the antibiotic use. This study was focused on tobacco plants, previously transformed by agroinfection for the seed-specific expression of antigenic proteins (F18 adhesive fimbriae and the B subunit of the Vt2e toxin) as model of edible vaccines against verocytotoxic E. coli strains. The dietary administration of transgenic tobacco seeds promotes a significant increase in the number of mucosal IgA-producing cells of the tunica propria in both small and large intestine in mice (Rossi et al., 2013). A protective effect of oral administration of transgenic tobacco seeds was also observed against verocytotoxic Escherichia coli infection in piglets (Rossi et al., 2014). The aim of this study was to assess the seed-expression stability, that is a important requirement in the vaccine production, of F 18 and Vt2e-B heterologous genes into the progeny of transformed tobacco plants

    Ecdysozoan mitogenomics: evidence for a common origin of the legged invertebrates, the Panarthropoda

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    Ecdysozoa is the recently recognized clade of molting animals that comprises the vast majority of extant animal species and the most important invertebrate model organisms—the fruit fly and the nematode worm. Evolutionary relationships within the ecdysozoans remain, however, unresolved, impairing the correct interpretation of comparative genomic studies. In particular, the affinities of the three Panarthropoda phyla (Arthropoda, Onychophora, and Tardigrada) and the position of Myriapoda within Arthropoda (Mandibulata vs. Myriochelata hypothesis) are among the most contentious issues in animal phylogenetics. To elucidate these relationships, we have determined and analyzed complete or nearly complete mitochondrial genome sequences of two Tardigrada, Hypsibius dujardini and Thulinia sp. (the first genomes to date for this phylum); one Priapulida, Halicryptus spinulosus; and two Onychophora, Peripatoides sp. and Epiperipatus biolleyi; and a partial mitochondrial genome sequence of the Onychophora Euperipatoides kanagrensis. Tardigrada mitochondrial genomes resemble those of the arthropods in term of the gene order and strand asymmetry, whereas Onychophora genomes are characterized by numerous gene order rearrangements and strand asymmetry variations. In addition, Onychophora genomes are extremely enriched in A and T nucleotides, whereas Priapulida and Tardigrada are more balanced. Phylogenetic analyses based on concatenated amino acid coding sequences support a monophyletic origin of the Ecdysozoa and the position of Priapulida as the sister group of a monophyletic Panarthropoda (Tardigrada plus Onychophora plus Arthropoda). The position of Tardigrada is more problematic, most likely because of long branch attraction (LBA). However, experiments designed to reduce LBA suggest that the most likely placement of Tardigrada is as a sister group of Onychophora. The same analyses also recover monophyly of traditionally recognized arthropod lineages such as Arachnida and of the highly debated clade Mandibulata
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