424 research outputs found

    Subfamily-Specific Adaptations in the Structures of Two Penicillin-Binding Proteins from Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Beta-lactam antibiotics target penicillin-binding proteins including several enzyme classes essential for bacterial cell-wall homeostasis. To better understand the functional and inhibitor-binding specificities of penicillin-binding proteins from the pathogen, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, we carried out structural and phylogenetic analysis of two predicted D,D-carboxypeptidases, Rv2911 and Rv3330. Optimization of Rv2911 for crystallization using directed evolution and the GFP folding reporter method yielded a soluble quadruple mutant. Structures of optimized Rv2911 bound to phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride and Rv3330 bound to meropenem show that, in contrast to the nonspecific inhibitor, meropenem forms an extended interaction with the enzyme along a conserved surface. Phylogenetic analysis shows that Rv2911 and Rv3330 belong to different clades that emerged in Actinobacteria and are not represented in model organisms such as Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis. Clade-specific adaptations allow these enzymes to fulfill distinct physiological roles despite strict conservation of core catalytic residues. The characteristic differences include potential protein-protein interaction surfaces and specificity-determining residues surrounding the catalytic site. Overall, these structural insights lay the groundwork to develop improved beta-lactam therapeutics for tuberculosis

    Influence of Nanoparticle Size and Shape on Oligomer Formation of an Amyloidogenic Peptide

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    Understanding the influence of macromolecular crowding and nanoparticles on the formation of in-register β\beta-sheets, the primary structural component of amyloid fibrils, is a first step towards describing \emph{in vivo} protein aggregation and interactions between synthetic materials and proteins. Using all atom molecular simulations in implicit solvent we illustrate the effects of nanoparticle size, shape, and volume fraction on oligomer formation of an amyloidogenic peptide from the transthyretin protein. Surprisingly, we find that inert spherical crowding particles destabilize in-register β\beta-sheets formed by dimers while stabilizing β\beta-sheets comprised of trimers and tetramers. As the radius of the nanoparticle increases crowding effects decrease, implying smaller crowding particles have the largest influence on the earliest amyloid species. We explain these results using a theory based on the depletion effect. Finally, we show that spherocylindrical crowders destabilize the ordered β\beta-sheet dimer to a greater extent than spherical crowders, which underscores the influence of nanoparticle shape on protein aggregation

    Direct constraint on the distance of y2 Velorum from AMBER/VLTI observations

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    In this work, we present the first AMBER observations, of the Wolf-Rayet and O (WR+O) star binary system y2 Velorum. The AMBER instrument was used with the telescopes UT2, UT3, and UT4 on baselines ranging from 46m to 85m. It delivered spectrally dispersed visibilities, as well as differential and closure phases, with a resolution R = 1500 in the spectral band 1.95-2.17 micron. We interpret these data in the context of a binary system with unresolved components, neglecting in a first approximation the wind-wind collision zone flux contribution. We show that the AMBER observables result primarily from the contribution of the individual components of the WR+O binary system. We discuss several interpretations of the residuals, and speculate on the detection of an additional continuum component, originating from the free-free emission associated with the wind-wind collision zone (WWCZ), and contributing at most to the observed K-band flux at the 5% level. The expected absolute separation and position angle at the time of observations were 5.1±0.9mas and 66±15° respectively. However, we infer a separation of 3.62+0.11-0.30 mas and a position angle of 73+9-11°. Our analysis thus implies that the binary system lies at a distance of 368+38-13 pc, in agreement with recent spectrophotometric estimates, but significantly larger than the Hipparcos value of 258+41-31 pc

    Near-Infrared interferometry of Eta Carinae with high spatial and spectral resolution using the VLTI and the AMBER instrument

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    We present the first NIR spectro-interferometry of the LBV Eta Carinae. The K band observations were performed with the AMBER instrument of the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer using three 8.2m Unit Telescopes with baselines from 42 to 89m. The aim of this work is to study the wavelength dependence of Eta Car's optically thick wind region with a high spatial resolution of 5 mas (11 AU) and high spectral resolution. The medium spectral resolution observations (R=1,500) were performed in the wavelength range around both the HeI 2.059 micron and the Br gamma 2.166 micron emission lines, the high spectral resolution observations (R=12,000) only in the Br gamma line region. In the K-band continuum, a diameter of 4.0 +/-0.2 mas (Gaussian FWHM, fit range 28-89m) was measured for Eta Car's optically thick wind region. If we fit Hillier et al. (2001) model visibilities to the observed AMBER visibilities, we obtain 50 % encircled-energy diameters of 4.2, 6.5 and 9.6mas in the 2.17 micron continuum, the HeI, and the Br gamma emission lines, respectively. In the continuum near the Br gamma line, an elongation along a position angle of 120+/-15 degrees was found, consistent with previous VLTI/VINCI measurements by van Boekel et al. (2003). We compare the measured visibilities with predictions of the radiative transfer model of Hillier et al. (2001), finding good agreement. Furthermore, we discuss the detectability of the hypothetical hot binary companion. For the interpretation of the non-zero differential and closure phases measured within the Br gamma line, we present a simple geometric model of an inclined, latitude-dependent wind zone. Our observations support theoretical models of anisotropic winds from fast-rotating, luminous hot stars with enhanced high-velocity mass loss near the polar regions.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures, 2 tables; A&A in pres

    High Throughput Screen for Escherichia coli Twin Arginine Translocation (Tat) Inhibitors

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    The twin arginine translocation (Tat) pathway transports fully-folded and assembled proteins in bacteria, archaea and plant thylakoids. The Tat pathway contributes to the virulence of numerous bacterial pathogens that cause disease in humans, cattle and poultry. Thus, the Tat pathway has the potential to be a novel therapeutic target. Deciphering the Tat protein transport mechanism has been challenging since the active translocon only assembles transiently in the presence of substrate and a proton motive force. To identify inhibitors of Tat transport that could be used as biochemical tools and possibly as drug development leads, we developed a high throughput screen (HTS) to assay the effects of compounds in chemical libraries against protein export by the Escherichia coli Tat pathway. The primary screen is a live cell assay based on a fluorescent Tat substrate that becomes degraded in the cytoplasm when Tat transport is inhibited. Consequently, low fluorescence in the presence of a putative Tat inhibitor was scored as a hit. Two diverse chemical libraries were screened, yielding average Z'-factors of 0.74 and 0.44, and hit rates of ~0.5% and 0.04%, respectively. Hits were evaluated by a series of secondary screens. Electric field gradient (Δψ) measurements were particularly important since the bacterial Tat transport requires a Δψ. Seven low IC50 hits were eliminated by Δψ assays, suggesting ionophore activity. As Δψ collapse is generally toxic to animal cells and efficient membrane permeability is generally favored during the selection of library compounds, these results suggest that secondary screening of hits against electrochemical effects should be done early during hit validation. Though none of the short-listed compounds inhibited Tat transport directly, the screening and follow-up assays developed provide a roadmap to pursue Tat transport inhibitors

    The EXIT Strategy: an Approach for Identifying Bacterial Proteins Exported during Host Infection

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    Exported proteins of bacterial pathogens function both in essential physiological processes and in virulence. Past efforts to identify exported proteins were limited by the use of bacteria growing under laboratory (in vitro) conditions. Thus, exported proteins that are exported only or preferentially in the context of infection may be overlooked. To solve this problem, we developed a genome-wide method, named EXIT (exported in vivotechnology), to identify proteins that are exported by bacteria during infection and applied it to Mycobacterium tuberculosis during murine infection. Our studies validate the power of EXIT to identify proteins exported during infection on an unprecedented scale (593 proteins) and to reveal in vivo induced exported proteins (i.e., proteins exported significantly more during in vivo infection than in vitro). Our EXIT data also provide an unmatched resource for mapping the topology of M. tuberculosis membrane proteins. As a new approach for identifying exported proteins, EXIT has potential applicability to other pathogens and experimental conditions

    A Novel Antimycobacterial Compound Acts as an Intracellular Iron Chelator

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    Efficient iron acquisition is crucial for the pathogenesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mycobacterial iron uptake and metabolism are therefore attractive targets for antitubercular drug development. Resistance mutations against a novel pyrazolopyrimidinone compound (PZP) that is active against M. tuberculosis have been identified within the gene cluster encoding the ESX-3 type VII secretion system. ESX-3 is required for mycobacterial iron acquisition through the mycobactin siderophore pathway, which could indicate that PZP restricts mycobacterial growth by targeting ESX-3 and thus iron uptake. Surprisingly, we show that ESX-3 is not the cellular target of the compound. We demonstrate that PZP indeed targets iron metabolism; however, we found that instead of inhibiting uptake of iron, PZP acts as an iron chelator, and we present evidence that the compound restricts mycobacterial growth by chelating intrabacterial iron. Thus, we have unraveled the unexpected mechanism of a novel antimycobacterial compound

    Temperature Dependence of Backbone Dynamics in Human Ileal Bile Acid-Binding Protein: Implications for the Mechanism of Ligand Binding

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    Human ileal bile acid-binding protein (I-BABP), a member of the family of intracellular lipid binding proteins plays a key role in the cellular trafficking and metabolic regulation of bile salts. The protein has two internal and, according to a recent study, an additional superficial binding site and binds di- and trihydroxy bile salts with positive cooperativity and a high degree of site-selectivity. Previously, in the apo form, we have identified an extensive network of conformational fluctuations on the millisecond time scale, which cease upon ligation. Additionally, ligand binding at room temperature was found to be accompanied by a slight rigidification of picosecond-nanosecond (ps-ns) backbone flexibility. In the current study, temperature-dependent N-15 NMR spin relaxation measurements were used to gain more insight into the role of dynamics in human I-BABP-bile salt recognition. According to our analysis, residues sensing a conformational exchange in the apo state can be grouped into two clusters with slightly different exchange rates. The entropy-enthalpy compensation observed for both clusters suggests a disorder-order transition between a ground and a sparsely populated higher energy state in the absence of ligands. Analysis of the faster, ps-ns motion of N-15-H-1 bond vectors indicates an unusual nonlinear temperature-dependence for both ligation states. Intriguingly, while bile salt binding results in a more uniform response to temperature change throughout the protein, the temperature derivative of the generalized order parameter shows different responses to temperature increase for the two forms of the protein in the investigated temperature range. Analysis of both slow and fast motions in human I-BABP indicates largely different energy landscapes for the apo and halo states suggesting that optimization of binding interactions might be achieved by altering the dynamic behavior of specific segments in the protein