160 research outputs found

    A case of crescentic glomerulonephritis associated with relapsing polychondritis

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    Relapsing polychondritis (RP) is a rare autoimmune disease, characterized by recurrent inflammatory episodes affecting various carttilageus structures. Renal involvement in RP is unusual. Our case was a 42-year old woman presented with nephretic syndrome. Diagnosis of RP was made because of recurrent chondritis of both auricles, chondritis of costovertebral joints, non-erosive inflammatory arthritis of knees, and inflammation of ocular structures. Renal biopsy findings revealed diffuse crescentic and sclerotic glomerulonephritis, pauciimmune type. The diagnosis of RP may be missed when the destructive cartilage feature is not apparent or rare presentation of disease such as ocular or renal involvement preceded other manifestations. In this case we found that the irregular prednisolone use may prevent destructive cartilage damage but not renal failure of patient. We concluded that the association of crescentic glomerulonephritis in a patient with RP was assumed to be a rare manifestation of this disease. © 2019 The Author(s)

    A steady-state saturation model to determine the subsurface travel time (STT) in complex hillslopes

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    The travel time of subsurface flow in complex hillslopes (hillslopes with different plan shape and profile curvature) is an important parameter in predicting the subsurface flow in catchments. This time depends on the hillslopes geometry (plan shape and profile curvature), soil properties and climate conditions. The saturation capacity of hillslopes affect the travel time of subsurface flow. The saturation capacity, and subsurface travel time of compound hillslopes depend on parameters such as soil depth, porosity, soil hydraulic conductivity, plan shape (convergent, parallel or divergent), hillslope length, profile curvature (concave, straight or convex) and recharge rate to the groundwater table. An equation for calculating subsurface travel time for all complex hillslopes was presented. This equation is a function of the saturation zone length (SZL) on the surface. Saturation zone length of the complex hillslopes was calculated numerically by using the hillslope-storage kinematic wave equation for subsurface flow, so an analytical equation was presented for calculating the saturation zone length of the straight hillslopes and all plan shapes geometries. Based on our results, the convergent hillslopes become saturated very soon and they showed longer SZL with shorter travel time compared to the parallel and divergent ones. The subsurface average flow rate in convergent hillslopes is much less than the divergent ones in the steady state conditions. Concerning to subsurface travel time, convex hillslopes have more travel time in comparison to straight and concave hillslopes. The convex hillslopes exhibit more average flow rate than concave hillslopes and their saturation capacity is very low. Finally, the effects of recharge rate variations, average bedrock slope and soil depth on saturation zone extension were investigated

    I love being a midwife; it\u27s who I am : A Glaserian Grounded Theory Study of why midwives stay in midwifery

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    Aims and objectives: To understand why Western Australian (WA) midwives choose to remain in the profession. Background: Midwifery shortages and the inability to retain midwives in the midwifery profession is a global problem. The need for effective midwifery staff retention strategies to be implemented is therefore urgent, as is the need for evidence to inform those strategies. Design: Glaserian grounded theory (GT) methodology was used with constant comparative analysis. Methods: Fourteen midwives currently working clinically area were interviewed about why they remain in the profession. The GT process of constant comparative analysis resulted in an overarching core category emerging. The study is reported in accordance with Tong and associates’ (2007) Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ). Results: The core category derived from the data was labelled—“I love being a midwife; it\u27s who I am.” The three major categories that underpin the core category are labelled as follows: “The people I work with make all the difference”; “I want to be ‘with woman’ so I can make a difference”; and “I feel a responsibility to pass on my skills, knowledge and wisdom to the next generation.” Conclusion: It emerged from the data that midwives’ ability to be “with woman” and the difference they feel they make to them, the people they work with and the opportunity to “grow” the next generation together underpin a compelling new middle‐range theory of the phenomenon of interest. Relevance to clinical practice: The theory that emerged and the insights it provides will be of interest to healthcare leaders, who may wish to use it to help develop midwifery workforce policy and practice, and by extension to optimise midwives’ job satisfaction, and facilitate the retention of midwives both locally and across Australia

    Withanolides-Induced Breast Cancer Cell Death Is Correlated with Their Ability to Inhibit Heat Protein 90

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    Withanolides are a large group of steroidal lactones found in Solanaceae plants that exhibit potential anticancer activities. We have previously demonstrated that a withanolide, tubocapsenolide A, induced cycle arrest and apoptosis in human breast cancer cells, which was associated with the inhibition of heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90). To investigate whether other withanolides are also capable of inhibiting Hsp90 and to analyze the structure-activity relationships, nine withanolides with different structural properties were tested in human breast cancer cells MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 in the present study. Our data show that the 2,3-unsaturated double bond-containing withanolides inhibited Hsp90 function, as evidenced by selective depletion of Hsp90 client proteins and induction of Hsp70. The inhibitory effect of the withanolides on Hsp90 chaperone activity was further confirmed using in vivo heat shock luciferase activity recovery assays. Importantly, Hsp90 inhibition by the withanolides was correlated with their ability to induce cancer cell death. In addition, the withanolides reduced constitutive NF-κB activation by depleting IκB kinase complex (IKK) through inhibition of Hsp90. In estrogen receptor (ER)-positive MCF-7 cells, the withanolides also reduced the expression of ER, and this may be partly due to Hsp90 inhibition. Taken together, our results suggest that Hsp90 inhibition is a general feature of cytotoxic withanolides and plays an important role in their anticancer activity

    Bone Marrow Transplantation Results in Human Donor Blood Cells Acquiring and Displaying Mouse Recipient Class I MHC and CD45 Antigens on Their Surface

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    Background: Mouse models of human disease are invaluable for determining the differentiation ability and functional capacity of stem cells. The best example is bone marrow transplants for studies of hematopoietic stem cells. For organ studies, the interpretation of the data can be difficult as transdifferentiation, cell fusion or surface antigen transfer (trogocytosis) can be misinterpreted as differentiation. These events have not been investigated in hematopoietic stem cell transplant models. Methodology/Principal Findings: In this study we investigated fusion and trogocytosis involving blood cells during bone marrow transplantation using a xenograft model. We report that using a standard SCID repopulating assay almost 100 % of the human donor cells appear as hybrid blood cells containing both mouse and human surface antigens. Conclusion/Significance: Hybrid cells are not the result of cell-cell fusion events but appear to be due to efficient surface antigen transfer, a process referred to as trogocytosis. Antigen transfer appears to be non-random and includes all donor cells regardless of sub-type. We also demonstrate that irradiation preconditioning enhances the frequency of hybrid cell

    Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is associated with greater tibial tunnel widening when using a bioabsorbable screw compared to an all-inside technique with suspensory fixation

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    Purpose: To compare clinical outcomes and tunnel widening following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) performed with an all-inside technique (Group A) or with a bioabsorbable tibial screw and suspensory femoral fixation (Group B). Methods: Tunnel widening was assessed using computed tomography (CT) and a previously validated analytical best fit cylinder technique at approximately 1-year following ACLR. Clinical follow-up comprised evaluation with IKDC, KSS, Tegner, Lysholm scores, and knee laxity assessment. Results: The study population comprised 22 patients in each group with a median clinical follow-up of 24 months (range 21–27 months). The median duration between ACLR and CT was 13 months (range 12–14 months). There were no significant differences in clinical outcome measures between groups. There were no differences between groups with respect to femoral tunnel widening. However, there was a significantly larger increase in tibial tunnel widening, at the middle portion, in Group B (2.4 ± 1.5 mm) compared to Group A (0.8 ± 0.4 mm) (p = 0.027), and also at the articular portion in Group B (1.5 ± 0.8 mm) compared to Group A (0.8 ± 0.8 mm) (p = 0.027). Conclusion: Tibial tunnel widening after ACLR using hamstring tendon autograft is significantly greater with suspensory femoral fixation and a bioabsorbable tibial interference screw when compared to an all-inside technique at a median follow-up of 2 years. The clinical relevance of this work lies in the rebuttal of concerns arising from biomechanical studies regarding the possibility of increased tunnel widening with an all-inside technique. Level of evidence: III

    On the geometric order of totally nondegenerate CR manifolds

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    A CR manifold M, with CR distribution D10⊂ TCM, is called totally nondegenerate of depthμ if: (a) the complex tangent space TCM is generated by all complex vector fields that might be determined by iterated Lie brackets between at most μ fields in D10+ D10¯ ; (b) for each integer 2 ≤ k≤ μ- 1 , the families of all vector fields that might be determined by iterated Lie brackets between at most k fields in D10+ D10¯ generate regular complex distributions; (c) the ranks of the distributions in (b) have the maximal values that can be obtained amongst all CR manifolds of the same CR dimension and satisfying (a) and (b)—this maximality property is the total nondegeneracy condition. In this paper, we prove that, for any Tanaka symbol m= m-μ+ ⋯ + m- 1 of a totally nondegenerate CR manifold of depth μ≥ 4 , the full Tanaka prolongation of m has trivial subspaces of degree k≥ 1 , i.e. it has the form m-μ+ ⋯ + m- 1+ g. This result has various consequences. For instance it implies that any (local) CR automorphism of a regular totally nondegenerate CR manifold is uniquely determined by its first order jet at a fixed point of the manifold. It also gives a complete proof of a conjecture by Beloshapka on the group of automorphisms of homogeneous totally nondegenerate CR manifolds