31 research outputs found

    Abel dynamic equations of the first and second kind

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    In this work, we study Abel dynamic equations of the first and the second kind. After a brief introduction to time scales, we introduce the Abel differential equations of the first and the second kind, as well as the canonical Abel form in the continuous case. Using the existing information, we derive novel results for time scales. We provide formulas for the Abel dynamic equations of the second kind and present a solution method. We furthermore achieve a special class of Abel equations of the first kind and discuss the canonical Abel equation. We get relations between common dynamic equations by analyzing relations between common differential equations in R. Examples for T = R illustrate our results for the Abel dynamic equations --Abstract, page iii

    Dynamic Equations on Time Scales

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    An extension of differential equations to different underlying time domains are so called dynamic equations on time scales. Time scales calculus unifies the continuous and discrete calculus and extends it to any nonempty closed subset of the real numbers. Choosing the time scale to be the real numbers, a dynamic equation on time scales collapses to a differential equation, while the integer time scale transforms a dynamic equation into a difference equation. Dynamic equations on time scales allow the modeling of processes that are neither fully discrete nor fully continuous. This chapter provides a brief introduction to time scales and its applications by incorporating a selective collection of existing results

    Delay Dynamic Equations on Isolated Time Scales and the Relevance of One-Periodic Coefficients

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    We are motivated by the idea that certain properties of delay differential and difference equations with constant coefficients arise as a consequence of their one-periodic nature. We apply the recently introduced definition of periodicity for arbitrary isolated time scales to linear delay dynamic equations and a class of nonlinear delay dynamic equations. Utilizing a derived identity of higher order delta derivatives and delay terms, we rewrite the considered linear and nonlinear delayed dynamic equations with one-periodic coefficients as a linear autonomous dynamic system with constant matrix. As the simplification of a constant matrix is only obtained for one-periodic coefficients, dynamic equations with one-periodic coefficients are the simplest form compared to the commonly used constant coefficients

    Periodicity on Isolated Time Scales

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    In this work, we formulate the definition of periodicity for functions defined on isolated time scales. The introduced definition is consistent with the known formulations in the discrete and quantum calculus settings. Using the definition of periodicity, we discuss the existence and uniqueness of periodic solutions to a family of linear dynamic equations on isolated time scales. Examples in quantum calculus and for mixed isolated time scales are presented

    A Gompertz distribution for time scales

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    We investigate a family of probability distributions, with three parameters associated with the dynamic Gompertz function. We prove its existence for various parameter sets and discuss the existence of its time scale moments. Afterwards, we investigate the special case of discrete time scales, where it is shown that the discrete Gompertz distribution is a q -geometric distribution of the second kind. Further, we find their q -binomial moments, we bound their expected value, and we show how a classical Gompertz distribution is obtained from them

    Derivation and Analysis of a Discrete Predator–Prey Model

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    We derive a discrete predator–prey model from first principles, assuming that the prey population grows to carrying capacity in the absence of predators and that the predator population requires prey in order to grow. The proposed derivation method exploits a technique known from economics that describes the relationship between continuous and discrete compounding of bonds. We extend standard phase plane analysis by introducing the next iterate root-curve associated with the nontrivial prey nullcline. Using this curve in combination with the nullclines and direction field, we show that the prey-only equilibrium is globally asymptotic stability if the prey consumption-energy rate of the predator is below a certain threshold that implies that the maximal rate of change of the predator is negative. We also use a Lyapunov function to provide an alternative proof. If the prey consumption-energy rate is above this threshold, and hence the maximal rate of change of the predator is positive, the discrete phase plane method introduced is used to show that the coexistence equilibrium exists and solutions oscillate around it. We provide the parameter values for which the coexistence equilibrium exists and determine when it is locally asymptotically stable and when it destabilizes by means of a supercritical Neimark–Sacker bifurcation. We bound the amplitude of the closed invariant curves born from the Neimark–Sacker bifurcation as a function of the model parameters

    Prioritised learning in snowdrift-type games

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    Cooperation is a ubiquitous and beneficial behavioural trait despite being prone to exploitation by free-riders. Hence, cooperative populations are prone to invasions by selfish individuals. However, a population consisting of only free-riders typically does not survive. Thus, cooperators and free-riders often coexist in some proportion. An evolutionary version of a Snowdrift Game proved its efficiency in analysing this phenomenon. However, what if the system has already reached its stable state but was perturbed due to a change in environmental conditions? Then, individuals may have to re-learn their effective strategies. To address this, we consider behavioural mistakes in strategic choice execution, which we refer to as incompetence. Parametrising the propensity to make such mistakes allows for a mathematical description of learning. We compare strategies based on their relative strategic advantage relying on both fitness and learning factors. When strategies are learned at distinct rates, allowing learning according to a prescribed order is optimal. Interestingly, the strategy with the lowest strategic advantage should be learnt first if we are to optimise fitness over the learning path. Then, the differences between strategies are balanced out in order to minimise the effect of behavioural uncertainty

    Mistakes can stabilise the dynamics of rock-paper-scissors games

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    A game of rock-paper-scissors is an interesting example of an interaction where none of the pure strategies strictly dominates all others, leading to a cyclic pattern. In this work, we consider an unstable version of rock-paper-scissors dynamics and allow individuals to make behavioural mistakes during the strategy execution. We show that such an assumption can break a cyclic relationship leading to a stable equilibrium emerging with only one strategy surviving. We consider two cases: completely random mistakes when individuals have no bias towards any strategy and a general form of mistakes. Then, we determine conditions for a strategy to dominate all other strategies. However, given that individuals who adopt a dominating strategy are still prone to behavioural mistakes in the observed behaviour, we may still observe extinct strategies. That is, behavioural mistakes in strategy execution stabilise evolutionary dynamics leading to an evolutionary stable and, potentially, mixed co-existence equilibrium

    The Beverton–Hold model on isolated time scales

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    In this work, we formulate the Beverton–Holt model on isolated time scales and extend existing results known in the discrete and quantum calculus cases. Applying a recently introduced definition of periodicity for arbitrary isolated time scales, we discuss the effects of periodicity onto a population modeled by a dynamic version of the Beverton–Holt equation. The first main theorem provides conditions for the existence of a unique ω-periodic solution that is globally asymptotically stable, which addresses the first Cushing–Henson conjecture on isolated time scales. The second main theorem concerns the generalization of the second Cushing–Henson conjecture. It investigates the effects of periodicity by deriving an upper bound for the average of the unique periodic solution. The obtained upper bound reveals a dependence on the underlying time structure, not apparent in the classical case. This work also extends existing results for the Beverton–Holt model in the discrete and quantum cases, and it complements existing conclusions on periodic time scales. This work can furthermore guide other applications of the recently introduced periodicity on isolated time scales