309 research outputs found

    RNA-DNA ratios as indicators of short-term growth in channel catfish

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    Adaptation of an evidence-based cardiovascular health intervention for rural African Americans in the Southeast

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    Background: African Americans (AA) living in the southeast United States have the highest prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and rural minorities bear a significant burden of co-occurring CVD risk factors. Few evidence-based interventions (EBI) address social and physical environmental barriers in rural minority communities. We used intervention mapping together with community-based participatory research (CBPR) principles to adapt objectives of a multi-component CVD lifestyle EBI to fit the needs of a rural AA community. We sought to describe the process of using CPBR to adapt an EBI using intervention mapping to an AA rural setting and to identify and document the adaptations mapped onto the EBI and how they enhance the intervention to meet community needs. Methods: Focus groups, dyadic interviews, and organizational web-based surveys were used to assess content interest, retention strategies, and incorporation of auxiliary components to the EBI. Using CBPR principles, community and academic stakeholders met weekly to collaboratively integrate formative research findings into the intervention mapping process. We used a framework developed by Wilstey Stirman et al. to document changes. Results: Key changes were made to the content, context, and training and evaluation components of the existing EBI. A matrix including behavioral objectives from the original EBI and new objectives was developed. Categories of objectives included physical activity, nutrition, alcohol, and tobacco divided into three levels, namely, individual, interpersonal, and environmental. Conclusions: Intervention mapping integrated with principles of CBPR is an efficient and flexible process for adapting a comprehensive and culturally appropriate lifestyle EBI for a rural AA community context

    Machine Learning in Automated Text Categorization

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    The automated categorization (or classification) of texts into predefined categories has witnessed a booming interest in the last ten years, due to the increased availability of documents in digital form and the ensuing need to organize them. In the research community the dominant approach to this problem is based on machine learning techniques: a general inductive process automatically builds a classifier by learning, from a set of preclassified documents, the characteristics of the categories. The advantages of this approach over the knowledge engineering approach (consisting in the manual definition of a classifier by domain experts) are a very good effectiveness, considerable savings in terms of expert manpower, and straightforward portability to different domains. This survey discusses the main approaches to text categorization that fall within the machine learning paradigm. We will discuss in detail issues pertaining to three different problems, namely document representation, classifier construction, and classifier evaluation.Comment: Accepted for publication on ACM Computing Survey

    The Masaya Triple Layer: a 2100 year old basaltic multi-episodic Plinian eruption from the Masaya Caldera Complex (Nicaragua)

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    The Masaya Caldera Complex has been the site of three highly explosive basaltic eruptions within the last six thousand years. A Plinian eruption ca. 2 ka ago formed the widespread deposits of the Masaya Triple Layer. We distinguish two facies within the Masaya Triple Layer from each other: La Concepción facies to the south and Managua facies to the northwest. These two facies were previously treated as two separated deposits (La Concepción Tephra and the Masaya Triple Layer of Pérez and Freundt, 2006) because of their distinct regional distribution and internal architectures. However, chemical compositions of bulk rock, matrix and inclusion glasses and mineral phases demonstrate that they are the product of a single basaltic magma batch. Additionally, a marker bed containing fluidal-shaped vesicular lapilli allowed us to make a plausible correlation between the two facies, also supported by consistent lateral changes in lithologic structure and composition, thickness and grain size. We distinguish 10 main subunits of the Masaya Triple Layer (I to X), with bulk volumes ranging between 0.02 and 0.22 km3, adding up to 0.86 km3 (0.4 km3 DRE) for the entire deposit. Distal deposits identified in two cores drilled offshore Nicaragua, at a distance of ∼ 170 km from the Masaya Caldera Complex, increase the total tephra volume to 3.4 km3 or ∼ 1.8 km3 DRE of erupted basaltic magma. Isopleth data of five major fallout subunits indicate mass discharges of 106 to 108 kg/s and eruption columns of 21 to 32 km height, affected by wind speeds of < 2 m/s to ∼ 20 m/s which increased during the course of the multi-episodic eruption. Magmatic Plinian events alternated with phreatoplinian eruptions and phreatomagmatic explosions generating surges that typically preceded breaks in activity. While single eruptive episodes lasted for few hours, the entire eruption probable lasted weeks to months. This is indicated by changes in atmospheric conditions and ash-layer surfaces that had become modified during the breaks in activity. The Masaya Triple Layer has allowed to reconstruct in detail how a basaltic Plinian eruption develops in terms of duration, episodicity, and variable access of external water to the conduit, with implications for volcanic hazard assessment

    Cellular Immune Responses to Nine Mycobacterium tuberculosis Vaccine Candidates following Intranasal Vaccination

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    BACKGROUND: The identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis vaccines that elicit a protective immune response in the lungs is important for the development of an effective vaccine against tuberculosis. METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, a comparison of intranasal (i.n.) and subcutaneous (s.c.) vaccination with the BCG vaccine demonstrated that a single moderate dose delivered intranasally induced a stronger and sustained M. tuberculosis-specific T-cell response in lung parenchyma and cervical lymph nodes of BALB/c mice than vaccine delivered subcutaneously. Both BCG and a multicomponent subunit vaccine composed of nine M. tuberculosis recombinant proteins induced strong antigen-specific T-cell responses in various local and peripheral immune compartments. Among the nine recombinant proteins evaluated, the alanine proline rich antigen (Apa, Rv1860) was highly antigenic following i.n. BCG and immunogenic after vaccination with a combination of the nine recombinant antigens. The Apa-induced responses included induction of both type 1 and type 2 cytokines in the lungs as evaluated by ELISPOT and a multiplexed microsphere-based cytokine immunoassay. Of importance, i.n. subunit vaccination with Apa imparted significant protection in the lungs and spleen of mice against M. tuberculosis challenge. Despite observed differences in the frequencies and location of specific cytokine secreting T cells both BCG vaccination routes afforded comparable levels of protection in our study. CONCLUSION AND SIGNIFICANCE: Overall, our findings support consideration and further evaluation of an intranasally targeted Apa-based vaccine to prevent tuberculosis

    New physical characterization of the Fontana Lapilli basaltic Plinian eruption, Nicaragua

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    The Fontana Lapilli deposit was erupted in the late Pleistocene from a vent, or multiple vents, located near Masaya volcano (Nicaragua) and is the product of one of the largest basaltic Plinian eruptions studied so far. This eruption evolved from an initial sequence of fluctuating fountain-like events and moderately explosive pulses to a sustained Plinian episode depositing fall beds of highly vesicular basaltic-andesite scoria (SiO2 > 53 wt%). Samples show unimodal grain size distribution and a moderate sorting that are uniform in time. The juvenile component predominates (> 96 wt%) and consists of vesicular clasts with both sub-angular and fluidal, elongated shapes. We obtain a maximum plume height of 32 km and an associated mass eruption rate of 1.4 × 108 kg s−1 for the Plinian phase. Estimates of erupted volume are strongly sensitive to the technique used for the calculation and to the distribution of field data. Our best estimate for the erupted volume of the majority of the climactic Plinian phase is between 2.9 and 3.8 km3 and was obtained by applying a power-law fitting technique with different integration limits. The estimated eruption duration varies between 4 and 6 h. Marine-core data confirm that the tephra thinning is better fitted by a power-law than by an exponential trend

    Therapeutic recreation as a developing profession in South Africa

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    South Africa experiences socio-economic challenges with a high prevalence of poverty resulting in disability and non-communicable diseases affecting the health and welfare of communities. Health services are not always accessible or available to citizens, especially those of previously disadvantaged or rural communities. The South African National Plan for Development 2030 aims to address these inequality and health issues. One focus area of this plan is the inclusion of recreation, leisure and sport as an important service sector to improve the health and well-being of all individuals. Therapeutic recreation could play an important role in this regard. In South Africa, therapeutic recreation is in its developmental stages. This paper aims to provide the reader with an overview of therapeutic recreation in South Africa as a developing profession. An overview of the current status of the profession is discussed in terms of standard of practice and as it relates to health professions and recreation service providers, programmes with therapeutic value and training needs. The study concludes that there is still groundwork to be done, calling for interested parties to embark on an aggressive advocacy and strategic planning process to develop therapeutic recreation as a profession in South Africa.Scopu

    Leaky doors: private captivity as a prominent source of bird introductions in Australia

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    The international pet trade is a major source of emerging invasive vertebrate species. We used online resources as a novel source of information for accidental bird escapes, and we investigated the factors that influence the frequency and distribution of bird escapes at a continental scale. We collected information on over 5,000 pet birds reported to be missing on animal websites during the last 15 years in Australia. We investigated whether variables linked to pet ownership successfully predicted bird escapes, and we assessed the potential distribution of these escapes. Most of the reported birds were parrots (> 90%), thus, we analysed factors associated with the frequency of parrot escapes. We found that bird escapes in Australia are much more frequent than previously acknowledged. Bird escapes were reported more frequently within, or around, large Australian capital cities. Socio-economic factors, such as the average personal income level of the community, and the level of human modification to the environment were the best predictors of bird escapes. Cheaper parrot species, Australian natives, and parrot species regarded as peaceful or playful were the most frequently reported escapees. Accidental introductions have been overlooked as an important source of animal incursions. Information on bird escapes is available online in many higher income countries and, in Australia, this is particularly apparent for parrot species. We believe that online resources may provide useful tools for passive surveillance for non-native pet species. Online surveillance will be particularly relevant for species that are highly reported, such as parrots, and species that are either valuable or highly commensal.Miquel Vall-llosera, Phillip Casse

    The Role of the Novel Exopolyphosphatase MT0516 in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Drug Tolerance and Persistence

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    Inorganic polyphosphate (poly P) has been postulated to play a regulatory role in the transition to bacterial persistence. In bacteria, poly P balance in the cell is maintained by the hydrolysis activity of the exopolyphosphatase PPX. However, the Mycobacterium tuberculosis PPX has not been characterized previously. Here we show that recombinant MT0516 hydrolyzes poly P, and an MT0516-deficient M. tuberculosis mutant exhibits elevated intracellular levels of poly P and increased expression of the genes mprB, sigE, and rel relative to the isogenic wild-type strain, indicating poly P-mediated signaling. Deficiency of MT0516 resulted in decelerated growth during logarithmic-phase in axenic cultures, and tolerance to the cell wall-active drug isoniazid. The MT0516-deficient mutant showed a significant survival defect in activated human macrophages and reduced persistence in the lungs of guinea pigs. We conclude that exopolyphosphatase is required for long-term survival of M. tuberculosis in necrotic lung lesions