57 research outputs found

    Animated documentation of the filaria dance sign (FDS) in bancroftian filariasis

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    BACKGROUND: Ultrasonography is able to detect adult Wuchereria bancrofti worms in scrotal lymphatic vessels of infected men on account of the characteristic pattern of adult worm movements, known as the filarial dance sign. Furthermore, the technique is able to delineate associated pathology, such as hydrocoele and lymphoedema, which can be diagnosed in early stages. Ultrasonography is also useful in the assessment of macrofilaricidal effects of antifilarial medication. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of scrotal ultrasonography, in combination with a new method of digital documentation, in men infected with Wuchereria bancrofti. METHODS: Ultrasonography of the scrotal areas was carried out in 33 male patients from an endemic area in Ghana using a hand-carried ultrasound system and a linear array transducer at 7.5 MHz. Wuchereria bancrofti infection was also assessed by quantification of night blood microfilaraemia and semi-quantitative detection of circulating filarial antigen. Ultrasound findings were documented by print outs and by Digital Video sequences directly exported from the ultrasound machine which were edited in Final Cut Pro 3(® )and exported, using QuickTime(® )Pro, as MPEG-1 video. RESULTS: Worm nests, i.e. dilated lymphatic vessels with the characteristic movement patterns of worms, were found in all patients, and typical examples of larger as well as smaller nests are presented through MPEG-1 video in b- and m-modes as well as Colour Doppler and Pulse Wave Doppler images. CONCLUSION: In this study, the filarial dance sign is being made available on the Internet to readers through MPEG-1 video. This method allows for demonstration of movement patterns rather than static images. In addition, the pathologic ultrasonographic signs of filariasis can be rapidly relayed over great distances and may be helpful to other investigators or clinicians in the diagnosis of patients infected with Wuchereria bancrofti

    Assessment of microfilarial loads in the skin of onchocerciasis patients after treatment with different regimens of doxycycline plus ivermectin

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    BACKGROUND: Infection with the filarial nematode Onchocerca volvulus can lead to severe dermatitis, visual impairment, and ultimately blindness. Since the currently used drug, ivermectin does not have macrofilaricidal or strong permanent sterilising effects on the adult worm, more effective drugs are needed to complement the use of ivermectin alone. Wolbachia endosymbiotic bacteria in filariae have emerged as a new target for treatment with antibiotics which can lead to long -term sterilization of the adult female filariae. METHODS: In the Central Region of Ghana, 60 patients were recruited, allocated into four groups and treated with 200 mg doxycycline per day for 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks respectively. Untreated patients served as controls. Some of the treated patients and the untreated controls were given 150 μg/kg ivermectin 8 months after the start of doxycycline treatment. RESULTS: A follow up study 18 months post treatment showed that when using doxycycline alone there was a significant reduction of microfilarial (mf) loads in patients treated for either 4 or 6 weeks. However, there was no significant difference between the untreated controls and those given the 2 weeks regimen. Although no significant difference was demonstrated between the 4 and 6 weeks regimens, there was a trend observed, in that, microfilarial reduction appeared to have been greater following the 6 weeks regimen. Twelve months after ivermectin (i.e. 20 months after doxycycline) treatment, 8 out of 11 ivermectin-alone treated patients were mf-positive. In contrast, 1 out of the 7 patients treated for 4 weeks with doxycycline and none of the 4 patients treated for 6 weeks doxycycline (who were available for re-examination) were mf-positive after the combined treatment of doxycycline plus ivermectin treatment. CONCLUSION: Treatment of onchocerciasis with doxycycline for 4 weeks is effective. Nonetheless, mf reduction appeared to be greater in the 6 weeks regimen. It is recommended that until further studies are carried out i.e. 4 weeks treatment with doxycycline is proven equivalent to the 6 weeks, selected groups of onchocerciasis patients should be treated for 6 weeks with doxycycline. As discussed earlier, this treatment should be accompanied by two doses of ivermectin

    Macrofilaricidal Activity in Wuchereria bancrofti after 2 Weeks Treatment with a Combination of Rifampicin plus Doxycycline

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    Infection with the filarial nematode Wuchereria bancrofti can lead to lymphedema, hydrocele, and elephantiasis. Since adult worms cause pathology in lymphatic filariasis (LF), it is imperative to discover macrofilaricidal drugs for the treatment of the infection. Endosymbiotic Wolbachia in filariae have emerged as a new target for antibiotics which can lead to macrofilaricidal effects. In Ghana, a pilot study was carried out with 39 LF-infected men; 12 were treated with 200 mg doxycycline/day for 4 weeks, 16 were treated with a combination of 200 mg doxycycline/day + 10 mg/kg/day rifampicin for 2 weeks, and 11 patients received placebo. Patients were monitored for Wolbachia and microfilaria loads, antigenaemia, and filarial dance sign (FDS). Both 4-week doxycycline and the 2-week combination treatment reduced Wolbachia load significantly. At 18 months posttreatment, four-week doxycycline resulted in 100% adult worm loss, and the 2-week combination treatment resulted in a 50% adult worm loss. In conclusion, this pilot study with a combination of 2-week doxycycline and rifampicin demonstrates moderate macrofilaricidal activity against W. bancrofti

    Frequent detection of worm movements in onchocercal nodules by ultrasonography

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    BACKGROUND: Ultrasonography (USG) is known to be a suitable tool for diagnosis in lymphatic filariasis as the adult filarial nematode Wuchereria bancrofti in scrotal lymphatic vessels of infected men can be detected by the characteristic pattern of movement, the Filaria Dance Sign. In onchocerciasis, moving adult worms have not yet been demonstrated by USG. In addition the verification of drug effects on living adult Onchocerca volvulus filariae in trials is hampered by the lack of tools for longitudinal observation of alterations induced by potentially macrofilaricidal drugs in vivo. The present study was carried out to determine the frequency of detection of moving adult filariae of O. volvulus by USG. METHODS: In an endemic region for onchocerciasis in Ghana, 61 patients infected with onchocerciasis were recruited by palpation and onchocercomas examined by USG using an ultrasound system equipped with a 7.5 – 10 MHz linear transducer. Onchocercomas were recorded on videotape and evaluated with regard to location, number and size, as well as to movements of adult filariae. RESULTS: In the 61 patients 303 onchocercomas were found by palpation and 401 onchocercomas were detected by USG. In 18 out of 61 patients (29.5%), altogether 22 nodules with moving adult O. volvulus filariae were detected and are presented in animated ultrasound images as mp-4 videos. CONCLUSION: Ultrasonographical examinations of onchocercomas where living adult filariae can be displayed may serve as a new tool for the longitudinal observation in vivo of patients with onchocerciasis undergoing treatment and as an adjunct to histological evaluation

    Efficacy of 5-week doxycycline treatment on adult Onchocerca volvulus.

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    The effects of 5-week doxycycline treatment on the depletion of Wolbachia endobacteria from Onchocerca volvulus, on the interruption of embryogenesis and on microfilariae production, and with regard to macrofilaricidal activity were studied. In 2003, in an endemic area in Ghana, 22 onchocerciasis patients received 100 mg/day doxycycline for 5 weeks. Two years after the start of the study, 20 treated and ten untreated patients were nodulectomized and skin microfilariae were counted. The onchocercomas were examined by immunohistology for the presence of Wolbachia, embryogenesis, and vitality of adult filariae. The latter two parameters were further assessed by alternating logistic regression analysis, taking into account the dependency of worms and nodules in patients. Doxycycline resulted in depletion of Wolbachia and in complete interruption of embryogenesis in all worms that were assumed to have been present during treatment. In the treated patients, only 51% of the female worms were alive, compared to 84% in the untreated patients, indicating a moderate but distinct macrofilaricidal activity of doxycycline at this dose. It is concluded that, in areas with ongoing transmission, doxycycline cannot replace regular ivermectin mass treatment because new infections would require repeated rounds of doxycycline. However, doxycycline can be used for the treatment of individuals outside transmission areas, in foci where ivermectin resistance may occur, and in countries where onchocerciasis and loiasis are co-endemic

    Lymphatic Vascularisation and Involvement of Lyve-1+ Macrophages in the Human Onchocerca Nodule

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    Onchocerciasis, caused by the filarial nematode Onchocerca volvulus, is a parasitic disease leading to debilitating skin disease and blindness, with major economic and social consequences. The pathology of onchocerciasis is principally considered to be a consequence of long-standing host inflammatory responses. In onchocerciasis a subcutaneous nodule is formed around the female worms, the core of which is a dense infiltrate of inflammatory cells in which microfilariae are released. It has been established that the formation of nodules is associated with angiogenesis. In this study, we show using specific markers of endothelium (CD31) and lymphatic endothelial cells (Lyve-1, Podoplanin) that not only angiogenesis but also lymphangiogenesis occurs within the nodule. 7% of the microfilariae could be found within the lymphatics, but none within blood vessels in these nodules, suggesting a possible route of migration for the larvae. The neovascularisation was associated with a particular pattern of angio/lymphangiogenic factors in nodules of onchocerciasis patients, characterized by the expression of CXCL12, CXCR4, VEGF-C, Angiopoietin-1 and Angiopoietin-2. Interestingly, a proportion of macrophages were found to be positive for Lyve-1 and some were integrated into the endothelium of the lymphatic vessels, revealing their plasticity in the nodular micro-environment. These results indicate that lymphatic as well as blood vascularization is induced around O. volvulus worms, either by the parasite itself, e.g. by the release of angiogenic and lymphangiogenic factors, or by consecutive host immune responses

    Emotional burnout of specialists in socio-occupational professions: contemporary views on the problem

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    Представлено сучасні підходи до проблеми вигорання у представників соціономічних професій у контексті емоційної праці, емоційного і когнітивного дисонансу. Проаналізовано й узагальнено наукову літературу з питань вигорання, визначено три основні його компоненти: емоційне і/або фізичне виснаження, зниження продуктивності праці і надмірна деперсоналізація. На основі аналізу визначень вигорання встановлено його зв’язок з емоційною працею (регуляцією і вираженням емоційних станів). Обстоюється думка, що фахівці соціономічних професій особливо вразливі до вигорання, оскільки тривалий час перебувають у стані, коли необхідно постійно контролювати свої емоції, брати на себе відповідальність і відчувати невизначеність, працюючи з іншими людьми. Емоційну працю розглянуто як предиктор вигорання у фахівців соціономічних професій. На основі аналізу літератури, присвяченої проблемам вигорання та емоційного дисонансу, висловлено припущення, що вимоги щодо емоційної праці зумовлюють різноманітність проявів синдрому виго-рання (у тому числі виснаження, цинізму, зниження продуктивності праці та погіршення самопочуття), а знання симптомів вигорання дало б змогу фахівцям соціономічних професій запобігти виникненню та загостренню цього стану.This article deals with the modern approaches to the problem of burnout of helping professionals in the context of emotional labor, emotional and cognitive dissonance. The burnout literature is reviewed, compared, and summarized. The definition of burnout is proposed including three components: emotional and/or physical exhaustion, lowered work productivity, and excessive depersonalization. Based on an analysis of the definitions of burnout, the paper focuses on the connec-tion of burnout and emotional work (regulation of feelings and emotional expression). It is also maintained a fact that helping professionals are especially vulnerable to burnout because of the necessity to control own emotions for a long time, to take responsibilities, and to feel uncertainties they encounter while working with others. The current study discussed emotional labor as a predictor of burnout of helping professionals. On the basis of the literature on burnout and emotional dissonance, the author of this article hypothesized that emotional job demands would explain variances of burnout (i.e., exhaustion and cynicism). Knowledge of abovementioned syndromes would help socionomy professionals to avoid emergence and aggravation of emotional burnout.Представлены современные подходы к проблеме выгорания у представителей социономических профессий в контексте эмоциональной труда, эмоционального и когнитивного диссонанса. Проанализированы и обобщены научную литературу по вопросам выгорания, определены три основные его компоненты: эмоциональное и / или физическое истощение, снижение производительности труда и чрезмерная деперсонализация. На основе анализа определений выгорания установлена ​​его связь с эмоциональной трудом (регуляцией и выражением эмоциональных состояний). Отстаивается мнение, что специалисты социономических профессий особенно уязвимы к выгоранию, поскольку длительное время находятся в состоянии, когда необходимо постоянно контролировать свои эмоции, брать на себя ответственность и чувствовать неопределенность, работая с другими людьми. Эмоциональный труд рассмотрен как предиктор выгорания у специалистов социономических профессий. На основе анализа литературы, посвященной проблемам выгорания и эмоционального диссонанса, высказано предположение, что требования по эмоциональной труда обусловливают разнообразие проявлений синдрома выгорания (в том числе истощения, цинизма, снижение производительности труда и ухудшение самочувствия), а знание симптомов выгорания позволило бы специалистам социономических профессий предотвратить возникновение и обострение этого состояния

    Doxycycline Leads to Sterility and Enhanced Killing of Female Onchocerca volvulus Worms in an Area With Persistent Microfilaridermia After Repeated Ivermectin Treatment: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Trial

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    Background Ivermectin (IVM) has been the drug of choice for the treatment of onchocerciasis. However, there have been reports of persistent microfilaridermia in individuals from an endemic area in Ghana after many rounds of IVM, raising concerns of suboptimal response or even the emergence of drug resistance. Because it is considered risky to continue relying only on IVM to combat this phenomenon, we assessed the effect of targeting the Onchocerca volvulus Wolbachia endosymbionts with doxycycline for these individuals with suboptimal response. Methods One hundred sixty-seven patients, most of them with multiple rounds of IVM, were recruited in areas with IVM suboptimal response and treated with 100 mg/day doxycycline for 6 weeks. Three and 12 months after doxycycline treatment, patients took part in standard IVM treatment. Results At 20 months after treatment, 80% of living female worms from the placebo group were Wolbachia positive, whereas only 5.1% in the doxycycline-treated group contained bacteria. Consistent with interruption of embryogenesis, none of the nodules removed from doxycycline-treated patients contained microfilariae, and 97% of those patients were without microfilaridermia, in contrast to placebo patients who remained at pretreatment levels (P < .001). Moreover, a significantly enhanced number of dead worms were observed after doxycycline. Conclusions Targeting the Wolbachia in O. volvulus is effective in clearing microfilariae in the skin of onchocerciasis patients with persistent microfilaridermia and in enhanced killing of adult worms after repeated standard IVM treatment. Strategies can now be developed that include doxycycline to control onchocerciasis in areas where infections persist despite the frequent use of IVM

    The therapeutic efficacy and macrofilaricidal activity of doxycycline for the treatment of river blindness

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    Background. Onchocerca volvulus and lymphatic filariae, causing river blindness and elephantiasis, depend on endosymbiotic Wolbachia bacteria for growth, development, fertility, and survival. Clinical trials have shown that doxycycline treatment eliminates Wolbachia, causing long-term sterilization of adult female filariae and effecting potent macrofilaricidal activity. The continual reinfection by drug-naive worms that occurs in these trial settings dilutes observable anti-Wolbachia and antifilarial effects, making it difficult to estimate therapeutic efficacy and compare different doxycycline regimens, evaluated at different times after treatment. Methods. A meta-analytical modeling framework is developed to link all usable data collected from clinical trials measuring the Wolbachia status and viability of individual female adult worms collected at various times after treatment with 4, 5, or 6 weeks of daily 100 or 200 mg oral doxycycline. The framework is used to estimate efficacy parameters that are not directly measurable as trial outcomes. Results. The estimated efficacy of doxycycline (the maximum proportional reduction in the percentage of adult female O. volvulus positive for Wolbachia) is 91%–94% on average, irrespective of the treatment regimen. Efficacy is >95% in the majority of trial participants. The life span of Wolbachia-depleted worms is reduced by 70%–80%, from approximately 10 years to 2–3 years. Conclusions. The efficacy parameters are pertinent to the prospects of using doxycycline on a “test and treat” basis for onchocerciasis control and confirm doxycycline as a potent macrofilaricidal therapy. The modeling approach is more generally relevant to the design and evaluation of clinical trials for antifilarial drugs conducted in endemic settings

    Onchocerciasis Control: Vision for the Future from a Ghanian perspective

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    Since 1987 onchocerciasis control has relied on the donation of ivermectin (Mectizan®, Merck & Co., Inc.) through the Mectizan Donation Programme. Recently, concern has been raised over the appearance of suboptimal responses to ivermectin in Ghana – highlighting the potential threat of the development of resistance to ivermectin. This report summarises a meeting held in Ghana to set the research agenda for future onchocerciasis control. The aim of this workshop was to define the research priorities for alternative drug and treatment regimes and control strategies to treat populations with existing evidence of suboptimal responsiveness and define research priorities for future control strategies in the event of the development of widespread ivermectin resistance