47 research outputs found

    The Inhibitory Receptor CLEC12A Regulates PI3K-Akt Signaling to Inhibit Neutrophil Activation and Cytokine Release

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    The myeloid inhibitory C-type lectin receptor CLEC12A limits neutrophil activation, pro-inflammatory pathways and disease in mouse models of inflammatory arthritis by a molecular mechanism that remains poorly understood. We addressed how CLEC12A-mediated inhibitory signaling counteracts activating signaling by cross-linking CLEC12A in human neutrophils. CLEC12A cross-linking induced its translocation to flotillin-rich membrane domains where its ITIM was phosphorylated in a Src-dependent manner. Phosphoproteomic analysis identified candidate signaling molecules regulated by CLEC12A that include MAPKs, phosphoinositol kinases and members of the JAK-STAT pathway. Stimulating neutrophils with uric acid crystals, the etiological agent of gout, drove the hyperphosphorylation of p38 and Akt. Ultimately, one of the pathways through which CLEC12A regulates uric acid crystal-stimulated release of IL-8 by neutrophils is through a p38/PI3K-Akt signaling pathway. In summary this work defines early molecular events that underpin CLEC12A signaling in human neutrophils to modulate cytokine synthesis. Targeting this pathway could be useful therapeutically to dampen inflammation

    A robust methodology to subclassify pseudokinases based on their nucleotide-binding properties

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    Protein kinase-like domains that lack conserved residues known to catalyse phosphoryl transfer, termed pseudokinases, have emerged as important signalling domains across all kingdoms of life. Although predicted to function principally as catalysis-independent protein-interaction modules, several pseudokinase domains have been attributed unexpected catalytic functions, often amid controversy. We established a thermal-shift assay as a benchmark technique to define the nucleotide-binding properties of kinase-like domains. Unlike in vitro kinase assays, this assay is insensitive to the presence of minor quantities of contaminating kinases that may otherwise lead to incorrect attribution of catalytic functions to pseudokinases. We demonstrated the utility of this method by classifying 31 diverse pseudokinase domains into four groups: devoid of detectable nucleotide or cation binding; cation-independent nucleotide binding; cation binding; and nucleotide binding enhanced by cations. Whereas nine pseudokinases bound ATP in a divalent cation-dependent manner, over half of those examined did not detectably bind nucleotides, illustrating that pseudokinase domains predominantly function as non-catalytic protein-interaction modules within signalling networks and that only a small subset is potentially catalytically active. We propose that henceforth the thermal-shift assay be adopted as the standard technique for establishing the nucleotide-binding and catalytic potential of kinase-like domains

    Mps1 Phosphorylates Its N-Terminal Extension to Relieve Autoinhibition and Activate the Spindle Assembly Checkpoint

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    Monopolar spindle 1 (Mps1) is a conserved apical kinase in the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) that ensures accurate segregation of chromosomes during mitosis. Mps1 undergoes extensive auto- and transphosphorylation, but the regulatory and functional consequences of these modifications remain unclear. Recent findings highlight the importance of intermolecular interactions between the N-terminal extension (NTE) of Mps1 and the Hec1 subunit of the NDC80 complex, which control Mps1 localization at kinetochores and activation of the SAC. Whether the NTE regulates other mitotic functions of Mps1 remains unknown. Here, we report that phosphorylation within the NTE contributes to Mps1 activation through relief of catalytic autoinhibition that is mediated by the NTE itself. Moreover, we find that this regulatory NTE function is independent of its role in Mps1 kinetochore recruitment. We demonstrate that the NTE autoinhibitory mechanism impinges most strongly on Mps1-dependent SAC functions and propose that Mps1 activation likely occurs sequentially through dimerization of a “prone-to-autophosphorylate” Mps1 conformer followed by autophosphorylation of the NTE prior to maximal kinase activation segment trans-autophosphorylation. Our observations underline the importance of autoregulated Mps1 activity in generation and maintenance of a robust SAC in human cells

    Quantitative Mass Spectrometry Analysis Reveals Similar Substrate Consensus Motif for Human Mps1 Kinase and Plk1

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    Background Members of the Mps1 kinase family play an essential and evolutionarily conserved role in the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC), a surveillance mechanism that ensures accurate chromosome segregation during mitosis. Human Mps1 (hMps1) is highly phosphorylated during mitosis and many phosphorylation sites have been identified. However, the upstream kinases responsible for these phosphorylations are not presently known. Methodology/Principal Findings Here, we identify 29 in vivo phosphorylation sites in hMps1. While in vivo analyses indicate that Aurora B and hMps1 activity are required for mitotic hyper-phosphorylation of hMps1, in vitro kinase assays show that Cdk1, MAPK, Plk1 and hMps1 itself can directly phosphorylate hMps1. Although Aurora B poorly phosphorylates hMps1 in vitro, it positively regulates the localization of Mps1 to kinetochores in vivo. Most importantly, quantitative mass spectrometry analysis demonstrates that at least 12 sites within hMps1 can be attributed to autophosphorylation. Remarkably, these hMps1 autophosphorylation sites closely resemble the consensus motif of Plk1, demonstrating that these two mitotic kinases share a similar substrate consensus. Conclusions/Significance hMps1 kinase is regulated by Aurora B kinase and its autophosphorylation. Analysis on hMps1 autophosphorylation sites demonstrates that hMps1 has a substrate preference similar to Plk1 kinase

    Uncovering the Molecular Machinery of the Human Spindle—An Integration of Wet and Dry Systems Biology

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    The mitotic spindle is an essential molecular machine involved in cell division, whose composition has been studied extensively by detailed cellular biology, high-throughput proteomics, and RNA interference experiments. However, because of its dynamic organization and complex regulation it is difficult to obtain a complete description of its molecular composition. We have implemented an integrated computational approach to characterize novel human spindle components and have analysed in detail the individual candidates predicted to be spindle proteins, as well as the network of predicted relations connecting known and putative spindle proteins. The subsequent experimental validation of a number of predicted novel proteins confirmed not only their association with the spindle apparatus but also their role in mitosis. We found that 75% of our tested proteins are localizing to the spindle apparatus compared to a success rate of 35% when expert knowledge alone was used. We compare our results to the previously published MitoCheck study and see that our approach does validate some findings by this consortium. Further, we predict so-called “hidden spindle hub”, proteins whose network of interactions is still poorly characterised by experimental means and which are thought to influence the functionality of the mitotic spindle on a large scale. Our analyses suggest that we are still far from knowing the complete repertoire of functionally important components of the human spindle network. Combining integrated bio-computational approaches and single gene experimental follow-ups could be key to exploring the still hidden regions of the human spindle system

    Adventures of the undead at kinetochores

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    At the metaphase-to-anaphase transition, phosphatase activity feeds back to reverse early mitotic phosphorylation events. Our recent work indicates that the pseudokinase domain of the spindle checkpoint protein BUB1 (Budding Uninhibited by Benzimidazoles 1) mitotic checkpoint serine/threonine kinase B (BUB1B, BUBR1) maintains kinase–phosphatase balance at the outer kinetochore during mitotic exit

    Tyr(less) kinase signaling during mitosis

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    Bub1 autophosphorylation feeds back to regulate kinetochore docking and promote localized substrate phosphorylation

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    During mitosis, Bub1 kinase phosphorylates histone H2A-T120 to promote centromere sister chromatid cohesion through recruitment of shugoshin (Sgo) proteins. The regulation and dynamics of H2A-T120 phosphorylation are poorly understood. Using quantitative phosphoproteomics we show that Bub1 is autophosphorylated at numerous sites. We confirm mitosis-specific autophosphorylation of a several residues and show that Bub1 activation is primed in interphase but fully achieved only in mitosis. Mutation of a single autophosphorylation site T589 alters kinetochore turnover of Bub1 and results in uniform H2A-T120 phosphorylation and Sgo recruitment along chromosome arms. Consequently, improper sister chromatid resolution and chromosome segregation errors are observed. Kinetochore tethering of Bub1-T589A refocuses H2A-T120 phosphorylation and Sgo1 to centromeres. Recruitment of the Bub1-Bub3-BubR1 axis to kinetochores has recently been extensively studied. Our data provide novel insight into the regulation and kinetochore residency of Bub1 and indicate that its localization is dynamic and tightly controlled through feedback autophosphorylation

    Uncoupling of the spindle-checkpoint and chromosome-congression functions of BubR1

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    The BubR1 checkpoint protein performs multiple functions in mitosis. We have carried out a functional analysis of conserved motifs of human BubR1 (also known as BUB1B) and demonstrate that spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) and chromosome attachment functions can be uncoupled from each other. Mutation of five proline-directed serine phosphorylation sites, identified in vivo by mass spectrometry, essentially abolishes attachment of chromosomes to the spindle but has no effect on SAC functionality. By contrast, mutation of the two conserved KEN boxes required for SAC function does not impact chromosome congression. Interestingly, the contribution of the two KEN-box motifs is not equal. Cdc20 associates with the N-terminal but not C-terminal KEN box, and mutation of the N-terminal KEN motif results in more severe acceleration of mitotic timing. Moreover, the two KEN motifs are not sufficient for maximal binding of Cdc20 and APC/C, which also requires sequences in the BubR1 C-terminus. Finally, mutation of the GLEBS motif causes loss of Bub3 interaction and mislocalization of BubR1 from the kinetochore; concomitantly, BubR1 phosphorylation as well as SAC activity and chromosome congression are impaired, indicating that the GLEBS motif is strictly required for both major functions of human BubR1