127 research outputs found

    A role for kinesin heavy chain in controlling vesicle transport into dendrites in Drosophila.

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    The unique architecture of neurons requires the establishment and maintenance of polarity, which relies in part on microtubule-based transport to deliver essential cargo into dendrites. To test different models of differential motor protein regulation and to understand how different compartments in neurons are supplied with necessary functional proteins, we studied mechanisms of dendritic transport, using Drosophila as a model system. Our data suggest that dendritic targeting systems in Drosophila and mammals are evolutionarily conserved, since mammalian cargoes are moved into appropriate domains in Drosophila. In a genetic screen for mutants that mislocalize the dendritic marker human transferrin receptor (hTfR), we found that kinesin heavy chain (KHC) may function as a dendritic motor. Our analysis of dendritic and axonal phenotypes of KHC loss-of-function clones revealed a role for KHC in maintaining polarity of neurons, as well as ensuring proper axonal outgrowth. In addition we identified adenomatous polyposis coli 1 (APC1) as an interaction partner of KHC in controlling directed transport and modulating kinesin function in neurons

    Efectividad de la metodología del aprendizaje cooperativo en el desarrollo de competencias científicas y ciudadanas a través del proyecto "Semilleros de Astronomía: Hunnab Ku" en estudiantes del grado quinto de primaria con diferente estilo cognitivo.

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    Este trabajo investigativo analiza la efectividad de la metodología pedagógica Aprendizaje Cooperativo en el desarrollo de competencias científicas y ciudadanas en estudiantes de diferente Estilo Cognitivo de grado quinto de básica de la institución educativa distrital Colegio Ciudad de Villavicencio, ubicado en la localidad de Usme de la ciudad de Bogotá. Para ello se seleccionaron dos cursos de quinto de básica primaria (505 y 506) siendo el primero el grupo experimental y el segundo el grupo control. El proceso investigativo se desarrolla en tres fases: 1. Valoración de las condiciones iniciales a través del pretest en cuanto al estilo cognitivo, competencias científicas y ciudadanas en el grupo control y experimental a través de la prueba EFT para el estilo cognitivo y las pruebas saber para las competencias ciudadanas y científicas. 2. Implementación de la metodología pedagógica Aprendizaje Cooperativo en el grupo experimental y la metodología individualista en el grupo control. 3. Valoración de las condiciones finales a través del postest en cuanto a competencias científicas y ciudadanas en el grupo control y experimental, empleando las pruebas saber. Posteriormente se realiza un análisis estadístico sobre los resultados en las variables dependientes y su relación con la variable asociada para determinar el impacto de la metodología del aprendizaje cooperativo en el desarrollo de competencias científicas y ciudadanas en el grupo experimental en comparación con el grupo control

    Current State of the Diagnosis of Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis in Lung Transplantation

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    As the number of lung transplants performed worldwide each year continues to grow, the success of this procedure is threatened by the incidence of non-CMV infections such as invasive aspergillosis. Despite tremendous efforts and the availability of numerous diagnostic tests (especially in hematological malignancies) the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis continues to be a challenge. Lung transplantation remains a unique clinical scenario, where additional host defenses are immunocompromized, making many of the available tests unsuitable. In this review we will navigate through the myriad of diagnostic tests currently available and how they apply to this unique patient population, as well as have a look into what the future holds

    Formación ciudadana: enfoques en la práctica pedagógica de docentes de básica primaria

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    This article raises as a research problem the lack of citizen training in public schools, especially in basic primary education, where processes are generated in a traditional, one-dimensional way and alien to the interests of the students. Likewise, this study seeks to understand the conceptions of teachers of this educational level about citizenship, in relation to pedagogical practice and to identify the necessary elements to build a comprehensive proposal. The methodology used is educational action research. The results identify little knowledge of teachers in citizenship education and a greater tendency towards a technical approach in notions, which indicates a technification of pedagogical practice in student training processes, requiring a collective conceptualization among all the actors.Este artículo plantea como problema de investigación la falta de formación ciudadana en las escuelas públicas, especialmente en la educación básica primaria, donde se generan procesos de manera tradicional, unidimensional y ajena a los intereses de los estudiantes. Así mismo, este estudio busca comprender las concepciones de los profesores de este nivel educativo sobre ciudadanía, en relación con la práctica pedagógica, e identificar los elementos necesarios para construir una propuesta integral. La metodología utilizada es la investigación-acción educativa. En los resultados se identifica poco conocimiento de los docentes en educación ciudadana y una mayor tendencia al enfoque técnico en las nociones, lo cual indica una tecnificación de la práctica pedagógica en los procesos formativos de los estudiantes, requiriendo una conceptualización colectiva entre todos los actores

    Use of Anti-Cytokine Therapy in Kidney Transplant Recipients with COVID-19

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    In the context of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, we aimed to evaluate the impact of anti-cytokine therapies (AT) in kidney transplant recipients requiring hospitalization due to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. This is an observational retrospective study, which included patients from March to May 2020. An inverse probability of treatment weighting from a propensity score to receive AT was used in all statistical analyses, and we applied a bootstrap procedure in order to calculate an estimation of the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of odds ratio (OR). outcomes were measured using an ordinal scale determination (OSD). A total of 33 kidney recipients required hospitalization and 54% of them received at least one AT, mainly tocilizumab (42%), followed by anakinra (12%). There was no statistical effect in terms of intensive care unit (ICU) admission, respiratory secondary infections (35% vs. 7%) or mortality (16% vs. 13%) comparing patients that received AT with those who did not. Nevertheless, patients who received AT presented better outcomes during hospitalization in terms of OSD ≥5 ((OR 0.31; 2.5th, 97.5th percentiles (0.10; 0.72)). These analyses indicate, as a plausible hypothesis, that the use of AT in kidney transplant recipients presenting with COVID-19 could be beneficial, even though multicenter randomized control trials using these therapies in transplanted patients are needed

    Prevalevancia de los juegos de azar y suerte en los jóvenes habitantes del municipio de Bello-Antioquia

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    La investigación en relación a los juegos de azar pretende dar a conocer a la comunidad Bellanita y principalmente a la comunidad académica de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, resultados sobre un tema que se encuentra en auge. “En los últimos 15 años Colombia ha tenido un crecimiento significativo de jugadores con tendencia a la ludopatía, producto del aumento de casinos, loterías, máquinas tragamonedas y apuestas de todo tipo, incluyendo las electrónicas” (Universidad de EAFIT, 2013, p.20) La investigación abre caminos para averiguar cuál es la prevalencia de población joven del municipio de Bello involucrada en los juego de azar

    Prevalevancia de los juegos de azar y suerte en los jóvenes habitantes del municipio de Bello-Antioquia

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    La investigación en relación a los juegos de azar pretende dar a conocer a la comunidad Bellanita y principalmente a la comunidad académica de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, resultados sobre un tema que se encuentra en auge. “En los últimos 15 años Colombia ha tenido un crecimiento significativo de jugadores con tendencia a la ludopatía, producto del aumento de casinos, loterías, máquinas tragamonedas y apuestas de todo tipo, incluyendo las electrónicas” (Universidad de EAFIT, 2013, p.20) La investigación abre caminos para averiguar cuál es la prevalencia de población joven del municipio de Bello involucrada en los juego de azar

    Smart furniture as a component of a smart city-definition based on key technologies specification

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    There are dozens of definitions of smart furniture with meanings that vary greatly. Thus, the aim of this paper is to provide an exact definition of the phrase ``smart furniture'' based on literature and patent analysis. Why a definition? Because by providing a good definition, we have a statement that captures the meaning, the use, the function, and the essence of a term or a concept and allows the impacts on stakeholders to be described. A literature search was undertaken between 20 July 2018 and 31 August 2018, and the databases searched included SCOPUS, Web of Science, and IEEE Xplore (1998 2017), which were searched by keywords that included the phrase ``smart furniture.'' Patent searching was performed in the ESPACENET database, where 226 articles from scientific databases and 737 patent applications were examined. After the application of strict criteria, we obtained 23 articles and six patents containing meaningful definitions of smart furniture. Based on the results, smart furniture should be defined as designed, networked furniture that is equipped with an intelligent system or is controller operated with the user's data and energy sources. Smart furniture needs to have the ability to communicate and anticipate a user's needs using a plurality of sensors and actuators inside the user's environment, resulting in user-adapted furniture. The research results and discussion presented in this paper are based on the recognition that the smart furniture research has great policymaking, technological, and economy potential while contributing to the user's wellbeing and Quality of Life (QoL). This paper indicates that the collaboration between the ICT and social-economic research has to be initiated and consolidated in a sustainable way or in an environment that satisfies the needs expressed by the user.This work supported in part by the LTC INTER COST, Evaluation of the Potential for Reducing Health and Social Expenses for Elderly People Using the Smart Environment, through the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic, under Project LTC18035, in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and University under Project TIN2016-75850-R, in part by the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) under Research University Grant Vot-20H04, in part by the Malaysia Research University Network (MRUN) under Grant Vot 4L876, and in part by the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) through the Ministry of Education Malaysia under Grant Vot 5F073

    Role of ACE2 genetic polymorphisms in susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 among highly exposed but non infected healthcare workers

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    We aim to evaluate the role of single-nucleotide polymorphisms of the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 in susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection. We included 28 uninfected but highly exposed healthcare workers and 39 hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Thirty-five SNPs were rationally selected. Two variants were associated with increased risk of being susceptible to SARS-CoV-2: the minor A allele in the rs2106806 variant (OR 3.75 [95% CI 1.23-11.43]) and the minor T allele in the rs6629110 variant (OR 3.39 [95% CI 1.09-10.56]). Evaluating the role of genetic variants in susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection could help identify more vulnerable individuals and suggest potential drug targets for COVID-19 patients.This work was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III: [grant number AC17/00019,COV20/00349,PI18/00154,PT17/0019]; Merck, Sharp & Dohme: [Ref IISP 59181].S

    Análisis, Diseño y Desarrollo de una Aplicación Móvil en la Plataforma Android Studio para la Generación de Diagnósticos Médicos Presuntivos en Seres humanos

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    The present article presents the development of a viable technological tool, an Android mobile application that allows the generation of preliminary diagnoses in humans. To accomplish this task, it was necessary to approach concepts related to mobile applications, mobile operating systems such as Android and iOS, expert systems, vector-borne diseases, and mobile health methodologies were addressed. During the development, a diagnostic sample of 30 participants was utilized, out of which 90% demonstrated they would use an app to receive medical attention. According to the usability study, seven questions were used with a Likert scale, also the participants were satisfied with the usability of the application, resulting in 77% of excellent and very good responses. The mobile application for presumptive diagnosis in humans was developed to provide users with new technological tools. It has been demonstrated that this application significantly reduces the time dedicated to the medical attention process, as well as the economic resources required to invest in it.Se sugiere que el resumen sea elaborado en un solo párrafo, con texto en tamaño 11, Times New Roman, justificado, al igual que todo el cuerpo del artículo, salvo los subtítulos que van alineados a la izquierda. El resumen debe presentar el objetivo del trabajo, las estrategias metodológicas implementadas para su consecución y los principales resultados o hallazgos. La extensión máxima ideal para el resumen es de 200 palabras. Se adopta como sistema de citación el del Manual de Estilo de publicaciones de la American Psychological Association (APA), en su sexta o séptima edición (www.apastyle.org). Se recomienda que la extensión total del artículo, incluida las referencias, no supere las 20 páginas