147 research outputs found

    Identification of HRM Improvement Strategy Using Artificial Intelligence in Modern Economic Development

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    Purpose: This literature review study aims to identify HRM improvement strategies using artificial intelligence (AI) in modern economic development.   Theoretical framework: The study will review existing literature and synthesize the findings to identify best practices and key strategies for implementing AI in HRM. The study will focus on the role of AI in HRM improvement and explore how AI can be used to enhance recruitment, training, performance management, and employee engagement.   Design/methodology/approach: Literature review, the search approach will include keywords and Boolean operators to guarantee that relevant research is located. The study questions and goals will define the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The study will also look at the hurdles of implementing AI in HRM and recommend overcoming them.   Findings: The findings of this study will be helpful for organizations seeking to improve their HRM practices using AI and for researchers interested in the intersection of AI and HRM in modern economic development.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The results of the study are useful for policymakers in identifying strategies to improve human resource management using artificial intelligence (AI) in modern economic development.   Originality/value: The research value of this text is its suggestions for conducting more research on how AI affects HRM processes and employee engagement, for creating clear rules and standards for the ethical use of AI in HRM, for teaching HR professionals how to use AI-powered HRM tools and strategies effectively, for fostering collaboration between academic researchers, business leaders, government officials, and other stakeholders, and for overseeing the effects of AI


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    Pembuatan Aplikasi Perdagangan Valas Dengan Metode Elman Neural Network

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    Neural Network technology is a system that functions like thehuman brain. This technology is able to solve intractableproblem with mathematical calculations. In this thesis Elmanneural network is used to predict the value of foreigncurrencies in order for helping the traders or investors inmaking decisions.Based on the above problems, the application is made byutilizing some forex indicators that are often used by tradersto put on the input node in the neural network and the outputnode in the form of predictions buy or sell.From the test results it can be concluded that the selection ofappropriate training time and the greater number of the bestindicators in used can improve the success rate for predictingcurrency prices

    Sustainable Mosque Designs from the Perspectives of Social Inclusion: Comparisons of Four Mosques in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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    One of the major conflicts continuously occurring in Malaysia is the issue of race and religious relationships. Today, houses of worship in Malaysia have always been seen as isolated entities that can add to race relations and nation-building conflicts. This issue has led to the planning of houses of worship as nation-building elements in forging social inclusion among the different religious buildings of other faiths. Therefore, this research aims to evaluate mosques' social inclusion characteristics, which can contribute to the more extensive framing of Malaysian planning policy on the sustainable design of houses of worship. To reflect the ideal of SDG 11, Sustainable cities and communities and SDG 16, Peace, justice and strong institutions, it is essential to identify social inclusivity as one of the primary design approaches for any Islamic institutions and mosques designs. Should the mosques be part of the nation-building entities and not just community centres for each faith? This research covers selected case studies mainly in Kuala Lumpur, representing the city with the most educated and diverse multi-faith context. Four significant mosques were selected and studied through observations and interviews data collection approach. The research findings indicate that elements such as scale, massing, permeability, visibility, territoriality, and iconic imagery are essential to design criteria for mosques. Significantly, this research provides suggestions and guidelines for designers and committee leaders of all religions in Malaysia to re-look at the activities and planning aspects of their houses of worship. Furthermore, it helps to promote inclusive elements such as social interaction, tolerance, and understanding of different religious beliefs. Hence, accepting these multi-faith centres will create a more integrated, harmonious and sustainable community.


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    Integration of science is a central issue in the arena of the State Islamic University (UIN) in Indonesia, including UIN Ar-Raniry and UIN North Sumatra. One of the main problems that is increasingly discourse is the model of the integration of knowledge that is put in place and the development efforts implemented. Although UIN Ar-Raniry has an integration model of "Frikatifisasi Ilmu" and UIN North Sumatra with the "Integrative Transdisciplinary" model, the Syari'ah Faculty academics and the second Law of the UIN generally do not understand it definitively, so that the integration model does not play an effective role in the process integration of sciences. Therefore, constructive evaluation, comprehensive socialization, and a more intensive development strategy involve all related components. The expected goal of this study is to present a description of the integration model of science that is valid and understood in the second FSH of the UIN, along with its implementation and development in the present. As a qualitative study, this study uses descriptive, interpretative, and comparative analysis methods / techniques. The data analyzed mainly comes from the results of interviews with lecturers and FGDs with students of the School of Comparative Study Program and the FSH State Law Study Program, in addition to other related data
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