180 research outputs found

    Implementing the “Best Template Searching” tool into Adenosiland platform

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    Background: Adenosine receptors (ARs) belong to the G protein-coupled receptors (GCPRs) family. The recent release of X-ray structures of the human A2A AR (h A2A AR ) in complex with agonists and antagonists has increased the application of structure-based drug design approaches to this class of receptors. Among them, homology modeling represents the method of choice to gather structural information on the other receptor subtypes, namely A1, A2B, and A3 ARs. With the aim of helping users in the selection of either a template to build its own models or ARs homology models publicly available on our platform, we implemented our web-resource dedicated to ARs, Adenosiland, with the “Best Template Searching” facility. This tool is freely accessible at the following web address: http://mms.dsfarm.unipd.it/Adenosiland/ligand.php. Findings: The template suggestions and homology models provided by the “Best Template Searching” tool are guided by the similarity of a query structure (putative or known ARs ligand) with all ligands co-crystallized with hA2A AR subtype. The tool computes several similarity indexes and sort the outcoming results according to the index selected by the user. Conclusions: We have implemented our web-resource dedicated to ARs Adenosiland with the “Best Template Searching” facility, a tool to guide template and models selection for hARs modelling. The underlying idea of our new facility, that is the selection of a template (or models built upon a template) whose co-crystallized ligand shares the highest similarity with the query structure, can be easily extended to other GPCRs

    A Young Stellar Cluster in the Nucleus of NGC 4449

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    We have obtained 1-2 A resolution optical Echellette spectra of the nuclear star cluster in the nearby starburst galaxy NGC 4449. The light is clearly dominated by a very young (6-10 Myr) population of stars. For our age dating, we have used recent population synthesis models to interpret the observed equivalent width of stellar absorption features such as the HI Balmer series and the CaII triplet around 8500 A. We also compare the observed spectrum of the nuclear cluster to synthesized spectra of simple stellar populations of varying ages. All these approaches yield a consistent cluster age. Metallicity estimates based on the relative intensities of various ionization lines yield no evidence for significant enrichment in the center of this low mass galaxy: the metallicity of the nuclear cluster is about one fourth of the solar value, in agreement with independent estimates for the disk material of NGC 4449.Comment: 24 pages (incl. 7 figures), accepted by AJ, March 2001 issue revised version with minor changes and additions, one additional figur

    Solving multi-criteria decision problems under possibilistic uncertainty using optimistic and pessimistic utilities

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    International audienceThis paper proposes a qualitative approach to solve multi-criteria decision making problems under possibilistic uncertainty. De-pending on the decision maker attitude with respect to uncertainty (i.e. optimistic or pessimistic) and on her attitude with respect to criteria (i.e. conjunctive or disjunctive), four ex-ante and four ex-post decision rules are dened and investigated. In particular, their coherence w.r.t. the principle of monotonicity, that allows Dynamic Programming is studied

    Freshly ionized matter around the final Helium shell flash object V4334 Sgr (Sakurai's object)

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    We report on the discovery of recently ionized hydrogen-deficient gas in the immediate circumstellar environment of the final helium shell flash star V4334 Sgr (Sakurai's object). On spectra obtained with FORS2 multi-object spectroscopy we have found spatially extended (about 2") emission from [N II], [O I], [O II] and very faint Halpha and [S II]. In the [N II] (ll6548,83) lines we have identified two components located at velocities -350 +/-50 and +200 +/-50 km/s, relative to V4334 Sgr itself. The full width of the [N II] l6583 feature at zero intensity corresponds to a velocity spread of about 1500 km/s. Based on the available data it is not possible to conclusively determine the mechanism of ionization. Both photo-ionization, from a rapidly evolving central star, and shock excitation, as the result of the collision of the fast ouflows with slower circumstellar matter, could account for the observed lines. The central star is still hidden behind strong dust absorption, since only a faint highly reddened continuum is apparent in the spectra. Theory states that it will become hotter and will retrace its post-asymptotic giant branch evolution towards the planetary nebula domain. Our detection of the ionized ejecta from the very late helium shell flash marks the beginning of a new phase in this star's amazingly rapid evolution.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. Accepted by ApJ

    Anytime Algorithms for Solving Possibilistic MDPs and Hybrid MDPs

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    The ability of an agent to make quick, rational decisions in an uncertain environment is paramount for its applicability in realistic settings. Markov Decision Processes (MDP) provide such a framework, but can only model uncertainty that can be expressed as probabilities. Possibilistic counterparts of MDPs allow to model imprecise beliefs, yet they cannot accurately represent probabilistic sources of uncertainty and they lack the efficient online solvers found in the probabilistic MDP community. In this paper we advance the state of the art in three important ways. Firstly, we propose the first online planner for possibilistic MDP by adapting the Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) algorithm. A key component is the development of efficient search structures to sample possibility distributions based on the DPY transformation as introduced by Dubois, Prade, and Yager. Secondly, we introduce a hybrid MDP model that allows us to express both possibilistic and probabilistic uncertainty, where the hybrid model is a proper extension of both probabilistic and possibilistic MDPs. Thirdly, we demonstrate that MCTS algorithms can readily be applied to solve such hybrid models. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016.This work is partially funded by EPSRC PACES project (Ref: EP/J012149/1).Peer Reviewe

    Far-UV Spectroscopic Analyses of Four Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae

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    We analyze the Far-UV/UV spectra of four central stars of planetary nebulae with strong wind features -- NGC 2371, Abell 78, IC 4776 and NGC 1535, and derive their photospheric and wind parameters by modeling high-resolution FUSE (Far-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer) data in the Far-UV and HST-STIS and IUE data in the UV with spherical non-LTE line-blanketed model atmospheres. Abell 78 is a hydrogen-deficient transitional [WR]-PG 1159 object, and we find NGC 2371 to be in the same stage, both migrating from the constant-luminosity phase to the white dwarf cooling sequence with Teff ~= 120 kK, Mdot ~= 5x10^-8 Msun/yr. NGC 1535 is a ``hydrogen-rich'' O(H) CSPN, and the exact nature of IC 4776 is ambiguous, although it appears to be helium burning. Both objects lie on the constant-luminosity branch of post-AGB evolution and have Teff ~= 65 kK, Mdot ~= 1x10^-8 Msun/yr. Thus, both the H-rich and H-deficient channels of PN evolution are represented in our sample. We also investigate the effects of including higher ionization stages of iron (up to FeX) in the model atmosphere calculations of these hot objects (usually neglected in previous analyses), and find iron to be a useful diagnostic of the stellar parameters in some cases. The Far-UV spectra of all four objects show evidence of hot (T ~ 300 K) molecular hydrogen in their circumstellar environments.Comment: 38 pages, 8 figures (6 color). Accepted for publication in Ap

    Symbiotic stars on Asiago archive plates. I

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    The rich plate archive of the Asiago observatory has been searched for plates containing the symbiotic stars AS 323, Ap 3-1, CM Aql, V1413 Aql (=AS 338), V443 Her, V627 Cas (=AS 501) and V919 Sgr. The program objects have been found on 602 plates, where their brightness has been estimated against the UBVRI photometric sequences calibrated by Henden and Munari (2000, A&AS 143, 343). AS 323 is probably eclipsing, with a preliminary P=197.6 day period. If confirmed, it would be the shortest orbital period known among symbiotic stars. CM Aql does not seem to undergo a series of outbursts, its lightcurve being instead modulated by a large amplitude sinusoidal variation with a P~1058 day period. V627 Cas presents a secular trend in agreement with the possible post-AGB nature of its cool component.Comment: A&A in pres

    3D Spectrophotometry of Planetary Nebulae in the Bulge of M31

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    We introduce crowded field integral field (3D) spectrophotometry as a useful technique for the study of resolved stellar populations in nearby galaxies. As a methodological test, we present a pilot study with selected extragalactic planetary nebulae (XPN) in the bulge of M31, demonstrating how 3D spectroscopy is able to improve the limited accuracy of background subtraction which one would normally obtain with classical slit spectroscopy. It is shown that due to the absence of slit effects, 3D is a most suitable technique for spectrophometry. We present spectra and line intensities for 5 XPN in M31, obtained with the MPFS instrument at the Russian 6m BTA, INTEGRAL at the WHT, and with PMAS at the Calar Alto 3.5m Telescope. Using 3D spectra of bright standard stars, we demonstrate that the PSF is sampled with high accuracy, providing a centroiding precision at the milli-arcsec level. Crowded field 3D spectrophotometry and the use of PSF fitting techniques is suggested as the method of choice for a number of similar observational problems, including luminous stars in nearby galaxies, supernovae, QSO host galaxies, gravitationally lensed QSOs, and others.Comment: (1) Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam, (2) University of Durham. 18 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Abell 41: shaping of a planetary nebula by a binary central star?

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    We present the first detailed spatio-kinematical analysis and modelling of the planetary nebula Abell 41, which is known to contain the well-studied close-binary system MT Ser. This object represents an important test case in the study of the evolution of planetary nebulae with binary central stars as current evolutionary theories predict that the binary plane should be aligned perpendicular to the symmetry axis of the nebula. Deep narrowband imaging in the light of [NII], [OIII] and [SII], obtained using ACAM on the William Herschel Telescope, has been used to investigate the ionisation structure of Abell 41. Longslit observations of the H-alpha and [NII] emission were obtained using the Manchester Echelle Spectrometer on the 2.1-m San Pedro M\'artir Telescope. These spectra, combined with the narrowband imagery, were used to develop a spatio-kinematical model of [NII] emission from Abell 41. The best fitting model reveals Abell 41 to have a waisted, bipolar structure with an expansion velocity of ~40km\s at the waist. The symmetry axis of the model nebula is within 5\degr of perpendicular to the orbital plane of the central binary system. This provides strong evidence that the close-binary system, MT Ser, has directly affected the shaping of its nebula, Abell 41. Although the theoretical link between bipolar planetary nebulae and binary central stars is long established, this nebula is only the second to have this link, between nebular symmetry axis and binary plane, proved observationally.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Detection of circumstellar material in a normal Type Ia Supernova

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    Type Ia supernovae are thought to be thermonuclear explosions of accreting white dwarfs that reach a critical mass limit. Despite their importance as cosmological distance indicators, the nature of their progenitors has remained controversial. Here we report the detection of circumstellar material in a normal Type Ia supernova. The expansion velocities, densities and dimensions of the circumstellar envelope indicate that this material was ejected from the progenitor system. The relatively low expansion velocities appear to favor a progenitor system where a white dwarf accretes material from a companion star which is in the red-giant phase at the time of explosion.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Science. Full resolution version at http://www.hq.eso.org/~fpatat/science/sn06X/preprint.pdf . The original paper can be found at http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/114300
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