238 research outputs found

    Utilización de un juguete terapeutico como un instrumento de intervención de enfermería, en el preparo de niños sometidos a la colecta de sangre

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    This study is almost an experiment with the objective to verify the effect of the Therapeutic Play on preschool children during blood collect for laboratory tests. The sample consisted of 42 children divided into control and experimental groups. All the children had their behavior observed and only the children of the experimental group were prepared for the Therapeutic Play. The results were analyzed comparing the children's behavior with the groups and showed that arrangement with the Therapeutic Play was effective in the comprehension of the procedure and in the control of their behavioral reactions.Este estudio es un casi-experimento que tuvo como objetivo verificar el efecto de la aplicación del Juguete Terapeutico sobre el comportamiento de niños pre-escolares, durante la colecta de sangre para examines laboratoriales. La muestra se constituyó de 42 niños divididos en dos grupos: de control y experimental. Todos los niños tuvieron un comportamiento observado, siendo solo los del grupo experimental preparados con el uso del Juguete Terapeutico. Los resultados fueron analisados comparándose el comportamiento de los niños de los dos grupos y demonstraron que el preparo con el Juguete Terapeutico fue eficaz en la compreensión y en el control de sus reacciones comportamentales durante el mismo.O estudo é um quase-experimento, que teve como objetivo verificar o efeito da aplicação do Brinquedo Terapêutico sobre o comportamento de crianças pré-escolares, durante a coleta de sangue para exames laboratoriais. A amostra constituiu-se de 42 crianças divididas nos grupos controle e experimental. Todas as crianças tiveram seu comportamento observado, sendo apenas as do grupo experimental preparadas com o uso do Brinquedo Terapêutico. Os resultados foram analisados comparando-se o comportamento das crianças dos dois grupos e demonstraram que o preparo com o Brinquedo Terapêutico foi eficaz na compreensão do procedimento e no controle de suas reações comportamentais.UNIFESPUniversidade de GuarulhosUNIFESPSciEL

    Diel-depth distributions of fish larvae off the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean) under two environmental scenarios

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    Final workshop IDEADOS: The wrapping up of the IDEADOS project, International Workshop on Environment, Ecosystems and Demersal Resources and fisheries, 14-16 November 2012, Palma de Mallorca, SpainPeer reviewe

    Effects of climate change on Mediterranean marine ecosystems: the case of the Catalan Sea

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    29 pagex, 9 figures, 2 tablesThe Catalan Sea, located between the eastern Iberian coast and the Balearic Islands, is a representative portion of the western Mediterranean basin and provides a valuable case study for climate change effects on Mediterranean ecosystems. Global warming is reflected regionally by a rise in sea level over the last century, an increase in surface temperature of around 1.1°C in the last 35 yr, a progressive salinisation of intermediate and deep waters and a strengthening of the stratification. A likely scenario of what we can expect in the Mediterranean Sea is a considerable decrease in rainfall and wind, warmer surface waters and a prolonged stratification period. The effects on Mediterranean ecosystems are evident in: (1) a meridionalisation of the algal, invertebrate and vertebrate species, which favours the more thermophilic species over the temperate species; (2) mass mortality events of sessile invertebrates of the coralligenous communities owing to anomalous warm waters during the period when food is scarce; (3) increases in the smallest phytoplankton due to the prolongation of the water stratification period; (4) proliferation of gelatinous carnivores, including jellyfish, due to the temperature rise and the lack of rainfall; (5) a faster acidification of seawater, compared with the global oceans, accompanied by a decrease in the capacity to absorb atmospheric CO2. In order to anticipate and mitigate these predicted changes, we recommend investing in research and observation, conserving areas that serve as indicators of climate change and reducing other anthropogenic pressures such as habitat destruction, overfishing or pollution, which may act synergistically to accelerate these changes.E.C., C.P., M.R. and R.C. acknowledge funding from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación through grants CTM2009-08849/MAR, CTM2006-01463 and CGL2007-66757-C02-01/BOS and a Ramón y Cajal contract to E.C. This paper is a contribution from the Marine Biogeochemistry and Global Change research group, funded by Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government) through grant 2009SGR142.Peer reviewe

    2014-2021, 8 years without bottom-reaching deep water formation in the Western Mediterranean. Probably, the longest known period

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    Deep Water Formation (DWF) appeared almost regularly every year, during central winter months, in an area located offshore the Gulf of Lions in the NW Mediterranean Sea. Since the early 1960s, the processes involved in the DWF have been monitored, more or less intensively by regular hydrographic surveys or by moored instruments. It is worth noting the international efforts carried out in late 60s-early 70s by the so-called MEDOC Group to obtain a quite precise description of the whole process. Although the intensity of the DWF, as well as the amount of the newly formed Western Mediterranean Deep Water (WMDW), have shown high interanual variability, those years when the DWF was absent were exceptional, e.g. 1990, and those not reaching the bottom were scarce, e.g. 1997. Typically, they were years with almost no cold northerly winds during winter. By contrast, in some years the amount of newly formed WMDW was exceptional, e.g. 1987, and in some cases, an extra amount of this water came from dense shelf cascading, e.g. 1999. Moreover, in some years, the so-called variable Bottom Water, a slightly warm and salty layer, appeared near the bottom. It was a layer not thicker than 300 m, attributed to a large area affected by DWF which caused an extra amount of Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) involved in the process, e.g. 1973. Other concomitant conditions that contributed to the DWF variability across the years was the presence of a blocking anticyclone in the Balearic Sea, that would play a role in intensifying the exposure of surface water to the northerlies, e.g. 1999. In winter 2005, all the factors contributing to an intense DWF process acted simultaneously, resulting in a new structure within the WMDW. The amount of newly formed WMDW, with higher density, T and S, was so extraordinary that affected the entire western Mediterranean basin, and it was identified as the Western Mediterranean Transition (WMT). The remnants of the WMDW previous to the WMT have been uplifted as to being available for a relevant contribution to the Mediterranean Outlfow Water (MOW) through the Gibraltar sill. After the WMT, the MOW showed both lower T and S than previously recorded up to around 2015, indicating that the old WMDW has been almost completely lost by leakage and diffusion. After the 2005 episode, the WMDW has evolved, changing its TS shape and increasing both T and S at the bottom, but still maintaining a deep layer with higher stratification than before 2005. In a previous work, we attributed the long period (2014-2018) without DWF to a combination of mild winters, the absence of the old WMDW, and the deep stratification. Such a process would be similar to the recovery of the Eastern Mediterranean Transient. In the present communication we incorporate 3 new years of data to the series, discuss the current situation and try to identify the requirements for a successful bottom-reaching DWF

    The use of a therapeuthic toy as an instrument of nursing intervention when preparing the child to blood collection

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    O estudo é um quase-experimento, que teve como objetivo verificar o efeito da aplicação do Brinquedo Terapêutico sobre o comportamento de crianças pré-escolares, durante a coleta de sangue para exames laboratoriais. A amostra constituiu-se de 42 crianças divididas nos grupos controle e experimental. Todas as crianças tiveram seu comportamento observado, sendo apenas as do grupo experimental preparadas com o uso do Brinquedo Terapêutico. Os resultados foram analisados comparando-se o comportamento das crianças dos dois grupos e demonstraram que o preparo com o Brinquedo Terapêutico foi eficaz na compreensão do procedimento e no controle de suas reações comportamentais.Este estudio es un casi-experimento que tuvo como objetivo verificar el efecto de la aplicación del Juguete Terapeutico sobre el comportamiento de niños pre-escolares, durante la colecta de sangre para examines laboratoriales. La muestra se constituyó de 42 niños divididos en dos grupos: de control y experimental. Todos los niños tuvieron un comportamiento observado, siendo solo los del grupo experimental preparados con el uso del Juguete Terapeutico. Los resultados fueron analisados comparándose el comportamiento de los niños de los dos grupos y demonstraron que el preparo con el Juguete Terapeutico fue eficaz en la compreensión y en el control de sus reacciones comportamentales durante el mismo.This study is almost an experiment with the objective to verify the effect of the Therapeutic Play on preschool children during blood collect for laboratory tests. The sample consisted of 42 children divided into control and experimental groups. All the children had their behavior observed and only the children of the experimental group were prepared for the Therapeutic Play. The results were analyzed comparing the children's behavior with the groups and showed that arrangement with the Therapeutic Play was effective in the comprehension of the procedure and in the control of their behavioral reactions

    Alta heterogeneidad espacial de dos especies de cnidarios planctónicos en relación a la variabilidad a corta escala temporal de un frente plataforma-talud

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    We investigated variability in the mesoscale distribution of the siphonophore Muggiaea atlantica and the hydromedusa Aglaura hemistoma in relation to the rapid spatial oscillations of the shelf-slope front off the Catalan coast (NW Mediterranean). Three extensive surveys were carried out in spring at ten-day intervals. High variability in the position of the front resulted from the advection of low-salinity waters originating in the Gulf of Lions, mainly from the Rhône River runoff. High spatial variability in the distribution of the two species was closely related to the shifting positions of the front. Both species occurred on its inshore side in much higher abundances than on its offshore side, where they were scarce or absent. The front acts as a barrier limiting offshore displacement of these two cnidarians. Statistical analyses showed that bottom depth and salinity, as independent variables, were indicators of the signature and position of the front, explaining most of the variance in the distribution and abundance of the two speciesLa variabilidad en la distribución de meso-escala del sifonóforo Muggiaea atlantica y la hidromedusa Aglaura hemistoma se investigó en relación a las rápidas oscilaciones espaciales del frente plataforma-talud en la costa Catalana (Mediterráneo noroccidental). Durante la primavera, se realizaron tres campañas oceanográficas intensivas, distanciadas 10 días entre sí. La alta variabilidad en la posición del frente fue resultado de la advección de aguas de baja salinidad procedentes del Golfo de León, al norte del área de estudio, debido principalmente a los aportes del río Ródano. La alta variabilidad espacial observada en la distribución de las dos especies estuvo muy relacionada con la posición cambiante del frente. Ambas fueron mucho más abundantes en el lado costero que en el lado oceánico del frente, donde éstas fueron muy escasas o incluso ausentes. El frente actúa como una barrera limitando el desplazamiento hacia mar abierto de estos dos cnidarios. Los análisis estadísticos realizados mostraron que la profundidad y salinidad, como variables independientes, fueron indicadoras de la señal y la posición del frente, explicando la mayor parte de la varianza de la distribución y abundancia de ambas especiesVersión del editor1,006

    Teaching scientific investigation methods at a private university

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    The purpose of this descriptive, exploratory study was to analyze, with focus on the referential of the communicative action paradigm, what were listed as ease and difficulties by fifteen students of specialization courses in Nursing concerning the teaching process of the discipline of Scientific Investigation Methods. The categories expressed as ease and difficulties regarding the discipline's content, the elaboration of the research project and its development were analyzed in accordance with the standardized types of communicative action. After the analysis there could be noticed an emergence of elements at different development levels interpreted in a sequence of communication forms that show no commitment with innovation or change of the teaching process, demonstrating the disturbances of the consensus in this process.Este estudio descriptivo y exploratorio, tuvo como objetivo analizar las facilidades y dificultades referidas por quince alumnos de cursos de especialización en enfermería, en relación al proceso de enseñanza de la asignatura Métodos de Investigación Científica, enfocado en la referencia del paradigma del actuar comunicativo. Las categorías expresas como facilidades y dificultades en relación al contenido de la asignatura, elaboración del proyecto de investigación y su desarrollo, fueron analizadas según los tipos estandarizados de acción comunicativa. Tras el análisis se puede percibir la emersión de elementos en diferentes niveles de desarrollo e interpretados en una secuencia de formas de comunicación, destacándose por no permitir vislumbrar un compromiso con la innovación o mudanza del proceso de enseñanza, demostrando las perturbaciones del consenso en este proceso.Este estudo descritivo e exploratório teve como objetivo analisar as facilidades e dificuldades referidas por quinze alunos de cursos de especialização em enfermagem, em relação ao processo de ensino da disciplina Métodos de Investigação Cientifica, focalizado no referencial do paradigma do agir comunicativo. As categorias expressas, como facilidades e dificuldades, em relação ao conteúdo da disciplina, elaboração do projeto de pesquisa e seu desenvolvimento, foram analisadas segundo os tipos padronizados de ação comunicativa. Após a análise, pode-se perceber a emersão de elementos em diferentes níveis de desenvolvimento e interpretados numa seqüência de formas de comunicação, destacando-se por não permitir vislumbrar um compromisso com a inovação ou mudança do processo de ensino, demonstrando as perturbações do consenso neste processo

    Assessment of the Skill of Coupled Physical-Biogeochemical Models in the NW Mediterranean

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    18 pages, 13 figures, supplementary material https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2020.00497/full#supplementary-material.-- Publicly available datasets were analyzed in this study. This data can be found here: http://marine.copernicus.eu/services-portfolio/access-to-products/, http://www.ba.ieo.es/ibamar, http://thredds.socib.es/thredds/catalog.htmlNumerical modeling is a key tool to complement the current physical and biogeochemical observational datasets. It is essential for understanding the role of oceanographic processes on marine food webs and producing climate change projections of variables affecting key ecosystem functions. In this work, we evaluate the horizontal and vertical patterns of four state-of-the-art coupled physical–biogeochemical models, three of them already published. Two of the models include data assimilation, physical and/or biological, and two do not. Simulations are compared to the most exhaustive dataset of in situ observations in the North Western Mediterranean, built ad hoc for this work, comprising gliders and conventional CTD surveys and complemented with satellite observations. The analyses are performed both in the whole domain and in four subregions (Catalan Shelf, Ebro Delta, Mallorca Channel, and Ibiza Channel), characterized by a priori divergent primary production dynamics and driving mechanisms. Overall, existing models offer a reasonable representation of physical processes including stratification, surface temperature, and surface currents, but it is shown that relatively small differences among them can lead to large differences in the response of biogeochemical variables. Our results show that all models are able to reproduce the main seasonal patterns of primary production both at the upper layer and at the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM), as well as the differential behavior of the four subregions. However, there are significant discrepancies in the local variability of the intensity of the winter mixing, phytoplankton blooms, or the intensity and depth of the DCM. All model runs show markedly contrasting patterns of interannual phytoplankton biomass in all four subregions. This lack of robustness should dissuade end users from using them to fill gaps in time series observations without assessing their appropriateness. Finally, we discuss the usability of these models for different applications in marine ecology, including fishery oceanographyThis work was supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under grant agreement no. 678193 (CERES, Climate Change and European Aquatic Resources). ER-R is grateful for the funding from “Govern de les Illes Balears-Conselleria d’Innovació, Recerca i Turisme, Programa Vicenç Mut.”With the funding support of the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000928-S), of the Spanish Research Agency (AEI)Peer reviewe