308 research outputs found


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    The article treats one specific aspect of the well-known dossier of Nagidos and Arsinoe. It focuses on LL. 34-35 that, according to the communis opinio, contain a grant of isopolity as           W. Gawantka once defined it. The analysis of both content and form of the decree (LL. 19-56) suggest, however, that these lines do not imply the use of this institution. Instead they refer either to a project of isopolity that would have been viable only after Arsinoe had fulfilled several requirements, namely after it had become a polis (to the eyes of Nagidos). Or they imply the concession of politeia to a group of people who did not belong to a polis, in which case we should not speak of the Hellenistic diplomatic tool studied by Gawantka.L’articolo affronta un problema preciso posto dal dossier delle città di Arsinoe e Nagidos: le LL. 34-35 del decreto di Nagidos infatti sono sempre state interpretate come se contenessero la concessione di cittadinanza potenziale, secondo la definizione che ne diede W. Gawantka nel 1975. L’analisi contenutistica e formale del testo del decreto scoraggiano tuttavia dal sostenere questa tesi, mentre è piú probabile che queste stesse linee si riferiscano o ad un progetto di isopoliteia, da poter concedere solo dopo l’adozione di misure e l’attuazione di provvedimenti che avrebbero reso Arsinoe una polis (agli occhi di Nagidos), oppure che non si tratti affatto dell’istituto diplomatico ellenistico, ma della concessione di politeia ad un gruppo di persone non inquadrate in un contesto civico, gli Arsinoei per l’appunto, almeno secondo Nagidos

    Variations of biofouling communities in an off-shore fish cage farm from North-Western Sardinia = Variazioni del biofouling in un allevamento ittico in gabbie off-shore della Sardegna nord-occidentale

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    Biofouling variations were studied in a fish farming facility near Alghero (Italy) between November 2007 and November 2008. Net panels suitable for the settlement of encrusting organisms were immersed in cages in which large and small gilthead seabream specimens were reared. Significant differences in biofouling biomass and coverage were observed between cages containing fish and controls. The results obtained revealed that gilthead seabream can exert a crucial role in controlling biofouling growth, independently from its size

    Sediment features and heavy metal levels in four areas of Sardinia devoted to bivalve culture = Caratteristiche dei sedimenti e livelli di metalli pesanti in quattro aree della Sardegna idonee all’allevamento dei bivalvi

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    Sediment characteristics and Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn concentrations were assessed in the lagoons of Marceddì, Calich and Porto Pozzo, and in the inner part of the Gulf of Olbia. Sediment of the zones examined were quite similar, except for the Calich lagoon that showed the higher content of total organic carbon. High values of Cd, Pb and Zn were detected in the sediments of the Marceddì lagoon, while remarkable levels of Cu and Mn were found in the Calich lagoon and in the Gulf of Olbia

    Novel Physical Vapor Deposition Approach to Hybrid Perovskites: Growth of MAPbI3 Thin Films by RF-Magnetron Sputtering

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    Solution-based methods represent the most widespread approach used to deposit hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite films for low-cost but efficient solar cells. However, solution-process techniques offer limited control over film morphology and crystallinity, and most importantly do not allow sequential film deposition to produce perovskite-perovskite heterostructures. Here the successful deposition of CH3NH3PbI3 (MAPI) thin films by RF-magnetron sputtering is reported, an industry-tested method to grow large area devices with precisely controlled stoichiometry. MAPI films are grown starting from a single-target made of CH3NH3I (MAI) and PbI2. Films are single-phase, with a barely detectable content of unreacted PbI2, full surface coverage and thickness ranging from less than 200 nm to more than 3 {\mu}m. Light absorption and emission properties of the deposited films are comparable to as-grown solution-processed MAPI films. The development of vapor-phase deposition methods is of interest to advance perovskite photovoltaic devices with the possibility of fabricating perovskite multijunction solar cells or multicolor bright light-emitting devices in the whole visible spectrum

    D. GRANINGER, Cult and Koinon in Hellenistic Thessaly, 2011

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    RecensioneD. Graninger, Cult and Koinon in Hellenistic Thessaly, Brill, Leiden-Boston 2011, ISBN 9789004207103. &nbsp

    Bivalve culture optimisation of three autochthonous species (<i>Ruditapes decussatus</i>, <i>Mytilus galloprovincialis</i> and <i>Ostrea edulis</i>) in a central-western Mediterranean lagoon (Porto Pozzo, northern Sardinia)

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    Three autochthonous species of Bivalve Molluscs were investigated in the Porto Pozzo lagoon (northern Sardinia, central-western Mediterranean Sea). Gametogenic cycle, Condition Indexes and biochemical composition of the grooved carpet-shell, Ruditapes decussatus, from local natural banks were studied during the period July 2009-July 2010. All the factors examined showed a clear seasonal cycle, depending on the reproductive activity and on some environmental variables. Growth, Condition Index and proximate composition of the Mediterranean mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis, cultured in the oligotrophic lagoon of Porto Pozzo were compared with those obtained in a typical eutrophic ecosystem (the Calich lagoon) and in a mesotrophic basin (the Tortolì lagoon). The trial was carried out in long-line systems in the three lagoons considered, from April to October 2010. The results obtained confirmed a high variability of the three coastal habitats and among the mussel groups cultured in each of them, simultaneously revealing excellent performances, in term of morphometric variables and Condition Index, of the molluscs grown in the Porto Pozzo lagoon. Finally, comparisons of the growth and survival rate of the European flat oysters Ostrea edulis reared using three different experimental tools were performed at two depths. The trial was carried out in the long-line system of the Porto Pozzo basin between June and October 2011. The best results in terms of survival rate and growth performances were achieved at the lower depth of -1 m, regardless of the experimental tools used. Given the results obtained, the observation that Porto Pozzo lagoon is an excellent area for Bivalve Molluscs culture can be supported

    Cittadinanza e archivi nel Mediterraneo Antico: qualche postilla esegetica

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    The contribution discusses several pieces of epigraphic evidence testifying to archivalpractices on the registration of new citizens. The focus is on registration during particularevents, such as the creation of new poleis or the stipulation of interstate treaties with potentialimpact on the civic body. In addition to observing that, as has been done previously,Greek communities had functional and functioning archives, this article attempts tooffer an exegetical contribution to the list Tit.Cal. 88, and to reflect on how acts of ‘institutionalchange’, such as sympoliteia or isopoliteia agreements, could influence archivalrecords and their usage.Il contributo discute alcune testimonianze epigrafiche su pratiche archivistiche riferibili alla registrazione di neocittadini in particolari situazioni, quali costituzioni di nuove poleis o definizione di trattati interstatali con potenziale impatto sul corpo civico. Oltre ad osservare, come è stato già fatto in precedenza in dottrina, quanto le comunità greche avessero archivi funzionali e funzionanti, questo articolo cerca di offrire da un lato un contributo esegetico alla lista Tit.Cal. 88, dall’altro prova a riflettere su come momenti di ‘rottura istituzionale’, come ad esempio atti di sympoliteia o accordi di isopoliteia, potessero influenzare da un lato le registrazioni d’archivio e, dall’altro, su quale fosse il loro uso

    Out-of-home eating frequency, causal attribution of obesity and support to healthy eating policies from a cross-European survey

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    Background: The relation between the increased out-of-home food consumption and the rising of overweight and obesity prevalence rates has been widely assessed, and the a key role played by the catering sector in ensuring healthy food choices has been recognised. Governments’ healthy eating policies have a wide range of action, influencing consumer behavior, and the socioeconomic and &nbsp;food environments, with specific actions for the catering sector. Information on the public support for these policies could help policy makers in planning decisions. This study aims to investigate the relationship of out-of-home eating frequency with beliefs about obesity causes, support to healthy eating policies, and with socio-demographic factors. Methods: Data on 3003 individuals from Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Poland and United Kingdom, of both sexes, aged ≥16 years, were employed, from the European survey on policy preferences (Eatwell). Data were analysed through Chi-square test and logistic regression analysis. Results: Out-of-home eating varied with gender, age, marital status, education, BMI, and by country. Convenience food consumption was positively associated with obesity attribution to genetics, and inversely associated with attribution to lack of willpower. Attributions of obesity to lack of time, and to lack of self-control were associated with increased likelihood to consume fast-food and ready-prepared food respectively. Out-of-home eating people expressed higher support for information-based prevention, and actions aimed at healthier out-of-home eating, and lower support for restrictions and regulations of the food supply environment. Conclusion: Future research on out-of-home food consumers and their support towards public interventions for the catering sector, could have important implications for effective strategies to promote healthy eating

    Effect of Corporate Governance Index on Dividend Policy: An Investigation of Textile Industry of Pakistan

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    This study empirically observes the impact of corporate governance index on dividend payout policy by using the data on thirty textile firms listed at Karachi Stock Exchange. The data cover the five-year period from 2009 to 2013. The data were gathered from financial statements of all the sample firms. Multiple regression models were used to check the impact of corporate governance on dividend policy. No effect of corporate governance index on firm dividend policy was found, and the largest shareholders also had no impact on dividend payout policy. A significant positive relationship was found between payout policy and stock value. Gross profit margin and operating profit margin had significant positive impact on the firm’s dividend payout policy. There is a significant correlation between the firm’s performance and payout policy