29 research outputs found

    Content Analysis Of Iranian Tourism Websites Based On Media Richness Theory

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    This research was conducted to examine media richness theory in the content of Iranian tourism websites. Eighty one Iranian tourism website with different tourism services formed the population which was obtained from KETABE AVAL directory within two weeks in December 2007. Due to the limited number of websites in the population, the researcher decided to analyze the whole of population, so a census was carried out. The researcher defined the richness factors based on the elements and techniques of a website design, and these techniques and elements were analyzed according to the frequency of use on the investigated websites. Hence, the content analysis technique was recognized as the most suitable method to conduct this research. For pretesting 20 websites were randomly selected and analyzed in order to refine codes. The results showed that the findings of the pre-test answer the research questions. The coded data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2003. The results of the analysis were presented in the form of cross tables containing frequencies and percentages for the different tourism services, which helped the researcher in discussing about (the conditions of) the tourism websites in Iran. The results yielded in the study and the discussions showed that although tourism websites in Iran mostly employed different feedback techniques (approximately 82.7%), only half of them made quick feedback to their customers (50.6%). In terms of multiplicity of cues and channels more than half (54.4%) of the websites did not applied various information channels to present their products and services. But they were moderately available in two languages (i.e. Farsi and English) by 60.5%. In addition, half of them were moderately readable and conversely only 17.4% of the websites were highly searchable (i.e. easy to navigate) in terms of personal focus factor. the researcher also put forward some suggestions for other researchers who wish to carry out similar studies in the future

    Geological and geoelectrical survey of groundwater potential in the Astaneh-Kouchesfahan plain, Iran.

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    The Astaneh-Kouchesfahan Plain, an extensive and productive aquifer system in Iran, is located in the south Caspian Sea basin which is part of the Alborz tectonic range in the Alpine fold belt. A permeable aquifer system provides water for industrial, agricultural and domestic uses. Geological and geophysical studies indicate a number of important facts about the groundwater system. For this reason, detailed regional geological, tectonic and geophysical data were gathered to better understand the behavior of hydrogeological zones in the system. Geological studies show that the area is predominantly covered by recent alluvium, which consists of Pleistocene and Holocene stream deposits, coastal deposits, beach deposits and alluvial fan deposits. The bedrock mainly consists of impermeable clay of the Mesozoic era. Also, based on available geological cross sections, geophysical surveys, and well logs, it is shown that the system contains an unconfined, shallow Quaternary alluvial aquifer which is composed of heterogeneous sequences of relatively coarse grained gravel and sand interconnected with different thicknesses of silt and clay. The final results of this study are extremely useful for geotechnical activities, environmental strategies, and water resource management

    Hydrogeochemistry and groundwater quality assessment of Astaneh-Kouchesfahan Plain, Northern Iran.

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    In this study, the hydrochemical characteristics of 230 bore well samples were analysed in Astaneh-Kouchesfahan Plain. Data interpretation shows that alkaline earths (Ca2+ and Mg2+) exceed the alkalis (Na+ and K+) and weak acids (HCO3−) exceed the strong acids (Cl− and SO42−) and Ca-HCO3 type is the dominant hydrochemical facies. The distribution patterns of the abundant parameters show that changes in chemical composition occurred in the middle, southwest and west of the area due to either natural geochemical process and/or anthropogenic activities. The results of factor analysis show that factor 1 of the pre-monsoon and factor 2 of the post-monsoon have high loading in the ions Na+ and Cl−. Furthermore, it is indicated that there is an increase in the loadings of Ca2+, SO42−, HCO3−, Mg2+ and K+ in post-monsoon compared to pre-monsoon due to the effect of precipitation and subsequent dissolution of the calcareous rocks and fertiliser

    Development of a coupled flow and solute transport modelling for Astaneh-Kouchesfahan groundwater resources, North of Iran.

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    Astaneh-Kouchesfahan Plain is an important source of groundwater in Northern Iran. In the study area, rational management of groundwater resources requires a precise evaluation of groundwater flow and transport components. For this purpose, a 2-dimentional groundwater flow and solute transport model was developed and calibrated using PMWIN 5.3. Simulation results under steady-state and transient conditions show that the horizontal hydraulic conductivity values range from 1 to 23 m/day; and the specific yield values range between 0.03 and 0.25. After construction groundwater flow model, in order to simulate and predict chloride transport in the study area, a 2-D solute transport model for the aquifer has been developed, calibrated and validated using MT3D. The predictive simulation from October 2009 to October 2012 shows that according to present recharge and discharge conditions, groundwater salinities will increase and in the mid and long-term, groundwater consumers will be facing a worse situation than the present

    The Effect of the Perceived Information Richness Features of Portal on its Usage Rate and loyalty with the Mediating Role of Satisfaction

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    Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the effect of perceived information richness of the National Iranian South Oil Company portal on its users’ usage rate and loyalty with the mediating role of satisfaction.Design/Methodology/Approach: Applied research was conducted usinga causal-correlation survey approach. As a research sample 378 peoplewas selected from 25000 users of by simple random sampling and complete the researcher-made questionnaire with face-validity and reliability (α = 0.83).Results/Discussion: The results showed that satisfaction (mean=3.179),loyalty (mean = 3.467), and different information richness featuressuch as transparency (mean = 3.769), timeliness (mean = 3.78), interactivity (mean = 3.234), quick feedback (mean = 3.231), quality(mean = 3.936) and accessibility (3.662) are above average and relativelyfavorable.Conclusions: The results showed that among the features of the portal’srichness of information, the quality, interactivity, accessibility, and timeliness affect the usage rate of the portal and their loyalty mediated bysatisfactionOriginality/Value: Users’ loyalty and use of web portals is one of thefactors affecting their viability. Therefore, it is necessary to consider thefactors affecting them. In this study, information richness features are considered as effective factors

    The application of groundwater modelling to simulate the behaviour of groundwater resources in the Ramhormooz Aquifer, Iran.

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    In this study, groundwater modelling was proposed as management tool in Ramhormooz Plain, south western Iran. After definition of a conceptual model, the necessary data were defined into various packages of MODFLOW. Subsequently, the model was calibrated by trial and error estimation and the results were finally optimised by PMWIN through PEST code. After verification process, the model was used as a management tool for evaluating four management alternatives, including prediction of groundwater levels according to average historical recharge and discharge conditions, development of aquifer, prediction of aquifer response to installation of drainage and response against conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater in critical areas

    Santé sexuelle des hommes ayant des rapports sexuels avec des hommes (HSH) : étude qualitative sur les connaissances des médecins généralistes d’Alsace

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    Médecine généraleTitre : santé sexuelle des hommes ayant des rapports sexuels avec des hommes (HSH) : étude qualitative sur les connaissances des Médecins Généralistes d’Alsace. Introduction : Les IST sont fréquentes chez les patients HSH qui font ainsi l’objet de recommandations spécifiques en termes de prévention (vaccinale et dépistage). Le médecin généraliste peut être un acteur central dans ces prises en charge s’il connait ces recommandations. Dans un contexte de prévention combinée du VIH, la PrEP semble peu connue des médecins généralistes en France. Objectifs : L’objectif principal de ce travail est d’évaluer les connaissances et l’opinions des médecins généralistes sur la PrEP ainsi que connaitre leurs avis sur l’extension de sa primoprescription en médecine de ville et leur intention de le faire. Un des objectifs secondaires est d’évaluer les connaissances des médecins généralistes relatives aux recommandations liées à l’orientation sexuelle, concernant notamment les recommandations vaccinales HPV, VHA et VHB et de fréquence de dépistage d’IST chez les patients HSH. Matériel et méthode : Il s’agit d’une étude qualitative s’appuyant sur des entretiens individuels semi-dirigés auprès de treize médecins généralistes d’Alsace (2019). Le recrutement s’est déroulé dans une logique de variance maximale. Les entretiens ont bénéficié d’une double lecture. Leur analyse a été effectuée manuellement par codage axial des verbatims. Résultats : Cette étude met en évidence les connaissances partielles des médecins généralistes vis-à-vis de la PrEP. Il en ressort un manque de formations et de communication. Les avis sont partagés entre un traitement utile et un traitement aux risques de dérives. La baisse de l’usage du préservatif et l’augmentation des IST sont des craintes fortement exprimées. Ces appréhensions semblent constituer un obstacle à la promotion et à la diffusion de la PrEP. L’intérêt d’un élargissement des modalités de primo-prescription de PrEP en soins primaires n’est pas unanime, et il existe actuellement de nombreuses réticences exprimées par les médecins. Ils sont néanmoins désireux de formations sur la PrEP. Leurs connaissances relatives aux recommandations vaccinales et de dépistage d’IST chez les patients HSH sont également limitées. Le manque d’informations sur leurs existences et la difficulté à se maintenir à jour des recommandations sont évoqués. En pratique, ces vaccinations ne sont pas proposées et les dépistages d’IST se font à l’initiative des patients HSH. Les médecins expriment le besoin d’être formés à ces questions. Conclusions : Les connaissances des médecins généralistes sur la PrEP et sur les spécificités vaccinales et de dépistages d’IST pour les patients HSH sont partielles. La mise en place de formation et/ou d’outils d’aide dédiés à ces questions, somme toute souhaitée, représente un enjeu majeur.Title : Sexual health of men who have sex with men (MSM): qualitative study on the knowledge of General Practitioners in Alsace. Background : STIs are frequent in MSM patients who are therefore the subject of specific recommendations in terms of prevention (vaccination and screening). The general practitioner can be a central actor in these treatments if he knows these recommendations. In a context of combined HIV prevention, PrEP seems little known to general practitioners in France. Goals : The main goal of this work is to assess the knowledge and opinions of general practitioners on PrEP as well as to know their opinions on the extension of its primary prescription in town medicine and their intention to do it. One of the secondary objectives is to assess the knowledge of general practitioners of recommendations related to sexual orientation, in particular HPV, HAV and HBV vaccination recommendations and the frequency of STI screening in MSM patients Materials and methods: This is a qualitative study based on semi-structured individual interviews with thirteen general practitioners from Alsace (2019). Recruitment took place in a logic of maximum variance. The interviews benefited from a double reading. Their analysis was carried out manually by axial coding of the verbatims. Result : This study underscores the partial knowledge of general practitioners regarding PrEP. The result is a lack of training and communication. The opinions are divided between a useful treatment and a treatment with risks of deviations.The decline in condom use and the increase in STIs are strongly expressed fears. These apprehensions seem to constitute an obstacle to the promotion and dissemination of PrEP. The interest in expanding the primary prescribing of PrEP in primary care is not unanimous, and there are currently many reservations expressed by doctors. They are nonetheless eager for training on PrEP. Their knowledge of vaccination and STI screening recommendations for MSM patients is also limited. The lack of information on their existence and the difficulty in keeping up to date with recommendations are mentioned. In practice, these vaccinations are not offered and STI screening is done on the initiative of MSM patients. Doctors express the need to be trained in these issues. Conclusions : General practitioners' knowledge of PrEP and the specifics of vaccines and STI screening for MSM patients is partial. The establishment of training and / or help tools dedicated to these questions, requested, is a major issue

    Groundwater resource assessment in Astaneh-Kouchesfahan Plain, Iran

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    Astaneh-Kouchesfahan Plain is one of the focus points in terms of regional development in north of Iran. The socio-economic resources of the plain are enormous and play a particularly important role in supporting the rural population of the area. Partial use of groundwater potential, increase in irrigation demand and groundwater contamination have caused the cultivable lands not to be fully exploited and because of secondary salinity and erosion, surface soils gradually are being converted to idle lands. This problem has brought some difficulties for economical development of the area that has led to decrease of family income, unemployment and finally immigration of rural people. Most of these difficulties are due to mismanagement of water resources caused by lack of reliable data. Hence, for overcoming these difficulties, a detailed regional quantitative and qualitative assessment of groundwater resources has been proposed and the results have been analyzed based on standard methods. The base investigations were carried out to develop hydrogeological and hydrochemical frameworks of the groundwater system. Based on available data, average annual water balance has been evaluated for the whole region. Groundwater balance study indicates that despite of water deficiency for domestic and agricultural usages, discharge from groundwater is less than recharge to the region. The results show that total recharge into the system is of the order of 342.89 million m3 (MCM), whereas the total discharge is of the order of 332.89 MCM, leaving a surplus balance of +9.99 MCM. From the hydrochemical point of view, the groundwater sources in the Astaneh-Kouchesfahan Plain have been evaluated for their chemical composition and suitability for drinking and irrigation uses. Comparison of geochemical results with World Health Organization and United States Environmental Protection Agency standards show that most groundwater samples except few are permissible for drinking purposes and based on the Wilcox diagram, nearly all of the groundwater samples are fit for irrigation use in almost all soil types. The groundwater in the region was classified as hard, fresh to brackish, medium to high saline and slightly alkaline in nature. The Piper plot illustrates that most of the groundwater samples analyzed during the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon fall in the field of Ca-HCO3. In order to achieve a better understanding of the nature of the factors influencing ground water composition, the correlation studies and R-mode factor analysis were carried out on the various groundwater parameters and the factor scores were transferred to areal maps. The results of factor analysis show that factor 1 of the pre-monsoon and factor 2 of the post-monsoon have high loading in the ions Na+ and Cl-, reflecting that these ions are mainly derived from dissolution of secondary salts precipitated in the pore spaces and anthropogenic sources such as agricultural activities and influx of municipal effluents. After hydrochemical investigations, the groundwater vulnerability to pollution was evaluated using GIS DRASTIC model and the obtained results showed the areas with low, moderate, high and very high groundwater vulnerability potential cover around 12, 52, 28 and 8% of study area, respectively. The high and very high vulnerable zones mainly located in middle parts of the plain and hence, groundwater resources beneath such areas need to be monitored continuously so that protective measures can be established. In this study, a 2-Dimentional groundwater flow model was also developed and calibrated to simulate and predict hydraulic heads under steady-state and transient conditions; to optimize hydrogeological coefficients values of aquifer; as a prerequisite, to develop a contamination-transport model and finally, to validate GIS DRASTIC model using model scenario testing. The results of the transient calibration indicate that the horizontal hydraulic conductivity values ranges from 1 to 23 m/day; and the specific yield of the aquifer ranges between 0.03 and 0.25. After model verification and assurance the reliability of the model results, the model prediction has been done for the period from October 2009 to October 2012 and it has been predicted that according to present recharge and discharge conditions, the average weighted groundwater levels rise about 0.34 m. At the same period, the predictive results of solute transport model show that according to present flux conditions, groundwater salinities increased by approximately 2% over the period and the average weighted chloride concentration increases from 136.36 to 138.89 mg/L. However, if current conditions prevail, it is expected that the groundwater consumers of the aquifer will be facing a worse situation than the present condition. Key Words: Aquifer Management, Aquifer Vulnerability, Astaneh-Kouchesfahan Plain, DRASTIC, GIS, Groundwater Balance, Groundwater Pollution, Groundwater Simulation, Hydrochemistry, Hydrogeology, Iran, MT3D Model, , Numerical Modeling, PMWIN Model, Recharge, Water Budget, Water Quality

    Sports Journalists as the Gatekeepers of Cultural and Social Movements: A Comparative Analysis of the Media???s Coverage of Jackie Robinson, Jason Collins, and Michael Sam

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    Includes bibliographical references (pages 59-62).The genre of sports is immensely popular culturally in both national and international settings and often times boosts the morale of relatively large communities mired in tragedy and strife. Consumption of sports media in U.S. culture has grown significantly by almost every conceivable measure, with trends showing that the demand for it continues to grow. Applying the theories of gatekeeping, framing, and agenda setting, this study explores the role of sports journalism in the traditional media landscape, reinforcing its notion as a DVR proof format with increasing financial profitability within the traditional journalism business model. An in-depth look reveals the ethical quandaries of sports journalism, as members of sports media are often forced to compromise their journalistic integrity due primarily to a lack of leverage with the entities they???re assigned to cover. This study shows that sports journalism typically receives denigration from the traditional news media field despite playing an integral part in serving as the gatekeeper of significant news events of cultural and social significance. A comparative contextual analysis is implemented using the analyticaldescriptive methodology to research the sports media???s coverage of two historical events of vast cultural significance: Jackie Robinson breaking MLB???s color barrier, and Jason Collins and Michael Sam becoming the first publicly outed gay athletes in the NBA and NFL, with subtle bias, a clear agenda, and unethical journalistic practices found in their media coverage