243 research outputs found

    Flame propagation and burning rates of methane-air mixtures using schlieren photography

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    Different methodology have been shown to produce different results for Markstein length and laminar burning velocity of methane-air mixture. This study attempts to determine the aforesaid parameters using the newly developed closed vessel combustion chamber with Schlieren photography. Markstein length and burning rate of methane-air mixture was determined under the initial pressure of 1 atm, temperature range of 298-302K and equivalence ratio range of 0.7-1.3. Experiments were performed in a centrally ignited 29.16L cylindrical constant volume combustion chamber. Ignition energy was set at 25mJ for each experiment. The images of spherically expanding flame were recorded using Schlieren photography technique at a speed of 2000 frame per second. Analysis of the flame area yield flame radii from which the flame speed and stretch rate could be obtained. These parameters would allow the determination of Markstein length and burning rate of the flame. Results show that Markstein length magnitude increases proportionally with equivalence ratio with a magnitude ranging from 0.125cm to 0.245cm. Maximum burning rate occurs at equivalence ratio of 1.1 with a magnitude of 0.366 m/s. Flame of each equivalence ratio also exhibits fluctuation arising from acoustic disturbance. This disturbance becomes more apparent at higher equivalence ratio

    Manajemen Konflik Pada Organisasi Sekolah Dalam Meningkatka Kinerja Guru Min Bener Kelipah Kecamatan Bener Kelipah Kabupaten Bener Meriah

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    : Conflict is the portion that can not be separated from human life. Since humans recognize real life then the conflict has been with humans. School as a gathering place for humans can not be separated from the problems of conflict, so that the conflict there were feeling lucky and some are feeling dirugikan.Manajemen conflict of school personnel seek to direct the difference into sameness of thought, of be peace and the ultimate goal of this research is to understand how conflict management in organizations can improve the performance of school teachers Kelipah MIN Bener Bener Kelipah District of the central highlands. The method used is descriptive method with qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used in this study were interviews, observation, and study documentation. The data analysis techniques with data reduction, data display and making conclusions and verification. That is the subject of this research is the principal, deputy principal and teacher. results showed that: (1) The causes of conflict in the MIN Bener Kelipah is the understanding of teachers and principals about the concept of false conflicts, pressure, feeling aggrieved, oppressed, abused, role conflict and welfare of teachers. (2) The positive impact caused by conflict tehadap teacher performance: is the creation of discipline, increased teacher performance, increasing the quality of the formation of character education respect others. mature attitude and togetherness. While the negative impacts of conflict is the creation of groups within the school organization, the opposition, the decline in teacher performance, stress or crazy. (3) The strategy of conflict control done is: Understanding teachers\u27 economic, social, emotional, psychological, character and character approaches and sanctions (4) barriers to overcome conflicts also often perceived namely: doubt in conflict resolution, the more senior age familial nature , emotional, cultural and social status. Recommendations from this study, using constructive management style, encouraging equal participation and maintain a positive relationship for the duration of the conflict, which creates an atmosphere kondusip for school personnel


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui : 1) Pelaksanaan majelis tarbiyah Wahdah Islamiyah di SD IT WihdatulUmmah Makassar, 2) Pembentukan akhlak karimah peserta didik kelas IV SD IT Wihdatul Ummah Makassar, 3)Menguji adakah pengaruh pelaksanaan majelis tarbiyah Wahdah Islamiyah terhadap pembentukan akhlak karimahpeserta didik kelas IV SD IT Wihdatul Ummah Makassar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian ex post facto. Populasidalam penelitian yaitu guru berjumlah 28 orang dan peserta didik berjumlah 150 orang dan sampel penelitian ini guruberjumlah 15 orang dan peserta didik berjumlah 15 orang, adapun cara pengampilan sampelnya menggunakan simplerandom sampling. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan lembar observasi . Data yang terkumpul diolah denganmenggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis statistik infrensial. Berdasarkan hasil analisis deskriptif pelaksanaanmajelis tarbiyah Wahdah Islamiyah berada pada kategori sedang dengan persentasi sebesar 53% dan pembentukanakhlak karimah peserta didik berada pada kategori sedang dengan persentasi sebesar 60%. Berdasarkan hasil statistikinferensial dengan menggunakan rumus uji regresi linear sederhana diperoleh hasil perhitungan ( ℎ > ( ) (7,589 > 1,770 ) dan p- Value = 0,000 < 0,051 artinya signifikasi lebih kecil dari taraf kesalahan yang ditentukan, danpengaruhnya sebesar 80,2% maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa 0 ditolak dan 1 jadi terdapat pengaruh yang signifikanantara pelaksanaan majelis tarbiyah Wahdah Islamiyah terhadap pembentukan akhlak karimah peserta didik kelas IVSD IT Wihdatul Ummah Makassar

    Aluminum toxicity in acid sulfate soil alleviated with biogenic liming composites of blood cockle shell and palm kernel shell

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    Low crop yield from acid sulfate soil was caused by high concentrations of aluminum and iron in soil. Aluminum ion which cause root injury at root region inhibits the uptake of the nutrients by the root and lead to nutrient deficiency. Ground magnesium limestones can beapplied to overcome this problem but incurred more production cost. Biogenic liming agent from blood cockle shell and/or palm kernel shell are more cost effective and provide the essential element i.e. calcium. This study evaluate phase-association of Al in acid sulfate soil remediated using biogenic composites liming material using selective sequential extraction analysis. Biogenic liming composites were characterized for pH, proximate analysis and elemental composition. High ratio of BCS in composite retained Al in the residual form about 91.33%. Amelioration of soil with 100% PKS did not give significant reduction of the exchangeable Al.Keywords: soil remediation; phytotoxicity; abiotic stress; calcination; alkalinity

    Waste management: a qualitative study exploring the perception of flood waste management among the community of Pasir Mas

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the 2014 post-flood waste management in affected area. For this purpose, Pasir Mas in Kelantan was chosen as the sample area and interviews were conducted with the residents. The interviews aim to gather information about post-flood waste produced, sources of the waste, actions taken by the residents and related authorities bodies to clear the waste, impact of the waste on their living surroundings and health, and assistance needed to manage the waste. A total of 39 respondents consisted of 20 men and 19 women were selected at random for focus group discussion. These respondents represent persons of age 25 years old and above, local and whose living quarters have been affected by the flood. The large volume of mud left by the flood has been identified by the participants as the main source of the post-flood waste. In addition, good cooperation between government agencies and the residents is important to speed up the waste clearing works. However, residents are in much needed support, awareness and education about the impact of long due waste clearing on their health and living environment

    Sliding Mode Observer Based Controller for Active Steering Control

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    The purpose of this paper is to enhance the performance of steering control of a vehicle. A nonlinear sliding mode observer based active steering controller that will overcome the disturbances such as road condition and crosswind is proposed. Condition of stability is given by using Lyapunov stability theory that relates to sliding mode characteristics. The controller proves that it is able to stabilize the steering wheel better when disturbances such as braking action and crosswind are included in the system. Lastly, simulations are given to prove the validity of the controller stability. In the simulations, comparisons are made between the outcome of the uncontrolled, Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR), Sliding Mode Controller (SMC) and Sliding Mode Observer Based Controller (SMOC)

    The design of IPT system for multiple kitchen appliances using class E LCCL circuit

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    Since many years ago, kitchen appliances are powered up by cable connected. This create a troublesome case as wire might tangle together and cause kitchen table messy. Due to this, wireless power technology (WPT) is introduced as its ability is to transmit power to load without physical contact. This leads to cordless solution better in safety as the product can be completely seal, highly expandable power range. This work focuses on the design of WPT based on inductive approach to power up multiple kitchen appliances. The selection of inductive approach over its partners capacitive and acoustic is mainly due to high power efficiency. Class E inverter is proposed here to convert the DC to AC current to drive the inductive link. A 1 MHz operating frequency is used. To ensure the circuit is robust with load variations, an LCCL impedance matching is proposed. This solution is table to maintain the output power if there is a slight change in load impedance. Finally, the developed prototype is able to supply 50V utput which can achieve power transmission up to 81.76%

    A New Class of Dual-mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Filter with Two Metalized Posts

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    This paper presents the investigation and characterization of dual-mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) filter with two metalized posts on the cavity to reduce the overall volume of RF front-end subsystems. By introducing two vertical metalized posts and two diagonal metalized posts in dual-mode SIW filter, both SIW filters show different flow of Electromagnetics (EM) can be identify from the E-fields. In order to compare which dual-mode SIW filter gives the better performance, the designs are simulated at centre frequency 2 GHz using CST Studio Suite software and the results are validate through measurement. The measurement shows a good agreement with the simulated results. This design is suitable for any integration microwave system where the reduced complexity of the design and cost as well as weight is very important for the wireless communication systems

    Carbonization cbn550 effect on tensile properties of composite for marine structure application

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    The composites have gained commercial success, where strength, stiffness, durability and light weight are required as well as retardant capacity. Improvement has been made such new series of resin such as vinyl ester and epoxy type[1, 2]. However 95% of pleasure vessels and boats under 60 feet today are still made with polyester resin. The main consideration for most composite builders is cost, with performance and more importantly value for money often being a secondary consideration. Therefore, this study investigate the tensile - mechanical effects of mixing carbon black CBN550 with wax and non-wax type resin and manufactured according to fiber orientation of [0°] and [90°]. The 10% CBN550 exhibit highest reading for stress under [90°] fiber orientation and the lowest reading when arranged at [0°] fiber orientation. The preliminary study on CBN550 flammability has indicated the suitability for this study to pursue in. The structural composites samples of 1000 mm by 1000 mm prepared which consist of 10 of composite mats layer in combination of CSM 450 g/m2 and Woven Roving 600 g/m2. The carbon black (CB) volume fraction range from/with 0% to 20% volume fractions. Optical observation revealed the most suitable fraction of CBN550 in wax polyester resin is at 10% and non-wax polyester resin is also at 10%. The fire resistance behaviour of this CBN550 - CSM 450 g/m2 - Woven Roving 600 g/m2 composite (polyester wax) and polyester non wax was investigated previously as per[3]. This results are in line with the finding of the maximum load where the highest reading was recorded by the 10%CBN550 specimen. This study showed that the introduction of carbon black into the resin mixture helps reinforce the matrix materials. The results suggested that CBN550 mixture should attend to next level of experiment investigation such as oxygen content, TG value, microstructure and other mechanical destructive test. The CBN550 could be a suitable candidate for fire retardance application in marine composite structure