8 research outputs found

    Regulation of intracellular pH in salamander retinal rods

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    1. We measured intracellular pH (pHi) in rods isolated from the retina of the axolotl salamander, Ambystoma mexicanum, using the fluorescent indicator 2',7'-bis(carboxyethyl)- 5(and -6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF). 2. The light exposures associated with data acquisition had no marked effect on pH,. There was no sharp change between the value obtained from the first exposure of dark-adapted rods and subsequent readings. Increasing the acquisition frequency from 1 to 10 min-' either had no effect, or brought about a slow acidification, which was stopped or reversed when the low frequency was restored. 3. In nominally HCO3--free solution at pH 7 5, the rods had a steady-state pHi of 7'09 + 0-02 (n = 46) and a buffering power (,Bi) of 24 + 1 mm (pH unit)f' (n = 48). The buffering power was virtually constant in the pH range 6-6-8-0. In the same range, pHi depended linearly on perfusion pH (pHO) with regression coefficients of 0 4-0 5. 4. There were no significant differences between the inner and outer segment of intact rods as regards steady-state pH, or responses to experimental treatments. 5. Recovery from an intracellular acid load imposed by sodium propionate or an NH4Cl prepulse in nominally bicarbonate-free perfusate was completely blocked by decreasing the extracellular Nae concentration to 7 mm, and slowed by 86% by applying 1 mm amiloride. 6. Introduction of 2% C02-13 mm HC03- caused an alkalinization that was often preceded by a transient acidification. Steady-state pHi was on average 0.1 pH units higher than in nominally bicarbonate-free solution. The mean acid extrusion rate, calculated on the assumption that C02-HC03- behaves as an open system, was 19% higher (31 + 2 mm h-1) than in a solution buffered only by Hepes (26 + 2 mm h-). 7. In the presence of CO2-HC03-, 100 ,m 4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulphonic acid (DIDS) decreased the acid extrusion rate by 20% on average. Lowering the extracellular Clconcentration to 7 mm raised pH,, but did not significantly affect the acid extrusion rate. 8. We conclude that retinal rods regulate pHi by both Na+-H+ exchange and mechanism(s) involving HC03--Cl- exchange. In the present conditions, the Na+-H+ exchanger appears as the dominant mechanism for acid extrusion

    Yritysilmeen uudistaminen Tiilikaisen Kenkä & Musiikki yritykselle

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    Opinnäytetyöni käsittelee yritysilmeen uudistusta Tiilikaisten Kenkä & Musiikki -yritykselle. Uudistus koskee koko yrityksen ilmettä. Uudistamisen takana oli yrityksen jo yli satavuotinen historia Kannuksessa. Vakioasiakkaana minulla oli hyvä mahdollisuus käyttää tuntemustani niin asiakkaana kuin tuttavana suunnitellessani heidän uutta yritysilmettään ja graafista ohjeistoa. Opinnäytetyöni pääpaino kohdistuu uudistuksen läpikäymiseen, miten olemme päätyneet tiettyihin ratkaisuihin ja miten ne ovat toteutettu. Teoreettisessa osuudessa vertailen isojen ja pienten yritysten graafisten ohjeistojen eroja. Graafisen ohjeiston tehtävänä on auttaa yrityksen henkilökuntaa noudattamaan yrityksen visuaalista ilmettä. Graafinen ohjeisto helpottaa myös niiden ihmisten työtä, jotka tekevät yrityksen grafiikat. Ohjeistosta täytyy löytyä ohjeet vähintään yritystunnuksen, typografian, värien ja grafiikoiden käyttöön.My bachelor’s thesis is an assignment from the family business Tiilikaisen Kenkä & Musiikki. The assignment consists of a renewal of the corporate identity the business. The reason for the renewal was the company´s over a hundred-year-long history in Kannus. As their regular customer, it was a great opportunity to use my knowledge as a customer and a friend to design a new corporate image and graphic manual for the store. In the thesis, the main emphasis is on the renewal itself, how it was done, which working methods and techniques were used. The theoretical part of the work focuses on the graphic manuals in small and big businesses. What similarities can be found in them, and how important they are for small and big businesses. When creating a new visual identity, one has to pay attention to the company´s needs and target groups to achieve of profitable results. Graphic manuals should at least contain the company logo, typography, colors and the visual look. Graphic manuals are made to help people to maintain the visual image of their companies. Graphic manuals also help the work of the people who make graphic materials to the companies