6 research outputs found

    Opetusvideon suunnittelu ja toteutus

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    Kehittämishanke käsittelee audiovisuaalisen opetusmateriaalin tuottamista opiskelija- ja opettajavoimin oppilaitoksen käyttöön. Olemme hankkeessa toteuttaneet useita opetusmateriaaliksi tarkoitettuja videoita, jotka päätyvät ammattioppilaitoksen opetuskäyttöön. Kaksi näistä videoista on sisällytetty osaksi kehittämisprojektiamme, ja olemme analysoineet niitä tarkemmin tekstiosuudessa. Opetusvideo toimii erittäin hyvänä apuvälineenä muun muassa työturvallisuusasioita käsiteltäessä sekä kerrattaessa. Lisäksi ammatillisen koneenkäytön alkeet voidaan videon kautta tuoda hyvin esiin. Hankkeen toteuttaminen on toiminut myös hyödyllisenä opetustapahtumana mukana olleille audiovisuaalisen alan opiskelijoille.Opinnäytetyö sisältää kaksi opetusvideota dvd -muodossa

    Opetusvideon suunnittelu ja toteutus

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    Kehittämishanke käsittelee audiovisuaalisen opetusmateriaalin tuottamista opiskelija- ja opettajavoimin oppilaitoksen käyttöön. Olemme hankkeessa toteuttaneet useita opetusmateriaaliksi tarkoitettuja videoita, jotka päätyvät ammattioppilaitoksen opetuskäyttöön. Kaksi näistä videoista on sisällytetty osaksi kehittämisprojektiamme, ja olemme analysoineet niitä tarkemmin tekstiosuudessa. Opetusvideo toimii erittäin hyvänä apuvälineenä muun muassa työturvallisuusasioita käsiteltäessä sekä kerrattaessa. Lisäksi ammatillisen koneenkäytön alkeet voidaan videon kautta tuoda hyvin esiin. Hankkeen toteuttaminen on toiminut myös hyödyllisenä opetustapahtumana mukana olleille audiovisuaalisen alan opiskelijoille.Opinnäytetyö sisältää kaksi opetusvideota dvd -muodossa

    The Growing Trend of Prescribing Antipsychotics for Young People in Finland, 2000 to 2010

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    According to previous reports from many countries (e.g., the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom), the use of antipsychotic drugs has increased among young people. Antipsychotics have also increasingly been prescribed for non-psychotic disorders.The purpose of this study was to estimate the rate at which antipsychotics were prescribed for young people in the age groups of 10 to 14 years, 15 to 19 years, and 20 to 24 years in Finland in the years 2000, 2005, and 2010.This was a nationwide register study using data from the databases of Statistics Finland and the Finnish National Prescription Register. Statistics Finland's databases provided background information, including the total number of young people and the Finnish National Prescription Register keeps record of all drug orders reimbursed by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland.The prescription of antipsychotics grew 6.8-, 4.6-, and 2.6-fold over the study period for these three age groups, respectively. For the youngest age group, use was more common among males than females in all three periods studied. During the course of the study period, the use of antipsychotics became more common among females: in 2010, antipsychotics were more commonly used among females than males in both the 15- to 19-year-old age group and the 20- to 24-year-old age group. The younger the patient, the higher the probability that the indication for medication was a non-psychotic disorder.In Finland, the trends involved in the prescription of antipsychotic medications resemble those seen in many Western countries. Therefore, it is important that the safety and effectiveness of these pharmaceuticals be investigated among young people as well

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    Background: Depression is the most common mental health problem among adolescents. Despite policy guidance and governmental support to develop usable mental health services, there is still a lack of easily accessible and modern interventions available for adolescents in Finland’s majority official language. Objective: Our objective was to develop a user-friendly and feasible Internet-based support system for adolescents with depression. Methods: The Internet-based support system for adolescents with depression was developed. To create this new intervention, some examples of existing interventions were studied, the theoretical basis for the intervention was described, and the health needs of adolescents identified. As an outcome of the process, the results were combined and the content and delivery of a new intervention will be described here. Results: Six individual weekly Internet-based support sessions were delivered by a tutor over a 6-week period of time and developed to form an intervention called Depis.Net. This was an Internet-based support system for adolescents with depression tailored to improve self-management skills and increase awareness of their own well-being and mental health. The intervention was accessible via an electronic platform, which was secured and password protected for users. The intervention on the Depis.Net website consisted of elements identifying adolescents ’ needs, and offering self-monitoring, access to health information an