1,151 research outputs found

    Customer journey analysis in household waste management services

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    Abstract. This Master’s Thesis studies the customer journey, value elements and the customers’ broad value creation process in the business context of private household waste management for first-time house-owners. The main research question is defined as follows: What are the value elements for the customer in different touchpoints of the customer journey upon acquiring and using private household waste management services? The objective is to create a customer journey map for the case company’s defined segment of first-time house-owners, and to provide relevant research data and insight about what is perceived valuable in their service. By applying the customer journey and the mapped service touchpoints with the discovered value elements, the thesis client will be able to embed the studied value elements to their service offering and journey for a better service experience for new house-owners. The main theoretical framework consists of customer journey as a timeline for the customer experience in a purchase process; phases of a purchase process and service touchpoints included. Service-dominant logic and further complementary critical service logic and its value creation spheres depict how value is created in use by the customer, facilitated by dynamic, reciprocal value proposition. These aspects are adapted and combined in a novel framework by the researcher to illustrate the customer journey as an experience of a purchase process and value creation as value-in-use in the customer’s own sphere. The research method used in the study is justifiably a qualitative case study as an empirical method to study social phenomena of particular interest to real-life stakeholders such as organizations and their managerial processes within important contextual conditions. The data collection is carried out by conducting semi-structured interviews to customers in the target segment. Eight households are interviewed, at which point data saturation for generalizing the findings is seen to have been reached. The data analysis of all the respective customer journey blueprints enables the researcher to compose a conclusive illustration of a fifteen-step customer journey map and to identify the main touchpoints and value elements as part of the broad value creation process of the target customer segment. The output of the customer journey analysis is also applied to the previously created own theoretical framework, and the most relevant theoretical aspects are further discussed. The researched value elements in different touchpoints of the customer journey can be summarized as affordability; supporting local business; prompt, simple and friendly customer service; service offering fulfilling own needs; service delivery on schedule; reliable, effortless usage of the service. Conclusions as managerial implications in the client’s behalf are also provided. Lastly, the quality of the research is evaluated in the case study’s context and some discussion of this and future research in the case company’s context is had

    Network structures and temporal stability of self- and informant-rated affective symptoms in Alzheimer's disease

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    Background: Affective symptoms in Alzheimer's disease (AD) can be rated with both informantand self-ratings. Information from these two modalities may not converge. We estimated network structures of affective symptoms in AD with both rating modalities and assessed the longitudinal stability of the networks. Methods: Network analyses combining self-rated and informant-rated affective symptoms were conducted in 3198 individuals with AD at two time points (mean follow-up 387 days), drawn from the NACC database. Self rated symptoms were assessed by Geriatric Depression Scale, and informant-rated symptoms included depression, apathy and anxiety questions from Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire. Results: Informant-rated symptoms were mainly connected to symptoms expressing lack of positive affect, but not to the more central symptoms of self-rated worthlessness and helplessness. Networks did not differ in structure (p = .71), or connectivity (p = .92) between visits. Symptoms formed four clinically meaningful clusters of depressive symptoms and decline, lack of positive affect, informant-rated apathy and anxiety and informant-rated depression. Limitations: The symptom dynamics in our study could have been present before AD diagnosis. The lack of positive affect cluster may represent a methodological artefact rather than a theoretically meaningful subgroup. Requiring follow-up lead to a selection of patients with less cognitive decline. Conclusions: Informant rating may only capture the more visible affective symptoms, such as not being in good spirits, instead of more central and severe symptoms, such as hopelessness and worthlessness. Future research should continue to be mindful of differences between self- and informant-rated symptoms even in earlier stages of AD.Peer reviewe

    Saari's homographic conjecture for planar equal-mass three-body problem in Newton gravity

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    Saari's homographic conjecture in N-body problem under the Newton gravity is the following; configurational measure \mu=\sqrt{I}U, which is the product of square root of the moment of inertia I=(\sum m_k)^{-1}\sum m_i m_j r_{ij}^2 and the potential function U=\sum m_i m_j/r_{ij}, is constant if and only if the motion is homographic. Where m_k represents mass of body k and r_{ij} represents distance between bodies i and j. We prove this conjecture for planar equal-mass three-body problem. In this work, we use three sets of shape variables. In the first step, we use \zeta=3q_3/(2(q_2-q_1)) where q_k \in \mathbb{C} represents position of body k. Using r_1=r_{23}/r_{12} and r_2=r_{31}/r_{12} in intermediate step, we finally use \mu itself and \rho=I^{3/2}/(r_{12}r_{23}r_{31}). The shape variables \mu and \rho make our proof simple


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    Regularity of maximal functions on Hardy–Sobolev spaces

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    We prove that maximal operators of convolution type associated to smooth kernels are bounded in the homogeneous Hardy–Sobolev spaces H1,p(Rd) when p > d/(d + 1). This range of exponents is sharp. As a by-product of the proof, we obtain similar results for the local Hardy–Sobolev spaces h1,p(Rd) in the same range of exponents

    Air quality resolution for health impact assessment: influence of regional characteristics

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    We evaluate how regional characteristics of population and background pollution might impact the selection of optimal air quality model resolution when calculating the human health impacts of changes to air quality. Using an approach consistent with air quality policy evaluation, we use a regional chemical transport model (CAMx) and a health benefit mapping program (BenMAP) to calculate the human health impacts associated with changes in ozone and fine particulate matter resulting from an emission reduction scenario. We evaluate this same scenario at 36, 12 and 4 km resolution for nine regions in the eastern US representing varied characteristics. We find that the human health benefits associated with changes in ozone concentrations are sensitive to resolution. This finding is especially strong in urban areas where we estimate that benefits calculated using coarse resolution results are on average two times greater than benefits calculated using finer scale results. In three urban areas we analyzed, results calculated using 36 km resolution modeling fell outside the uncertainty range of results calculated using finer scale modeling. In rural areas the influence of resolution is less pronounced with only an 8% increase in the estimated health impacts when using 36 km resolution over finer scales. In contrast, health benefits associated with changes in PM[subscript 2.5] concentrations were not sensitive to resolution and did not follow a pattern based on any regional characteristics evaluated. The largest difference between the health impacts estimated using 36 km modeling results and either 12 or 4 km results was at most ±10% in any region. Several regions showed increases in estimated benefits as resolution increased (opposite the impact seen with ozone modeling), while some regions showed decreases in estimated benefits as resolution increased. In both cases, the dominant contribution was from secondary PM. Additionally, we found that the health impacts calculated using several individual concentration–response functions varied by a larger amount than the impacts calculated using results modeled at different resolutions. Given that changes in PM[subscript 2.5] dominate the human health impacts, and given the uncertainty associated with human health response to changes in air pollution, we conclude that, when estimating the human health benefits associated with decreases in ozone and PM[subscript 2.5] together, the benefits calculated at 36 km resolution agree, within errors, with the benefits calculated using fine (12 km or finer) resolution modeling when using the current methodology for assessing policy decisions.United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Science to Achieve Results Program (Grant R834279)MIT Energy Initiative (Total Energy Fellowship)United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Science (Grant DE-FG02-94ER61937)Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Joint Program on the Science & Policy of Global Chang

    Biologian aineenopettajaopiskelijoiden kÀsityksiÀ luonnon monimuotoisuudesta, luontokadosta sekÀ saavutetuista opetusvalmiuksista

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    TiivistelmÀ. Luonnon monimuotoisuuden heikkeneminen on ihmiskunnan suurimpia ympÀristökysymyksiÀ. Luonnon monimuotoisuus ja luontokato ovat keskeisiÀ teemoja erityisesti biologian opetuksen sisÀllöissÀ peruskoulun ja lukion opetussuunnitelman perusteissa. Biologian opettajat ovat tÀrkeÀssÀ roolissa vaikuttamassa siihen, millaisia luonnon monimuotoisuuteen liittyviÀ tietoja, arvoja ja asenteita siirretÀÀn tuleville sukupolville. TÀmÀn takia myös opettajilla tulisi olla riittÀvÀ ymmÀrrys luonnon monimuotoisuudesta, jotta he voivat siirtÀÀ sen tuleville sukupolville. Kuitenkin on huomattu, ettÀ biologian aineenopettajaopiskelijoilla saattaa olla hyvinkin vaihtelevia kÀsityksiÀ luonnon monimuotoisuudesta. TÀssÀ tutkimuksessa haluttiin selvittÀÀ: 1) Millaisia kÀsityksiÀ biologian ja maantieteen aineenopettajilla on luonnon monimuotoisuudesta ja luontokadosta sekÀ sen tÀrkeimmistÀ aiheuttajista Suomen ja maailman mittakaavassa? 2) Miten aineenopettajaopiskelijat kokevat luonnon monimuotoisuuden ja luontokadon opettamisen? 3) MistÀ aineenopettajaopiskelijat saavat luonnon monimuotoisuuteen ja luontokatoon liittyvÀt tietonsa? Tutkimuksen perusjoukkona toimi Suomen biologian aineenopettajaopiskelijat. Tutkimus toteutettiin monimenetelmÀllisenÀ otantatutkimuksena, jossa aineisto kerÀttiin edellÀ mainituista yliopistoista sÀhköisellÀ 21 kysymystÀ sisÀltÀvÀllÀ Google Forms kyselylomakkeella, joka lÀhetettiin Oulun, Helsingin, Turun ja ItÀ-Suomen yliopistoon. KyselyssÀ oli neljÀ osiota ja se sisÀltÀ niin avoimia kuin suljettuja kysymyksiÀ. Aineiston analyysissÀ avoimet kysymykset analysoitiin sisÀllönanalyysillÀ, tuloksista muodostettiin taulukoita ja aineisto myös kvantifioitiin. Suljetuilla kysymyksillÀ kerÀttyÀ aineistoa tarkasteltiin lineaarisella mallinnuksella kuvaajien lisÀksi. Kyselyyn vastasi 40 opiskelijaa, joista puolet opiskeli Oulun yliopistossa. Tutkimuksen mukaan biologian aineenopettajaopiskelijat kokevat luonnon monimuotoisuuden tÀrkeÀksi ja tietotaitonsa sekÀ valmiutensa opettaa luonnon monimuotoisuutta hyvÀksi. Aineenopettajaopiskelijoiden kÀsitykset luonnon monimuotoisuudesta ja luontokadosta ovat kuitenkin osittain puutteellisia. Aineenopettajaopiskelijoiden kÀsityksissÀ luonnon monimuotoisuudesta ja luontokadosta on havaittavissa median yksipuolistava vaikutus ja valtaosa aineenopettajaopiskelijoista kÀyttikin uutismediaa yhtenÀ pÀÀasiallisena tiedonlÀhteenÀ yliopiston ohella luonnon monimuotoisuuteen ja luontokatoon liittyvissÀ teemoissa. Ainoastaan 25 % vastaajista tarkasteli luonnon monimuotoisuuden kÀsitettÀ sen kaikilla kolmella tasolla, kun taas 42,5 % nÀki luonnon monimuotoisuuden vain lajien monimuotoisuutena. Vastaajien nÀkemys erityisen monimuotoisista alueista keskittyy Amazonin sademetsÀalueeseen ja monimuotoisuuden sÀilyttÀmisen tÀrkeys nÀhtiin yleisimmin ekosysteemipalveluiden ja luonnon itseisarvon kautta. Ilmastonmuutos nÀhtiin merkittÀvimpÀnÀ luontokadon aiheuttajana ja saastuminen sekÀ vieraslajit vÀhiten merkittÀvÀnÀ. Vastaajien mielestÀ uhanalaisimmat luontotyypit Suomessa ovat perinneympÀristöt, suot ja ItÀmeri ja metsÀluontotyypit valittiin uhanalaisimpien joukkoon vain 25 % toimesta. PerinneympÀristöt, metsÀt ja suot valittiin kuitenkin asuttamaan eniten uhanalaisia lajeja ja metsÀympÀristöjen muutokset nÀhtiin merkittÀvimpÀnÀ lajien uhanalaisuuden aiheuttajana yhdessÀ ojituksen ja turpeenoton sekÀ ilmastonmuutoksen kanssa. Vastaajat yliarvioivat ilmastonmuutoksen merkityksen luontokadon aiheuttajana. LÀhes puolet vastaajista ei kokenut luonnon monimuotoisuuteen liittyvien teemojen opettamista helpoksi taikka haastavaksi, kun taas 37,5 % koki opettamisen melko helpoksi. Haastavuutta lisÀsi erityisesti aiheen laajuus ja vakavuus, kun taas opettamista helpotti aiheen helppo lÀhestyttÀvyys ja nÀkyvyys. Valtaosa koki saavuttaneensa opiskelujen aikana hyvÀt valmiudet opettaa luonnon monimuotoisuuteen liittyviÀ osa-alueita, mutta kestÀvÀ kehitys ja arvo- ja asennekasvatus jakoivat mielipiteitÀ. Vastaajista 38 % ei kokenut opetuksessa olevan kehitettÀvÀÀ, mutta 26 % toivoi saavansa opiskelujen aikana lisÀÀ tietoa luontokadosta niin Suomessa kuin muualla maailmassa

    Modeling and kinetic determination in affinity precipitation of trypsin

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    A mathematical model was proposed to allow the analysis of kinetic enzyme in experimental of affinity precipitation system. The methodology was tested using a system composed of enzyme, ethylene glycol and conjugated PABA-poly (NIPAM). N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) is one of the monomers that have appealed to a great deal of investigation in the recent years. Its homopolymer NIPAM possesses temperature sensitivity and can act as a functional polymer with great potential. A water soluble ligand bound polymer has been synthesized by Electron Beam Irradiation for the purpose of affinity precipitation of trypsin. The affinity polymer was formed by ligand-PABA. The binding efficiency of trypsin to this polymer was dependent upon the ratio of (NIPAM), mercaptopropionic acid (MPA) as a chain transfer reagent and p-aminobenzamidine (PABA) as ligand that used in the polymer synthesis. The amount of precipitated of poly (NIPAM) present in the polymer solution also greatly affected the trypsin binding efficiency. The total binding capacity of trypsin molecules to ligand molecules approached the theoretical value which was considerably higher than that of insoluble gel matrices. Bound trypsin could be easily eluted by the ethylene glycol solution. At low molecular weight of poly (NIPAM), the conjugate polymer solution was very stable and retained its high capacity for trypsin recovery over a long period of time. The proposed analysis and simulation of kinetic parameters may be helpful in affinity precipitation technique for advanced application
