63 research outputs found

    Men in Metal:: Representations of the Nation in Public Space in Meiji Japan,1868–1912

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    Die GrĂŒndung der „Nation“ im Japan der Meiji-Zeit (1868–1912) erforderte neue Methoden des „social engineering“ und fĂŒhrte zu neuartigen Inszenierungen politischer Macht, AutoritĂ€t und LegitimitĂ€t im öffentlichen Raum. In diesem Beitrag soll skizziert werden, wie die junge MeijiRegierung ĂŒberhaupt erst einen öffentlichen Raum schuf und diesen dann zum Zwecke einer national-integrativen Politik nutzte, indem sie ihn mit personalisierten nationalen Symbolen besetzte. Im Vordergrund steht dabei das Medium der Bronzestatue. Fast eintausend Statuen von historischen Persönlichkeiten wurden in Japan bis zum Beginn des japanisch-chinesischen Krieges im Jahre 1937 im öffentlichen Raum errichtet. Das Medium der Statue spielte damit eine wichtige Rolle im Rahmen der nationalen Indoktrinationspolitik und der Schaffung eines nationalen Bewusstseins in der japanischen Bevölkerung

    The nature and function of the manor court 1350-1700

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    The aim of the study is to analyse the records of three manor courts over a relatively long time-scale, with the object of identifying the changes which occurred in the nature and function of the manor court from 1350 until 1700. The principal source material consists of previously untranslated and untranscribed records of the view of frankpledge, or court leet, and court baron of the Surrey manors of Carshalton, Farleigh and Merstham, which lie 16-26 km. from London. Since the manors differ in their historical and geographical background, we can use this material to make comparisons and to identify broader regional trends. Following a discussion of the history of the manors and the extent and compilation of the records, with the aid of a computer data-base, I have examined the functions of the view. These are defined as a) residence, b) supervision of trade, c) minor criminal offences, d) management of the environment and e) the procedures of payment, distraint and dispute settlement. This is followed by an assessment of the roles of officials, identified as tithingmen, ale tasters, constables and jurors. This leads to a discussion of the influence of external factors, such as the quarter sessions and parliamentary legislation. I have similarly analysed the records of the court baron to show changes in property-holding, the role of the jurors and in procedures, such as dispute settlement, use of pledges and distraint. By making this investigation, we can see the reactions of the community to social and economic factors as it developed from a medieval to an early modern society

    Workshop I, Section 1 : "History and Society"

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    The Imperial Army in Japanese Politics : Colonial Policy and Colonial Administration

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    On the Usefulness of SQL-Query-Similarity Measures to Find User Interests

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    In the sciences and elsewhere, the use of relational databases has become ubiquitous. An important challenge is finding hot spots of user interests. In principle, one can discover user interests by clustering the queries in the query log. Such a clustering requires a notion of query similarity. This, in turn, raises the question of what features of SQL queries are meaningful. We have studied the query representations proposed in the literature and corresponding similarity functions and have identified shortcomings of all of them. To overcome these limitations, we propose new similarity functions for SQL queries. They rely on the so-called access area of a query and, more specifically, on the overlap and the closeness of the access areas. We have carried out experiments systematically to compare the various similarity functions described in this article. The first series of experiments measures the quality of clustering and compares it to a ground truth. In the second series, we focus on the query log from the well-known SkyServer database. Here, a domain expert has interpreted various clusters by hand. We conclude that clusters obtained with our new measures of similarity seem to be good indicators of user interests

    Gendered Japan: Law, Empire, and Modern Girls on the Go

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    Multi-book Essay: "Gender and Law in the Japanese Imperium." Edited by Susan L. Burns and Barbara J. Brooks. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2014. "Modern Girls on the Go: Gender, Mobility, and Labor in Japan." Edited by Alisa Freedman, Laura Miller, and Christine R. Yano. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2013. "Women Adrift: The Literature of Japan's Imperial Body." By Noriko J. Horiguchi. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2012

    Three-Phase Catalytic Hydrogenation of a Functionalized Alkyne: Mass Transfer and Kinetic Studies with in Situ Hydrogen Monitoring

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    Systematic studies of mass transfer interactions with intrinsic reaction kinetics were performed for the threephase selective hydrogenation of 2-methyl-3-butyn-2-ol (MBY) to 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol (MBE) over a modified Pd/CaCO3{O}_{3} catalyst under solvent free conditions. Hydrogen concentration in the liquid phase (CH2,b{C}_{H2,b}) was monitored in situ during the catalytic reaction by means of the Fugatron” analyzer. Reactions were carried out in an autoclave at different stirring rates at two concentrations of hydrogen (5 and 13 mol ·m−3{m}^{-3} For stirring speeds higher than 1500 rpm no influence of gas-liquid mass transfer was observed. Hydrogen liquid-solid (L-S) mass transfer was found to be negligible, whereas the MBY mass L-S transfer becomes important at high MBY conversions at high hydrogen concentration. Low stirrer speed caused the reaction rate and MBE selectivity to decrease. No internal mass transfer limitations were observed, and conditions for the kinetic regime were found. The kinetics modeled ollowed the Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism and was consistent with the experimental data
