6,539 research outputs found

    Do Campaign Contribution Limits Curb the Influence of Money in Politics?

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    Over 40% of countries around the world have adopted limits on campaign contributions to curb the influence of money in politics. Yet, we have limited knowledge on whether and how these limits achieve this goal. With a regression discontinuity design that uses institutional rules on contribution limits in Colombian municipalities, we show that looser limits increase the number and value of public contracts assigned to the winning candidate’s donors. The evidence suggests that this is explained by looser limits concentrating influence over the elected candidate among top donors and not by a reduction in electoral competition or changes in who runs for office. We further show that looser limits worsen the performance of donor-managed contracts: they are more likely to run over costs and require time extensions. Overall, this paper demonstrates a direct link between campaign contribution limits, donor kickbacks, and worse government contract performance

    On the Shapley-like Payoff Mechanisms in Peer-Assisted Services with Multiple Content Providers

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    This paper studies an incentive structure for cooperation and its stability in peer-assisted services when there exist multiple content providers, using a coalition game theoretic approach. We first consider a generalized coalition structure consisting of multiple providers with many assisting peers, where peers assist providers to reduce the operational cost in content distribution. To distribute the profit from cost reduction to players (i.e., providers and peers), we then establish a generalized formula for individual payoffs when a "Shapley-like" payoff mechanism is adopted. We show that the grand coalition is unstable, even when the operational cost functions are concave, which is in sharp contrast to the recently studied case of a single provider where the grand coalition is stable. We also show that irrespective of stability of the grand coalition, there always exist coalition structures which are not convergent to the grand coalition. Our results give us an important insight that a provider does not tend to cooperate with other providers in peer-assisted services, and be separated from them. To further study the case of the separated providers, three examples are presented; (i) underpaid peers, (ii) service monopoly, and (iii) oscillatory coalition structure. Our study opens many new questions such as realistic and efficient incentive structures and the tradeoffs between fairness and individual providers' competition in peer-assisted services.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, an extended version of the paper to be presented in ICST GameNets 2011, Shanghai, China, April 201

    Optimization of the Asymptotic Property of Mutual Learning Involving an Integration Mechanism of Ensemble Learning

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    We propose an optimization method of mutual learning which converges into the identical state of optimum ensemble learning within the framework of on-line learning, and have analyzed its asymptotic property through the statistical mechanics method.The proposed model consists of two learning steps: two students independently learn from a teacher, and then the students learn from each other through the mutual learning. In mutual learning, students learn from each other and the generalization error is improved even if the teacher has not taken part in the mutual learning. However, in the case of different initial overlaps(direction cosine) between teacher and students, a student with a larger initial overlap tends to have a larger generalization error than that of before the mutual learning. To overcome this problem, our proposed optimization method of mutual learning optimizes the step sizes of two students to minimize the asymptotic property of the generalization error. Consequently, the optimized mutual learning converges to a generalization error identical to that of the optimal ensemble learning. In addition, we show the relationship between the optimum step size of the mutual learning and the integration mechanism of the ensemble learning.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Journal of Physical Society of Japa

    Solutions for certain classes of Riccati differential equation

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    We derive some analytic closed-form solutions for a class of Riccati equation y'(x)-\lambda_0(x)y(x)\pm y^2(x)=\pm s_0(x), where \lambda_0(x), s_0(x) are C^{\infty}-functions. We show that if \delta_n=\lambda_n s_{n-1}-\lambda_{n-1}s_n=0, where \lambda_{n}= \lambda_{n-1}^\prime+s_{n-1}+\lambda_0\lambda_{n-1} and s_{n}=s_{n-1}^\prime+s_0\lambda_{k-1}, n=1,2,..., then The Riccati equation has a solution given by y(x)=\mp s_{n-1}(x)/\lambda_{n-1}(x). Extension to the generalized Riccati equation y'(x)+P(x)y(x)+Q(x)y^2(x)=R(x) is also investigated.Comment: 10 page

    Microscopic derivation of multi-channel Hubbard models for ultracold nonreactive molecules in an optical lattice

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    Recent experimental advances in the cooling and manipulation of bialkali dimer molecules have enabled the production of gases of ultracold molecules that are not chemically reactive. It has been presumed in the literature that in the absence of an electric field the low-energy scattering of such nonreactive molecules (NRMs) will be similar to atoms, in which a single ss-wave scattering length governs the collisional physics. However, in Ref. [1], it was argued that the short-range collisional physics of NRMs is much more complex than for atoms, and that this leads to a many-body description in terms of a multi-channel Hubbard model. In this work, we show that this multi-channel Hubbard model description of NRMs in an optical lattice is robust against the approximations employed in Ref. [1] to estimate its parameters. We do so via an exact, albeit formal, derivation of a multi-channel resonance model for two NRMs from an ab initio description of the molecules in terms of their constituent atoms. We discuss the regularization of this two-body multi-channel resonance model in the presence of a harmonic trap, and how its solutions form the basis for the many-body model of Ref. [1]. We also generalize the derivation of the effective lattice model to include multiple internal states (e.g., rotational or hyperfine). We end with an outlook to future research.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Estimation of Kumaraswamy Distribution Parameters Using the Principle of Maximum Entropy

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    This paper proposes using maximum entropy approach to estimate the parameters of the Kumaraswamy distribution subject to moment constraints. Kumaraswamy [7] introduced the double pounded probability density function which was originally used to model hydrological phenomena. It was mentioned that this probability density function is applicable to bounded natural phenomena which have values on two sides. The distribution share several properties with the beta distribution and it has the extra advantages that is possesses a closed form distribution function, but it remained unknown to most statisticians until it was developed by Jones [6] as a beta-type distribution with some tractability advantages in particular as it has fairly simple quantile function and it has explicit formula for L-Moment. Using the principle of maximum entropy to propose new estimators for the Kumaraswamy parameters and compared with maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimation methods. A simulation study is performed to investigate the performance of the estimators in terms of their mean square errors and their efficiency

    Exhibiting cross-diffusion-induced patterns for reaction-diffusion systems on evolving domains and surfaces

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    The aim of this manuscript is to present for the first time the application of the finite element method for solving reaction-diffusion systems with cross-diffusion on continuously evolving domains and surfaces. Furthermore we present pattern formation generated by the reaction-diffusion systemwith cross-diffusion on evolving domains and surfaces. A two-component reaction-diffusion system with linear cross-diffusion in both u and v is presented. The finite element method is based on the approximation of the domain or surface by a triangulated domain or surface consisting of a union of triangles. For surfaces, the vertices of the triangulation lie on the continuous surface. A finite element space of functions is then defined by taking the continuous functions which are linear affine on each simplex of the triangulated domain or surface. To demonstrate the role of cross-diffusion to the theory of pattern formation, we compute patterns with model kinetic parameter values that belong only to the cross-diffusion parameter space; these do not belong to the standard parameter space for classical reaction-diffusion systems. Numerical results exhibited show the robustness, flexibility, versatility, and generality of our methodology; the methodology can deal with complicated evolution laws of the domain and surface, and these include uniform isotropic and anisotropic growth profiles as well as those profiles driven by chemical concentrations residing in the domain or on the surface

    Coherent states associated to the wavefunctions and the spectrum of the isotonic oscillator

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    Classes of coherent states are presented by replacing the labeling parameter zz of Klauder-Perelomov type coherent states by confluent hypergeometric functions with specific parameters. Temporally stable coherent states for the isotonic oscillator Hamiltonian are presented and these states are identified as a particular case of the so-called Mittag-Leffler coherent states.Comment: 12 page

    GW quasi-particle spectra from occupied states only

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    We introduce a method that allows for the calculation of quasi-particle spectra in the GW approximation, yet avoiding any explicit reference to empty one-electron states. This is achieved by expressing the irreducible polarizability operator and the self-energy operator through a set of linear response equations, which are solved using a Lanczos-chain algorithm. We first validate our approach by calculating the vertical ionization energies of the benzene molecule and then show its potential by addressing the spectrum of a large molecule such as free-base tetraphenylporphyrin.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure