41 research outputs found

    Gladiolus osmaniyensis (Iridaceae), a new species from south anatolia, Turkey

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    A new species, Gladiolus osmaniyensis Sağıroğlu (Iridaceae), is described and illustrated from South Anatolia, Turkey. G. osmaniyensis is morphologically close to G. attilae and G. atroviolaceus. The ecology and phenology of the new species as well as its etymology, conservation status, and diagnostic morphological features are discussed. In addition, the seed surfaces of the G. osmaniyensis, G. attilae, and G. atroviolaceus are examined by SEM. The geographical distribution of the new species and the morphologically related species are mapped as well

    Comparison of sirolimus and colchicine treatment on the development of peritoneal fibrozis in rats having peritoneal dialysis

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    Background: Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis is a successful treatment modality for patients with end-stage renal disease. Peritoneal fibrosis (PF) is the most critical complication of long-term peritoneal di- alysis (PD). Aims: In our study, we aimed to compare the effects of colchicine and sirolimus on PF induced by hypertonic peritoneal dialysis solutions in rats. Study Design: Animal experiment. Methods: Twenty-four rats were randomly divided into three groups. The control group received an intraperitoneal injection (ip) of saline. The sirolimus group received the PD solution, plus 1.0 mg/kg/day Rapamune®. The colchicine group received the PD solution ip plus 1.0 mg/kg/day of colchicine. Blood sam- ples were taken to measure the serum levels of VEGF, TGF-β, and TNF-α. Peritoneal tissue samples were taken for histopathological evaluation. Results: TGF-β and TNF-α values in the sirolimus group were found to be statistically significantly lower than in the control and colchicine groups, but the differences between the control and colchicine groups were not statistically significant. No statistically significant differences were found between the groups regarding the VEGF values. Vascular neogenesis and peritoneal thickness were compared; the values in the sirolimus group were statistically reduced compared to the values in the control group. Mild fibrosis developed in 75% of all animals in the sirolimus group; there was no moderate or severe fibrosis observed. Fibrosis developed to varying degrees in 100% of the animals in the control and colchicine groups. Conclusion: The present study demonstrates that sirolimus might be beneficial for preventing or delaying the progression of PF and neoangiogenesis. These alterations in the peritoneal membrane may be connected with reduced TNF-α and TGF-β levels

    Protective Effect of Curcumin on Liver Damage Induced by Biliary Obstruction in Rats

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the possible protective effects of curcumin against cholestatic oxidative stress and liver damage in common bile duct ligated rats. Material and Methods: A total of 18 male Wistar albino rats were divided into three groups: control, common bile duct ligation (BDL) and BDL+curcumin. Each group contained 6 animals. The rats in the curcumin treated group were given curcumin (100 mg/kg) once a day orally for 14 days, starting 3 days prior to BDL operation. Following 14 days of treatment, all the animals were decapitated and liver tissue samples were obtained for histopathological investigation. Results: The changes demonstrating the bile duct proliferation and fibrosis in expanded portal tracts, including the extension of proliferated bile ducts into lobules, mononuclear cells, and neutrophil infiltration into the widened portal areas, were observed in BDL group. Treatment of BDL with curcumin attenuated liver damage. Both the elevated alpha smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA), and the activity of TUNEL in the BDL were observed to be reduced with the curcumin treatment. Conclusion: Our data indicate that curcumin reduced BDL-induced cholestatic liver injury, bile duct proliferation, fibrosis

    Origin and nature of the mineralizing fluids of thrust zone fluorites in Çelikhan (Adiyaman, Eastern Turkey): A geochemical approach

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    The Çelikhan fluorite mineralization is concentrated in the thrust zone between the Pinarbasi Formation, which forms the hanging wall, and the Kalecik Limestone foot wall. Fluorite occurs as fracture fills in the thrust zone and as replacement of the foot wall. The wall rock alteration consists of calcite, barite, quartz and kaolinite. The total REE contents of the country rocks, especially the mica- and calc-schists of the Pinarbasi formation at 519 ppm, are higher than those of fluorites. The chondrite normalized REE patterns of country rock and fluorites display generally identical trends. However, fluorite patterns show positive Eu and negative Ce anomaly indicative of low temperature and high fo2 conditions. Cross plots of the Tb/Ca – Tb/La, (La/Yb)n – (Tb/Yb)n and (La/Yb)n (Eu/Eu*)n ratios of the fluorites indicate deposition by low temperature hydrothermal waters. The REE and F were probably leached from the Pinarbasi Formation by the mineralizing solutions. The mineralizing fluids are probably meteoric and formation waters heated at depth along the thrust zone by the natural thermal gradient and/or formation waters heated and mobilized by thrusting

    Distribution of thallium in soil and plants growing in the Keban Mining district of Turkey and determined by ICP-MS

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    In this study, we examined the Tl concentrations in soil and plants taken from an abandoned Pb-Zn-Cu mining area (Keban, Turkey). This region contains Pb, Zn, and Ag sulphide mineralizations that have been mined for 6000 years. For this purpose, soil and plant parts (including roots and shoots) were taken from 20 points in that area and the Tl concentrations determined by ICP-MS. The plants Euphorbia macroclada, Verbascum cheiranthifolium Boiss, and Astragalus gummifer were examined. The Tl levels in the soils ranged from 3.0–27.6 mg kg–1 which is 3–27 times higher than in uncontaminated soils (1.0 mg kg–1). The observed Tl levels in plant parts ranged from 0.05–4.62 mg kg–1 which is up to 92-times higher than the allowable levels (0.05 mg kg–1) proposed in the literature. It was also observed that high concentrations of metals such as Mo, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag, and As inhibit the Tl uptake by plant roots and shoots

    Lectotypificatio of some Gladiolus /Kılıçotu (Iridaceae) species and synonyms in Turkey

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    Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de yayılış gösteren 2’si endemik olmak üzere 5 Gladiolus türünün ve bunlara ait 6 sinonim taksonun isimleri nomenklatürel yönden yeniden değerlendirildi. Gladiolus anatolicus, G. illyricus, G. atroviolaceus, G. halophilus ve G. humilis türlerinin lektotipleri belirlendi. Ayrıca bu türlere ait sinonim takson isimlerinden, G. communis var. longispatheata, G. glaucus, G. aleppicus, G. sintenisii, G. subbiflorus ve G. tricolor türlerinin de lektotipleri belirlendi. G. kotschyanus ve G. micranthus’un ICN tarafından belirlenen kurallara göre tip bilgisi düzeltildi ve doğrulandı.: In this study, five Gladiolus species distributed in Turkey, which two are endemic, and six synonymous taxa names belonging to them are reevaluated by the terms of nomenclature. The lectotypes of Gladiolus anatolicus, G. illyricus, G. atroviolaceus, G. halophilus, and G. humilis were determined. Also, the lectotypes of G. communis var. longispatheata, G. glaucus, G. aleppicus, G. sintenisiii, G. subbiflorus, and G. tricolor which are synonymous taxa names of these species were determined. The type informations of G. kotschyanus and G. micranthus were corrected and verified according to the rules set by the ICN

    Anew species of Scorzonera (Asteraceae) from Anatolia, Turkey

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    WOS: 000182917200007Scorzonera aytatchii sp. nov. is described from the Aydos Mountain (C4: Konya) in Turkey. It is related to S. rigida, from which it mainly differs in its hairy achene