419 research outputs found

    Le lymphangiome cervico-facial congenital de l’enfant au chu de conakry : analyse de trois cas

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    Le lymphangiome kystique est une tumeur vasculaire, bĂ©nigne, rare, d’origine lymphatique. La forme principale est reprĂ©sentĂ©e par le lymphangiome cervico-facial congĂ©nital de l’enfant. Sa pathogenĂšse est inconnue. Cette malformation congĂ©nitale du systĂšme lymphatique est composĂ©e de formations kystiques dĂ©veloppĂ©es Ă  partir d’endothĂ©lium lymphatique et remplies de lymphe et de sang. L’atteinte des voies aĂ©rodigestives supĂ©rieures (VaDS) peut conduire Ă  des complications graves, mettant en jeu le pronostic vital. nous prĂ©sentons trois observations de lymphangiomes kystiques de diagnostic post natal. Le traitement Ă©tait chirurgical dans tous les cas consistant en exĂ©rĂšse complĂšte de la tumeur et le diagnostic confirmĂ© par l’examen histopathologique de la piĂšce opĂ©ratoire. aprĂšs un recul d’au moins 12 mois, aucune rĂ©cidive locale n’a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e cependant la surveillance reste de mise.Mots clĂ©s : Lymphangiomes kystique, malformation, cervico-facialeCystic lymphangioma is a vascular tumor, rare benign lymphatic origin. The main form is represented by the cervicofacial congenital lymphangioma of the child. Its pathogenesis is unknown. This congenital malformation of the lymphatic system is composed of cystic formations developed from lymphatic endothelium and filled with lymph and blood. Involvement of the upper aero digestive tract (UaDT) can lead to serious complications, involving life-threatening. We present three cases of cystic lymphangiomas of postnatal diagnosis. Treatment was surgical in all cases consisting of complete resection of the tumor and the diagnosis confirmed by histopathological examination of the surgical specimen. after a decline of at least 12 months, no local recurrence was observed; however, monitoring is still required.Keywords : cystic lymphangioma malformation, cervicofacia

    Sensitivity study of the regional climate model RegCM4 to different convective schemes over West Africa

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    Abstract. The latest version of RegCM4 with CLM4.5 as a land surface scheme was used to assess the performance and sensitivity of the simulated West African climate system to different convection schemes. The sensitivity studies were performed over the West African domain from November 2002 to December 2004 at a spatial resolution of 50 km × 50 km and involved five convective schemes: (i) Emanuel; (ii) Grell; (iii) Emanuel over land and Grell over ocean (Mix1); (iv) Grell over land and Emanuel over ocean (Mix2); and (v) Tiedtke. All simulations were forced with ERA-Interim data. Validation of surface temperature at 2 m and precipitation were conducted using data from the Climate Research Unit (CRU), Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) and the Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM) during June to September (rainy season), while the simulated atmospheric dynamic was compared to ERA-Interim data. It is worth noting that the few previous similar sensitivity studies conducted in the region were performed using BATS as a land surface scheme and involved less convective schemes. Compared with the previous version of RegCM, RegCM4-CLM also shows a general cold bias over West Africa whatever the convective scheme used. This cold bias is more reduced when using the Emanuel convective scheme. In terms of precipitation, the dominant feature in model simulations is a dry bias that is better reduced when using the Emanuel convective scheme. Considering the good performance with respect to a quantitative evaluation of the temperature and precipitation simulations over the entire West African domain and its subregions, the Emanuel convective scheme is recommended for the study of the West African climate system

    TUIs vs. GUIs : comparing the learning potential with preschoolers

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    In an effort to better understand the learning potential of a tangible interface, we conducted a comparison study between a tangible and a traditional graphical user interface for teaching preschoolers (In Portugal, children enter preschool at the age of three and they attend it till entering school, normally at the age of six) about good oral hygiene. The study was carried with two groups of children aged 4 to 5 years. Questionnaires to parents, children’s drawings, and interviews were used for data collection and analysis and revealed important indicators about children’s change of attitude, involvement, and preferences for the interfaces. The questionnaires showed a remarkable change of attitude toward tooth brushing in the children that interacted with the tangible interface; particularly children’s motivation increased significantly. Children’s drawings were used to assess their degree of involvement with the interfaces. The drawings from the children that interacted with the tangible interface were very complete and detailed suggesting that the children felt actively involved with the experience. The results suggest that the tangible interface was capable of promoting a stronger and long-lasting involvement having a greater potential to engage children, therefore potentially promoting learning. Evaluation through drawing seems to be a promising method to work with preliterate children; however,it is advisable to use it together with other methods.Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia (FCT

    CaractĂ©risation de la diversitĂ© des microorganismes symbiotiques de Pterocarpus officinalis dans des forĂȘts marĂ©cageuses de Guadeloupe et Martinique

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    We have isolated 17 strains of rhizobiums from nodules collected on roots of Pterocarpus officinalis in different sites of swamp forest in Guadeloupe and Martinique. The genotypic diversity of these strains were characterized by PCR-RFLP analysis of the IGS (intergenic spacer) region between 16S and 23S rRNA genes, by using two 4-base restriction endonucleases Hae III and Msp I. Results of IGS PCR-RFLP analysis showed that restriction patterns were similar for DNA extract from root nodules and cultures of rhizobium strains. The diversity of these strains varied from one site to another. They were grouped into 5 ribotypes by IGS PCR-RFLP analysis. Results of IGS sequence analysis showed that the 5 ribotypes are very close to the genus Bradyrhizobium. The symbiotic properties of the 5 ribotypes were evaluated on Acacia seyal, a plant test that is able to form nodules with several Bradyrhizobium species. One month and nineteen days after inoculation, the green colour of the leaves and the best growth of inoculated seedlings contrasting with the yellow colour of the leaves and the lowest growth of uninoculated seedlings, were the parameters indicating the level of nitrogen-fixing activity of the three Bradyrhizobium strains. Concurrently, the vesicular and arbuscular mycorrhizal status of P. officinalis was established. The two types of symbiotic microorganisms could contribute to mobilize available phosphorus and nitrogen for improving the growth of P. officinalis in degraded swamp forestsNous avons isolĂ© 17 souches de rhizobiums Ă  partir de nodules rĂ©coltĂ©s sur des racines de Pterocarpus officinalis dans diffĂ©rents sites de forĂȘt marĂ©cageuse en Guadeloupe et Martinique. La diversitĂ© de ces souches a Ă©tĂ© caractĂ©risĂ©e par PCR-RFLP de l'intergĂšne IGS situĂ© entre les gĂšnes nuclĂ©aires codant pour les ARNr 16S et 23S en utilisant deux enzymes de restriction Hae III et Msp I. Des profils RFLP obtenus par digestion de l'IGS d'extraits d'ADN de nodules ou de cultures bactĂ©riennes sont comparables. L'analyse de ces profils RFLP a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique des souches qui varie suivant les sites. Les 17 souches de P. officinalis ont Ă©tĂ© groupĂ©es en 5 ribotypes par comparaison de leur profil RFLP. L'analyse phylogĂ©nĂ©tique de l'IGS a montrĂ© que ces ribotypes sont trĂšs proches du genre Bradyrhizobium. Les propriĂ©tĂ©s symbiotiques d'un reprĂ©sentant de chaque groupe de souches ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©es sur Acacia seyal, espĂšce qui nodule avec un grand nombre d'espĂšces de Bradyrhizobium. Un mois et dix neuf jours aprĂšs inoculation, l'observation de la vigueur et de la couleur verte des parties aĂ©riennes des plantes inoculĂ©es, comparativement aux plantes tĂ©moins peu vigoureuses et de couleur jaune, ont Ă©tĂ© des paramĂštres indiquant le caractĂšre fixateur de trois souches de Bradyrhizobium. ParallĂ©lement, la prĂ©sence de champignons mycorhiziens Ă  vĂ©sicules et Ă  arbuscules a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©e sur des racines de P. officinalis. Ces deux types de symbiose pourraient agir en synergie sur la mobilisation du phosphore et de l'azote pour amĂ©liorer la croissance de P. officinalis dans des forĂȘts marĂ©cageuses dĂ©gradĂ©es

    Etiology and factors associated with pneumonia in children under 5 years of age in Mali: A prospective case-control study

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    Background: There are very limited data on children with pneumonia in Mali. The objective was to assess the etiology and factors associated with community-acquired pneumonia in hospitalized children <5 years of age in Mali. Methods: A prospective hospital-based case-control study

    INDCOR white paper on the Design of Complexity IDNs

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    This white paper was written by the members of the Work Group focusing on design practices of the COST Action 18230 - Interactive Narrative Design for Complexity Representation (INDCOR, WG1). It presents an overview of Interactive Digital Narratives (IDNs) design for complexity representations through IDN workflows and methodologies, IDN authoring tools and applications. It provides definitions of the central elements of the IDN alongside its best practices, designs and methods. Finally, it describes complexity as a feature of IDN, with related examples. In summary, this white paper serves as an orienting map for the field of IDN design, understanding where we are in the contemporary panorama while charting the grounds of their promising futures

    Ethics of HIV cure research: an unfinished agenda

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    Background: The pursuit of a cure for HIV is a high priority for researchers, funding agencies, governments and people living with HIV (PLWH). To date, over 250 biomedical studies worldwide are or have been related to discovering a safe, effective, and scalable HIV cure, most of which are early translational research and experimental medicine. As HIV cure research increases, it is critical to identify and address the ethical challenges posed by this research. Methods: We conducted a scoping review of the growing HIV cure research ethics literature, focusing on articles published in English peer-reviewed journals from 2013 to 2021. We extracted and summarized key developments in the ethics of HIV cure research. Twelve community advocates actively engaged in HIV cure research provided input on this summary and suggested areas warranting further ethical inquiry and foresight via email exchange and video conferencing. Discussion: Despite substantial scholarship related to the ethics of HIV cure research, additional attention should focus on emerging issues in six categories of ethical issues: (1) social value (ongoing and emerging biomedical research and scalability considerations); (2) scientific validity (study design issues, such as the use of analytical treatment interruptions and placebos); (3) fair selection of participants (equity and justice considerations); (4) favorable benefit/risk balance (early phase research, benefit-risk balance, risk perception, psychological risks, and pediatric research); (5) informed consent (attention to language, decision-making, informed consent processes and scientific uncertainty); and (6) respect for enrolled participants and community (perspectives of people living with HIV and affected communities and representation). Conclusion: HIV cure research ethics has an unfinished agenda. Scientific research and bioethics should work in tandem to advance ethical HIV cure research. Because the science of HIV cure research will continue to rapidly advance, ethical considerations of the major themes we identified will need to be revisited and refined over time
