563 research outputs found

    The Underlying Paradox of Plato’s Meno 80d5-e5

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    Meno 80d5-e5 is one of the most well-known passages in the Platonic dialogues. It has traditionally been called ‘Meno’s paradox’ by commentators. Meno asks Socrates, who claims not to know what virtue is at all, how he will inquire into the thing which he does not know at all. Although there have been a considerable number of studies on the interpretation of the passage, there has as yet been no consensus amongst commentators on what paradox the argument presents. There are three main puzzles in the traditional interpretations: (1) why what is regarded as an ‘eristic’ argument by Socrates might be of any philosophical importance: (2) where exactly ‘the paradox’ is situated: (3) whether Socrates’ response disarms ‘the paradox’. My thesis will give clear accounts of these puzzles. Firstly, Socrates’ evaluation of Meno’s question as ‘eristic’ has a two-fold meaning: it is eristic because Meno makes use of two horns of the ready-made eristic argument that one cannot come to know either what he knows or what he does not know, the original technique of the refutation of which appears in the Euthydemus. Then, Meno’s question is eristic also in a deeper sense, because the argument is committed to the denial of ‘knowledge’. Socrates detects this deeper counterargument against the possibility of ‘knowledge’ and attempts to disarm it with the myth of the immortality of the soul. Finally, my main suggestion will be that the question presented by Meno originates with Gorgias’ Περὶ τοῦ μὴ ὄντος ἢ Περὶ φύσεως, a rhetorical challenge to Eleatic epistemology, which demonstrates that it is impossible for human beings to access the truth of reality either through intellect or sense perception. It will be demonstrated that the paradox of Meno 80d5-e5 is in fact concerned with a conflict between Gorgias’ rhetoric and Socratic dialectic

    Issue of Multicultural People in Globalizing Japan: (Cultural) Identity, Mental Health and “Ibasho”

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    The number of multicultural people has increased over many years with the globalization of the world economy. Japan is no exception. Ibasho is a Japanese unique concept and means one’s place where one feels secure, comfortable, and accepted. There are very few studies on ibasho among people with multicultural backgrounds. Suzuki (2018) refers to relationships among identity/cultural identity formation, mental health (including subjective well-being) and ibasho. In this paper, we examined the relationship among mental health, identity and ibasho with a focus on ibasho in the case of two groups of people with multicultural backgrounds: International students (N = 105) living in Japan, from 30 countries (Study 1) and Japanese-Indonesian young people (N = 10) living in Indonesia (Study 2). In Study 1, a questionnaire survey and interviews were conducted, and in Study 2, multiple interviews were carried out. In both studies, the analysis was mainly qualitative in nature. The results showed that there was the relationship among ibasho, mental health, and (cultural) identity, and creating ibasho was very useful to support for cultural identity formation of multicultural people as well as to maintain their mental health

    Utilization of a Learning Assistant System to Support the Acquisition of Nursing Skills

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    本学では教育環境をより充実させるため,2017 年度よりラーニング・アシスタント(以下,LA)制度を導入した。著者らは看護技術を習得する科目において,LA 制度を活用している。本稿では,その実践について報告する。看護学部2 年生の必修科目「基礎看護技術論Ⅰ」にて, 12 名のLA が登録し,演習時の教育補助活動および自己学習支援活動を行った。自己学習支援活動は,のべ35 回(平均3.5 時間)実施された。活動を評価するため,履修者を対象に,2017 年5 月にWEB アンケートを行った。履修者85 名中79 名(92.9%)の回答を得た。うち, 77 名(97%)がLA 制度は「よい」と回答した。LA 制度は履修者から高評価を得ており,学習支援制度として有効であると示唆された。一方で,LA に聞きづらいという意見があり,LA の対応についてのオリエンテーション内容を改善する必要が明らかになった。The Learning Assistant (LA) system was introduced to our college in 2017. Here we report on the utilization of the LA system in subjects in order to learn nursing skills. An online questionnaire was administered to 85 students taking a Basic Nursing Skills class in May 2017. We received responses from 79 students (92.9%), of whom 77 (97%) reported that the LA support they received was positive. The LA system was highly praised by students and effective as a learning support system. However, the participants expressed the opinion that it was difficult to ask the learning assistants for help. This indicates a need to improve the LA system

    In Vitro Phosphorylation of Proteins in IAA-Treated Primary Roots and Coleoptiles in Zea mays

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    Five-mm sections of elongation zones which were cut from primary roots or coleoptiles of Zea mays were incubated for designated periods with various concentrations of IAA. In vitro protein phosphorylation in the soluble fractionsprepared from these sections was analyzed by SDS-PAGE. The phosphorylation of proteins in sections of primary roots incubated for 20 or 40 min in the presenceof 10^-7 M IAA was greater than that in the sections incubated in the absence ofIAA. The phosphorylation of proteins in sections of primary roots incubated for 20 min or 2h in the presence of 10^-8,10^-7 or 10^-6 M IAA was higher than that in the sections incubated in the absence of IAA. An incuba-tion for 20 min or 2h with 10^-4 M IAA inhibited the phosphorylation of proteins in sections of primary roots. The growth of the sections of primary roots incubated for 2h in the presence of 10^-7 M IAA or higher concentrations was lower than that of the sections incubated in the absence of IAA. These results suggest that the phosphorylation of proteins which was increased by IAA treatment is independent of an inhibition of the growth induced by IAA in maize primary roots. The phosphorylation of proteins in sections of coleoptiles incubated for 10, 20 or 40 min in the presence of 10^-7 or 10^-5 M IAA was equal to that in the sectionsincubated in the absence of IAA. These results show that IAA regulates growth ofmaize coleoptiles in no relation with phosphorylation of the proteins and that IAA regulates growth of maize mesocotyls via phosphorylation of the proteins, comparing with earlier results [Kato et al. (1996) Plant Cell Phsiol. 37:667]. Coleoptile―IAA treatment―Primary root―Protein phosphorylation―Zea mays

    Modificação da superfície do Ti6Al4V com tratamento Smat e revestimento DLC

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    Resumo: O titânio e suas ligas são muito utilizados na confecção de implantes e próteses ortopédicas principalmente devido a sua biocompatibilidade e baixa tendência a corrosão. Ha possibilidade de aprimorar suas características biotribologicas através de tratamentos e revestimentos superficiais, aumentando a vida util dos implantes e próteses e submetendo os pacientes a uma menor quantidade de cirurgias de revisão. No presente trabalho estudou-se a modificação da superfície do titânio liga Ti6Al4Vutilizando-se o tratamento SMAT (Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment) e revestimento de DLC (Diamond-like Carbon). As amostras foram submetidas a ensaios mecânicos e de composição química, rugosidade, espectroscopia Raman, indentacao instrumentada em nanoescala, riscamento e adesão. Foram efetuados ensaios com uso de um tribometro linear recíproco para verificação das características tribologicas. Os resultados dos ensaios tribologicos demonstraram que o revestimento de DLC aumentou as propriedades do titanio liga estudado. Houve uma maior resistência ao desgaste, um coeficiente de atrito menor e uma diminuição na quantidade de fragmentos gerados. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o tratamento SMAT anterior aumenta a resistência ao desgaste do revestimento de DLC em, no mínimo, 23%. Os fragmentos obtidos do ensaio de desgaste foram observados por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura, verificando-se que as amostras submetidas ao tratamento SMAT e revestimento com DLC produziram fragmentos com maior esfericidade (razão de Feret)


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    景気低迷等の社会情勢などから一旦看護職以外の職業を経験し,看護学校に入学する「社会人経験のある学生 (以下 社会人経験者)」の増加が予測される.近年,社会人経験者が助産師教育課程にも入学してくるようになっ た.社会人経験者は入学動機が明確であり,職業経験からコミュニケーション技術が優れている点もあるが,異年 齢の学生や実習における指導者との人間関係などに苦慮している現実がある.看護学生の社会人経験者の研究はあ るが,助産師学生の社会人経験者の研究は皆無であるため,まず看護学生で社会人経験者についての文献レビュー を行い,指導や学生生活についての今後の課題を検討した.先行文献39件の殆どが質的研究で,研究内容は26コー ド,4カテゴリーに分けられた.4カテゴリーは「学生指導」「キャリアデザイン」「学生生活」「新卒看護師」であっ た.社会人経験者には出産育児経験者がおり,子育て後のキャリアデザインについて追究する余地があること,人 間関係について指導者,教員を対象とした研究が少ないことから今後は対象者を変えた社会人経験者に客観的な視点からの研究が期待される.また分析方法としてはグランデッド・セオリーアプローチによるものが期待される.As a results of the business stagnation in the general social situation, it is predicted that there will be an increase in the number of students who have once experienced employment other than the nursing professionals and that they will enroll in nursing schools as students with experiences as working adults (hereinafter referred to as people with employment experiences). In recent years, people with employment experiences have also begun to enroll in birthing assistant education courses. The purposes of enrollment by people with employment experiences are clear and also they have outstanding communication skills derived from their professional experiences, however, they actually have difficulties in human relations with multiage students and instructors in practical trainings. Though there are studies on nursing students with employment experiences, studies on birthing assistant students with employment experiences are nonexistent. Therefore, we carried out a review of materials concerning nursing assistant students with employment experiences, and considered the future problems of their instructor and student life. The former 39 materials were mostly of quality studies, and the contexts of those studies were divided into 26 codes and 4 categories. The 4 categories were student guidance. career guidance. student life. and newly graduated nurses. Among the people with employment experiences, there are those who have birthing and childrearing experience, so there is a margin for pursuing career design after their child-rearing, and since there are very few studies on instructors and teachers concerning human relations, hopes are held for studies of people with employment experiences in terms of changing the subjects of such studies. Also it is expected that the analysis is performed based on the Grounded Theory Approach (GTA) as the analysis method

    臨床経験のある助産師学生についての研究 : 学生生活の実際と臨床経験が及ぼす影響

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    臨床経験のある助産師学生が1年課程の助産師養成機関への入学動機,入学準備,及び入学してから直面した事 などを分析し,助産師教育における課題と対応策を検討する目的で5名にインタビューを行った.その結果入学動 機は3つのカテゴリー「夢を追って」「機会を得て」「モデルの存在」で構成された.入学後に直面した事は3つの カテゴリー「久しぶりの勉強」「実習の大変さ」「家族の理解」から構成されていた.臨床経験と実習については2 つのカテゴリー,「実習における強み」「実習における弱み」で「異年齢の学生との相互作用」については, 2つで 「学生同士の世代間相違」「相互作用」であった.  対象者5名は看護師になる時から助産師になる計画をしており,子育て等で一旦進学希望を延長しても経済的な 基盤や家族内の調整などに苦慮していた.また入学後は,現役の学生と相互作用でパソコンスキル等を高め,実習 においては学生になりきろうと努力して学生生活を送っていた.At a birthing assistant training school offering a one-year program, analysis was made for birthing assistance students who have previous clinical experience, in terms of their enrollment motivations for entering the school, and matters faced after enrollment. The study thus carried out interviews with five such students for the purpose of investigating the problems and the countermeasures toward solving those problems in birthing assistant education. As a result, it was found that enrollment motivations consisted of three categories; (1) following one's dreams. (2) obtaining the opportunity and (3) existence of a role model. It was found that matters faced after enrollment consisted of three categories; (1) studying for the first time in a long time (2) practical training problems. and (3) understanding of one's family .  The category which is two about clinical experience and a practical training; The advantage in the practical training , and The weak point in the practical training . The category which is two about students of the different age communication, Difference during the generation and the interaction .  The five subjects had been planning to become birthing assistants since they became nurses, but they had experienced such problems as putting off entering further education facilities due to such matters as child-rearing as well as their economic stability and coordination with family members. In addition, after enrollment, they actively communicated with other students who had directly entered the school without suspension, enhanced their PC skills, and made concerted efforts to become just a student in the practical training

    Applying perspectives of the endogenous development theory into adult education : Referring to the aspect of women\u27s development

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    The endogenous development theory was suggested in late 70\u27s by Kazuko Tsurumi. With its comprehensive ideas, it has encouraged out-of-absolute development mostly in Asian countries. Now, applying its perspectives into adult education with using clues from women\u27s psychology, I\u27d like to suggest an expectation on women\u27s power to rouse them to make another kind of development by using their potentiality. When oppressed experience can be changed into positive energy to be active, it can be considered as "fortunate" experience for women to have been historically oppressed. As its value of "endogenous" development one should wait for it to be matured. Public adult education might be able to enhance their potentiality active, for its accessibility. However, ambivalently the educational orientation may include a facet of mobilisation, thus we need to be aware of its risk. Hereby, it brings developed types of learning/praxis to create the society, in reward for having nurtured in society as a consequence

    Donor mesenchymal stem cells trigger chronic graft-versus-host disease following minor antigen-mismatched bone marrow transplantation

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    Chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGVHD) is a complication after minor antigen mismatched bone marrow transplantation (BMT) characterized by an autoimmune-type reaction in various organs. Aberration in T cell regulation is involved, with donor mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) playing a possible role in immunomodulation. In a minor-antigen mismatched mouse BMT model, transplantation of mismatched, but not syngeneic MSCs triggered the onset of cGVHD, and was associated with fibrosis, increased IL-6 secretion, decreased Foxp3+ regulatory T cells and increased Th17 in the peripheral blood. Mismatched MSCs alone were sufficient to induce cGVHD, while removal of donor MSCs rescued mice from cGVHD. RAG2 knockout recipient mice did not suffer cGVHD, indicating that host T cells were involved. Residual host-derived T cells were significantly higher in cGVHD patients compared to non-cGVHD patients. In conclusion, donor MSCs react with residual host T cells to trigger the progression of cGVHD

    Putrescine Importer PlaP Contributes to Swarming Motility and Urothelial Cell Invasion in Proteus mirabilis

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    Previously, we reported that the speA gene, encoding arginine decarboxylase, is required for swarming in the urinary tract pathogen Proteus mirabilis. In addition, this previous study suggested that putrescine may act as a cell-to-cell signaling molecule (Sturgill, G., and Rather, P. N. (2004) Mol. Microbiol. 51, 437-446). In this new study, PlaP, a putative putrescine importer, was characterized in P. mirabilis. In a wild-type background, a plaP null mutation resulted in a modest swarming defect and slightly decreased levels of intracellular putrescine. In a P. mirabilis speA mutant with greatly reduced levels of intracellular putrescine, plaP was required for the putrescine-dependent rescue of swarming motility. When a speA/plaP double mutant was grown in the presence of extracellular putrescine, the intracellular levels of putrescine were greatly reduced compared with the speA mutant alone, indicating that PlaP functioned as the primary putrescine importer. In urothelial cell invasion assays, a speA mutant exhibited a 50% reduction in invasion when compared with wild type, and this defect could be restored by putrescine in a PlaP-dependent manner. The putrescine analog Triamide-44 partially inhibited the uptake of putrescine by PlaP and decreased both putrescine stimulated swarming and urothelial cell invasion in a speA mutant