1,294 research outputs found

    Imunobiologi Sel Sertoli: Prospek Pemanfaatan Sel Sertoli Bagi Alternatif Penanganan Cangkok Jaringan

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    Peran utama sel Sertoli adalah merawat dan mengatur perkembangan spermatozoa di dalam testis. Peran ini dilakukan secara anatomis fisiologis dengan membentuk blood testis barrier dan dengan mensekresikan beberapa faktor seperti Fas ligand dan transforming growth factors. Faktor-faktor tersebut berperan bagi terciptanya kondisi imunologis khusus di testis sehingga spermatozoa terlindung dari serangan sistem autoimun tubuh. Beberapa dekade terakhir, penelitian difokuskan pada upaya pemanfaatan sel Sertoli di luar habitat aslinya, sebagai imunosupresan alami dalam penanganan cangkok jaringan. Dalam tulisan ini dibahas beberapa upaya tersebut, dengan beberapa contoh kombinasi cangkok pankreas dan sel Sertoli dalam upaya menangani masalah diabetes melitus. Hasil-hasil penelitian menunjukkan ko-transplantasi sel Sertoli dan sel pankreas berdampak positif bagi perpanjangan usia cangkokan hingga 100 hari dibanding kontrol dengan efek positif bagi proses normoglycemic hewan coba. Di Indonesia penelitian tentang upaya pemanfaatan sel Sertoli sebagai salah satu upaya penanganan masalah cangkok jaringan masih terbatas, dengan demikian studi ini perlu dikaji lebih mendalam lagi

    Peran Guru dalam Pelaksanaan Manajemen Kelas di Gugus Bungong Seulangakecamatan Syiah Kualakota Banda Aceh

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    Dalam konteks persoalan manajemen kelas, yang dapat dilakukan oleh guru adalah pelaksanaan manajemen kelas. Penelitian ini berupaya mengungkapkan Peran Guru Dalam Pelaksanaan Manajemen KelasDi Gugus Bungong Seulanga Kecamatan Syiah Kuala, Kota Banda Aceh. Secara khusus penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) peran guru dalam pelaksanaan manajemen kelas di Gugus Bungong Seulanga Kecamatan Syiah Kuala Kota Banda Aceh terlaksana dengan baik, dan (2) cara mengatasi kendala-kendala dalam pelaksanaan manajemen kelas di (Gugus) SD Negeri Bungong Seulanga Kecamatan Syiah Kuala Kota Banda Aceh. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi danwawancara. Teknik observasi (pengamatan) dan didukung dengan teknik wawancara, teknik wawancara adalah dengan mewawancarai 8 (delapan) guru kelas. Selanjutnya seluruh datadiolah dengan tahapan anlisis data kualitatif yaitu mereduksi data, penyajian data, dan menarik kesimpulan. Dari Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa guru kelas di SD Gugus Bungong Seulanga Kecamatan Syiah Kuala Kota Banda Aceh memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam pelaksanaan manajemen kelas. Guru sangat berperan dalam merencanakan, mengorganisakan, meminpin, dan mengendalikan kelas, Guru membina dan membimbing peserta didik sesuai dengan berbagai latar belakang sosial, ekonomi, budaya serta sifat-sifat individunya, membantu peserta didik belajar dan bekerja sesuai dengan potensi dan kemampuan yang dimilikinya, dan mengatasi hambatan-hambatan yang menghalangi terwujudnya interaksi dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Kendala-kendala dalam manajemen kelas yang terjadi biasanya berkaitan dengan siswa. Kendalanya pada saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung ada siswa yang membuat keributan dikelas, tidak mau mendengar penjelasan dari gurunya dan ada siswa tidak mau belajar. Kendala tersebut juga sering terjadi karena kurang kesiapan guru dalam manajemen kelas dan kurangnya memusatkan perhatian kapada siswa.Guru harusselalu memberi motivasi kepada siswa untuk belajar dengan baik. Jika ada siswa yang berbuat tidak baik guru menegur, sehingga perilaku siswa yang tidak baik tersebut tidak berkelanjutan suasana kelas tidak menjadi kacau dan tidak kondusif

    Large-scale solar wind flow around Saturn's nonaxisymmetric magnetosphere

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    The interaction between the solar wind and a magnetosphere is fundamental to the dynamics of a planetary system. Here, we address fundamental questions on the large-scale magnetosheath flow around Saturn using a 3D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation. We find Saturn's polar-flattened magnetosphere to channel ~20% more flow over the poles than around the flanks at the terminator. Further, we decompose the MHD forces responsible for accelerating the magnetosheath plasma to find the plasma pressure gradient as the dominant driver. This is by virtue of a high-beta magnetosheath, and in turn, the high-MA bow shock. Together with long-term magnetosheath data by the Cassini spacecraft, we present evidence of how nonaxisymmetry substantially alters the conditions further downstream at the magnetopause, crucial for understanding solar wind-magnetosphere interactions such as reconnection and shear flow-driven instabilities. We anticipate our results to provide a more accurate insight into the global conditions upstream of Saturn and the outer planets.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Geophysical Journal: Space Physic


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    Abandoned land is land that has been granted rights by the state in the form of Ownership Rights, Business Utilization Rights, Building Use Rights, Use Rights and Management Rights, or basic control over land that is not cultivated, not used, or not utilized in accordance with the circumstances or the nature and purpose. granting rights or the basis for their control. The definition of abandoned land is not regulated in Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2010 concerning Control and Utilization of Abandoned Land (“PP No. 11/2010”). However, it is regulated in Article 1 point 6 of the Regulation of the Head of the National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 of 2010 concerning Procedures for Controlling Abandoned Land.The results of the study explain that the judge with his considerations in the case related to the transfer of rights to abandoned land belonging to state-owned enterprises in the decision Number: 3/Pdt.G/2011/PN-Lsm The judge considered that the problem in the abandoned domain was absolutely not the authority of the lhokseumawe district court. However, in the State Administrative Court, because the plaintiff in his case mentioned the ownership assets of the land. Thus, the judge rejected all of the plaintiffs' claims

    Chemopreventive efficacy of ginger (Zingiber officinale) in ethionine induced rat hepatocarcinogenesis

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    Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosco) is widely used in foods as a spice all around the world. It has been reported to have antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties. We investigated the effect of ginger in ethionine induced rat hepatocarcinogenesis. Male Wistar rats were divided into 5 groups: group 1 and 2 served as controls and they received normal rat chow and olive oil respectively. Group 3 was fed with ginger oleoresin dissolved in olive oil at 100 mg/kg body wt. Group 4 was fed with choline deficient diet and 0.1% ethionine in drinking water (CDE diet), and group 5 received ginger with CDE diet. Blood samples were taken from the orbital sinus at 0 and 8 weeks of experiment for the determination of antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), catalase and lipid peroxidation end product, malondialdehyde (MDA). Rats were also killed at 8 weeks for the observation of liver tumor formation. CDE diet induced the formation of liver nodules in rats and increased SODactivity. However, it had no effect on catalase, GPx and MDA levels when compared to both controls at 8 weeks of experiment. When CDE rats were treated with ginger, the formation of liver tumour, SOD activity and MDA level reduced, catalase activity was increased but no change was observed for GPx activity when compared to CDE group. In conclusion, ginger supplementation suppressed liver carcinogenesis by scavenging the free radical formation, and by reducing lipid peroxidation.Keywords: Choline deficient diet, Ethionine, Liver cancer, Ginger, Antioxidants, Lipid peroxidatio

    Whistler mode waves upstream of Saturn

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    Whistler-mode waves are generated within and can propagate upstream of collisionless shocks. They are known to play a role in electron thermodynamics/acceleration and, under certain conditions, are markedly observed as wave trains preceding the shock ramp. In this paper, we take advantage of Cassini's presence at ~10 AU to explore the importance of whistler-mode waves in a parameter regime typically characterized by higher Mach number (median of ~14) shocks, as well as a significantly different IMF structure, compared to near Earth. We identify electromagnetic precursors preceding a small subset of bow shock crossings with properties which are consistent with whistler-mode waves. We find these monochromatic, low-frequency, circularly-polarized waves to have a typical frequency range of 0.2 - 0.4 Hz in the spacecraft frame. This is due to the lower ion and electron cyclotron frequencies near Saturn, between which whistler waves can develop. The waves are also observed as predominantly right-handed in the spacecraft frame, the opposite sense to what is typically observed near Earth. This is attributed to the weaker Doppler shift, owing to the large angle between the solar wind velocity and magnetic field vectors at 10 AU. Our results on the low occurrence of whistler waves upstream of Saturn also underpins the predominantly supercritical bow shock of Saturn.Comment: Published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics (January 2017) 21 pages, 4 figure

    Signal-to-noise Ratio Study on Pipelined Fast Fourier Transform Processor

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    Fast Fourier transform (FFT) processor is a prevailing tool in converting signal in time domain to frequency domain. This paper provides signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) study on 16-point pipelined FFT processor implemented on field-programable gate array (FPGA). This processor can be used in vast digital signal applications such as wireless sensor network, digital video broadcasting and many more. These applications require accuracy in their data communication part, that is why SNR is an important analysis. SNR is a measure of signal strength relative to noise. The measurement is usually in decibles (dB). Previously, SNR studies have been carried out in software simulation, for example in Matlab. However, in this paper, pipelined FFT and SNR modules are developed in hardware form. SNR module is designed in Modelsim using Verilog code before implemented on FPGA board. The SNR module is connected directly to the output of the pipelined FFT module. Three different pipelined FFT with different architectures were studied. The result shows that SNR for radix-8 and R4SDC FFT architecture design are above 40dB, which represent a very excellent signal. SNR module on the FPGA and the SNR results of different pipelined FFT architecture can be consider as the novelty of this paper

    Flood vulnerability and resilience: Exploring the factors that influence flooding in Sarawak

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    Flooding is the most common natural disaster in Malaysia, resulting in chaos and disruptions to social and economic activities, damage to roads and railway tracks, vehicles, affecting the level of properties, loss of life, and rise in vulnerability. In addition to natural causes, floods are mainly attributed to continuous heavy rainfall, rapid development, unplanned urbanization, poor drainage system, and environmental degradation. This annual occurrence of floods has given a big impact on the lives of humans and other living beings. Due to the negative impact of floods, we need to pay serious attention and take alternative ways to reduce this disaster. This study aimed to investigate the vulnerability factors and understand the concept of vulnerability and resilience to manage floods in Sarawak. The researcher primarily focused on reviewing the printed and documented material of disasters in order to find the vulnerability factors. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that nature, human, and governance factors, contributed mostly to floods. The present study shows that vulnerability reduction along with emergency preparedness can reduce flood damages and fatalities. The innovative technologies must have to be considered to reduce vulnerability and build resilience for sustainable disaster risk reduction

    Single instillation of mitomycin C reduces 1st year recurrence following transurethral resection of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer

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    Objective: To study the impact of single instillation of 40 mg Mitomycin C (MMC-40) within first hour of transurethral resection (TUR), on first year recurrence of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer. Methods: In this study of two groups of patients with similar demographics and tumour profile were compared to assess first year tumour recurrence pattern. Group A received MMC-40 within 30 minutes of TUR. Group B patients only had TUR of bladder tumour. Patients\u27 charts were reviewed for demographic profile, preoperative diagnosis and imaging used, cytological work up, tumour profile both during cystoscopy and imaging used, patients records were also reviewed for all subsequent check cystoscopies for recurrence. Any adjuvant treatments like intravesical chemo/immunotherapy etc. were also noted. The results were analysed using a commercially available statistical package, SPSS. The level of significance was \u3c or = 0.05.Results: There were 29 and 46 patients in group A and B respectively. The demographic profile in terms of age, gender distribution, tumour characteristics (size, site, multiplicity) and pathological evaluation including, tumour grade and presence of carcinoma in situ were similar (p \u3c 0.4 and p \u3c 0.5) respectively. The first year recurrence rate in group A was 15% whereas it was 37.4% in group B (p \u3c 0.04).Conclusions: The first year recurrence rate is significantly decreased if MMC-40 is instilled following TUR. MMC-40 is safe and cost effective. Most low grade, low volume tumours would not require any further treatment if MMC-40 is given immediately following TUR