71 research outputs found

    Integrated Coastal Area Management of the North Coast of Jakarta in the Use of Coastal Space

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    The coastal area is a transitional area between land ecosystems and marine ecosystems that meet each other in a fragile balance. Hence, in the management of coastal areas, spatial plans are needed to support economic growth and the development of coastal areas so that they are ecologically sustainable. This research is normative legal research with a philosophical and conceptual approach. The purpose of this study is to philosophically analyze the concept of integrated coastal area management in the utilization of Jakarta’s northern coastal space. The results of the study reveal that the utilization of the north coastal area of Jakarta faces 2 main issues; the first is the biophysical degradation of the coastal environment, namely pollution. The second is the issue of conflict of use and authority in the utilization of the north coast of Jakarta. Integrated coastal area management aims to guide the direction of coastal area development so that it is ecologically sustainable. In addition, integrated coastal area management aims to strengthen and harmonize sectorial management in coastal areas; promote rational economic development and sustainable use of coastal and marine resources, and facilitate the resolution of disputes over coastal areas. The recommendation is to continue referring integrated coastal area management in the management of coastal areas. Keywords: coastal area, coastal space, integrated coastal area managemen

    Pedagogic and Professional Competence of Islamic Religious Education Teachers at MTsN 3 East Aceh

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    Good pedagogical and professional competence of teachers will have implications for the graduates produced. The learning process of Islamic education that is in accordance with the standards and also taught by professional teachers will have implications for the quality of Islamic religious education learning itself. Currently, research on the learning process of Islamic religion that is in accordance with the standards, namely taught by professional teachers, has not been widely studied. Therefore, in this study, researchers were interested in discussing these issues precisely in the MTsN 3 East Aceh. The research method used was descriptive qualitative research. In collecting data, researchers conducted observations and interviews with five participants. The collected data were analyzed using interactive data analysis techniques. The results showed that Islamic education teachers at MTsN 3 East Aceh have met the criteria for pedagogical competence and are included in the category of professional teachers.&nbsp

    Kandungan Pestisida Organoklorin Daging Ayam Roiler Yang Diberi Gulma Salvinia Molesta Rawa Pening Sebagai Campuran Pakan (Organochlorine Content of Broiler Administered with S. Molesta Containing Feed of Rawa Pening's Weed)

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    The goal of this research is to examine whether there is an effect of giving S. molesta weed in Rawa Pening as the composition for brolier chicken ration. The ration contains of organochlorine pesticides. Material given in this research are chicken meats from 16 cut up of the chickens. These chicken are from 100 broiler chickens strain Lohman which have been raised for about 42 days. The approximate mass of chicken body for each chicken is about 1 up to 1.5 kilograms. This reserach used several stages. The stages are preparation and raising the chickens, cutting up the chickens, preparation for the samples, and the analysis by using Gas Chromatography (CG) procedure. The design of the research used in the raising the chickens is Complete Random Design with 4 treatments which for each treatments has been done in four times treatment (To = Broiler ration with 0 % of S. molesta; T1 = Broiler ration with 6 % of S. molesta; T2 = Broiler ration with 12 % of S. molesta; T3 = Broiler ration with 18 % of S. molesta). The analysis for total organochlorine used 16 samples of chicken meats with 4 treatments by 4 times random repetitions. The analysis for the organochlorine profile used 4 samples of chicken Broiler meat by 4 treatments. The data about the content of total organochlorine was analyzed with F test (One Way Anova) in significant range (α) = 0.05. Then, continuing the analysis was by using double region test Duncan, processing of the data was used SPSS 16.0 program. While, the data about the content of organochlorine profile was analyzed descriptively. The result of the research showed that the ration with treatment until 18 % for the broiler chicken has affected (P<0.05) towards organochlorine for chicken meat. The total analysis in organochlorine shows that there is a siginicant increase. The increasing data are 0.05 ppm; 0.09 ppm; 0.14 ppm; dan 0.18 ppm. It has been stated that all the analysis for organochlorine profile for all the giving ration could not be detected because the result was still beyond the detection limit


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    Objective: Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) decreases Cyt expression c, Bax, and Caspase 3 in apoptosis multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), thus inhibiting death. This study aimed to analyze the efficacy of HSP70 200 μg/KgBB/ip to decrease Cyt c, Bax, and Caspase 3 expression, to reduce mortality, and to increase survival rate, in the MOD alveolar lung epithelial of 78-h sepsis model.Methods: This was a post-test only quasi-experiment conducted at Inter-University Central Laboratory of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, and the Anatomy Pathology Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta. The study used a type of Balb/c mice, male, aged of 6–8 weeks, body weight of 25–33 g. Sepsis induction used LIG SIGMA L2880-10MG Lot #025M4040V from Escherichia coli 055:B5 purified by phenol extraction. Medication to reduce mortality used HSP70 Lot #L16020515 and then continued with 400× immunohistochemistry (IHC) examination. A sample of 30 mice were divided into three groups: (1) Control group without 78 h treatment, (2) lipopolysaccharide (LPS) group with a dose of 0.25 mg/kgBW/ip 78 h, and (3) HSP70 group with a dose of 200 μg/kgBB/ip after LPS injection 0.25 mg/kgBW/ip 78 h. The outcome variables included expression of Cyt, Bax, Caspase 3, and mortality in mice model with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. The data were analyzed by Kruskal–Wallis and continued by Mann–Whitney U-test. Results: Administration of HSP70 200 mg/KgBW/ip after LPS 0.25 mg/kgBW/ip significantly decreased Cyt c expression (p=0.014), Bax (p=0.004), and Caspase 3 (p=0.015) in 78 h pulmonary alveolar cells, reduced mortality rate, and increased the number of survivors. Expressions of Cyt c, Bax, and Caspase 3 of IHC 400× magnification had a near-normal image change.Conclusion: There is a decrease of Cyt c, Bax, and Caspase 3 expression in the MOD alveolar lung epithelial cells of the 78-h sepsis model mice, a decrease of mortality rate, and an increase of survival rate, and the image of IHC is almost normal

    Efisiensi Penggunaan Protein pada Ayam Broiler dengan Pemberian Pakan Mengandung Tepung Daun Kayambang (Salvinia molesta)

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    (Protein efficiency of broiler chickens fed with diets containing kayambang leaves meal)ABSTRACT The aim of the experiment was to determine the utilization of kayambang (Salvinia molesta) leaves meal until 18% based on its effects on protein consumption, protein intake, meat protein mass and protein efficiency ratio. One hundred broiler CP 707 day-old unsexed chicks, with an average body weight 502,48± 6,99 g age 15 until 42 days. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications and each replication consisted of 5 chickens.. The treatments diets were T0 (basal diet), T1 (6% Salvinia molesta leaves meal), T2 (12% Salvinia molesta leaves meal), and T3 (18% Salvinia molesta leaves meal). The results showed that administration of Salvinia molesta leaf meal up to 18% level in the diet resulted in a decrease in the quality of the ration so that the protein utilization also decreased as indicated by the decline in the value of protein intake, protein intake, protein mass of meat and protein efficiency ratio

    Kandungan Pestisida Organoklorin Daging Ayam Broiler yang Diberi Gulma S. molesta Rawa Pening sebagai Campuran Pakan (Organochlorine Content of Broiler Administered with S. molesta Containing Feed of Rawa Pening’s Weed)

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    Latar belakang dari penelitian ini adalah S. molesta hampir menutupi seluruh permukaan perairan di Rawa Pening. Akibat penyebarannya yang relatif cepat dan luas, maka S. molesta dikategorikan sebagai salah satu tanaman pengganggu atau gulma dan menjadi masalah yang cukup serius. Pemanfaatan S. molesta sebagai bahan pakan ternak merupakan salah satu upaya, karena S. molesta ditinjau dari kandungan nutrisinya bisa dikatakan cukup bersaing dengan sumber pakan konvensional. Akan tetapi penggunaan pestisida pada persawahan disekitar Rawa Pening yang kurang terkendali dapat memberikan pencemaran zat kimia berbahaya pada gulma S. molesta Rawa Pening. Apabila S. molesta digunakan sebagai pakan ayam akan berakibat adanya potensi kandungan pestisida pada daging ayam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh pemberian gulma S. molesta Rawa Pening sebagai campuran pakan terhadap kandungan pestisida organoklorin pada daging ayam broiler. Penelitian telah dilakukan pada bulan September sampai Oktober 2013, bertempat di Fakultas Peternakan dan Pertanian Universitas Diponegoro. Preparasi sampel dilakukan di Laboratorium Rekayasa Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Peternakan dan Pertanian Universitas Diponegoro. Analisis total organoklorin dilakukan di Laboratorium Wahana, Semarang. Sedangkan analisis profil organoklorin dilakukan di Laboratorium Saraswanti Indo Genetech (SIG), Bogor. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah daging komposit ayam yang diperoleh dari 16 ekor pemotongan ayam, dalam 100 ekor pemeliharaan ayam broiler strain Lohman selama 42 hari dengan bobot rata-rata 1-1,5 kg. Penelitian dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap, meliputi tahap persiapan dan pemeliharaan ayam, pemotongan ayam, preparasi sampel, dan analisis dengan alat Gas Chromatography (GC). Rancangan percobaan yang dipergunakan dalam pemeliharaan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak 4 kali (To = ransum dengan S. molesta sebanyak 0%; T1 = ransum dengan S. molesta sebanyak 6 %; T2 = ransum dengan S. molesta sebanyak 12 %; T3 = ransum dengan S. molesta sebanyak 18 %). Analisis total organoklorin menggunakan 16 sampel daging dari 4 perlakuan 4 ulangan acak. Analisis profil organoklorin menggunakan 4 sampel daging dari 4 perlakuan. Data kandungan total organoklorin dianalisis dengan uji F (One Way Anova) pada taraf signifikansi (α) = 0,05. Dilanjutkan dengan uji wilayah gand

    Efisiensi Penggunaan Protein pada Ayam Broiler dengan Pemberian Pakan Mengandung Tepung Daun Kayambang (Salvinia molesta)

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    (Protein efficiency of broiler chickens fed with diets containing kayambang leaves meal) ABSTRACT The aim of the experiment was to determine the utilization of kayambang (Salvinia molesta) leaves meal until 18% based on its effects on protein consumption, protein intake, meat protein mass and protein efficiency ratio. One hundred broiler CP 707 day-old unsexed chicks, with an average body weight 502,48± 6,99 g age 15 until 42 days. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications and each replication consisted of 5 chickens.. The treatments diets were T0 (basal diet), T1 (6% Salvinia molesta leaves meal), T2 (12% Salvinia molesta leaves meal), and T3 (18% Salvinia molesta leaves meal). The results showed that administration of Salvinia molesta leaf meal up to 18% level in the diet resulted in a decrease in the quality of the ration so that the protein utilization also decreased as indicated by the decline in the value of protein intake, protein intake, protein mass of meat and protein efficiency ratio

    Kombinasi Pemberian Vitamin A dan E dalam Ransum terhadap Kecernaan Lemak dan Indikator Ketahanan Tubuh pada Ayam Kedu Petelur

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    The study aims to examine the effect of vitamin A and E combination in ration to increase productivity seen from body resistannce indicators ( heterophile / lymphocyte ratio (H/L ratio) and blood cholesterol) of kedu layer chickens. The research was conducted in November 2011 until February 2012. The research using 20 males and 100 females one year old Kedu chicken, Experimental design used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. Treatment applied were T0 = ration without supplementation, T1 = ration + vitamin E, T2 = ration + vitamin A and T3 = ration + vitamin A and E. Ration composed from yellow corn, rice bran, soybean meal, fish meal, shellfish meal and CaCO3. Parameters observed are H/L ratio, fat digestibility, blood cholesterol and the hen day production (HDP). Data were analyzed with Analysis of Variance and continue analyzed by Duncan's multiple range test. The results showed a significant effect (P <0.05) on fat digestibility but had no significant effect (P <0.05) against H/L ratio, blood cholesterol and HDP. Based on the results of this study concluded that combination of vitamin A (2000 IU) and E (20 IU) in ration did not interfere body resistance stability and even improve the response of chicken to the environment based on the value of H/L ratio and blood cholesterol

    Kombinasi Vitamin E Dan Bakteri Asam Laktat (Bal) Terhadap Konsentrasi Bal Dan Potensial Hidrogen (Ph) Pada Ayam Kedu Dipelihara Secara in Situ

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    The study aims to determine the effect of the addition of lactic acid bacteria in the ration to potential hydrogen (pH) and the concentration of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in digestive track 12 months old kedu chicken. The research was conducted on November 2011 to January 2012 on Livestock Farmers Groups Makukuhan Mandiri Kedu, Temanggung. The Research using 100 female kedu chickens, and 20 male kedu chickens age of 12 months. Experimental design used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications (5 females and 1 male). Treatment applied is T0 = ration without supplements, T1 = ration + 20 IU vitamin E, T2 = ration + 0.6 ml lactic acid bacteria (Biostarter A) and T3 = ration + vitamin E 20 IU + 0.6 ml acid bacteria lactate (Biostarter A). Ration composed from bran, yellow corn, soybean meal, fish meal, shellfish meal, and CaCO3. Parameters observed include consumption, LAB concentrations, intestinal pH conditions, rate of digesta, and hen day production. The results showed that the concentration of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) (P <0.05) is significant among all treatments but the combination of vitamin E and LAB lower the pH and slow the rate of digesta. Other parameters such as consumption and hen day production (HDP) is not affected by the treatment. Conclusion from the study is addition of vitamin E by 20 IU/100 g ration and lactic acid bacteria as much as 0.6 ml / head / day make the same result in consumption of rations and daily egg production, but may increase the concentration of lactic acid bacteria, lowering the pH of the small intestine, and slow the rate of digesta
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