131 research outputs found

    Legenda Curug 7 Bidadari (Kajian Strukturalis Levi-strauss)

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    Legenda Curug 7 Bidadari merupakan cerita dalam bentuk lisan, maka tata cara penelitian yang dilakukan adalah melakukan wawancara dengan beberapa narasumber. Selanjutnya peneliti melakukan suntuingan teks lengkap cerita dari berbagai narasumber. Teori folklor dalam penelitian ini digunakan untuk mengkaji cerita dari berbagai narasumber dengan mengandalkan ingatan informan, maka dengan adanya teori folklor dalam penelitian ini, maka cerita lisan Curug 7 Bidadari dapat tersusun secara ilmiah. Strukturalisme adalah sebuah pemikiran yang menganggap bahwa segala sesuatu dibangun atas struktur elemen-elemen penyusunnya. Legenda Curug 7 Bidadari dalam penelitian ini direduksi menjadi elemen-elemen terkecil penyusunnya yang disebut mytheme. Relasi antar mytheme ini menunjukkan makna dari Curug 7 Bidadari yang dalam tataran lebih lanjut merupakan pesan-pesan kolektif pendahulu kepada generasinya. Penelitian ini memperlakukan Legenda Curug 7 Bidadari sebagai cerita yang mengandung mitos sekaligus sebuah karya sastra. Curug 7 Bidadari sebagai karya sastra merupakan ekspresi masyarakat penciptanya, sedangkan sebagai sebuah mitos, legenda tersebut menyimpan nilai moral, ide-ide dasar, pandangan, cara penyelesaian konflik, dan cinta. Agar dapat diketahui maknanya, Curug 7 Bidadari diintrepretasi dengan budaya Jawa sebagai latar belakang pembentuknya. Analisis strukturalisme, dapat diketahui bahwa Curug 7 Bidadari memberikan gambaran tentang kehidupan manusia di dunia, bagaimana menjalani kehidupan, terutama kehidupan berumah tangga yang berlandaskan cinta, dan bagaimana baiknya mencapai tujuan manusia di dunia


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    Millennial generation itself is often defined not by date of birth but also based on their behavioral and psychographic tendencies. This unique generation is a generation born in the internet age. Cyber stalking activities to ex-girlfriends or wives are often done, this is the reason why this cyber stalking activity exists and continues to grow, along with the many activities in social media, and the amount of social media used. It is a fairly large number, it seems that also experienced by the millennial generation, the activities carried out on the internet usual to obtain information. Methods in this study using qualitative method with sequential exploratory strategy. While theory used in the research is the theory of communication, theory of global village, theory negotiation advance, the theory of national resilience and social media theory. Cyber stalking has increased along with the easy access to the internet and mobile phone users owned smartphones. Cyber stalking activity is also done to co-workers, friends, boyfriend and ex-boyfriend. This means that cyber stalking activity will be a reasonable activity, self activity (private) even now is not uncommon to be public consumption. So that cyber stalking activity becomes something commonly done by millennial generation

    Watermaking citra digital dengan transformasi wavelet diskrit=Digital images watermarking with discrete wavelet transform

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    At present digital data is used widely for all kind of applications. It is caused by the progress of digital technology. By the digital data can modified easily through all kinds of media especially internet. This ease can be used by the irresponsible party without regard to property right. Watermarking is a sufficient technique that promises for the proof of possession of digital data. In this research a technique of watermarking digital image using wavelet as transformation media (DWT) is developed. In this technique host image is transformed using wavelet into four frequenci areas LL, LH, HL and HH. To increase the robustness from JPEG compression attack, watermark bits are embedded to LH and HL areas. The experimental results using three wavelet families daubechies, symlets and coiflet showed that scale factor a has more effect over the type of wavelet. The results also showed that the watermarking technique presented here is robust to JPEG compression. Keywords : watermarking, wavelet, DWT, watermark, JPEG compression

    Analisa Kinerja Dengan Metode Nilai Hasil Pada Proyek Ruko Genteng Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    Lokasi dan kondisi kabupatcn Banyuwangi yang berada di ujung timur Pulau Jawa merupakan suatu permasalahan yang bisa muncul, apalagi kurangnya fasilitas alat berat sebagai media untuk mempercepat proses pelaksanaan pekerjaan sangatlah dibututlkan sekali Ocngan mcnggunakan tenaga manusia yang banyak dan murah merupakan salah satu pemecahan persoalan tersebut. Namun akankah penggunaan tenaga manusia yang banyak tersebut bisa menjamin kinerja dari pelaksanaannya di lapangan tanpa mengurangi mutu dan sesuai dengan target yang diinginkan. Mengingat kondisi yang ada sangat mungkin terjadi kemunduran jadual dan kerugian biaya. Untuk mengatasi peermasalahan tersebut perlu adanya anatisa kinerja pelaksanaan proyek. Oalam menganalisa kinerja pelaksanaan proyek yang sedang berjalan dapat dilihat dari hubungan antara tiga variabel data yakni: BCWS, BC\!lP dan ACWP. Adapun cara pendekatan pelaksanaan yang bisa dipakai untuk menaksir jadual dan biaya pelaksanaan pada setiap item pekerjaan adalah dengan penentuan indeks pelaksanaan. Ada dua parameter yang kami gunakan antara lain, SPl (Schedule Performance Index) dan CPI (Cost Performance Index). Setelah dilakukan kontrol setiap minggu selama 3 bulan menunjukkan indeks pelaksanaan yang bervariatif Sampai akhir pengamatan menunjukkan CPI = 1,63 dan SPI = 0,87. Dengan demikian sampai akhir pengamatan, proyek mengalami kcterlambatan jadual namun dari segi biaya mengalami keuntungan. Berdasarkan kedua indeks tersebut dapat diperkirakan bahwa proyek mengalami kemunduran selama 53 minggu dari 46 minggu rencana semula, serta perkiraan biaya total sampai akhir proyek sebesar Rp 3,723,005,675.7


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    ABSTRAKPenggunan jaringan VSAT sebagai salah satu alternatif sarana komunikasi jarak jauh yang memanfaatkan satelit komunikasi sebagai pengulang/repeater mengingat kondisigeografis Indonesia yang terdiri dari kepulauan dan bergunung-gunung dan keberadaansatelit komunikasi yang beredar di Indonesia telah dimiliki oleh pemerintah Indonesia sejaktahun 1976, yaitu satelit Palapa.Dalam mempelajari jaringan VSAT akan dibahas mengenai beberapa aspek yangterkait dengan jaringan VSAT yang meliputi sistem komunikasi satelit bumi mikro, komponenkomponenVSAT,sertahal-halyangmempengaruhiperformansijaringanVSAT.Sebagaisalah satu sarana komuniksi jarak jauh yang menggunakan satelitkomunikasi tentunya jaringan VSAT mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan, untuk itu dalamjurnal ini diharapkan akan didapat pengetahuan dan bahan pertimbangan dalammerealisasikan pembangunan system komunikasi jarak jauh menggunakan jaringan VSAT

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Project Based Learning terhadap Pengetahuan Bencana Alam di Indonesia dan Perilaku Cinta Lingkungan Hidup Siswa Kelas X SMA N 2 Surakarta Tahun 2015

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    The purpose of this research is; (1) To know the influence of the learning model of Project Based Learning onthe increase of knowledge of natural disaster in Indonesia students of class x SMA Negeri 2 Surakarta onlearning geography basic competence of disaster mitigation; (1) To know the influence of learning model oflearning based on influence toward the increase of love behavior of environment of student of class X SMANegeri 2 Surakarta on geography learning of basic competence of disaster mitigation.This research is quasiexperimental research (Quasiexperimental reseach) with research design of randomized control group design.The population of this research is the students of class X Social Sciences (IIS) SMA Negeri 2 Surakarta. Thesample of this research as much as two classes that class X IIS 1 as experiment class and class X IIS 2 ascontrol class.The sampling technique used in this research is using Simple Random Sampling, where thisresearch is not done on entire population, but focused on target or certain class. The results of this study showthat; (1) Project Based Learning Model is very effective in increasing the knowledge of natural disasters inIndonesia students of class X SMA Negeri 2 Surakarta in geography learning basic competence of disastermitigation; (2) Project Based Learning Model is very effective in improving the love behavior of the students ofclass X SMA Negeri 2 Surakarta in geography learning basic competence of disaster mitigation


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    E-Catalog (electronic catalog) is a list that contains information and is made electronically. E-Catalog is one of the most developed concepts in the world of information technology. This development brought many changes to the sector of business activity which had been carried out in the real world. The change was marked by the existence of a number of efforts from the business activity sector which was originally based in the real world (real), then developed it into the virtual world (virtual). One example of using augmented reality is advertising media. If we watch a football match often seen ads run on the screen at the edge of the field. Actually the advertisement did not happen or was actually displayed on the stadium, only television viewers saw it. This is because the television station is adding the image of the ad as a virtual object on the football broadcast it receives. Another example is making a film or news program on television such as weather news where the host appears to be on a map to show the weather forecast to be delivered. The term is a green screen or green screen, which is by using a large green background screen, we can replace the background with another display digitally. The military has for years been using augmented reality technology in the form of a cockpit display that displays information to pilots on the cockpit protective glass or the windshield of their flight helmets. Augmented Reality has been widely used in the world of entertainment, business, medical, design and engineering, robotics and telerobotics, manufacturing, education, etc. There are many more uses of AR technology in everyday life. Developers try various modifications to create tools that can combine the real world and cyberspace with benefits that can be felt more by its users

    Perancangan Punch dan Dies Cover Air Filter Untuk Mobil Ford Everest

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    Dilakukan pengembangan pada filter angin dengan membuat pengarah laju aliran angin yang keluar dari filter agar dicapai hasil yang maksimal dengan cara memberikan sirip berupa cover pada bagian bawahnya. Untuk mewujudkan rancangan tersebut menjadi suatu produk, dibutuhkan suatu proses produksi untuk pembuatannya. Proses tersebut melibatkan proses deep drawing, yang dilakukan pada mesin Jeep drawing hidrolis. Untuk menghasilkan produk yang diinginkan, dibutuhkan peralatan bantu berupa punch dan dies. Alat ini nantinya akan digunakan untuk memproduksi komponen tersebut dalam jumlah banyak, pada proses ini banyak parameter harus diperhatikan untuk menghindari produk cacat

    Sistem Jaringan Internet Gateway Berbasis Dua Internet Service Provide

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    AbstractIncreased the usage of the internet connections for bussiness comunication makes thecompany must provide the large bandwidth and reliable for the connection.While a connection having problem will makes crash for bussiness comunication ofcompany. The solution by adopted the internet connection from 2 different of ISP (InternetService Provider). And implementing a load balancing technique that is combine thebandwidth of the two different ISPs and fail over techniques used to switch the connectionto another ISP when there is interference on one of the existing connections. From theexperience of the company's business disruption due failure of Internet connection sinceusing a single ISP and management will implement a multi-ISP internet connection toensure business continuity when one of Internet connection is disrupted


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    The phenomenon of a big city in Indonesia such as Jakarta in particular, with a wide range of business sense is always tied and pursued by a tight time schedule and make everything should be in good management, on the one hand there is a computer application program disorder / damage and should be fixed at that moment while the place (office, home) no one will understand it as the venue hire a consultant for computer maintenance. The condition of the road with busy traffic congestion and have to throw at least the time should be used appropriately.Remote computer control is one solution, with this remote computer control between technicians and the user does not need to be met, by simply calling a computer consultant / technician then connect the computer to the intenet, then in a matter of hours or minutes, the user's application program has been "healthy "come backThis remote computer control for businesses has several advantages, which are able to save time and also save on the budget so as to increase the productivity of existing. Unfortunately, this method on the days are still very dependent on the feasibility and reliability of the network infrastructure because it is highly influential on access interconnection between two (2) The corresponding compute