3,106 research outputs found

    Семантика локативних похідних каузативних дієслів

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    Ступак І. В. Семантика локативних похідних каузативних дієслів / І. В. Ступак // Національний університет «Одеська юридична академія». – Вип.1. – Одеса : Фенікс, 2013. – C. 169-178.Семантика локативных производных каузативных глаголов. Семантика производных каузативных глаголов со значением "каузировать быть в месте" рассматривается в аспекте системного подхода к изучению лексики. Являясь частью глагольной системы, производные каузативные глаголы со значением локативности имеют как общесистемные, так и специфические признаки, обусловленные особенностями немецкого и украинского языков

    Mineralizing activity of periodontal bone tissue of rats with experimental diabetes

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    Background. To determine the effect of diabetes on the state of periodontal bone tissue. Methods. In rats, diabetes mellitus of the first type (DM1) was reproduced with the help of alloxan and diabetes mellitus of the second type (DM2) with the help of protamine. The activity of alkaline (ALP) and acid (ACP) phosphatases, calcium content, protein and elastase activity were determined in periodontal bone tissue. The level of biochemical markers of inflammation and protective systems was determined in the blood serum and in the gums. The mineralizing activity of bone tissue was determined by the ALP/ACP ratio. Results. It was established that the mineralizing activity of periodontal bones is significantly higher in males and increases with age. The reproduction of DM1 and DM2 in rats caused a significant decrease in the mineralizing activity of periodontal bone tissue and insignificant changes in the level of calcium and protein. In rats with diabetes, an inflammatory process develops in the gums (increase in the level of elastase) against the background of a decrease in the level of markers of protective systems (catalase and lysozyme). Conclusion. A decrease in the level of mineralizing activity of periodontal bone tissue under conditions of diabetes can be the reason for the development of diabetic periodontitis

    An Hourglass-Type Spinal Schwannoma Spreading to the Chest Treated with One-Stage Total Removal through Posterior Paravertebral Approach without Opening the Pleural Cavity (Clinical Observation)

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    The article describes the treatment of a 20-year-old patient with a spinal hourglass schwannoma (neurinoma) in the thoracic spine, growing from the right Th3 spinal root, spreading into the thoracic cavity and compressing the apex of the right lung. The introduction presents the frequency of occurrence of such neoplasms among all spinal cord tumors. Complaints, neurological symptoms, neoplasm diagnosis methods and its clinical and radiological manifestations are presented. The article describes stages and techniques of total surgical removal of the spinal hourglass schwannoma through the posterior paravertebral minimally invasive approach without opening the pleural cavity and with using neurophysiological monitoring of spinal cord function performed at the Neurosurgical Clinic of the Novosibirsk Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after Ya.L. Tsivyan. The data  of histological examination and MRI control in the early postoperative period are presented. The follow-up was carried out at 6 and 12 months after surgical treatment. The publications describing the surgical treatment of paravertebral tumors through different approaches, the technique of their removal, possible complications and methods of their prevention are analyzed, and the classification according to Eden (1941), which characterizes the type of tumor growth, is presented

    Mineralizing activity of periodontal bone tissue of rats with experimental diabetes

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    Background. To determine the effect of diabetes on the state of periodontal bone tissue. Methods. In rats, diabetes mellitus of the first type (DM1) was reproduced with the help of alloxan and diabetes mellitus of the second type (DM2) with the help of protamine. The activity of alkaline (ALP) and acid (ACP) phosphatases, calcium content, protein and elastase activity were determined in periodontal bone tissue. The level of biochemical markers of inflammation and protective systems was determined in the blood serum and in the gums. The mineralizing activity of bone tissue was determined by the ALP/ACP ratio. Results. It was established that the mineralizing activity of periodontal bones is significantly higher in males and increases with age. The reproduction of DM1 and DM2 in rats caused a significant decrease in the mineralizing activity of periodontal bone tissue and insignificant changes in the level of calcium and protein. In rats with diabetes, an inflammatory process develops in the gums (increase in the level of elastase) against the background of a decrease in the level of markers of protective systems (catalase and lysozyme). Conclusion. A decrease in the level of mineralizing activity of periodontal bone tissue under conditions of diabetes can be the reason for the development of diabetic periodontitis

    Criteria for evaluating the effective use of ultra-strong textiles in personal armor protection

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    Проаналізовано критерії оцінки якості засобів індивідуального бронезахисту (ЗІБ). Встановлено, що ЗІБ повинні відповідати комплексу жорстких і суперечливих вимог, обумовлених умовами їх використання і ступенем очікуваної загрози.Проанализированы критерии оценки качества средств индивидуальной бронезащиты (СИБ). Установлено, что СИБ должны отвечать комплексу жестких и противоречивых требований, обусловленных условиями их использования и степенью ожидаемой угрозы.The criteria for assessing the quality of personal armor protection were analyzed. It was clarified that the personal body armor must meet stringent, complex and contradictory requirements arising from the terms of usage and degree of expected threats

    The experimental prophylaxis of the peroxide periodontitis by antidysbiotic means

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    Aim: To determine the periodontoprotective properties of antidysbiotic means (ADM) at the peroxide periodontitis.Methods: ADM (quertulyn, lequin, lecasil and lysozyme-forte) were used. The peroxide periodontitis was reproduced by peroxide sunflower oil introduction in during 2,5 month. The levels of MDA, elastase, urease, lysozyme, catalase were determined into gum. The levels of alkaline and acid phosphatase, calcium and protein were determined into periodontal bone.Results: The introduction of ADM the reduced the levels of inflammation markers (MDA and elastase) and to the degree of  dysbiosis but raised the levels of lysozyme and catalase into gum. ADM reduced the acid phosphatase activity but raised the alkaline phosphatase into bone.Conclusion: Lequin was more effective means as antiinflammation, quertulyn was more effective means as antidysbiotic action, lysozyme-forte was more effective means mineralization action. The lecitine contents means lequin and lecasil possessed more effective action on the degree mineralization of periodontal bone

    The influence of different pathogens on the lysozyme activity into tissues of rat oral cavity

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    Aim: To determine action of the different pathogens on the lysozyme activity into tissues of oral cavity and serum.Methods: The lysozyme activities was determined into oral mucosa cheek, tongue gum and serum of 158 white rats (11 series experiments). The pathogens were used: atropine, protamine sulfat, indometacyn, bee poison, hydrasine sulfat, cytostatic cyclofosfan, lincomycin, lipopolysaccharide, composition of antibiotic and omeprasol for ACBTResults: The  whole of pathogens decreased lysozyme activity (mean in 1,6-2,5 times) into oral tissues and on 16 % into serum. The specific lowering of lysozyme activities (Δ%/mg pathogen) was low most for lipopolysaccharide, especially after oral application usage (exceeding was in tens times).Conclusion: The lysozyme activity lowering may play significant role in pathogenesis of stomatologic diseases/ Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) send lysozyme activity lowering most especially after oral application. Probably, the antilysozyme action of pathogens realize by LPS. The stomatogenic factor in pathogenesis and profilactic of noninfection diseases is important

    Influence of Single Dye Molecules on Temperature and Time Dependent Optical Properties of CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots: Ensemble and Single Nanoassembly Detection

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    Optical spectroscopy on ensembles and single CdSe/ZnS semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) demonstrates a competition of trap and near band edge photoluminescence (PL). This competition can be markedly influenced by a few surface attached pyridyl functionalized dye molecules (porphyrins or perylene diimides) forming nanoassemblies with well defined geometries. Temperature variation and related changes in absorption and emission reveal sharp changes of the ligand shell structure in a narrow temperature range for organic (TOPO and amine) surfactants (phase transition). The effects on QD PL at this transition become considerably pronounced upon attachment of only a few dye molecules to QD surface. Moreover, under ambient conditions amine capped QDs are photodegraded in the course of time. This process is enhanced by attached dye molecules both on the ensemble and single particle/dye level. This investigation elaborates the importance of (switchable) surface states for the characterization of the PL of QDs. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Morphological peculiarites and functional activity of adipose-derived mesenchimal stem cells during in vitro cultivation conditions

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    The studies were conducted on 2-3-months-old males of C57BL/6 mice weighing 20–24 g. Obtaining and cultivating of adipose-derived mesenchimal stem cells (AD MSCs) were carried out in a sterile laminar box with compliance of conditions of asepsis and antiseptics. AD MSCs of the 2, 4, 7 and 12 passages were analyzed. Morphometric analysis was performed using a light microscopy. Morphometric parameters such as cell and nucleus area or nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio (NCR) were calculated using the Axiovision light microscope (Carl Zeiss, Germany) and ImageJ 1.45 software. Trypan blue dye used for investigation of the viability of MSC. The morphological characteristics of mesenchymal stem cells from adipose tissue during the process of cultivation changes: at the first passages of cultivation, the cells are spindle-shaped with two, at least three, long long cytoplasmic processes, located bipolar. Near the nucleus the Golgi complex is clearly visible – a sign of active cells. At later passages cells have a small cytoplasmic processes and the bipolar arrangement of processes changes by stellar arrangement. Golgi complex is also clearly visualized. The indicator of the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio in MSC from adipose tissue is significantly reduced at 7 passage to 0.2189 ± 0.0122 (P < 0.01), and at 12 passage to 0.1111 ± 0.0086 (P < 0.001) compared to the 2 passage. The coefficient of proliferation of MSC from adipose tissue is significantly reduced at 12th passage. The viability of mesenchymal stem cells from adipose tissue with an increasing of a number of passages significantly reduces and at the 12th passage of cultivation reaches 84,67 ± 1,36* (P < 0.05). The content of apoptotic cells that exhibited sensitivity to serum-free significantly increased at 7 and 12 passages and was respectively 21.33 ± 1.36 (P < 0.05) and 23.67 ± 0.97% (P < 0.05)