17 research outputs found

    Correlation between Fitness and Fatness in 6-14-year Old Serbian School Children

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    Lack of physical activity and/or physical fitness are some reasons epidemiologists suggest for increase in childhood obesity in the last 20 years, with clear correlation between body composition and physical activity and/or physical fitness yet to be determined. The objectives of the study were to (a) investigate the prevalence of overweight and obesity among Serbian school children and (b) determine the relationship between indicators of physical activity and body fatness in Serbian school children aged 6-14 years. The study subjects included a representative sample of Serbian elementary school children (n=1, 121—754 boys and 367 girls—aged 6.2-14.1 years), all of whom were recruited in the OLIMP (Obesity and Physical Activity among Serbian School Children) study. Anthropometric and physical fitness values, including body mass index (BMI), waist-circumference, body-fat, and aerobic capacity, were measured in all the children. Significant differences were found between male and female children regarding the prevalence of obesity (6.8% vs 8.2%, p<0.05, boys and girls respectively). Boys had significantly lower body mass, BMI, waist-circumference, sum of six skinfolds, and body-fat compared to their female counterparts (p<0.05). The highest level of weight, BMI, body-fat, and waist-circumference observed in a 14-year old girl (96.3 kg, 40.5 kg/m2, 54.5%, 91.4 cm respectively) implies the existence of extreme obesity in Serbian school children. The negative relationship between body-fat and maximal oxygen (VO2max) uptake was moderately high (r=-0.76; p<0.05). The study has shown a high prevalence of adiposity among Serbian school children, with a strong negative relationship between aerobic fitness and body fatness. Data of the study emphasize the necessity to identify children with weight problems and to develop early interventions to improve physical activity in children and prevent the increase of childhood obesity


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    The dyeing of knitted fabrics made from 100 % cellulose using on-line procedure vinyl sulfonic reactive dye, with or without ultrasound energy, is carried out in this paper. The impact of temperature has been observed. The dye exhaustion is monitored using the method of absorption spectrophotometry, and the quality control of the coloration is monitored using color measurements. The acting of ultrasound on coloration consistency, as well as on some mechanical characteristics has also been examined. All examples of the ultrasound dyeing process show greater dye exhaustion in comparison to the conventional procedure. In addition, all the samples, which have been dyed with the ultrasound energy at 40°C, are significantly darker and have deeper color in comparison with the referent sample. The temperature has a great influence on kinetic energy of the dye molecules, and therefore on the diffusion processes in the dyeing system. The exhaustion chart indicates that when the temperature is lower the exhaustion degree drops. However, all the samples dyed with the ultrasound energy have bigger exhaustion. Besides that, ultrasound energy contributes to warming up the processing environment, so the additional warm up with the electricity is unnecessary, unlike the conventional way of dyeing. Since the reactive dyes chemically connect themselves with the cellulose substrate and in that way form covalent connection, the dyed fabrics have good washing consistency. Analysis results indicate that the consistencies are identical regardless the applied dyeing procedure. In other words, the dyeing method using the ultrasound energy produces the dyed fabric of the same quality. After analyzing the results of breaking force and elongation at break of knitted fabrics, it is noticeable that there is no degradation of previously mentioned knitted fabrics features (horizontally and vertically) during the ultrasound wave’s activity


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    In dyeing process, the object is to transport or diffuse dyes and chemicals into the fibre. Various novel processes, including ultrasound, are being introduced and studied as more environmentally friendly alternatives. Encouraging results have been reported for the use of ultrasound energy in dyeing processes of micro-viscose. The recent studies revealed major ultrasound applications advances: savings of processing time, energy, chemicals, as well as environmental protection. Influence of various ultrasound frequencies (40, 200 and 400 kHz) on dyeing of micro-viscose knitted fabrics, by a reactive dye has been reported in this work. A method of reflection spectrophotometry has been employed to record reemission curves of the colored compounds. A software packet has been employed to calculate CIELab colored coordinates. Then, a comparison has been made with samples colored by conventional procedure according to CIELab76 and CMC (2:1) criteria. The use ultrasound in textile dyeing processing offers many potential advantages. The results prove better dye exhaustion by ultrasound and consequently the better fixing. The exhaustion for the bifunctional dye (containing two vinylsulphone groups) reaches 71.75 % without ultrasound, and 83.69 % with 400 kHz ultrasound. The 40 kHz, 150 W ultrasound causes a cavitation of higher intensity, compared to 200 and 400 kHz ultrasounds. In this particular case, destruction of cavitation bubbles is very intensive. That is why a large amount of cavitation energy is being transformed into a heat, yielding the additional bath heating. The ultrasounds with higher frequencies (200 and 400 kHz) cannot use such a strong power. The applied powering this case reaches 0.6 W. The cavitation bubbles are now smaller the cavitation disintegration is not so strong, and the energy loss is much smaller, i.e. a smaller amount of energy has been transformed into a heat. An ultrasound of an equal power, but of higher frequency contributes to the somewhat higher exhaustion and fixing. The ultrasound dyeing produces much obscured colours, compared the standard. The differences are evident and not negligible. The comparison of the samples treated ultrasound of different frequencies during dyeing revealed the higher coulours intensities with the increase of ultrasound frequencies of the equal power (200 and 400 kHz). However, the increase is not so expressed

    Correlation between Fitness and Fatness in 6-14-year Old Serbian School Children

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    Lack of physical activity and/or physical fitness are some reasons epidemiologists suggest for increase in childhood obesity in the last 20 years, with clear correlation between body composition and physical activity and/or physical fitness yet to be determined. The objectives of the study were to (a) investigate the prevalence of overweight and obesity among Serbian school children and (b) determine the relationship between indicators of physical activity and body fatness in Serbian school children aged 6-14 years. The study subjects included a representative sample of Serbian elementary school children (n=1,121\u2014754 boys and 367 girls\u2014aged 6.2-14.1 years), all of whom were recruited in the OLIMP (Obesity and Physical Activity among Serbian School Children) study. Anthropometric and physical fitness values, including body mass index (BMI), waist-circumference, body-fat, and aerobic capacity, were measured in all the children. Significant differences were found between male and female children regarding the prevalence of obesity (6.8% vs 8.2%, p&lt;0.05, boys and girls respectively). Boys had significantly lower body mass, BMI, waist-circumference, sum of six skinfolds, and body-fat compared to their female counterparts (p&lt;0.05). The highest level of weight, BMI, body-fat, and waist-circumference observed in a 14-year old girl (96.3 kg, 40.5 kg/m2, 54.5%, 91.4 cm respectively) implies the existence of extreme obesity in Serbian school children. The negative relationship between body-fat and maximal oxygen (VO2max) uptake was moderately high (r=-0.76; p&lt;0.05). The study has shown a high prevalence of adiposity among Serbian school children, with a strong negative relationship between aerobic fitness and body fatness. Data of the study emphasize the necessity to identify children with weight problems and to develop early interventions to improve physical activity in children and prevent the increase of childhood obesity

    Koncentracija suspendovanih čestica (PM10 I PM2.5) i njihov odnos unutra/spolja u odabranim obrazovnim ustanovama u Nišu

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    Mass concentrations of particulate matter (PM) fractions were measured in educational buildings in the city of Nis, Serbia. Two sampling campaigns were conducted in winter periods. The first campaign was in the period from 21 February to 15 April 2010 at the Faculty of Occupational Safety (FOS) and the second campaign was from 20 March to 4 April 2013 at the primary school Void Karadorde (VK). PM measurements were carried out with low volume samplers Sven/Leckel LVS3. The average daily PM10 concentration inside the FOS (47.0 +/- 21.8 mu g/m(3)) was lower than PM10 concentration in outdoor air (50.7 +/- 28.1 mu g/m(3)). The average daily PM10 concentration inside the VK (54.6 +/- 17.6 mu g/m(3)) was higher than in outdoor air (47.9 +/- 22.8 mu g/m(3)). The 24-hours, average PM10 concentrations at FOS exceeded the EU limit value (50 mu g/m(3)) during 34% of days outdoors and 39% of days indoors. The 24-hours average PM10 concentrations at VK exceeded the limit value during 35% of days outdoors and 53% of days indoors. The 24-hours average PM2.5 concentrations at VK exceeded the WHO daily mean guideline value (25 mu g/m(3)) during 71% of days outdoors and 88% of days indoors. The average PM10 I/O ratio at VK was 1.57 during teaching hours, and 1.00 during no teaching hours. Similarly, average PM2.5 I/O ratio at VK was 1.11 during teaching hours and 0.90 during no teaching hours. Average daily PM2.5/PM10 ratio in the ambient air at VK was 0.87 and 0.82 at FOS. Very strong correlations between the indoor and outdoor PM concentrations were observed at VK during no teaching hours (r gt 0.8). Moderate to strong negative correlations were found between the wind speed and PM at both schools. High outdoor PM concentrations and resuspension of particles are possible reasons for the elevated indoor PM concentrations found in the study.U radu su prikazani rezultati merenja suspendovanih čestica frakcija PM10 i PM2.5 u dve izabrane obrazovne ustanove u Nišu. Kampanje merenja sprovedene su u zimskom periodu. Prva u periodu od 21.02. do 15.04.2010. na Fakultetu zaštite na radu (FOS), a druga u periodu od 20.03. do 04.04.2013. u osnovnoj školi Vožd Karađorđe (VK). Uzorkovanje suspendovanih čestica vršeno je uzorkivačima Sven/Leckel LVS3, simultano, unutar i izvan odabranih ustanova. Prosečna dnevna koncentracija čestica PM10 unutar objekta FOS (47,0±21,8 μg/m3) bila je niža u odnosu na prosečnu dnevnu koncentraciju PM10 u ambijentalnom vazduhu (50,7±28,1 μg/m3). Prosečna dnevna koncentracija čestica PM10 unutar objekta VK (54.6±17.6 μg/m3) bila je viša u odnosu na prosečnu dnevnu koncentraciju PM10 u ambijentalnom vazduhu (47.9±22.8 μg/m3). Srednje dnevne koncentracije čestica PM10 izmerene na lokaciji FOS u ambijentalnom vazduhu prelazile su dnevnu graničnu vrednost (50 ìg/m3) tokom 34% dana trajanja kampanje merenja. Srednje dnevne koncentracije čestica PM10 izmerene unutar objekta FOS prelazile su dnevnu graničnu vrednost tokom 39% dana trajanja kampanje merenja. Srednje dnevne koncentracije čestica PM10 izmerene na lokaciji VK u ambijentalnom vazduhu prelazile su dnevnu graničnu vrednost tokom 35% dana trajanja kampanje merenja, odnosno tokom 53% dana trajanja kampanje u unutrašnjosti objekta VK. Srednje dnevne koncentracije čestica PM2,5 izmerene na lokaciji VK u ambijentalnom vazduhu prelazile su dnevnu graničnu vrednost (25 ìg/m3) tokom 71% dana trajanja kampanje, odnosno tokom 88% dana u unutrašnjosti objekta VK. Prosečan dnevni odnos unutra/spolja čestica frakcije PM10 na lokaciji VK iznosio je 1,57 u vreme nastave, odnosno 1,00 kada nije bilo nastave. Prosečan dnevni odnos unutra/spolja čestica frakcije PM2,5 na lokaciji VK iznosio je 1.11 u vreme nastave, odnosno 0.90 kada nije bilo nastave. Prosečan dnevni odnos PM2,5/PM10 u ambijentalnom vazduhu na lokaciji VK bio je 0,87, odnosno 0,82 na lokaciji FOS. Detektovana je veoma jaka korelacija između koncentracija suspendovanih čestica unutar i izvan objekta VK u periodu kada nije bilo nastave (r gt 0.8). Umerena do jaka korelacija detektovana je između brzine vetra i koncentracija suspendovanih čestica na obe lokacije (FOS i VK). Visoke koncentracije suspendovanih čestica u ambijentalnom vazduhu i resuspenzija čestica najverovatniji su razlog koji utiče na povećane koncentracije suspendovanih čestica u unutrašnjem prostoru posmatranih obrazovnih ustanova

    Influence of Higenamine on Exercise Performance of Recreational Female Athletes: A Randomized Double-Blinded Placebo-Controlled Trial

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    The aim of this study was to determine the ergogenic effects and the safety profile of a one-component higenamine supplement in female recreational athletes. Twelve recreational female basketball players (age 29–41 years, oxygen consumption (VO2max) > 30 ml⋅kg–1⋅min–1, with training > 5 h wk–1) were randomized either to the higenamine group, or to the placebo group for 3 weeks. In order to determine ergogenic effects and safety profile of higenamine administration, we assessed the following variables before and after 3 weeks of supplementation: anthropometric parameters, resting metabolic rate (RMR), exercise testing variables, serum free fatty acids (FFAs), blood pressure, enzyme activity, urea, lipid profile, and complete blood count. There were no differences between groups in anthropometric parameters, including basal metabolic rate (BMR), RMR and body fat [p = 0.706 (Cohen’s d 0.223), p = 0.169 (Cohen’s d 0.857), and p = 0.223 (Cohen’s d 0.750), respectively], FFAs [0.43 ± 0.03 vs. 0.54 ± 0.23, p = 0.206 (Cohen’s d 0.540)], neither significant differences in cardiopulmonary parameters after the intervention period. Furthermore, all measured outcome variables in the safety assessment were not significant, with values remaining stable during the intervention period for participants in both groups. This is the first study to document the effects and the safety profile of higenamine-based dietary supplements at a specified dose in female recreational athletes. Our data indicate that 21-day of supplementation with 75 mg higenamine would not result in improving cardiopulmonary exercise fitness and weight loss in female recreational athletes. Moreover, supplementation with 75 mg higenamine is safe and well-tolerated in younger recreational female athletes


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    Synchronous multiple carcinomas represent two or more primary carcinoma that occur sumultaneously in the same patient. In order to fulfill the condition that tumors are synchronous, each tumor must be primary and not a metastasis of another tumor. The occurrence of renal carcinoma synchronously with colonic carcinoma is not so common. On the other hand, the pathohistological image in rare cases shows a mixed glandular and neuroendocrine component described in earlier works. In this paper, we present a patient who made a colonoscopy, a biopsy from a tumor change in the cecum due to malady, fainting, loss of appetite, and a positive test for faecal occult bleeding, and confirmed that it is an a-denocarcinoma of the cecum. Multi slise computerized tomography of the abdomen also described a tumor change in the uretero-pelocalrix system of the left kidney region. The patient had no urinary tract disorders. The diagnosis of the synchronous tumor of the cecum and left kidney was set. A right hemicolectomy with latero-lateral ileo-transverse anastomosis, as well as left nephroureterectomy, was performed. What is particularly interesting in this case is that the pathohistological picture of the cecum carcinoma shows a rare form of tumor tone, mixed adeno-neuroendocrine carcinoma. In patients with diagnosed colorectal cancer, routine as well as additional preoperative diagnostic procedures should be performed to exclude the existence of kidney cancer, since, when synchronous with colorectal carcinoma occurs, renal carcinoma is mainly asymptomatic. In rare cases, the pathohistological picture may also show the neuroendocrine component of the tumor, which directs further therapy to the other direction

    Data Science in Healthcare: Benefits, Challenges and Opportunities

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    The advent of digital medical data has brought an exponential increase in information available for each patient, allowing for novel knowledge generation methods to emerge. Tapping into this data brings clinical research and clinical practice closer together, as data generated in ordinary clinical practice can be used towards rapid-learning healthcare systems, continuously improving and personalizing healthcare. In this context, the recent use of Data Science technologies for healthcare is providing mutual benefits to both patients and medical professionals, improving prevention and treatment for several kinds of diseases. However, the adoption and usage of Data Science solutions for healthcare still require social capacity, knowledge and higher acceptance. The goal of this chapter is to provide an overview of needs, opportunities, recommendations and challenges of using (Big) Data Science technologies in the healthcare sector. This contribution is based on a recent whitepaper (http://www.bdva.eu/sites/default/files/Big%20Data%20Technologies%20in%20Healthcare.pdf) provided by the Big Data Value Association (BDVA) (http://www.bdva.eu/), the private counterpart to the EC to implement the BDV PPP (Big Data Value PPP) programme, which focuses on the challenges and impact that (Big) Data Science may have on the entire healthcare chain