125 research outputs found

    Kreatywność we współczesnej sztuce pop . Inspiracje twórczością Warhola w edukacji studentów kierunków artystycznych

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    Pop-art was one of the most important artistic phenomena in the decade 1960-1970. In 2017 there was a thirty anniversary of andy Warhol’s death. This art revolutionist was a „painter of modern times”. He created, using mass culture products and at the same time showing the way the civilization is heading. a return to his creativeness in the international art project Warhol. pop contexts (30 years later) seems to be interesting: it presents students of art universities being representatives of the information generation who are inspired by Warhol’s work and also the direction in which the main aesthetics of pop style is currently migrating. young artists – are they creative or imitative? The article also describes educational dimension of the project.Pop-art był jednym z najważniejszych zjawisk artystycznych w dziesięcioleciu 1960–1970. W 2017 roku minęła trzydziesta rocznica śmierci andy’ego Warhola. Ów rewolucjonista sztuki był „malarzem współczesności”. Tworzył, posługując się produktami kultury masowej, przy okazji ukazując drogę, po jakiej zmierza cywilizacja. Powrót do jego twórczości w Międzynarodowym projekcie artystycznym Warhol. Pop konteksty (30 lat później) wydaje się ciekawy: jak studenci szkół artystycznych, będący przedstawicielami pokolenia informacyjnego, inspirują się twórczością Warhola i w jakim kierunku obecnie migruje główna estetyka stylu pop? Czy młodzi twórcy są kreatywni czy naśladowczy? Artykuł opisuje także edukacyjny wymiar projektu

    Розроблення способу оцінки осьового навантаження в довільних перерізах колони насосних штанг

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    For accurate and objective evaluation of the stressed-strained state of a column of pumping rods (PR), it is necessary to have reliable information about axial loads that act in its cross-sections at different depth. That is why the purpose of present research is to develop a method for the evaluation of loading in the arbitrary cross-sections of a PR column taking into account actual operating conditions. In the paper we present constructed simulation models of PR columns, which consider their design features, paprameters of operating modes of rod borehole pumping plants (RBPP), the peculiarities of interaction between columns of pump-compressor pipes (PCP) and PR, the laws of change in efforts in the point of their hanging.Using a PR column as a mechanical communication channel between the wellhead and arbitrary cross-section, we established functions of change in the axial load along its length. This allows us to track the dynamics of its change and detect dangerous cross-sections in a PR column. Implementation of the models developed enables reproduction of the laws of change in the axial load during operation cycle for arbitrary cross-sections of PR column. Their existence is the basis for analysis of the stressed-strained state and for predicting the durability of elements in a PR column.Разработан способ оценки нагруженности произвольных сечений колонны насосных штанг с учетом фактических условий их эксплуатации. Обоснованы основные принципы реализации способа. Приведены примеры аналитической и графической интерпретации функции изменения осевой нагрузки в различных конструкциях колонн насосных штанг. Установлена возможность прогнозирования долговечности элементов колонны по известным законам изменения осевых нагрузок, действующих в течение рабочего цикла на заданной глубинеРозроблено спосіб оцінки навантаженості довільних перерізів колони насосних штанг з врахуванням фактичних умов їх експлуатації. Обґрунтовано основні принципи реалізації способу. Наведено приклади аналітичної та графічної інтерпретації функції зміни осьового навантаження в різних конструкціях колон насосних штанг. Встановлено можливість прогнозування довговічності елементів колони за відомими законами зміни осьових навантажень, що діють впродовж робочого циклу на заданій глибин

    Morphological and functional circumstances of the cerebral blood flow regulation

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    Choroby naczyniowe ośrodkowego układu nerwowego (OUN) stanowią jedną z najczęstszych przyczyn niepełnosprawności oraz śmierci wśród rozwiniętych społeczeństw krajów europejskich. Pomimo intensywnych badań nad patogenezą tej grupy chorób wyniki ich leczenia nie są zadowalające. Uzasadnia to konieczność dalszego dokładniejszego poznawania mechanizmów regulacji mózgowego przepływu krwi. W pracy dokonano syntetycznego przeglądu współczesnych poglądów na temat podstaw morfologicznych i czynnościowych regulacji tego procesu w warunkach zdrowia i choroby . Omówiono aktualne poglądy na temat roli mechanizmów metabolicznych, miogennych, neurogennych oraz fizycznych. Podkreślono istotne znaczenie czynnościowej integracji struktur naczyniowych, komórek nerwowych oraz neurogleju, wchodzących w skład tak zwanej jednostki nerwowo-naczyniowej w skoordynowanej kontroli mózgowego przepływu krwi. Ponadto, przedyskutowano konsekwencje zmian wynikających z uszkodzenia wymienionych mechanizmów w warunkach patologicznych. W podsumowaniu autorzy podkreślają, iż dla pełniejszego zrozumienia mechanizmów regulacyjnych mózgowego krążenia krwi konieczne jest uwzględnienie ścisłego współdziałania wielu, często nawet słabiej poznanych lub uważanych za mniej istotne elementów morfologicznych (jak np. komórek glejowych czy części kapilarnej i żylnej układu naczyniowego) z czynnikami metabolicznymi, miogennymi i neurogennymi.Vascular diseases of the central ner vous system (CNS) and especially cerebral stroke consist one of the most frequent cause of disability and death among developed European communities. Despite of the intensive studies on their pathogenesis, the therapeutic results still remain unsatisfactory. This justifies fur ther intensive studies on regulator y mechanisms of the cerebral blood flow. The synthetic review of the current concepts concerning morphological and functional basis of this process is presented. The role of metabolic, myogenic, neurogenic and physical mechanisms of blood flow regu lation are discussed. Functional integration of the neuronal, vascular and neuroglial elements in the process of neurovascular coupling is stressed by the authors. Finally , the pathophysiology and consequences of the cerebral blood flow disturbances are underscored. In summary, the close functional cooperation between morphological structures previously regarded as less relevant for cerebral blood flow regulation (like neuroglia or capillary and venous parts of cerebral vasculature) with metabolic, myogenic and neurogenic factors must be taken into account for better understanding of brain circulation

    Environmental, technical and technological aspects of hazardous waste management in Poland

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    The issue of recovery and disposal of hazardous waste is not a new concern. The waste comes from various processes and technologies and therefore the bigger emphasis should be placed on reducing quantities of generated hazardous waste (which is often connected with changes in the technology of manufacturing a given product) and limitation of their negative influence on natural environment. Plants specializing in waste processing processes should meet the so-called cardinal triad of conditions deciding on the full success of investment, and namely: economic effectiveness, ecological efficiency and social acceptance. The structure of generation of hazardous waste in EU-28 has been presented in the paper. Methods of hazardous waste disposal in Poland have been discussed. Economic and ecological criteria for the selection of technology of hazardous waste disposal have been analyzed. The influence of the hazardous waste on the environment is also presented. For four groups of waste, which are currently stored, alternative methods of disposal have been proposed

    Bridging performance of new eco-friendly lost circulation materials

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    Lost circulation is one of the most important concerns of the drilling industry, causing excessive expenditure and increasing the non-productive drilling time. In this study, various lost circulation materials (LCMs) were used to control the lost circulation of two types of drilling fluids, bentonite mud and a new eco-friendly mud, named RIA-X, which has a remarkable effect on decreasing the amount of lost circulation in fractured and highly permeable reservoirs. The Bridging Material Test (BMT) apparatus was used to investigate the effectiveness of various LCMs in fractures of various sizes and to select the LCM and combination with the best performance. The use of three-dimensional fractures is one of the most notable points of this work, which makes the experimental conditions similar to those of real wells. The lost control performance of the new eco-friendly LCMs in RIA-X mud was tested in field. The outcomes show that the designed LCMs are able to control severe lost circulation that regular processes such as cementing or drilling with foam cannot deal with

    PAX6, brain structure and function in human adults: advanced MRI in aniridia

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    OBJECTIVE: PAX6 is a pleiotropic transcription factor essential for the development of several tissues including the eyes, central nervous system, and some endocrine glands. Recently it has also been shown to be important for the maintenance and functioning of corneal and pancreatic tissues in adults. We hypothesized that PAX6 is important for the maintenance of brain integrity in humans, and that adult heterozygotes may have abnormalities of cortical patterning analogous to those found in mouse models. METHODS: We used advanced magnetic resonance imaging techniques, including surface-based morphometry and region-of-interest analysis in adult humans heterozygously mutated for PAX6 mutations (n = 19 subjects and n = 21 controls). Using immunohistochemistry, we also studied PAX6 expression in the adult brain tissue of healthy subjects (n = 4) and patients with epilepsy (n = 42), some of whom had focal injuries due to intracranial electrode track placement (n = 17). RESULTS: There were significant reductions in frontoparietal cortical area after correcting for age and intracranial volume. A greater decline in thickness of the frontoparietal cortex with age, in subjects with PAX6 mutations compared to controls, correlated with age-corrected, accelerated decline in working memory. These results also demonstrate genotypic effects: those subjects with the most severe genotypes have the most widespread differences compared with controls. We also demonstrated significant increases in PAX6-expressing cells in response to acute injury in the adult human brain. INTERPRETATION: These findings suggest a role for PAX6 in the maintenance and consequent functioning of the adult brain, homologous to that found in other tissues. This has significant implications for the understanding and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases