420 research outputs found

    Integration of altitude and airspeed information into a primary flight display via moving-tape formats

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    A ground-based aircraft simulation study was conducted to determine the effect on pilot performance of replacing the electromechanical altimeter and airspeed indicators with electronically generated representations integrated into the primary flight display via moving-tape (linear moving scale) formats. Several key factors relating to moving-tape formats were examined during the study: tape centering, secondary (trend) information, and tape orientation. The factor of centering refers to whether the tape was centered about the actual airspeed or altitude or about some defined reference value. Tape orientation refers to whether the values represented are arranged in either descending or ascending order. Six pilots participated in this study, with each subject performing 18 runs along a single, known flight profile. Subjective results indicated that the moving-tape formats were generally better than that of the conventional instruments. They also indicated that an actual-centered fixed pointer was preferred to a reference-centered pointer. Performance data for a visual secondary task showed that formats not containing trend information produced better performance; however, no difference was noted in airspeed tracking or altitude tracking performance. Regarding tape orientation, subjective comments indicated that there was lower work load and better performance when the airspeed tape had the high numbers at the top

    Integration of altitude and airspeed information into a primary flight display via moving-tape formats: Evaluation during random tracking task

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    A ground-based aircraft simulation study was conducted to determine the effects on pilot preference and performance of integrating airspeed and altitude information into an advanced electronic primary flight display via moving-tape (linear moving scale) formats. Several key issues relating to the implementation of moving-tape formats were examined in this study: tape centering, tape orientation, and trend information. The factor of centering refers to whether the tape was centered about the actual airspeed or altitude or about some other defined reference value. Tape orientation refers to whether the represented values are arranged in descending or ascending order. Two pilots participated in this study, with each performing 32 runs along seemingly random, previously unknown flight profiles. The data taken, analyzed, and presented consisted of path performance parameters, pilot-control inputs, and electrical brain response measurements

    Effects of combining vertical and horizontal information into a primary flight display

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    A ground-based aircraft simulation study was conducted to determine the effects of combining vertical and horizontal flight information into a single display. Two display configurations were used in this study. The first configuration consisted of a Primary Flight Display (PFD) format and a Horizontal Situation Display (HSD) with the PFD displayed conventionally above the HSD. For the second display configuration, the HSD format was combined with the PFD format. Four subjects participated in this study. Data were collected on performance parameters, pilot-control inputs, auditory evoked response parameters (AEP), oculometer measurements (eye-scan), and heart rate. Subjective pilot opinion was gathered through questionnaire data and scorings for both the Subjective Workload Assessment Technique (SWAT) and the NASA Task Load Index (NASA-TLX). The results of this study showed that, from a performance and subjective standpoint, the combined configuration was better than the separate configuration. Additionally, both the eye-transition and eye-dwell times for the separate HSD were notably higher than expected, with a 46% increase in available visual time when going from double to single display configuration

    Das Humboldt Forum: Eine immanente Kritik

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    Redox-active ferrocene-modified Cowpea mosaic virus nanoparticles

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    A naturally occurring nanoparticle, the plant virus Cowpea mosaic virus, can be decorated with ferrocene derivatives, of various linker lengths with amine and carboxylategroups, on the external surface using a range of conjugation strategies. The multiple, organometallic, redox-active ferrocene moieties on the outer surface of the virus are electrochemically independent with reduction potentials that span a potential window of 0.16 V that are dependent on the site of modification and the nature of the ferrocene derivative. The number of ferrocenes coupled to each virus ranges from about 100 to 240 depending upon the conjugation site and the linker length and these redox active units can provide multielectron reservoirs

    Dark Matter Substructure in Galactic Halos

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    We use numerical simulations to examine the substructure within galactic and cluster mass halos that form within a hierarchical universe. Clusters are easily reproduced with a steep mass spectrum of thousands of substructure clumps that closely matches observations. However, the survival of dark matter substructure also occurs on galactic scales, leading to the remarkable result that galaxy halos appear as scaled versions of galaxy clusters. The model predicts that the virialised extent of the Milky Way's halo should contain about 500 satellites with circular velocities larger than Draco and Ursa-Minor i.e. bound masses > 10^8Mo and tidally limited sizes > kpc. The substructure clumps are on orbits that take a large fraction of them through the stellar disk leading to significant resonant and impulsive heating. Their abundance and singular density profiles has important implications for the existence of old thin disks, cold stellar streams, gravitational lensing and indirect/direct detection experiments.Comment: Astrophysical Journal Letters. 4 pages, latex. Simulation images and movies at http://star-www.dur.ac.uk:80/~moore

    New distances to RAVE stars

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    Probability density functions are determined from new stellar parameters for the distance moduli of stars for which the RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) has obtained spectra with S/N>=10. Single-Gaussian fits to the pdf in distance modulus suffice for roughly half the stars, with most of the other half having satisfactory two-Gaussian representations. As expected, early-type stars rarely require more than one Gaussian. The expectation value of distance is larger than the distance implied by the expectation of distance modulus; the latter is itself larger than the distance implied by the expectation value of the parallax. Our parallaxes of Hipparcos stars agree well with the values measured by Hipparcos, so the expectation of parallax is the most reliable distance indicator. The latter are improved by taking extinction into account. The effective temperature absolute-magnitude diagram of our stars is significantly improved when these pdfs are used to make the diagram. We use the method of kinematic corrections devised by Schoenrich, Binney & Asplund to check for systematic errors for general stars and confirm that the most reliable distance indicator is the expectation of parallax. For cool dwarfs and low-gravity giants tends to be larger than the true distance by up to 30 percent. The most satisfactory distances are for dwarfs hotter than 5500 K. We compare our distances to stars in 13 open clusters with cluster distances from the literature and find excellent agreement for the dwarfs and indications that we are over-estimating distances to giants, especially in young clusters.Comment: 20 pages accepted by MNRAS. Minor changes to the submitted versio

    Dark Matter Disc Enhanced Neutrino Fluxes from the Sun and Earth

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    As disc galaxies form in a hierarchical cosmology, massive merging satellites are preferentially dragged towards the disc plane. The material accreted from these satellites forms a dark matter disc that contributes 0.25 - 1.5 times the non-rotating halo density at the solar position. Here, we show the importance of the dark disc for indirect dark matter detection in neutrino telescopes. Previous predictions of the neutrino flux from WIMP annihilation in the Earth and the Sun have assumed that Galactic dark matter is spherically distributed with a Gaussian velocity distribution, the standard halo model. Although the dark disc has a local density comparable to the dark halo, its higher phase space density at low velocities greatly enhances capture rates in the Sun and Earth. For typical dark disc properties, the resulting muon flux from the Earth is increased by three orders of magnitude over the SHM, while for the Sun the increase is an order of magnitude. This significantly increases the sensitivity of neutrino telescopes to fix or constrain parameters in WIMP models. The flux from the Earth is extremely sensitive to the detailed properties of the dark disc, while the flux from the Sun is more robust. The enhancement of the muon flux from the dark disc puts the search for WIMP annihilation in the Earth on the same level as the Sun for WIMP masses < 100 GeV.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, added a short paragraph to the discussion section, conclusions unchanged, published versio

    Men's Experiences of the UK Criminal Justice System Following Female-Perpetrated Intimate Partner Violence

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    © 2015 Springer Science+Business Media New York The current study aimed to explore men’s experience of the UK Criminal Justice System (CJS) following female-perpetrated intimate partner violence (IPV). Unstructured face-to-face and Skype interviews were conducted with six men aged between 40–65 years. Interviews were transcribed and analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). Due to the method of analysis and the sensitive nature of the research, the researcher engaged in a process of reflexivity. Four main themes were identified, including ‘Guilty until Proven Innocent: Victim Cast as Perpetrator;’ ‘Masculine Identity;’ ‘Psychological Impact’ and ‘Light at the End of the Tunnel.’ Themes were discussed and illustrated with direct quotes drawn from the transcripts. Directions for future research, criminal justice interventions, and therapeutic interventions were discussed
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